Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 113

Luo Lin stood on the edge of the pit, condescendingly looking down at Absalom with a grim expression on his face, his face indifferent.

There are many interesting people and things in Pirate World.There are also many disgusting existences.

If you rank a'must die 039 top ten list for the characters in this world.

There is no doubt that the top of the'Four Yellows 039, the help of the little ghost Taozhi is the well-deserved first.

Because of the various horrible crimes he committed.

Others such as Spandham and Spandane are also on the list, and Abu Sarom is no exception.

After all, if according to the original plot, both Robin and Nami will be wiped out by Absalom on this ship with transparent ability.

So, here today, transparent people must die to death.

Jesus can't save him either!

I said!

Under Luo Lin's indifferent gaze.Absalom only felt cold all over.

The shadow of death enveloped him, and his body and mind unconsciously gave birth to infinite fear from the inside out.

"It's not over yet, my zombie soldiers, swordsman Ryoma, and Captain John, get out and save me!"

Before death, Abu Sarom suddenly let out a heart-piercing cry for help.

'Kaka Kaka 039' Sha Sha Sha 039

When Abu Sarom's yelling fell, the entire cemetery area made countless noises.

Immediately afterwards, the ghostly figure was so good.

One after another, zombies crawled out, walked out, and gathered from the ground and woods.

Hyakki Yexing!

"It's really noisy!" Luo Lin said-

Step forward, the overlord's color burst.Shock, ghost, fright, god!!!

One hundred and fifty one-Chapter Moria shocked!John and Ryoma recover?

"Ahhh~~~" Baigui walked at night at this moment.

The cemetery, which was originally silent, needs time to blast into the sky.

But only for a moment.

When Rollin took a step.The world returned to peace.

039 Boom 039

The turbulent overlord color burst at this moment.

Swept the eight wilderness.Overbearing.I am invincible

Under the shroud of this domineering, even ghosts and gods must be overwhelmed.

Even the gods and Buddhas all over the sky have to bow their heads.

At this moment.

The spooky castle in the middle of the horror barque.

Under King Qiwuhai, Moria, the fat house in the moonlight, took a bloated step and sat down against the wall.

A smug smile hung on his slender head like a devil.

"It's rare that guests came to my castle. Although I don't know how you came in, don't leave if you are here. Enjoy the screaming feast I prepared for you as much as you can. Hehehehe ."

The fat house in the moonlight laughed triumphantly.

But only a moment later,

Moonlight Moriah's laughter stopped abruptly, and the smug smile on his face was even more solid.

In the next moment, pride turned into shock.

The smile turned into horror.


There was a gust of wind howling between the heaven and the earth.

The slap on Moria's demon's face made his face even more shocked and shocked.

"Hey, hey, what is going on?"

Moonlight Moria stood up in horror.

Is a pair of demon eyes locked tightly to the source of the breath, domineering domineering?how is this possible!"

Moria's face was shocked and unbelievable.

"How could there be such a powerful overlord in the world." Moria muttered.

'Crack 039

At this moment, Moriah heard the crackling sound from the castle wall beside him.

Under his wide-eyed gaze, the castle wall cracked under the impact of that terrifying domineering-

Cracks."Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart"

When he noticed those hideous cracks on the wall, Moria's shocked eyes seemed to burst.

"No, this is not an ordinary domineering look, it is the same power as Roger and the red-haired bastard, is it the red-haired bastard here, what are you kidding!!!" Moria screamed in surprise.

at the same time.

Island ship graveyard area.

Under the impact of the substantive overlord color, all the zombie soldiers exploded without warning, and their skinny and severed limbs were flying in all directions.

Only a moment later.The world is quiet!

In the pit, the look of the transparent man Abu Sarom at the moment can no longer be simply described in horror.

Various emotions such as shock, fear, panic, etc. occupy every cell in his body.

There was a voice yelling inside him, urging him to escape.

