Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 136

"Yes, I already beat him last time." Luo Lin said.


Hearing this, Zefa was in a good mood and laughed out loud.

at the same time.

Some natural battlefield far away.

The battlefield of thunder and lightning-Dao Jinguang paused abruptly.

"How strange?"

General Huang Yuan frowned, and a little chill suddenly flashed in his heart, causing his hair to stand up.

"Don't underestimate me! Bastard monkey!!!" Ainilu roared angrily.

039 Boom 039

Thunder burst.

In the dilapidated coastal battlefield, the waves still beat the rocks with perseverance.

Luo Lin finished talking about it.

Then it was Zefa's turn.

Over the years, the emotions that were suppressed in Zefa's heart have finally been released.

"Luo Lin, I'm sorry, it's all my fault. You have reminded me more than once before, but I still failed to protect them."

Speaking of which.

Endless regret, self-blame, and loneliness suddenly appeared on Zefa's old face.

Silent tears ran down his frowning cheeks.

Luo Lin was silent.

He knew what Zefa was blaming himself for.

Thirty-eight years ago, on the eve of the Battle of the Valley of Gods.

Zefa finally confirmed the relationship with the girl he saved in his childhood.

As Zefa's closest comrade in arms.

Karp, Sengoku, Xiaohe, and Luo Lin, all four of them received his invitation.

Attended his humble private engagement banquet.

During the banquet, wine had three rounds.

While Karp and the others were not paying attention, there was a separate conversation between Luo Lin and Zefa.

As a traveler, Luo Lin certainly knows the human tragedy that Zefa will experience a few years later.

His wife and children will be brutally murdered by enemy pirates.He also retired to the second line of the Navy because of frustration.

As one of Zefa's best friends, Luo Lin naturally wanted to change his tragic fate.

So he told Zefa about his 039 predictions for the future.

Thinking that even if something happens to him, Zefa himself can change his destiny.

(Mano's) result

Fate is such a mysterious and mysterious thing, after all, it doesn't mean that changes can be changed.

Now, Zefa, do you want to join forces with me again."

Luo Lin stretched out his right hand to Zefa.


Zefa's old face appeared puzzled.

"what do you want to do?"

"Two things, the first thing, this time I want the world government to really step down."


Zefa's face suddenly showed extreme shock.

"The second thing is that the era of great pirates started by that bastard Roger is also time to end the army.

"So should you consider staying with me, old man."

Luo Lin stared at Zefa without blinking, waiting for his response.

"it is good!"

After only a moment, Zefa nodded heavily.


Two powerful hands are held together!

On behalf of the two comrades-in-arms who lived and died together, contract 039 was concluded again!!!

The 179th chapter empty nest old marshal Warring States?

°Pa 039

A soft sound.

Two powerful hands clasped tightly again after thirty-six years, and concluded a covenant.

Since then.

The navy chief instructor Heiwan Zefa will be officially changed to the Hua Group~Chief Instructor of Zhizhi created by Luo Lin.

For Luo Lin.

Zefa's joining is a big help.

Not only the overall combat power, but also because of Zefa's rich teaching experience for decades.

There is a major teacher named Zefa.

The juniors of the Chinese organization can get the best exercise.

For Zefa.

Withdraw from the navy and join the organization founded by former comrades-in-arms and brothers.

It couldn't be better for him.

As early as decades ago, when his wife and children died tragically in the hands of pirates, he had already given birth to the idea of ​​retiring.The reason for staying.

It was only after the persuasion of Marshal Ganggukong and friends like the Warring States period that he reluctantly agreed.

Later, he became the chief instructor of the Naval Academy and taught countless naval elites.

But over time, Zefa became increasingly disappointed by what the navy and the government did.

Especially twenty years ago, the Qiwuhai system was established.

The navy, which was supposed to represent justice, was in the same line with Pirate 039.

Even give some pirates legal plundering authority!

For Zefa, who hates Pirates, this is the most unbearable thing.

As early as two years ago, Zefa had already given birth to the idea of ​​quitting the navy and doing it alone.

That's why he formed his own pirate guerrilla team and hunted the pirates everywhere.

This time he did not come here as the chief instructor of the navy during Operation Thousand Sail Island.

But as the leader of the Pirate Guerrillas.

He was planning to quit the Navy and do it alone, but he happened to encounter a brother's organization decades ago.

The goals of the two are coincidentally and ---towards.This is naturally the best result for Zefa.

Zefa's only worry was how they would react when they knew they had retired from the navy.

"What about him? The guy in the Warring States period changed after he became a marshal. I have been displeased for a long time. The Kapu boy and Luo Lin have the strongest relationship. He just-, maybe he will also change jobs." That kid Rusalino was brought up by Luo Lin, and Kuzan also has Gumir."

Zefa thought so, a subtle smile on his lips unconsciously.

"Hey hey hey, Zefa, it doesn't need to be this way, you really want the Warring States Period to be an empty nest old marshal, so angry in your office."

Luo Lin, who used his mind-reading experience to read Zefa's inner thoughts at this time, couldn't help being speechless.


Zefa coughed awkwardly.

Then he punched Luo Lin hard in the chest.

"I haven't seen it for so long, I have forgotten that y still has this ability. You are still asshole as before, and you don't give people a chance to hide secrets." Zefa scolded with a smile.

"Hahaha, old man, take care of you in the future."

Luo Lin grinned."With each other." Zefa also laughed.

At this moment.

The coast three hundred meters away.

Tina, Ain, and Smogg stood in a three-legged position, blocking the siege of Drake in the middle, not allowing them to have a chance to escape.

Drake couldn't be more aware of the difficulty of Tina and Smogg at the same time.

Plus the beautiful girl Navy Ain with special abilities.

Drake was suddenly one head and two big.

Even in his heyday, it was not easy for him to break through the hands of these three.

Not to mention that he had sturdily eaten Zefa's set of big moves before.

Could it be that your undercover task is about to end here?

No no no.

Drake suddenly shook his head again and again.

As the captain of the Navy's special secret force, how could he give up so easily.


"Hey, Drake, I warn you not to think about any tricks, you and this Kidd bastard, go to the city to take a good look.

Smogg squinted his eyes and warned, while silently forming a circle with smoke.


Drake looked at the badly injured and unconscious Kidd group not far away, his eyelids jumped.

After all, that is a monster offering a reward of nearly 300 million!

However, even the 300 million monster was beaten into this miserable appearance.Who is the sacred young monster who is suspected of teacher Zefa's old acquaintance?

Drake looked at Luo Lin hundreds of meters away, and a big question mark appeared in his heart.

I can't run left or right anyway.

It is better to chat while idle.

"Hey, Smogg, Tina, do you know what that man is? After seeing the previous scene, I will no longer think of them as masters and disciples."

"That man is obviously an old friend of Teacher Zefa, the one who can sit on an equal footing."

Drake opened his mouth, his expressions could not hide the shock.

"You ask me, who shall I ask?"

Smogg said irritably.

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