Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 286

Compared to the Hwaseong powerhouses who have experienced many battles.

These...the pirates who came here for the first time even on the great route are almost like the firefly and the bright moon.

Even if it accounts for the advantages of numbers and ships, it does not play a half role.

Straw Hat Luffy, Fire Fist Ace, Dragon King Sabo, Pirate Hunter Sauron, Ring Thunder Aini Road... all kinds of big moves burst.

The sea is boiling!!!... "Hey, Jesus cloth, look over there, it's really that... Zefa!!!"

La Qilu pointed to the purple-haired old man who showed his power in a certain direction and murmured in shock.

"Former chief navy instructor Zefa, flying big pirate Golden Lion Shiji, as well as our known former partners of Shanks, Mr. Brook and Mr. Kolokas, the crew of One Piece, plus Luffy, my son Wu Thorpe..."

Jesus took a deep breath.

"The doubts in my heart are as turbulent as the waves of this sea, Lu, hurry up and make a quick decision, let us go to witness the truth of that city."

Jesus gave a grin.

Raise your hand and remove the large-caliber sniper rifle that is behind you.

'Boom' is like the cracking sound of a cannonball.

The large-caliber rifle in the hands of Jesus blew out a dazzling tongue of fire.

With the domineering'bullet' rushed out.

Passed through two pirate ships.

"In that case, I'm here too."

Xiao Pang Dun La Qilu bent his knees slightly and jumped suddenly.

He rushed in the direction of the Pirate Fleet.

'Walala' after Ace's raging fire.

The sky once again crossed a blue line of fire.

That is phoenix.

Marko, the captain of the White Beard Pirate Regiment Division I, also participated in the battle...

"Captain, look over there, that's the phoenix Marco of the Whitebeard Pirates!!!"

"Phoenix Marco! And Firefist Ace!"

"Why are the people from the White Beard Pirates over there?"

"It's not just the two people from the White Beard Pirate Group who are from the Four Emperors Red Hair Pirate Group!"

"what did you say!!!"

"It's not just the White Beard Pirates, but the red-haired ones are among them. What is going on?"

"Didn't we say that our opponent is just Qiwuhai Krokdal? What is going on with these guys now appearing!"

"Could it be that the four emperors white beard and red hair are in an alliance!!!"


Accompanied by the entry of well-known cadres of the two emperors.

The Northwest Pirates Alliance, which was already scared by the power of the people in Huacheng, suddenly became more and more terrified.


"Run away"

Under the fierce attack of the sea powerhouses, this alliance of pirates, which had gathered together for profit, collapsed.

The scared pirates fled in all directions.

"Yehahahaha, invade God's territory without authorization, where do you want to escape?"

Thunder God Anilu's thunderous drinking reverberated in the sky.

The pirates of Ling looked up in horror.

The entrance is full of dazzling electric lights.

That was a sanction from Thor!'Chichichichi' bang' No one from the Northwest Pirate Alliance escaped.

The First World War is wiped out!!! "Hahahaha, what is deterrence? This is deterrence! Now is the time to show the world the tip of the iceberg of our Chinese organization!"

The news king Morgans in the form of an albatross flaps his wings.

Return to the hot air balloon headquarters with the large amount of materials collected as a war reporter during this trip.

Set out to prepare for the world, to those...unruly stupid pirates in the sea to issue some warnings!!!...the starting point of the great route, Gemini Cape.

The Eight Treasure Marine Corps ship from the Flower Country of the West Sea is anchored on the coast.

"Grandpa, why didn't you accept the commission of the underground world this time"

Abu, a cadre of the Eight Treasures Navy, asked puzzledly.

After all, this time the commission of the underground world is too much.

However, even so, his father still did not agree.

"Cai, Bu, do you know that there have been two Roger's crew members living in this Twin Cape for twenty years?"

The green pepper of the cone opens.

"What's the secret of two legends... two One Piece crew members?"

Lao Cai, the reserve pillar of the Eight Treasures Navy, asked in shock.


