Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 112

Robin turned off the flashlight.

"In fact, the place we are going to this time is not a ghost ship, but a huge island ship. The owner of the island ship, like Krokdal, is also a member of the King Qiwuhai, Moonlight Moria." Robin said. .

"What? It's not a real ghost ship."

"Qiwuhai or something, I'm not afraid at all."

Nami and Vivi suddenly became proud again.

"Qiwuhai Moonlight Moriah, our revolutionary army has collected information about him, and he seems to have a large group of zombie soldiers under him." Kerla recalled.


"real or fake?"

When they heard the word zombie, the two little girls were square again.

"I don't know exactly what happened (baei), but even zombies won't be too strong. Nami and Weiwei are now when you show the results of your practice. We will go fight zombies together later. Pull squeezed a fist, encouraging.

"Don't go or go"

Weiwei and Nami, who were hugging together again, shook their heads again and again.

"Don't go if you have golden treasure?" Luo Lin asked.


When she heard this beautiful word, Nami's eyes suddenly turned into the shape of money.

"Is there really gold?" Of course.

Luo Lin grinned.

The ten-year accumulation of Qiwu Haimoria in the Devil's Triangle is of course not a small amount.

Of course compared to gold.

Luo Lin approached him this time mainly for a knife.

The famous sword that was once held by the sword god of the country-the big fast sword twenty-one black sword Qiushui.

Back then, Luo Lin was also a great swordsman with two black knives in his collection.

One of them was at the Battle of the Valley of Gods and was broken by Lockes' crushing ability.

The other black knife, Qiu Killing, was left in Mariejoa, and it is still unknown to whom.

Although the difference between having a knife and not having a knife is not too big for him, it is always good to have a handy weapon at hand.

Under the temptation of the golden treasure, Nami decisively withdrew from the timid camp.Gearing up, just waiting for Qiwu Haimoria's treasure to be delivered to the door.

About two hours later.

A little light appeared in the thick white fog.

In the thick fog, a huge island-like ship appeared and appeared in the sight of Luo Lin and his party.

The Golden Meri turned the bow and descended quietly from the sky.

039 Cuckoo 039'Cuckoo'

Surrounded by old trees with dry vines, there are 039 creatures such as bats and owls hanging upside down.Under the faint light, you can see that the bats and owls are more or less marked with surgical stitches.

These seemingly humble creatures of bats and owls are naturally a member of the Moria Zombie Army, responsible for monitoring and reporting various changes on the island.

The scene is good, and the creation of the horror atmosphere is also in place. As a horror cruise ship, it is still qualified."Luo Lin nodded, expressing his evaluation-

The eyelids of the zombie bat pretending to be sleeping on the tree by the side jumped, and it was the first time that he encountered such a strange person.

Is this coming for a trip?

Having said that, how did they get in?

The bat zombie soldier thought to himself, after Luo Lin walked away, he fluttered his wings quickly and wanted to report to his superiors.the other side.

Luo Lin and his entourage who passed the area of ​​withered vines and old trees came to a graveyard.

At this moment, the screams from Nami and Vivi broke through the sky immediately.

At the same time, Little Lolita hung on Luo Lin's body like a koala during Golden Week, her eyes closed tightly, she didn't dare to look again.


'Zombie 039 really appeared!

Chapter 150: Transparent people must be domineering and deter ghosts


"Oh oh oh oh--"

"woo woo woo woo--"

The gloomy sea shrouded in dense fog, sounded softly ~ whispers like ghosts, and like evil-ghosts roaring-

A huge island ship built with a small island as raw material.Go with the waves in thick fog.

I don't know the beginning, there is no end.

This huge island ship is called the Terror Three-masted Sailing Vessel, which belongs to the Moonlight Moriah under the Qiwu Sea.

It is known as the largest pirate ship in the world.

Ten years ago, Moria took three of his men and drove this terrifying three-masted sailing ship into the Devil’s Triangle, and stationed here as a base camp.

Specialize in hunting passing merchant ships and pirate ships, secretly forming a zombie army, and accumulating strength.After ten years of efforts by Moria, there are now more than 800 zombie soldiers on this island.

