Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 253

Koushiro, the master of Yishin Dojo, put his hands in his sleeves.

Feeling the sword intent on the most outstanding disciple Sauron, a smile appeared unconsciously on his face.

However, the smile on Koushiro's face quickly disappeared.

Also shocked were everyone in the harbor.

In their sight.

That... the young man with a green algae head who originally ran straight towards the bay suddenly stopped halfway without warning.

Immediately afterwards, I don't know which nerve in my brain got the wrong nerve.

Suddenly made a sharp turn and ran toward the other side.

"Brother Sauron, the direction is wrong!"

"Boss, you ran in the wrong direction!"

Johnny, Joseph and others all'downed:'! Koushiro: "..."

"Sauron, have you inherited your road idiot attribute as well as your knowledge and beauty?"

The long-nosed Usopp who came with Sauron struck Sauron's head with a painless hand knife.


Sauron opened his closed eyes.

Seeing the completely deviated direction, he suddenly looked confused.

"Sauron's idiotic attribute is really strong, even the sight and taste are biased, tusk."

Sabo was also surprised.


Straw Hat Luffy laughed mercilessly.

After Lucio, who also took a day off, the murloc youth Nobel and others couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, okay, Luffy, let's go too, hurry up and see Miss Marchino and them."

Sabo touched the top of Luffy's head and smiled.


Luffy nodded heavily.

But the next moment.

Sabo and Luffy suddenly felt something when they saw and heard, suddenly raised their heads and looked towards the harbor hundreds of meters away.


A hot flame rose into the sky, galloping straight in the direction where they were.

It didn't take a moment for him to come to them.

A skull with a white beard lit up in the huge flames.

"you are.……"

Look at the familiar flame skull logo.

Sabo's eyes widened suddenly.

His face was completely occupied by shocking emotions.


"Sabo!!! Luffy!!!"


Chapter 302 Brothers meet again!Goodbye!4/4 Ordering

Hwaseong Crescent Bay.

With the arrival of the East China Sea fleet, the atmosphere on the scene was warm.

Sanji with curly eyebrows arrived first, and Bharati's chef buddies became one.

The children of Yixin Dojo in Shuangyue Village and Johnny and Joseph's two great swordsmen secretly screamed for the road idiot attribute of the green algae head Sauron.

On the other side, Mackinaw, who came from Windmill Village, the village chief Slapp and the bandits of Dadan's family, also looked forward to it.

"Hey, Miss Mackinaw, Sister Mackinaw, they are all here, just tell me."

Ace still pestered Markino.

Wanting to know what the secret everyone is hiding behind the fleet these two days, Ace almost wanted to break his head, and didn't think of a reason.

But intuition told him that the thing that Mackinaw and others didn't tell him must be important.


Markino looked at Ace, who was tirelessly asking questions, with her hands on her hips, her pretty face with a bright smile.

"Alright alright"

Mackinaw nodded in response.


Aston was beaming with joy.

A pair of ears ridged, ready to hear the doubts that had troubled him for several days.

"In fact, Luffy still has..."

Magino spoke.


No wait: Markino finished.

Ace frowned suddenly.

Turn around.

Look at people hundreds of meters away.

"Luffy still has..."

Just a glance.

Ace's gaze was to lock his brother Straw Hat Luffy hundreds of meters away.

At the same time, I saw that...the young man who put his big hand on his brother Lu Fei's head and fondly stroked.


Ace's eyes gradually widened.

The mouth is also wide open.

The emotion named shock quickly encroached on his whole body.

Then everything turned into excitement, which erupted from his heart like a volcano.

"It seems that I don't need to tell you anymore, Ace."

Markino opened his mouth with satisfaction.

"Go ahead, Ace."

The moment when Markino's words fell.

Ace's body is already elemental.

A bright and hot line of fire flashed in the sky of the harbor.

All of a sudden it attracted everyone's attention.


'Keng' Keng felt the surging flame.

Sauron, black-haired swordsman Lucio and others subconsciously pulled out their swords.

The knife is more powerful and domineering attached.

It didn't take a moment.

The bright flame has already fallen in front of everyone.

A conspicuous white beard skull burst into flames.

The people in Ling couldn't help but take a breath.

"This is... the White Beard Pirate Story!!!"

Murloc youth Nobel spoke in shock.

"This flame... Is it natural to burn fruits?"

The shemale von Klei exclaimed.

"The White Beard Pirates! Burn the fruit! Is he..."

These two key information points are combined.

Many of the people present had already guessed the identity of the visitor, of course, some people still failed to react, such as Straw Hat Luffy.

Sabo would not fail to guess.

Looking at the fiery flames in front of him.

Sabo's eyes should be flushed.

Even through the flames, he could already see the figure in it.

"Sabo, what's wrong with you"

Luffy, who is unresponsive, is still ignorant.

Looking at the crying brother with a look of puzzlement and surprise.


Sabo took a deep breath.

Exhausted all the strength and shouted.


Just as Sabo yelled.

Ace wrapped in the flames also took a deep breath.

In one breath, the flames all over his body were filled between his mouth and his nose.

Reveal the real body in it.



Ace, with red eyes, also turned all his excitement and joy at the moment into this loud roar.

The sound shook the world.

The shouts of the two young men echoed in the sky of Hwaseong Fortress.

Everyone in Ling couldn't help but look at him.

Even the truly mingled chefs Sanji and Bharati stopped subconsciously.

The atmosphere fell into a moment of silence.

After a while.

"Hey hey"

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