Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 137

"That guy and I met once in the East China Sea more than two months ago, on the ship of the Qiwuhai crocodile, when he was only down by the crocodile's hand." Small frowned.

Until now.

His heart is still overwhelming.

Unable to accept Luo Lin's transition from the crocodile's hand to the old knowledge of Teacher Zefa, this huge identity contrast.It's incredible!After all, no matter how you look at it.

Luo Lin is too young.

But that strength

The strength of the monster that is enough to defeat the Kidd Pirates and equal the full force of Zefa is real, and there is no half of it.

"Hey, Small, have you ever thought about it? Perhaps you thought the opposite from the beginning. Maybe that Qiwuhai Klockdal is the monster's subordinate." Drake assumed casually."How is it possible? That sand crocodile is not someone who will succumb to others, this is the best I know.

Smogg said decisively.

However, the next moment, he was beaten in the face again at the speed of light.

"Smogg, you are wrong, Krokdal is indeed that man's subordinate." Tina said.


Smogg suddenly looked dazed.

"Hey hey, Tina, have you made a mistake?

Smogg's face was full of disbelief.

"Based on the information I have obtained during this period, plus what happened today, I can be sure of one thing." Tina said seriously.

"Which point?" Both Drake and Small asked urgently.

"That person, that man, must be a predecessor of our navy era. For some reason, he disappeared into history. As for what happened before, they may only know if they have asked Mr. Karp." Na said surely.


Hearing this, Smogg's eyes widened in shock."That guy was also a navy before!!!"

The shocking emotions instantly occupied Smogg's body, causing the surrounding smoke to gradually dissipate."opportunity"

Upon seeing this, Drake's eyes lit up

Chapter 180: Naval Miracles Disappearing in History

"That person must be a legend that disappeared in history from the last era of our navy."

Tina spoke seriously and surely.

When her voice fell.The audience suddenly fell silent.

"Navy legend of the last era"

Ain, a beautiful girl with blue long hair, murmured in a daze.

Thinking of Zefa’s warm embrace of Luo Lin before.

Thinking of the previous conversations between Zefa and Luo Lin.

And now there are two people talking and laughing hundreds of meters away, and shaking hands like an alliance.

Ain felt that maybe the truth should be what Tina said.

That strong, monster-like, impeccable-looking man is really some legendary figure in their navy past.Compared to Ain's calm acceptance.

Smokey Smogg, who has always been the hottest and most aggressive character, is directly exploding at this moment.After all, before the "One Two Seven" today, he regarded Luo Lin as an insignificant subordinate of Qiwuhai Klockdal.

However, someone now tells him--

That person is actually an old navy who even wants to call senior!

The contrast between the identities before and after is too great for him to accept.

Under the emotional impact called Shock, Smogg's smoke enveloping net became thin unconsciously, and finally dissipated.

Drake's eyes lit up when he noticed this.

The opportunity arises!

039 039

Drake took a deep breath when Smogg, Tina and Ain were still in shock.

In a high-pitched roar of the beast, he transformed into an Allosaurus form.

The sharp face and steel teeth that could tear easily broke open the black cage set by Tina in an instant.

Then beastized people.

With the six-style shave, he disappeared from the place instantly, and fleeed to the dense forest in the distance.

All this happened in just one breath.

Wait until the three of Smogg come back to their senses.Drake has escaped more than 100 meters.

The first person in the former naval elite battalion of the same period naturally had something."Asshole Drake, you really have been thinking about running away!"

Smogg's forehead burst with veins, representing the anger in his heart at the moment.

"White Smoke Launcher"

A large amount of smoke sprayed from under Smogg's feet.

The resulting reaction force caused Smogg to eject instantly, chasing in the direction where Drake escaped.the other side.

Tina and Ain, who had been slow for a while, also recovered and hurriedly stepped on the six-shaved chase.

After all, the task of taking care of Drake was given to them by Teacher Zefa.

