Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 285

It means that there is an enemy attack, so that the soldiers in the city are ready to fight.

"Ace, this should be the chime of the legendary golden bell. The sound is really wonderful, but will it strike too fast? If it is slower, it should be better."

Marco was puzzled.

The reason why he came here from the New World this time.

The purpose is mainly two 2.

One is for Ace, who is acting alone.

Have encountered it now.

The second is that there is curiosity about...this Hwaseong Fortress and Golden Town.

I want to listen to my father and my friends.

Now this goal has been achieved.

The golden bell is indeed very beautiful.

It was just too hasty.

On the other side, the two red core cadres, Jesus Bu and Lazilu, also looked up in puzzlement.

"Marco, the golden bell is not so rushing under normal circumstances. In short, this is the city's enemy attack alert, and another stupid pirate is calling."

Ace explained.

"Dad, the golden bell sounds beautiful. It's an enemy attack alarm now, so it's a little different."

On the other side, Long Nose Usopp also explained to his father.

"There's another fight, uh...huh."

The vitality straw hat boy flexed his hands, his eyes gleaming.

"Everyone, the warship is ready. This time the enemy is the Pirate Alliance of the West Sea and the North Sea. The enemy behind the scenes is the enemy underground dark forces, so you don't need to keep your hands."

Alice, a girl in a peaked cap, hurried over to deliver information to the people in the square.

Just as the girl Alice was talking.

There is already a warship set off off the coast.

That was Hwaseong chief instructor Zefa and his pirate guerrilla team members.

"Luffy, everyone, Teacher Zefa has already set off, let's hurry up and keep up."

Sabo greeted loudly.


Straw Hat Luffy's momentum is high: Yes, he said.

"Sorry, dad, the task is here, I will come back later and drink with dad."

Usopp also clenched his fists manly, and then walked away with Sauron, Sanji and others.

In the same place, Jesus Bu and Laqilu were confused.

"Lu, did you hear that?"

Jesus Bu looked at Laqilu.

"Ah, I heard it right"

Laqilu also looked at Jesus cloth.

Both of them saw the same shocking expression on each other's face.

I don't know how many times this is today.


"That boy said Zefa...Is that...Navy Chief Instructor Zefa!!!"

Jesus Bu and Raziruzi were silent.

"In addition to... the Golden Lion Shiji, even the chief navy instructor Zefa is also here to feed, it's true!"

the other side.

Marco also heard Sabo's previous words.

Suddenly, he was again confused.

"Hahaha, Marco, I said earlier, the people and things in this city are more exaggerated than you think."

Ace laughed.

"Wait..., where are you going, Ace"

Marco asked.

"I'm sorry, Marco, I'm working now. After all, I've eaten and lived here for free for so many days, I can always do something."

Ace scratched his head embarrassedly.

"That's it for now, and I'll talk to you slowly when I come back later."

After that, Ace turned into a bright line of fire and rushed to the battleship on the shore.

"Wait..., I'll go take a look too."

Marco transformed into a phoenix form and quickly followed.

the other side.

Red's two core cadres, Laqilu and Jesusbu, looked at each other and nodded at each other.

Three minutes later.

More than a hundred people on the square, including the former lieutenant Alfred, boarded the battleship and conquered the sea.

"Dad, dad, why are you here, do you want to see my performance"

Usopp said excitedly.

"Hahaha, Usopp, the scene of you showing off, of course dad wants to see it too."

Jesus smiled and patted Usopp on the shoulder.


Usopp's enthusiasm instantly, only to feel that his whole body is full of strength.

"Marco, why are you here too"

Ace also looked at Marco who was on the boat in surprise.

"Hahaha, sorry sorry, I didn't bring any money when I went out this time."

Marco casually made an excuse.

The boat was very happy for a moment.

Even the former lieutenant Alfred did not say much.

After all, the captain of the first division of the White Beard Pirate Group, Marko, and the Redhead Pirate Group's Jesus Bu and Lazilu, no matter which one is the top powerhouse who can be a thousand.

They are willing to work for free.

They are also happy to save a little effort...

After half an hour.

The Hwaseong battleship carrying more than a hundred powerful men came to the sea off Alabastan.

'Boom boom boom boom boom' artillery fire broke into pieces.

Resounded through the sky.

More than a hundred pirate fleets from the West Sea and the North Sea have already fought fiercely with the pirate guerrillas led by Zefa.

"Hehe, Lacy, Uncle Jesus Bu, I'm leaving now."

Straw Hat Luffy laughed and greeted him, and the next moment, his body suddenly ejected towards the local fleet.

"Look, something is coming from the sky."

"Regardless of.……

What is it, that is... the bird will also strike me down."

The pirate ship's muzzle turned and aimed at the straw hat Luffy in the sky.

"Three gears, bone balloon"

Straw Hat Luffy bit his thumb and madly inflated his arm.

It didn't take a moment.

The originally thin arm turned into a giant giant fist.

"Armed color, hardened"

The jet black powerful armed color covered it.

"Rubber-like a gun:"

The black giant's fist smashed down towards the large pirate ship below.

Only one blow.

A large pirate ship exploded.

The pirates were shocked, shouting in horror.

This scene deeply shocked the pirates of the Northwest Pirate Alliance.

However, what frightened them even more was still there: behind.

"fire punch"

The huge flame fist rushed past, piercing the five pirate ships that were side by side.

"One Big-Three Thousand-Great Thousand World"

The terrifying huge sword energy swept past, severing a large pirate ship.

"Must kill-Firebird Star"

"Devil Wind Foot"

"Dragon Claw Fist"


Chapter 327: All in one battle!Famous in the world!3/4 order

"Dragon Claw Fist"

"Smash the tornado"

"God's Sanction"


Off the coast of Alabastan.

A fierce naval battle started.

Face the offensive against the Northwest Pirate Alliance's fleet of over 100.

The Hwaseong side only sent a few warships.

In number.

The Pirate Alliance in the two seas of the northwest has an absolute advantage.

However, in the comparison of personal combat power.

The pirates in the northwestern seas are far from being comparable.

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