The old man with white eyebrows wearing a Chinese Tang suit, the twelfth generation of the Eight Treasure Marine Army, Zhuizhi Green Pepper nodded.

"Then where are they now"

Abu asked.

"Now, it is naturally in Alabastan."


"Could it be that the two legends here are... the one who appeared in the South China Sea War... Brook, the swordsman of Huangquan"

The two grandsons of Lao Cai and Abu lost their voices, apparently remembering two legends that had appeared in the South China Sea War.

Since now they have not returned.

That means the two legends are still there to'help'.

"So, this is the reason why you didn't agree to those... dark forces, Grandpa?"

Old Cai muttered in shock.

"It's not just that, Lao Cai, so far, the world still doesn't know what terrifying people are hidden in that city! Look, those... fools and pirates who are deceived by golden treasures, they will soon The evil consequences are ushered."

Cone of Green Pepper looked at the sunset in the distance, and said with emotion.

'Ga...' A newspaper bird came from the horizon.

Bring the latest'big news'.

"Fuck, fuck, the gang of Pirate Alliance have been wiped out!"

"What are these people monsters?"

"It's really a monster!!!"

The Babao navy soldiers stationed temporarily at Twin Capes screamed in shock...

A certain area of ​​the great sea route.

Huge sea snails carry castle ships and ride the wind and waves.

This is the moving sea kingdom, Germa 66.

At this moment.

The main hall of the central castle of Djerma.

The atmosphere was quiet and fell into an unconcealable silence.

"Whitebeard Pirates First Division Captain Undead Marko, Second Division Captain Firefist Ace"

Spark Red Vince Mokyiji said in a deep voice.

"Also, Jesus Bu and Laqilu of the Redhead Pirates Group. Could it be that the people behind that city are two four emperors failing"

Forgive the head Vince Mok Yuji screamed in shock.

"Straw Hat Luffy, Dragon King Sabo, Pirate Hunter Sauron... and our...dead brother-Sanji Heizu, what a majesty!"

The Blue Killer Matt Vince Moknitch sneered...

Chapter 338—Kapu who laughed and burst into tears4/4

The wind of the sea blew again.

There was a huge wave around the world...

Under the full promotion of the news king Morguns.

The fierce naval battle that took place off the coast of Alabastan spread across the sea at the fastest speed.

Known by people all over the world, there was an uproar.

The West Sea and the North Sea, these two sea areas are composed of more than a hundred pirate groups.

Although there is no outstanding high-end combat power.

However, there are many pirates offering tens of millions of rewards.

There are more than a dozen large pirates who have offered a reward of over 100 million.

Such a huge group, even in the new world, can be regarded as a big force.

However, it was still destroyed.

The few combat ships sent by Hwaseong were destroyed without any resistance.

Such a result.

Naturally, people in the world must be shocked.

Who is actually hiding in the city where the shot was taken... The incredible powerhouse is a question that people in the world have always wondered.

This time.

Their doubts were finally answered.

After the last time the Thunder God Ainilu and the monster sword hero laughed.

Straw Hat Luffy, Dragon King Sabo, Pirate Hunter Sauron, Blackfoot Sanji, Unexpected 1 Usopp, Ain, Binz, and the warriors Webber of the Sandia clan... the young strong in Hwaseong The fans came for a collective appearance.

Of course, it is limited to young powerhouses like Straw Hat Luffy.

Like former navy chief instructor Zefa, flying big pirate Golden Lion Shiji, Hades King Raleigh, etc...the old legendary existence.

Due to the importance of the matter, Morgans will naturally not report it at will, and there is still suspense.

Even so.

The list of Hwaseong's combat power displayed this time is also enough to shock the world.

After all, they are all young monsters with unlimited potential.

Now it has been so strong, and the future is even more limitless.

of course.

The people in the world except... the young monsters who shocked Hwaseong.

In addition, there are two large-scale reports, which have also affected the minds of countless strong people in the sea.

It is about the first two of the White Beard Pirates...,... the team leader, the Phoenix Marco and Firefist Ace, and the two leaders of the Red-haired Pirates, Jesus Bu and Lazilu.

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