Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 123

"Are you going to have those Celestial Dragons operating again this time?" Xia Qi said in shock.

You know that is the nobleman of the world!

Any move-the next will attract the admiral.

When thinking of Luo Lin's past deeds.

The shock in Xia Qi's heart was immediately relieved.

After all, the one in front of him is really a lunatic.

He was a super cruel man who went to the Holy Land Mary Joa to slaughter the Celestials by himself several decades ago!

"Come on~~"

When Xia Qi was thinking about the rumors in the past, Luo Lin suddenly spoke, looking towards the distant sky."coming?"

Xia Qi looked confused.

Follow Luo Lin's sight.

In the distance, a spaceship flying in the sky, braving the golden light, gradually enlarged and became clear.

As a result, Xia Qi's eyes gradually widened and shined.

"Then that that golden spaceship turned out to be yours?"

Xia Qi showed a ghostly expression.

Luo Lin nodded.

"Where did you get this, this, on earth? Wait a minute. Is it possible that the bodyguard you talk about is the mysterious natural element that suddenly appeared on the ocean recently—"

"Nature is a person with the ability to sound thunder fruit."

Thinking of this, Xia Qi's face was shocked again, apparently she had collected information about the Golden Ship and Aini Road.

"It's him. In the past few days when I'm away, that kid will be yours for the time being. If you have anything to do to him, it will be treated as a reward for the information." Luo Lin said.


Xia Qi nodded blankly.

Just when Xia Qi was shocked by the appearance of the Golden Ark.

On the other side, in the mangrove area on the 16th, Aini Road on the Ark also began to issue its own declaration of the second trial.

The sound is loud, like thunder, even if it is separated by several areas, it can be clearly heard.


Xia Qi looked strange in front of the bar.

Luo Lin, who noticed Xia Qi's weird gaze, turned black.

Ainilu, the kid, really doesn't change in second grade.

Luo Lin only asked him to deal with the aftermath of the No.16 Mangrove, but in the end this kid even pretended to play without authorization.

It's also a shame that there are some small people there, and there is no strong violent brother.

Otherwise, his skill at speaking would definitely be opposed.

It seems that I need to teach this famous saying that the young villain died of talking too much.

Shaobibi, direct action is king.

Fortunately, Ainilu’s S2 speech did not last long.

He was also angered by the taunts of the pirates below.

, Rumble 039

Thunder resounded in the sky, deafening.

Immediately after-

Terror thunder pillars descended from the sky.

Shot down to the land of No. 16 mangrove area.

In an instant, thunder roared between the heavens and the earth, and infinite lightning burst-

Nothing is visible.I don't know how long it has been.

When the terrifying thunder light shrouded the world converged.The shaking that spread throughout the Chambord Islands ceased.

What appeared in people's sight was a huge hole.

The entire mangrove area on the 16th, along with the pirates above it, was destroyed into nothingness under the sanction of God 039.

After a brief silence, there was a loud noise.


Are you kidding me?What kind of power is this?"

"Where is the mangrove tree No. 16? Where did that big mangrove tree go?"

"Really, the entire No. 16 mangrove area has been evaporated!!!"

"Raiden! That's the power of the true gods!!!"

People shouted in shock and fear everywhere.

Soon, people in other mangrove areas also knew about the news.

As a result, the entire island of Chambord was shaken.

"Naturally, those with the Thunder Fruit Ability are really terrifying. Is this a demonstration to the world?"

At the top of No. 17 mangrove hill, Trafalgaro has a drop of sweat on his forehead.

"Is this how Captain Hawkins saw his death? It really happened!!!"

The crowd (of Zhao Zhao) of the Hawkins Pirates were all scared.

"This sea hasn't been calm lately, even the power of thunder and lightning can be controlled!

Where is the monster that got out?"

Big stomach girl Joe Ellie Bonnie bit her thumb and murmured in shock.

"Jingran is the natural thunder fruit ability. After many years, has this ability finally regenerated? Then this sea will be lively for a while, hahafu.

