
The voices of Nami, Vivi and other little girls raised by more than an octave again.

“Rollinger is that One Piece Roger’s… Eldest brother!!! ”

“That legendary One Piece is Rollingo’s… Younger brother??? ”

Hearing the news revealed by Kulokas, a big question mark appeared on the heads of everyone present.

The expressions on the faces of the straw hat boy Monchi D Luffy and his brother Sabo are even more the pinnacle of Yan Yi.

“Mr. Kourokas, can’t be mistaken, right?” Robin couldn’t help but speak.

Because she thought about Rollin’s identity.

One is a vice admiral, the other is a sea thief.

How can there be a relationship between these two people between the eldest brother and the younger brother?

If it’s true –

That’s crazy too!

“Hehe, little girl, Kurokas didn’t say nonsense, this was said by Captain Roger more than twenty years ago when he was drunk, and he spit out the truth after drinking, and there can be a fake.” Brooke laughed.

“Although Brooke and I got on the ship a little late and didn’t see that scene with our own eyes, the other people on the ship, Deputy Captain Reilly and Jabba, all saw Captain Roger chasing this guy behind to recognize the eldest brother.” Kourokas pointed at Rollin.

As a result, everyone’s eyes fell on Luo Lin.

“Accidents, it’s just some accidents.”

Rollin grinned, not denying that past.

Everyone: “Wow~~~”

“Brother Rollin, tell us carefully, what is going on?”

“Why did that One Piece Roger recognize his mentor as a big brother? Sure enough, the mentor is even more powerful than One Piece! ”

Under the eager gaze of the little girls, Luo Lin had to pick up some fragments of the past and talk about it casually.

Although it is only a few words, the impact on everyone is also huge.

Until the second half of the night.

The little girls who had been excited for a long time finally fell asleep one after another under the dual influence of sleepiness and alcoholism.

After carrying the little girls back to the boat to rest, Rollin’s ears were finally quieter.

“Here, keep walking.”

Kourokas threw a bottle of wine at Rollin.

“The change that Captain Roger is talking about is in this era, I thought it was the joyboy named Luffy, but if you show up, then things may be different.” Kouroka Road.

“Hehe, Mr. Rollin, you shouldn’t be going back to the Navy.” Brooke asked.

“Ah, not going back.” Rollin took a sip of wine.

“Thirty-six years ago, I tore my face with the world government.”


Kulokas exclaimed yes.

“In the future, if there is a need, I will send Bruker to represent me.” Kurokas said righteously.

Rollin, Brooke: “…”

It sounds so good, but it still turns out that I want to come!

Brooke slandered in his heart.


“Mr. Rollin, I haven’t had time to repay the kindness of forty years ago, if there is a need this time, despite the order, my old bone can still come in handy, I have become much stronger over the years, he.”

Brooke patted the fierce bone.

“Then I won’t be polite to you.”


“Yo he



The next day, dawned.

The Golden Melly set off for the bright morning sun.

At the Twin Cape Lighthouse, Brooke and Kourokas watched the Golden Melly go away, and their expressions were full of emotion.

“That guy is back, the world is going to be wonderful, and it won’t be boring anymore!” Kouroka Road.

“Hehe Brooke laughed.

“If Captain Roger were still alive, he would have laughed with joy and tears!”



The Golden Melly was a rare quiet day after many days of activity.

It was nearly noon.

The little girls on the ship are still in a hangover.

On the deck, except for Rollin, there were only two big men, Luffy and Saab, who were caught in coolies and were half-asleep and responsible for sailing.

Another hour passed.

From the cabin that belonged to the top-secret space of the little girls, there were various voices of Sissoso.

A moment later, the neatly dressed little girls walked out of the cabin one after another.

One by one, because of the hangover, the spirit is not too good.

“Brother Luo Lin, where are you now? Is the next step to go directly to the country of magnetic drums? Nami asked.

“The country of magnetic drums is a winter island, so everyone remember to wear more clothes.” Vivi reminded.

“It’s still early, I still have a place to walk before I go to the Magnetic Drum Country.” Rollin spoke.

“What place?” Robin asked.

“Swire Island, small garden, go there first to meet two old friends.” Rollin replied.

