Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 171

"Captain Hawkins, this place is about to turn into a battlefield for monsters! Let's go quickly, if we get involved in the battle of monsters, it will be really bad."

The pirates of the Hawkins Pirates were also panicked, urging their captain.

But for the urging of the younger brothers.

Whether it is a death surgeon or a magician, they are all unheard of.

At this moment.

Their eyes are still locked on the two people on the auction stage.

"One is Pluto Raleigh, and the other..."

Trafalgarro's gaze fell on Rollin.

The pupils vibrated unconsciously.

Although he still doesn't know the identity of the young monster facing the legend.

But... that... powerful enough that he instinctively gave birth to fear.

That... looks like a monster! "I have a hunch that something big will happen to this sea!!!"

Trafalgarro and Hawkins said in unison.

At the moment when their voices fell.

Raleigh on the auction stage took a sharp step forward.

'Boom' the next second.

The powerful aura that surged like a tide surged in an instant.

'Pada' is under the pressure of that invisible aura.

The members of the Heart Pirates and Hawkins Pirates who were originally standing round and round all fell to their positions and couldn't move.

There was extreme panic on their faces.

"Boat... Captain, what is going on!"

Bai Xiong Beibo is afraid...

"this is--"

Trafalgaro took a deep breath.

"Overlord's domineering!!!"

"It turned out to be the overlord look!!!"

"It can't be wrong! That's a real person!"

"The living legend really appeared!"


Everywhere in the venue, the pirate captains, who were as bold as Trafalgarro and others, shouted in an uproar at this moment.

Domineering and domineering swept.

It's just an instant effort.

A swarm of people fell on the ground.

On the left hand side of the venue, the Tianlong guards who killed Luo Lin, as well as the ordinary people... who had not had time to escape from the venue, how could they withstand the domineering power of the Hades, fell one after another.

Just as the pirates on the right side who had not suffered the impact of the overlord color shouted in shock.

Luo Lin on the auction stage also took a step.

One step down.

The storm rises again.

'Boom' when Luo Lin's step fell.

The entire population auction site was shaken.

Next second.

It was even more terrifying than the overlord look of the underworld king Raleigh.



Those...the Sky Dragon guards who approached Lei Li, raised their swords and spears, all flew out under the impact of this domineering force.

Cracks appeared in the weapons in their hands.

The armor on their bodies made a creaking sound, as if they were about to disintegrate.

The blood couldn't stop spraying from their mouths, staining the ground red.

"this is--"

At this moment, Trafalgarro and the magician Hawkins finally could no longer sit calmly.

Stand up suddenly.

Looking at Luo Lin on the auction stage, he was full of shock and disbelief.

"What the hell is going on? What kind of domineering is that?"

The magician Hawkins shouted.

"Hey, hey, is that kind of overlord's domineering, why can it be so powerful? It's not just mental coercion!"

Trafalgarro cried out in shock.

"Compared with that monster's domineering look, that... Doflamingo's domineering look is like a child! The dimension is completely different!!!"

"Ship... Captain"

Bai Xiong Beibo gasped, with an expression of pain on her face.

Next second.

Under the impact of Luo Lin's overlord color, Bai Xiong Beibo, who persisted for a while, rolled his eyes and passed out completely in a coma.

The other crew members of the Heart Pirates, as well as the Hawkins Pirates, and everyone in the entire venue, all fell to the ground at this moment.

In the end, the only ones who can stand are the two supernova captains, Trafalgarro and Magic Hawkins, who offer a reward of over 100 million.

In addition, there are naturally Xia Qi, Robin, Kerla and others who are protected by Luo Lin in the back row.



On the auction stage.

Rollin and Raleigh each took another step.

The ground shakes the mountains.

It's not just a population auction.

The entire No. 1 mangrove area was shaking at this moment.

The two overlords looked domineering and finally clashed.

The original invisible mental aura oppressed.

It seems that a qualitative change has occurred at this moment.

Colored by invisible.

'KaKa' in the void was like purple-black lightning bursting out.

Between Rollin and Raleigh on the auction stage.

At the center of the conflict between the two overlord colors, a dark spot appeared.

The point gradually expands.

Turn into a circle.

It is like a deep black hole, slowly rotating.


Blasted! The most terrifying domineering storm of'Boom Rumble' struck.

Overturned the entire population auction...

At this moment.

Mangrove Island No. 66 in the Chambord Islands.

Navy stationed base.

It's a mess.

"what did you say!"

"Hey, hey, is what your kid said is true"

"The Sky Dragon... is the Sky Dragon really dead!!!"

"That is the nobleman of the world, who dares to make a move!!!"

The commanders of the naval base received a call from Mangrove No.1, and there was a panic.

"It's Raleigh! Raleigh! The legendary great sea pirate Raleigh has appeared again!!!"

The seaman on the other side of the phone worm shouted in horror.

"what did you say!!!"

Emotions called shock and shock quickly occupied the whole body of all the marines in the base.

Pluto Raleigh! One Piece's right hand, Pluto Raleigh, has returned to the sea! And as soon as he appeared, he killed a Draco! What a big event this was! Just when the admirals were about to ask for further details.

There was a loud rumbling noise from the other side of the phone worm.

Immediately afterwards, contact was interrupted.

The naval base was silent for a moment.

Then it boils.

"Everyone, calm down for me!"

Lieutenant General Maynard, who is in charge of guarding the Chambord base, gritted his teeth and waved his hand.

"Now send all troops to surround Mangrove No.1, and no one is allowed to enter or leave."

Lieutenant General Maynard ordered.

After that, he turned around and returned to the office to get through the phone worm that can reach the admiral's office directly.

After a while.

The phone worm connects.

"Marshal of the Warring States period, a big event happened, the No. 1 population auction house in Chambord, the Tianlongren is dead! The Tianlongren was killed by the king Leili!!!"

Maynard shouted for the report.

"what did you say!!!"


Chapter 218 The Marshal and the Warring States are coming?Zefa resigned!6/7

Marine Headquarters, Marine Fodor.

With the return of the combatants on Thousand Sail Island, the entire navy headquarters was plunged into a boiling ocean.

It's not just because of the victory of this battle.

It was even more because of the'hero' who had created miracles! The entire navy headquarters, tens of thousands of seamen, were all happily discussing the miracles that appeared on that island.

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