If Drake were to run away, what would they give to Teacher Zefa?

Naturally, the changes made by the three of Tina could not be concealed from Luo Lin and Zefa, who were only a few hundred meters away.

"That fool, still want to run?"

Zefa yelled, his feet moved slightly, and he wanted to chase him himself.

However, just before Zefa moved, a big hand fell on his shoulder, pressing his body and at the same time his anger.

"What about the younger generations, what are you doing with the older generation."

Luo Lin said."Rolin, you

Zefa narrowed his eyes and keenly noticed a trace of something wrong."I said, do you know something? Did you predict that something will not happen again?"

Zefa asked suspiciously.

"No, I just happened to hear something interesting." Luo Lin laughed.


Zefa was suddenly stunned.

"So can you tell me, what did you read from Drake?"

Zefa asked.

"That kid didn't defect to the navy like his father."

Luo Lin naturally would not hide anything from his comrades on the same front.

Besides, there is nothing serious about this matter for Zefa to know.

"No defect? ​​What do you mean"

"That's right, the reason why Drake became a pirate, everything is the plan of the Warring States, they want to bury his nail in that kid Kaido's pirate group of beasts." Luo Lin said.

"That kid's true identity now is the captain of the Navy secret force sword."

Zefa: "???"

That fool, if that's the case, why don't you tell me this teacher?

And the Warring States and the others, they even kept this from me.

Had it not been for Luo Lin's appearance, I would have almost killed my most proud student by myself."

Thinking of this, Zefa couldn't help but blame himself for a while, and at the same time became more and more firm in his conviction to withdraw from the Navy.

"Ain, Tina, come back, no need to chase."

Zefa ordered."Teacher Zefa"

Tina and Ain, who had chased near the jungle, stopped immediately and looked at Zefa with puzzled expressions.

"Your teacher meant to let the smoke kid chase by himself, and the little girls should sit down and take a rest."

Luo Lin said kindly.

At this moment.

Once again, Tina, who felt Luo Lin's 039 kind and 039 gaze, would naturally no longer have any messy emotions.

It's just that I am still a little uncomfortable, so that I am a little overwhelmed.

Fortunately, she soon had something to do-

The sister-in-law warship, carrying many seamen who were seriously injured in the battle with the pirates, came along the coast.

"Teacher Zefa"

A young rear admiral stepped on the moon step and came to Zefa.

"All the battlefields have been cleaned up, and the severely wounded marines have been rushed to the warship to receive medical treatment. The Rear Admiral reported.

After speaking, he couldn't help but glance at Luo Lin beside Zefa, and couldn't help but be shocked secretly.

After all, it was the first time he saw a young man who was able to stand with the majestic teacher Zefa so calmly.

However, what shocked him even more was yet to come.

Just a blink of an eye.

The eyes closed and opened.

Luo Lin, who was in front of him, was gone.

"Teacher Zefa, he, he, he, this

The middle-aged Rear Admiral's eyes widened in shock.

Could it be that I was dazzled just now?

Or is it hell?


Except for old people like Mr. Karp, who can be on the same level as Teacher Zefa.

Teacher Zefa was possessed by something unclean!!!

Thinking of this, the face of the middle-aged Rear Admiral suddenly appeared extremely horrified.

"What do you think?

Zefa slapped the major general who was in the midst of cranky thinking to wake up.

"If you have the ability to be in a daze, you will go to various battlefields and look around for severely injured marines. As long as you are alive, even if you only have the last breath, you will never die today. The miracle has returned."

Zefa's old face gradually showed excitement.

Because he knew that after a lapse of decades, the miracle in naval legends will reappear today!


Aside, the middle-aged Rear Admiral nodded repeatedly, but his heart became more shocked.

"Oh oh oh oh"

Just as Zefa was talking with the middle-aged Rear Admiral, people suddenly shouted in shock and shock from the warship on the coast.

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