Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 172

And because of this, many clues about the past have been involved.

Especially the veterans of the Navy.

The detailed process of the'miracle' was learned from the navy who participated in the battle by Rod, Lei Luo, and Daikin.

The veterans who have been in the navy for twenty or thirty years all show doubts on their faces.

In their memory.

This is not the first time.

In the distant past.

When they were recruits to the Navy, they had heard similar legends from the veterans who led them.

It's just those past events that seem to be taboo.

The veterans at the time were all unclear.

Only when you are drunk will you say a few more words.

When thinking of this possibility.

Many veterans in the navy headquarters in their forties and fifties hurriedly left the scene, returned to their homes, and took out the telephone worms for contact.

They have to ask those... former bosses who have retired back to their hometown for proof.

The entire navy headquarters is raging.

The Marshal's Office in the headquarters building is no exception.

When I heard that...the name I wanted to hear from Zefa.

The legendary lieutenant admiral of the navy headquarters, the hero Capp suddenly let out a hearty laugh.

The Chief of Staff of the Navy, Lieutenant General Tsuru held his sister Gion's slender hand with a pretty face with a bright smile.

Even the Marshal Sengoku who had been in a gloomy mood for a month, the expression on his face at the moment was raining and clearing.

The old face that had been stubborn for a month, smiled again and apologized.

The atmosphere in the marshal's office is full of joy.

'Blu Blu Blu' is at this moment.

The phone worm in the office representing a major event blew up.

As a result, the smiles on the faces of the Warring States and others suddenly stopped.

The phone worm connects.

"Headquarters, this is Lieutenant General Maynard of the Chambord Islands base."

Lieutenant General Maynard reports.

"This is the Warring States Period, what happened to Maynard."

Warring States said in a deep voice, frowning gradually.

There was even a bad feeling in my heart.

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, a big event has happened, the No. 1 mangrove in the Chambord Islands, Denon...The Denon Charros was killed!!!"

Lieutenant General Maynard shouted in shock.

The marshal's office was silent for a second.

"what did you say!!!"

Warring States let out a shocking roar.

He slapped a palm on the desk in front of him and stood up.

'Boom' just changed the desk a few days before making another glorious sacrifice.

"Dragon...dead!!! Is it that guy again"

The expression on the face of the Warring States Period that had just cleared up, instantly turned cloudy.

The gloomy seems to drip water.

"Warring States"

Karp stopped drinking.

"Mr. Sengoku"

Gion is dissatisfied.

"Warring States"

Zefa raised his eyebrows.

"Warring States"

Lieutenant General He narrowed his beautiful eyes.

"you guys.……"

Feel the targeting of comrades-in-arms and younger generations from decades.

The heart of the war within the war suddenly became more and more angry.

"The world's noble Tianlong people, I know that many people in the world look unpleasant to them, but under the awe of the admiral, most people will not provoke the Tianlong people at all, let alone directly kill people."

"The only thing I can think of is that guy. After all, that guy has a history, and he also has this strength and fearless general!"

Warring States explained.

"This is just your speculation, Mr. Sengoku. Why do you slander others now?"

Gion pursed his mouth, his expression dissatisfied.

"Yes, Sengoku. If you want to go crazy, you have to check it out first. If it's him, I will go personally this time."

Karp agrees.

Zefa and Xiaohe did not speak.

Because the possibility of what the Warring States said is really great.

"Mr. Sengoku"

On the other side of the phone worm, Lieutenant General Maynard, who was startled by the roar of the Warring States, said again.

"Mr. Warring States, the murderer of the Celestial Dragon has been determined, it is Raleigh! Pluto Sir Baz Raleigh!."

Maynard shouted the report.

'Ga...clip' phone worm hangs up.

The marshal's office fell into a dead silence again.

"Raleigh, this name is really long gone"

Zefa murmured to himself.

"Hahaha, it turned out to be the bastard Raleigh, he really is hiding in the shampoo field, no wonder he witnessed more than once in recent years."

Karp laughed.

"Carp, is it time to laugh"

Warring States angrily said.

"Twenty years ago, that bastard Raleigh escaped by chance, and this time I will definitely break him into Push City!"

The Warring States vows.

"Warring States, before that, should you have anything else to say?"

Lieutenant General He reminded.

"What's the word?"

Warring States asked.

"Mr. Sengoku"

Gion puffed out her small face angrily.

The Warring States period was taken aback.

An embarrassment appeared on his face immediately.

"Hug... I'm sorry, it's my fault to conclude without checking."

Sengoku bowed his head, then looked at Karp.

"Cap, didn't you just say you want to go? The task of capturing Raleigh is left to you."

"Not going."

Karp resolutely refused, raised his little finger, poked into his nostril, and took it out of himself.

"You guy..."

The Warring States barred.

"What I said earlier was that if it was Luo Lin who did it, I'll go. If you are the bastard of Raleigh, forget it, not interested.

Karp spoke indifferently.

"And it's just a mere death of a Tianlongren, so there is no need to make such a fuss, those...the waste snacks that only know about pleasure, one more is not more, one less is a lot."

Zefa, Lieutenant General Tsuru, and Gion all nodded, expressing their agreement, "I am..."

The blue veins on the forehead of the Warring States period burst out.

"Forget it"

Sengoku gave up and went to contact the two generals near Chambord.

Although it's not far from the navy headquarters to the Chambord, it will take some time after all.

With the strength of Pluto Raleigh, when their reinforcements arrived, the opponent might have already escaped and found a corner to hide.

The best person to deal with this kind of emergency is naturally the fastest general in the Navy, Huang Yuan.

"Kuzan, what the hell is Polusalino doing?"

The Warring States period, who did not contact the general Huang Yuan, turned to the general Qing Pheasant.

"Oh, Mr. Warring States, it's okay, it's okay. I've been staring at Polusalino. This time he didn't slacken much. He is still: with that...

The lazy voice of the green pheasant sounded.

"That...never mind the matters of the Thunder Fruit Ability, you are right now.

Tell Polusalino, let him return to the Champagne, stop Leily, and wait for me to arrive."

The Warring States roared.

Since Karp is unreliable.

It doesn't matter if he, the marshal, walked in person this time.

"Really, Warring States, you have to go personally"

Karp's eyes widened in surprise.

"Ah, since you don't want to go, can't I take a trip by myself"

The Warring States voice said solemnly.

Even if Lieutenant General Maynard reported that Pluto Raleigh had killed the Dragonite, the instinct of the Warring States Period told him that this matter was not that simple.

"Warring States, there are still many things waiting for you in the headquarters."

Lieutenant General He frowned and stopped.

She also felt the clues of the death of the Tianlongren.

"For the time being, I will leave the affairs of the headquarters to you, Xiaohe, I will go and return immediately.

Warring States got up.

"Warring States"

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