Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 284

The people in the square of Ling were all staring at it.


Beside Jesus Bu, the little fat man Lazilu looked at his brother, and then at the young man with a long nose 100 meters away.

A pair of small eyes under the goggles suddenly widened and rounded.

His face is full of shock and incredible.


He finally knows now.

Know the reason why my good brother was absent.

Knowing that he didn't even respond to Luffy's cry.

Because beside Lu Fei, there is another person who cares more about him.

That's his son! When they were on the boat, they often heard Jesus talk about their son.

Now, he finally saw it.

Sure enough, it looks exactly like the young Jesus cloth.

Just when Lazilu was lost.

Two clouds of smoke rose up from Hwaseong Square.

It was Straw Hat Luffy and Long-nosed Usopp at full speed.

Driven by the power of'want to see dad'.

The long-nosed Usopp also broke out with the speed of not losing the straw hat boy.


Long-nosed Usopp panted, looking at the domineering man in a star trench coat in front of him.

The excitement on his face couldn't be concealed.

Ten years have passed.

He finally saw the father in his childhood memory again.

Sure enough, it was still as tall as I remembered.

Sure enough, Dad is a great sea warrior.

Usopp couldn't help thinking with excitement.

More than a decade ago, Jesus Buh accepted an invitation from Shanks the red-haired, and left the village of Silobu to become a pirate.

I have never been back once in more than ten years.

As a result, Usopp couldn't even remember the appearance of Jesus cloth.

But Usopp never resented his father.

Because he knew that his father was an upright sea fighter.

The sea is a man's romance.

So that day when Luo Lin came to Xi Luobu Village.

He would use a nearly rascal method to beg for nothing and want to go to sea together.

The experience in the next few months has also become the most important part of Usopp's seventeen years of life.

within this time period.

He met good partners like Luffy, Sauron, and Sanji, who lived and died in wars.

It also forged a deep friendship with the brave warriors of the giants, and was recognized by the giants warriors.

In addition, there are those... powerful legends and teachers.

Everything in this city can be regarded as a dream for...the former Usopp.

Now all is reality.

He has really become stronger.

A big step forward towards the goal of a brave sea warrior.

He wants to share this joy with others.

It's not just Luffy and other partners.

It's his goal.

His dad.

Now, this wish has really come true.

He really saw his dad!'Pop' pop' Jesus Bu and Usopp, an old and a young father and son, both opened their arms and hugged each other heavily.

"Good good good"

Jesus cloth, patted his son's back with his big hands, and said in good agreement.

"Usopp, you really got stronger."

"Of course, I am the son of my father, the son of a great sea warrior, and of course I will be a sea warrior."

Usopp spoke proudly.

"Hahaha, I know, I can feel that you are now a great sea warrior, Usopp, this is all your own efforts."

Jesus laughed proudly.

"Well, oh oh oh oh"

Listening to the personal approval from his father, Usopp finally couldn't help but burst into tears after holding back tears.

"Lazi, Uncle Jesus Bu, it's really great to see you again."

The teenager in the straw hat had a big smile on his face and opened his mouth happily.

"Luffy, you must have grown stronger as well."

La Qilu patted Luffy on the shoulder and smiled.

"Of course."

Straw Hat Luffy spoke naturally, and raised his right fist high.

'Keng''s powerful armed color is domineering covering the arms.

Feel the domineering display of that little boy now.

Laqilu couldn't help but stunned.

After a while, he laughed happily again.

"Hahaha, well, I didn't expect Xiao Lufei to learn how to domineering now. If the boss sees it, he will be surprised."

Laqilu laughed and opened his mouth, took a large piece of flesh from the dimensional pocket of his lower body and handed it to Luffy.

"Um...oh oh"

The straw hat boy who saw the meat suddenly beamed his eyes.

He took it unceremoniously and took a bite.

The atmosphere in the venue was instantly cheerful.

In the sky, Golden Lion Shiji pouted.

So confused by Straw Hat Luffy and the others.

He was in no mood to continue wrangling with Marko, a junior.

After a light hum, it rose to the sky.

The task Luo Lin assigned to him must be completed quickly.

After the completion... A trace of confusion and confusion flashed in the eyes of Old Golden Lion Shiji.

the other side.

Watching Golden Lion Shiji leave.

Both Marco and Ace in the square were relieved.

Facing the legend that once shared the same fame as their father, even if the two of them joined forces, there was no certainty that they would win.

"Ace, thanks."

Marko thanked him.

"What are you polite with me, Marco, it's too far-sighted hahaha,"

Ace laughed.

"Hahaha, that's what I said, but then again, Ace, why are you here and what is going on in this city? Why is there even that golden lion is there..."

Marco's mouth was like a cascade of guns, and he kept asking questions.

The shock and confusion in his heart are even more piled up like a mountain.

Looking at the shocking expression on Marco's face.

Ace couldn't help but show a big smile.

When he came here with the Donghai fleet, his performance was similar to the current Marco.

Even now.

For... the huge secret hidden in this city, his heart is still shocked.

Now someone can finally share the shock with him.

"Marco, the shock in this city is even more exaggerated than you think. It's not clear for a while. Let's go to the banquet restaurant and talk while eating."

Ace suggested.

"Also exaggerated"

Marco stunned subconsciously.

Then he nodded.

"Hey, Ace, let's have a banquet together."

the other side.

Straw hat Luffy and Long-nosed Usopp are also pulling Jesus Bu and Laqilu to prepare to reopen the banquet.

But at this moment.

The rapid sound of the golden bell suddenly came from'Nine Heavens.

That's an enemy attack alert!!!...

Chapter 336 Chief Instructor Zefa?Marco is confused again [2/4 seeking subscription]

'Dangdangdang' rushed the golden bell from'Nine Heavens'.

Resounded across the sky.

The people in Ling's square all raised their heads subconsciously.

They knew that it was the sound of the golden bell.

Under normal circumstances.

The bells of the golden bell tower are beautiful and melodious, and it is refreshing to hear.

But in ancient times.

The golden clock tower in Shandora, the golden township, is also used as a warning function when foreign enemies come.

As it is now.

The warning siren is the rapid sound of the golden bell.

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