There are even more important figures like swordsman Ryoma and Captain John.

Moria's body was discovered after death and became a member of his zombie army.

Of course, their strength can't be compared with that before their lifetime.

The strength of the zombie soldiers depends only on the strength of the shadow that Moria plugs into them.

At a certain moment.

Suddenly the screams of girls resounded across the sky on the lonely, dim, and gloomy island


"It really appeared! The zombies came out of the grave!"

When they saw the spectacle of demons dancing in the mass graveyard not far away, Nami and Vivi were suddenly crying and hugged.

Little Lolita hangs on Luo Lin like a koala during Golden Week, without her consistent calmness and grace."I hate it!!!"

"Human! Why bother to our deep sleep!"

"Do you think of sleeping together in the grave?"

From all around the graveyard, the cold whispers of 039 zombies 039 came.

As a competent employee of Moria's Haunted House, the main task of the graveyard zombies is to scare people.

The more scared Nami and Vivi show, the more energetic they are.

"Little human girl, I

A cemetery zombie emerges suddenly from under Kerla's feet.

However, before he was finished, he was greeted by a delicate but powerful fist.

"Murman Karate, One Thousand Watt Zhengquan"

Kerla punched the upper body of the zombie in the graveyard and flew out.

"Look, Nami and Weiwei, there is nothing terrifying, they are very weak, now is the time to test your practice results." Kerla cheered for the two.

"Six Flowers"

the other side.

Robin also activates his own flower and fruit ability to reverse the hands and feet of the zombies crawling towards Nami and Vivi, posing a variety of strange shapes, just like handicrafts.

"Not good, get the idea!"

"Stubborn stubble!"


The complexions of the zombies who realized that Robin and Kerla were not easy to mess with changed.Those who hadn't crawled out quickly lay down in their graves one by one and began to play dead.

The one that has come out is Sa Yazi running wild.

The atmosphere suddenly changed from horror to comical.

In no time.

The ordinary zombie soldiers around are gone without a trace.

However, without waiting for Nami and Weiwei to breathe a sigh of relief, the next moment, the abnormality regenerates.

'Sha Sha 039 039 Click 039

Suddenly, there was a rustle of people walking in the deadly graveyard.

Then there was the breaking and breaking sound of branches being trampled off.

"Brother Luo Luo Ling, how come there are footprints over there."

Weiwei asked tremblingly."No, there are people around." Kerla was immediately alert.

Meimu glanced around, looking for the enemy.

Even Robin couldn't help feeling a little nervous at the moment.

Although her domineering and domineering look is not even a beginner's level, she can still keenly feel that there is a beast around her.


Getting closer."Lululu"

It was a low growl of joy from the depths of the beast's throat.

039 039

The beating sound of the heart inside the beast there.

Under the peep of the invisible'" Beast 039, Nami and Weiwei were so frightened that they could not move.

Kerla is ready to fight, ready to fight back.

"Garurulu, what day is it today? There are so many cute little girls on the island at once. Who of you wants to be my bride?"

The invisible person murmured excitedly in the dark.

"I see, you are a transparent person under Moonlight Moria, no wonder we can't see you. Kerla thought of the investigation report about Moonlight Moria's group he had seen before, and said suddenly.

"The transparent person, is the superhuman transparent fruit capable person? Great"

Robin was startled subconsciously and turned to look at Luo Lin next to him.

Then he was surprised to find that at some point, Luo Lin had already walked away from her-

0 Seeking flowers

Immediately afterwards, there was only a loud bang.

A huge pit appeared on the ground.

"Oh, vomit, vomit"

At the center of the pit, the transparent fruit capable person——

With the jaws of a lion, the skin of an elephant, the wild power of a bear and a orangutan, the four are not like the weird Abu Sarom.

After Luo Lin's sturdy foot, Absalom, who had a tough body like a beast, felt that his body was about to explode.

An expression of extreme pain appeared on his beast's face full of stitches, and his eyes burst out as if to pop out of his eye sockets.

The blood mixed with the fragments of internal organs gurgled from the corner of his mouth."What did you want my little girls to do for you?"

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