Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 122

The sky was full of blood in the red sunset.Just like the bleeding land in the mangrove area No. 16.

The bloody incident that took place here has spread throughout the Chambord Islands.

Many people on the island of Ling are in panic.

Of course, there are also many desperadoes cheering at this moment.

Especially those who have had a feast with the boss of the No. 16 mangrove area.

At this moment, he is looking for the treasure left by his dead opponent in this bloody place.

As the event fermented, more and more pirates joined the treasure hunting team.

The scene was out of control for a while.

Only by relying on the garrison on the Chambord Islands, it is obvious that it is not possible to simultaneously fight against the swarming evil forces.

Simply, Maynard decisively ordered the Navy to withdraw from the No. 16 mangrove area, the lieutenant general of the No. 66 naval base in the Chambord Islands.

Before the reinforcements of the navy headquarters arrived, let the pirates and desperados bite their dogs and consume each other's strength.

In the end they just have to take advantage of the fisherman's profit.

These 10 ideas are indeed good.

It's just that something changed midway.

When the flames burned to the extreme, thunder rang out in the sky without warning.

There was a thunder in the sunny day.

As a result, the lawbreakers in the No.16 mangrove and the peripheral navy all raised their heads unanimously.

Under the shining of the setting sun, a golden ark, full of golden light, came slowly and stopped above their heads.

"That ship made of gold!"

"Golden ship! It's a golden ship!"

"How much is such a big golden ship worth!!!"

"Little ones, prepare to do a big vote!"

"We searched here for a long time, but Mao didn't find it. Now a lot of gold has been delivered to the door."

"Hahahaha, little ones, copy guys!!!"

The pirates in the mangrove area on the 16th shouted with joy and excitement.The eyes of the golden ark in the sky were full of greed.

"Captain Captain, that is a golden ship!"

On the other side, Bai Xiong Beibo jumped up and down in shock."The golden ship flying in the sky is like a dream." "What, it turned out to be a dream! Then I will sleep for a while."

Off-line white bear Beibo fell down 039 and fell asleep 039.

"Captain, what should I do? Do you want to find a way to give him a vote?" The pirate in the penguin hat rubbed his hands excitedly.

"Stop it, it will die."

The death surgeon Trafalgaro spoke calmly.

"Captain Hawkins, did you see the captain? A golden ship that big! How much is it worth?

Like the navy, members of the Hawkins Pirates who were guarding the periphery to be the cardinals and fishermen shouted in shock.

Basil Hawkins, known as a magician, put away the tarot deck in front of him and drew out-


Hawkins looked up calmly.

"I saw it, the death on their faces!"

039 Chi Chi Chi 039

Just as Hawkins' voice fell, there was a flash of lightning on the much-anticipated Golden Ark.

"Look, there seems to be someone on it!"

"There really is someone!"

"Hahaha, even someone is just an idiot!"

"That is, a hopeless idiot, a good thing like the golden boat is not secretly hidden by one person. He has to show it off. Today, Jesus can't save him!"

The lawbreakers on the ground shouted with excitement and excitement.

There was a shock in their eyes, but they were soon occupied by greed.

On the Golden Ark, Ainilu swept across the people below with an indifferent expression.

With the help of the heart network electric wave, he can easily capture everyone's words.

So the indifference on his face is even worse.


Ainilu laughed out loud.

"A group of humble ants, weak mortals, dare to covet God's things. As the spokesperson of God, I will impose a fine on you!!!"

Aini Road stood on the bow of the Golden Ark, overlooking all beings.

When his words fell, the surrounding mangrove areas were first silent, and then burst into loud laughter.

"Hahahaha, what silly thing is that kid saying?"

"Is he a fool!"

"What age is it, and it's God's spokesperson."

"He wouldn't be the native who jumped out of the horn Gadari!"

"It's not ashamed to say this, and your cheeks are really thick."

People, especially the pirates and criminals in the mangrove area on the 16th, burst into laughter.


On the Golden Ark, Ainilu's face grew gloomy, as if to drip water.

"A bunch of disrespectful bastards, all go to death for me!!!"

Ainilu suddenly yelled, and suddenly raised his right hand high.

"Look, that fool wants to do

"The second stunned child

The pirates in the mangrove area on the 16th noticed Anilu's movements and just wanted to make a mockery.

The next moment, everyone's words are choked in their throats.

Because they saw that when the idiot in their mouth raised 327's right hand.

Thus, above the nine heavens, there was a thunder blast across the sky.

Clouds in the sky showing the color of flames in the sunset.

At this moment, everything was impregnated with dark blue lightning, turning into layers of black thunderclouds.

Endless electric snakes roam in it.

"Hey hey hey, it's true!!!"

"What the hell is going on that fool?"

"There is also the thundercloud in the sky, is that a good thing that fool did?"

"What is that ability?"

"Could it be the natural ability to sound the fruit of thunder?"

At this moment, the greed and ridicule on the faces of the pirates and criminals in the 16th area ceased.

What turned out to be a deep shock and fear, swishing coldly all over.

Run away!

When the dark blue lightning in the pupils enlarged, the desperadoes in the mangrove area on the 16th screamed and disappeared."Yehahahaha"

Seeing the fear on the faces of the pirates below, Ainilu suddenly laughed out of pride.

"I want to escape now, it's too late!"

Anilu spoke coldly.The raised right hand suddenly dropped the god, the law, the control, and the tailoring!!!


Thunder roars between heaven and earth!!!

The thunder light burst at this moment!!!

Chapter 163 The Shamborg Islands Shake

Mangrove No. 13 on the Chambord Islands.

A lonely bar stands on a lonely hill.

In the open space in front of the bar, the little girls sat in rows.

Looking at the fiery red sunset in the sky and the bubbles that became more and more dreamy in the sunset, her pretty face was intoxicated.

'Squeaky 039

Xia Qi, a half-aged milf in her sixties, opened the door.

"Today's Feng'er is really noisy, and I don't know who's because of it. Xia Qi opened her mouth, and her gaze fell in the direction of the No.16 mangrove, which meant something.

"Don't worry, there will be no noise soon."

Luo Lin spoke casually.


Xia Qi raised her eyebrows slightly, not quite understanding the meaning of Luo Lin's words.

If you don’t understand, don’t think about it.

"Hey, old bastard, I have already given you everything, why are you still not leaving?" Xia Qi asked.

"No hurry, I'm waiting for someone." Luo Lin said.


"The little girls' bodyguards."

Luo Lin answered.

This time he greeted Doflamingo and the dark forces, Luo Lin planned to act alone.

Robin and others who stayed on the Chambord Islands naturally needed guards.


Xia Qi raised her eyebrows again.

"The shampoo land is my place. If I look after it, what are you worried about?

Xia Qi believes herself.

"This is really strange." Luo Lin was surprised.

"What's your expression? I really like these little girls for the time being." Xia Qi glanced at Luo Lin sideways.

"That's really thank you, but I don't need it anymore. Besides, I think, even if you take care of the Tianlongren's affairs, you won't want to interfere too much." Luo Lin grinned.


Upon hearing this, Xia Qi's face suddenly showed shock and horror again.

Even the lady's cigarette dropped to the ground without even realizing it.

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