Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 252

The flame embers surrounded by unknown flames said solemnly.

"Hahahaha, interesting, really interesting, I like this domineering little girl very much."

A young man who was born with double horns like Kaido, and dressed in a feathered coat that was as arrogant as Doflamingo, walked into the hall at a pace that the six relatives did not recognize.

"Why are you here?"

Plague Quinn glanced at people disgustingly.

"Asshole father, let me go."

The young man who looked like Kaido grinned...

New World Totland.

Thieves base camp.


IWC Central Cake Island.

The laughter of the Four Emperors Luo Te Lingling gloating resounded in the sky.

"Kaido, your drought-stricken kid is really useless. It seems that this time... the golden clock tower belongs to the old lady."

The Fourth Emperor Luo Te Lingling laughed confidently.

"Mum is right. The golden clock tower must belong to our thief."

The eldest son, Perrospero, was the first to flatter and respond.

"Brother Snug, they will definitely bring back the golden clock for mother!"

"Let that...the little girl who doesn't know the heights and heights of the earth, see the real horror of the Four Emperors Pirates."


Many cadres and ministers of the thief responded in unison with optimism.

Only a small part of it.

For example, Kata Kuli, the head of the four generals, remained silent.

Between the eyebrows is full of worry.

Since the development of the situation, the other party...that much-anticipated Hwaseong Fortress has far beyond their expectations.

There is like a deep pit that cannot be seen to the bottom.

The powerhouses waiting for the sea continue to invest in it.


Just as Kata Kuri and others were thinking.

A cadre looked panicked, screamed in horror, and crawled to the afternoon tea garden.

"What's the panic, what is it like"

The eldest son Perrospero scolded dissatisfiedly.

"Mom, the big thing is not good, Snug...something happened to Lord Snug! Lord Snug was taken away by unknown people!"

The cadre shouted in horror for the report.

The joyous atmosphere of the afternoon tea garden is stagnant.

'Boom' in the dark.

A terrifying aura suddenly enveloped the audience.

From the Four Emperors Lotling Ling...

The sealed chapter 292 is out! I beg you to subscribe!

Chapter 301 asl!The three straw hats finally meet!3/4 order

Through a turbulent sea.

The East China Sea fleet came to a relatively calm sea.

The sun is warm.

The breeze is not dry.

Great fairway chaotic in magnetic field.

This is a symbol of entering the stable large-scale climate island area.

"Everyone, we have already arrived in the sea near Shengting Island, and we will arrive soon."

Nami stood on the clouds and told the people in the fleet.

When learning this news.

The people of the East China Sea in the fleet suddenly showed excitement.

It's not just because days of worrying sailing life is about to end.

It's because they will arrive at their destination soon.

Arrive at the place where it is said that there is a'song of the gods'.

An empty island at a height of 10,000 meters! It is like a beautiful golden bell singing by the gods! These...for them, they should have been inaccessible for a lifetime.

However, now, they have the opportunity to approach, even witness and listen with their own eyes.

How lucky it is! Two hours later.

The outline of a huge island appeared in people's sight.

Alabastan, here it is! The melodious golden bell of ``Dang'' ``Dang'' is ringing at this moment.

Like a wonderful fairy music, it lingers on this sky.

At the same time, it echoed in the ears of everyone in the fleet.

Surrounded by the beautiful golden bell.

People who were preparing to yell in surprise closed their mouths and eyes.

The turbulent mood calmed under the bell.

Just listen quietly, enjoying the baptism from the golden bell.

"The legendary golden bell tower! It's a worthwhile trip to hear such a beautiful bell."

On the bow of the windmill ship, Huo Fist Ace's face unconsciously showed an intoxicated smile.

"I really want old man, Marco and the others to listen."

The people on the boat were still immersed in the beautiful golden bell.

The fleet is still moving forward without stopping.

The outline of the island ahead gradually became clear.

A majestic city is also in people's sight.

That is - Hwaseong! More than twenty East China Sea fleets headed by the Golden Ark sailed into Crescent Bay one by one.

'When' the one hundred and eighth bell rang.

The golden bell that floated over Alabastan finally faded.

"Everyone, wake up, we have arrived."

Nami clapped her hands and awakened the intoxicated people.

"Hey, is it already?"

Nuoqigao opened his eyes and looked surprised.

"This is Hwaseong, is Mr. Luo Lin here?"

There was a look of excitement on Mackinaw's fair face.


"Niu Batch"



The bandits of the Dadan family looked at the magnificent Hwaseong.

Unconsciously blurted out.

There are only these adjectives that the bandits with a low level of education can think of.

"Guests from the East China Sea have worked hard all the way, and then I will arrange for everyone to take a rest."

Alice, a girl in a peaked cap, appeared.


"Then trouble you, little girl!"

Ajian, etc... all the simple people of the East China Sea nod their heads.

Under the arrangement of the girl Alice.

Most of the people of the East China Sea first went to the residential areas of the city to settle down.

There are a few other people who are still staying in Crescent Bay, waiting with anxious and expectant expressions.

"Hey, old man, and the bastards in the restaurant."

Suddenly there was a shout of joy in the sky.

The people in the bay subconsciously raised their heads, looking at the curly-brow youth who stepped on the air.

The chefs of the sea restaurant Bharati headed by Red-footed Zep suddenly showed extremely shocked and surprised expressions.

"Is that... Sanji?"

"It's that bastard Sanji!"

"That guy Sanji... is actually flying in the sky!!!"

Bharati's fighting chefs murmured in shock.

"Sanji, you idiot"

Red-footed Zep's knees were slightly bent, and his body suddenly ejected.

Rotating seven hundred and twenty 720 degrees in the air, he kicked Sanji with a moon step in the air.

"Ahem, old bastard, what are you doing."

Sanji coughed twice, patted the dust on his body, and looked dissatisfied.

"Fly so high, we keep raising our heads, don't our necks sore"

Red-footed Zhe Pu righteously speaks.


The fighting chefs of the sea restaurant Barati laughed.

"Sauron... look over there, Brother Sauron is here!"

"Really, Brother Sauron is here!"

The children of Yixin Taoist Temple in Shuangyue Village pointed to the green algae head not far away.

Immediately yelled out of joy.

"Boss Sauron"


The sword god Johnny and the sword saint Joseph who came with the ship also shouted with joy.

"Sauron, you really got stronger."

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