However, the body is not commanded at all-it cannot move.

"Damn it, hate it, hate it"

"What kind of power is this? What kind of monster are you? Why is it so powerful!

Master Moria!"

Absalom opened his mouth wide, but he could only growl and yell in fear, unable to utter a word.039 Wow 039 039 Dada 039

at this time.

There were footsteps coming from not far away.

Under Luo Lin's terrifying domineering storm, there were still zombie soldiers alive.

Not one, but two.

The person on the left has a pink hair that has lost its luster under the wear and tear of years.The captain's windbreaker was tattered, and he wore a Western sword on each side of his waist.The person on the right is wearing a white kimono, both sleeves are embroidered with a dragon character, the white hair is tied into a bun, and the waist is equipped with a black knife with a chaotic T-shape and a big knife Qiushui.

Even though the years have been merciless, they have been weathered into a mummy, completely different from the previous appearance, but Luo Lin still recognized their identity.

Captain John, the captain of the first legion, was under the command of the Rocks Pirates, the former sea overlord.

Decades ago, Luo Lin had played against him several times.

Although Captain John was greedy for money, he was also the top figure in the sea at the time in terms of strength.

The Battle of the Island of Gods thirty-six years ago dragged Luo Lin for several hours.

As for another mummy dressed as a samurai, it was the world's largest swordsman hundreds of years ago, and was regarded as the sword-god samurai by everyone in the country.

Ryoma, a great swordsman who has never failed in his life.

The two mummies took quite lofty steps and staggered like drunk.

Even Luo Lin couldn't help being surprised at this moment, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Under his previous terrifying domineering storm, the bodies of ordinary zombie soldiers exploded.

Even the mummified bodies of Captain John and Ryoma are tougher than normal corpses.

But the soul in it is after all just ordinary weak pirates.

Impossible to withstand his overlord coercion.

But right now they are moving.

What force is driving their bodies to move at this moment?

Is it the shadow in their bodies?Or is it the instinct 0 of the body or the aura that remains in the flesh under the extreme mental impact?

No matter what it is, there is actually not much difference.

Luo Lin took a step forward and stood in front of the mummified bodies of Captain John and Ryoma.

The dragon-slashing warrior Ryoma stopped abruptly.

Let Captain John's mummy go on.

'Keng Keng 039

Two crisp knife chants.

In the next moment, in the shocking gaze of Robin and others, under the gaze of Absalom's surprise expectation, Captain John's sword light illuminates the world with two swords.

Form a cross in the sky.

As it was decades ago.

But the next moment.

Following Luo Lin's arm waved down.

The dazzling cross sword light stopped abruptly.

The body of Captain John's mummy trembled, and the light fell to the ground.

039 Wow'

The mummy John's body was completely reduced to dust.

The last battle thirty-six years ago is here to end.

Captain John died.

Wano Kuni Sword God Ryoma, who had been stagnant before, continued to move forward.

The black sword Qiushui, which was infinitely close to the supreme sword, was unsheathed, and a bit of cold light shone in the night sky.

"I am a dragon horse, and I am not defeated in this life."

Unlike the previous silence of Captain John, the mummy sword hero Ryoma's dry lips opened and closed, and he made intermittent noises.

The voice contained ancient and vicissitudes, as if it had spanned hundreds of years.

In the next moment, the terrifying sword force of 12 from his body overwhelmed the world, causing the sky to change.

"What the hell is going on? Whether it's the previous one or this one, they've already died so many, is it true that they will be resurrected?

Feeling the terrifying aura of the great swordsman, Robin couldn't help but cry in shock.

"Can that Moriah's shadow fruit ability really do this? Impossible!" Kerla was also shocked by the scene before him, subconsciously muttering.

"I have only one sword in my life, and one sword can slash the enemies of the world!!!"

Under the unbelievable gazes of Robin and Kerla, the mummy Ryoma spoke again, and the black sword fell down, and the world changed.

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