The fashionable and handsome old man with slippers and shorts, Hades Raleigh gave a chuckle and lifted his head to remove a green leaf from his head.

"But it doesn't have much to do with this old man like me. The next is the age of young people."

"Really, I don't know where you are from

In front of the Mangrove Bar on the 13th, Xia Qi shook her head, turned her head and just wanted to complain to Luo Lin.

The result was that the person beside him disappeared silently without knowing when.

Chapter 164 The Yellow Ape and the Green Pheasant Are Together

039 Rumble Heart 039

The billowing thunder gradually came to an end.

Under the power of lightning strikes, the vibrations of the entire Chambord islands that were affected have gradually subsided.

The dark clouds hanging over the island receded.

The culprit responsible for all this, Ainilu, a young man in the second and middle class, hid in the clouds of the sky with the golden ark amidst the laughter of Yehahahaha.

The sky light replays the light.

However, the haze in the hearts of the people on the island will not be reduced by this.With the 16th mangrove being wiped out by God's sanction 039, the news spread.

The entire Chambord islands are in chaos.

The islands of Chambord.

Mangrove area No. 66.

This is the location of the naval Chambord base.

At this moment, there is also chaos in the naval base.

All telephone bugs were almost destroyed.

Naturally, the question was about the'Tian Lei 039' that made the entire shampoo ground tremble.Regarding these calls, Naval Base No. 66 must be treated seriously.

Because that was the call from the nobles who were visiting the islands of Chambord at this time.

Even the navy must be cautious about these powerful nobles.Because there may also be people from the Holy Land Mary Gioia above the Red Earth Continent.


Another table was scrapped in the naval base office.

"What the hell is going on today? Is that number 16 mangrove cursed?"

"The incident at 190 during the day hasn't been found out yet. It's better now. The entire 16th area is gone!"

The admiral yelled in anger.

"Fortunately, the thunder and lightning lunatic erased the No. 16 mangrove tree. If it falls in the crowded area, especially if it affects the world's nobles, the consequences will be unimaginable.

A navy officer said with joy.

"But what the hell is going on with that thunder and lightning bastard? That terrifying ability is just like a god."

"Yeah, it's the 16th this time, and where will it be next time? No! That man is too dangerous. A rear admiral at the base was shocked.

"Lieutenant General Maynard has urgently contacted the navy headquarters, and believes that the general is coming soon.

Hearing this, the faces of the naval officers of the base suddenly cheered up.

at the same time.

The navy headquarters that received Maynard's report was also in shock.

"Finally appeared again, the natural Thunder Fruit Ability, Kuzan, you fought with that bastard, this time

The Marshal Zeng Guo looked at the lazy general Qing Pheasant.

"Forget it, Mr. Warring States."

Before the Marshal Warring States finished speaking, the lazy general Green Pheasant, but now he interrupted quickly.

"I (badh) doesn't agree with that guy. You already know what happened last time, Mr. Sengoku. If we fight, I'm afraid the whole shampoo will be gone this time." Qing Pheasant said.

Warring States suddenly frowned.

Regarding the cause of the big explosion during the previous battle between the green pheasant and Anilu.

After they asked the genius scientist Begapunk, they knew a general idea.

"Or I will go."

Just as the Warring States period was worrying, a golden light flickered outside the office.

Therefore, the Marshal Warring States and General Qing Pheasant in the house appeared unexpectedly.

"Porussalino, you are here again to join in the fun. Could it be that the thunder is also related to that guy?"

The nose of the Warring States Period was slightly wrinkled, and it seemed to smell an unusual breath.

"How come! I just want to try the flash and thunder, which one is the better one?" General Huang Yuan said slowly.

"Okay, okay, it’s better if you are willing to go, and you can try to move when you arrive.

039 Whoosh 039

Before the Marshal Warring States finished speaking, the general Huang Yuan had already disappeared in a flash.

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