“Alas~~~ There are old friends again, don’t tell me that there are also two One Piece companions living in seclusion there!”

Kerra and the others were shocked.

“It’s not.”

Rarely, Little Loli Golden Week spoke.

“That ancient island, known as a small garden, lives on it two very large pirates with a bounty of more than 100 million.” Little Loli Golden Week described with exaggerated body movements.

Everyone was puzzled.

Although the pirates with a reward of more than 100 million are indeed sea pirates.

But it’s not that much ‘big’.

Only Rollin and Robin on the ship knew what the ‘big big’ in Golden Week’s mouth meant.

Because they are really big.

After all, they are all giants who are more than 20 meters tall.



A day later.

On the Golden Melly, a huge island appeared in the sight of Rollin and his group.

The small garden of Swire Island has arrived.

‘Boom boom’

Without waiting for Luffy, the children were excited to explore this ancient island that preserved this ancient sight.

The volcano in the middle of the island suddenly roared violently

Fiery red meteors erupt from the crater.


On both sides of the island, two giants more than twenty meters tall moved.

When the volcano erupts, it is when their duel begins.


“Goo Gaga Gaga, Brockie, the Central Volcano has erupted again, it’s time for us to duel, you still don’t get up, do you want to admit defeat?”

Loud laughter, accompanied by shaking footsteps, resounded over the small garden of this ancient island that preserved the ancient climate.

Wearing old warrior armor, wearing a helmet, and a long beard and waist, the giant Blue Ghost Dongli walked forward.

“Gaba Baba, Dongli, what are you talking about? I’ve been waiting for a long time, this is our 73,324th duel, and the winner will definitely be me. ”

In the other direction, a strong giant who was not at all inferior to the green ghost Dongli in terms of size, the red ghost broki came laughing.

The two giants gradually approached the central battlefield from both sides of the island.

With a calm and confident smile on his face, he was like an old friend getting together, and he couldn’t see that he was going to duel.

However, with the approach of the two, two powerful momentum rose from the two giants.

The invisible battle intent is climbing and stirring, causing the ancient tyrannosaurus and other creatures on the island to tremble.

“Goo plus ga ga”

“Gaba Baba”

Green Ghost Dongli and Red Ghost Brocky.

The two former commanders of the giant pirate regiment have been fighting for a hundred years, and they are still going on today.

In a burst of deafening laughter, the two giants raised their fists in unison and struck towards each other’s bodies, without leaving a single hand.

There were dozens of sandbag-sized fists staggered in midair, and two diametrically opposed fist winds whistled through, blowing sand into the sky.

‘Knock Knock Knock’

At this moment, another voice that was not at all inferior to the two giants in the heaviness of his footsteps sounded.

The largest brachiosaurus leader on the island of the Primeval Empire is running at a speed that it may never be able to reach again in this lifetime.

Both the big tree and the tyrannosaurus that stood in the way flew under the hooves of the leader of the brachiosaurus.

Dongli and Bulow basically turned their heads and looked at the leader of the brachiosaurus in a state of violent and wild running.

A look of consternation appeared on his face, and he couldn’t figure out what this brachiosaurus leader was mad about today.

Obviously, for a hundred years, whenever they dueled, these ancient creatures on the island avoided it from afar.

Isn’t it possible to convulsion today?

It doesn’t matter if the Brachiosaurus leader is convulsing or not.

Dongli and Brocky’s fists will not be retracted, and they will still swing out unwaveringly.

At this moment, a blurry shadow flashed above the head of the leader of the Brachiosaurus.

It’s as fast as it gets.

Everywhere it passes, the air makes a slight popping sound.



Two violent roars sounded in succession.

Dongli and Brocky were horrified to find that their fists did not fall on each other.

Halfway through, their fists were blocked by some powerful force barrier!

Before the two giants could find out, the shock wave of the second wave of fist power hit.

The solid ground beneath the feet of the two giants cracked and then collapsed.

The dense primeval forest was a mess in an instant, raising yellow sand and dust in the sky.

Suddenly a wind rose between heaven and earth, blowing away the dust that was raised.

Rawling, who exposed his hands open, –

Block a giant’s punch with one hand!

That gesture —




“Bull Batch”

Saab and Luffy shouted in unison at the same time.


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