“Dragon Claw Fist”

Saab’s fighting spirit is high, and his right hand is in the form of a dragon’s claw, which is as black as ink under the domineering wrapping of armed colors, exuding a powerful sense of power.


Luffy’s arms, which also entered a state of all-out combat, swung like a windmill, and then extended infinitely behind him.

Unleash the ductility of rubber fruits to the extreme.

“Thief hahahaha, you two turned out to be the brothers that Captain Ace once said, which is really interesting and interesting.”

Blackbearded Marshall Dtichy laughed presumptuously, and the darkness around him became deeper and deeper.

It’s like a black hole that devours everything.

“Captain Tichy, the bastard who attacked me earlier, leave it to me to solve.”

The martial arts champion Tsishas Bashas, who did not know when he got up from the ground, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and stared at Saab viciously.

“The gears of fate have begun to turn, and my eyes have seen the death of that straw hat kid.”

Blackbeard Pirates sniper, Otoyue Van Oka raised the ‘kar98’ in his hand, and the front sight aimed at Luffy’s eyebrows.

“The thief hahahaha, what I said is also that the main general should be to the main general, how can he start as soon as he comes up.”

Blackbeard laughed, and the darkness around him converged.

“Weiha~~~ This time I won’t let you easily succeed in a sneak attack, bastard!”

Wave Elbow Strike!!!

Fighting champion Tsishas Bashasas is like a humanoid tank, with an indomitable momentum, rushing towards Saab.

“Dragon Claw Fist”

Saab’s right hand seemed to have a real dragon claw phantom, slapped towards Zishas Bashasas.


Only a ‘bang’ was heard.

The sniper rifle in the hand of sniper Van Oka, ‘Senriku’, muzzle swallowed a fierce tongue of fire.

“It’s over.”

Van Oka confidently closed the gun.

As a sniper, he was especially confident in his shooting skills.

Because he is one of the top snipers in the world.

Even seagulls from several kilometers away can be easily shot down.

Not to mention the short distance of 100 meters.

The moment the bullet popped out, Van Oka knew that his projectile could definitely hit Luffy’s eyebrows.

And that’s exactly what happened.

In the exclamations of Vivi, Nami and others, Van Oka’s sniping was impartial, hitting the eyebrows of the straw hat boy.

One shot killed him in the head.


Nami’s hand unconsciously covered her small mouth, looking horrified.

“Mr. Straw Hat”

Koya exclaimed.


Choiba was so frightened that he ran back and forth and yelled.

“Don’t be nervous, everyone, the straw hat is fine.” Robin spoke calmly.

“yes, yes, have you forgotten? Saab’s younger brother is a rubber fruit ability. Kerra began.


The energetic young man Luffy in the straw hat, whose head was ‘shot off’, grinned at the corner of his mouth and grinned.

“I’m a rubber man, and bullets don’t work for me at all!” Bastard! ”

Luffy was driven by the impact of the bullet and his extended neck returned at twice the speed of before.


The moment his head returned to its place, the bullet that had originally fallen in his eyebrows suddenly turned backwards towards Van Oka.

One hundred and ten meters away, but a moment.



The bullet grazed the edge of Van Oka’s head and flew through, exploding a patch of snow.

‘Rip and pull’

A faint blood stain appeared on the left cheek of sniper Van Oka.

“It’s my turn now.”

“Rubber – rocket artillery”

In the next second, Straw Hat Luffy’s rubber rocket launcher shot out with extreme power.

In Van Oka’s shocked pupils kept dilating.

It all happened almost simultaneously.

Van Okka, who had underestimated the enemy, was hit head-on by Luffy’s rubber rocket launcher.

What happens if a low-defensive ranged sniper clash head-on with a high-attack fighter?

The results are already here.

Under the impact of Luffy’s all-out rubber rocket launcher, Van Oka, who was good at long-range support, could not block it at all and was directly sent flying.

Like a shooting star, I don’t know how far it flies.

At the same time that Van Oka was knocked away, the fight between Saab and fighting champion Zishas Bashasas also had a result.

In the case of similar strength, the strength of the armed color is particularly critical.

Saab’s armed color, which has been tempered in the revolutionary army for ten years, is naturally much stronger than that of Tsishas Bashas, who was born as a ‘retail investor’.


A loud bang.

The strong body of Zishas Bassas was also struck out by Saab’s dragon claw fist from a distance.

The war has only been going on for less than a minute.

It is convenient to quickly lose two generals.

This result shocked the other three members of the Blackbeard Pirates.

Death Poison Q straddled the emaciated white horse named ‘Strong’, changed his previous state of illness, galloped the horse, and went to check the situation of the two partners for the first time.

“Now it’s your turn, Blackbeard Marshall Ditch.”

Saab and Luffy stand side by side, facing Blackbeard.

“The thief hahahaha, really worthy of being the brother of Captain Ace, sure enough, there are two strokes, but…”

“Rubber – pistol”

Without waiting for Blackbeard to finish speaking, Luffy had already started.

A powerful punch smashed towards Blackbeard’s body.

“Dark Water”

In the face of Luffy’s blow, Blackbeard just calmly reached out his right hand and caught Luffy’s fist.

The dark windmills emanating from his palm instantly nullified Luffy’s abilities.

“Thief hahahaha, how’s it going? Straw hat boy, this is my ability, the world’s fiercest and most vicious natural dark fruit ability, in front of my ability, all the ability is a joke, do you feel that the ability is useless? That’s right! ”

Looking at the shocked expression on Luffy’s face, Blackbeard suddenly laughed proudly.

“Next, suck”

Blackbeard’s right hand formed a claw and pulled in Luffy’s direction.

The next moment, Luffy’s body involuntarily approached Blackbeard.

“If Luffy’s abilities are useless, how about trying my fists?”

Saab’s voice exploded from the top of Blackbeard’s head.

Blackbeard, who had just wanted to give Luffy Ben a heavy blow with his ineffective ability, was suddenly shocked, and only then realized that he had two opponents this time.

Blackbeard hurriedly subconsciously raised his head, and happened to be held by Saab’s ‘dragon claw’.


Under the blessing of armed color domineering, Saab’s dragon claw fist power has made a qualitative leap.

Just one punch is to press Blackbeard’s head into the ground and rub, and the head breaks – blood flow.

Blood splattered and stained the snow red.


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