Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 372

Trafalgaro clenched his fists.

"I can never take this blow now!"

Drake gritted his teeth.

"Definitely will be killed in a second!"

The strange monk Urgi's expression freezes.

"But that...hero"

"Watch it well, Usopp, the next real battle will be!"

The corner of Jesus' mouth made a huge arc.

"Next, let you see the real power of the tutor."

Sabo grinned confidently...

Countless people outside the field were nervous and anxiously watching.

The thunderous gossip of the Four Emperors and One Hundred Beast Kaido finally came out completely, as fast as electricity.

At the same time, Luo Lin finally moved.

'Cracking' That was the sound of Luo Lin's bones coming completely.

'Boom Rumble' Heaven and Earth uttered violently at this moment.

That was the terrifying explosion of Luo Lin's fist.

A punch, like a meteor falling.

A dazzling flame crossed the sky.

That was Luo Lin's thunderous gossiping figure welcoming the Four Emperor Kaido.

No dodge.

Will not back down.

The battle between tyrants has always been indomitable.

'Boom' finally.

Luo Lin's punch that drove the general trend of the world and the thunderous gossip of the Four Emperors and Beasts Kaido touched.

There was a dull sound of'boom' like the beating of war drums between heaven and earth.

After a moment of silence.

The most dazzling impact light blooms and shines.

The pitch-black'lightning' was born between Luo Lin and his fist and Kaido's mace, spreading towards the void in all directions.

It was not real lightning, but a big gap in space created by the collision and breakdown of space by their power.

The sky kept making a creaking sound, and then it shattered.

The ground with a radius of one thousand meters sank downward at this moment, completely separated from the venue of the island.

Then it cracked into countless large and small fragments.

Relying on the floating support of the golden lion Shiji, this did not fall to the sea below.

The most violent impact of'ding and booming' happened at this moment.

The world is vast.

The endless earth burst.

Even the sea below a kilometer is full of huge waves, rushing to the sky.

Nothing is visible! I don't know how long it has been.

Luo Lin and the four emperors Kaido Naha's punches against the world, a great hedge ended the world and gradually returned to calm.

The buzzing in people's ears gradually weakened.

"has it ended"

"Who's winning!"

People's faces are full of extreme shock, unconsciously muttering to themselves.

"No... it's not over yet!"

A sharp-eyed reporter pointed at the gradually clear screen, shaking and shouting...

The most central battlefield of the Jedi Island.

The dust covering the world dissipated with the wind, revealing the terrifying sight in it.

The ground with a radius of one thousand meters burst into dozens or hundreds of fragments.

Like islands floating in the air.

On one of the'isolated islands'-the center of the previous earth-shattering collision-Luo Lin stood with his hand in his hand.

It's as unmoving as a big mountain.

Even the previous shock that was terrifying to the extreme did not make him retreat even half a step.

On the other hand, the other side of the duel, the four emperors and the beast Kaido.

At this moment, he has already retreated more than a hundred meters away.

Kneeling on one knee, his right hand firmly supported the mace in his hand, and the bear's chamber undulated violently.

"How could this be!"

"Mr. Kaido...Did you lose again?"

"That's the strongest thunderous gossip!"

Inside and outside the field, the pirates of the beasts were all dumbfounded, their eyes wide as copper bells.

For... the result I saw right now is simply unacceptable.

"Um...oh oh oh oh"

"Hero Rolin!"

"Heroes are invincible!"

The reporters and viewers of the live broadcast square, and the people of Hwaseong Square, all yelled in joy at this moment, cheering and rushing into the sky.

At this moment, the figure... standing holding hands on the big screen, in their hearts, is simply a symbol of invincibility.

"Damn it, it's not over yet!!!"

The Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts Kaido let out an unwilling roar.

Take a few deep breaths in a row, and heal the wounds on the body with Shenlong's abnormal recovery power.

"Continuous thunder and gossip!!!"

next moment.

The Four Emperors and One Hundred Beasts Kaido attacked again.

The terrifying big move thunderous and gossip burst continuously.

For... Kaido's onslaught.

Luo Lin didn't retreat but moved forward.

Right fist waved.

A series of'normal punches' one after another, fell on Kaido's spiked stick.

After three punches.

A thin crack appeared on Kaido's spiked rod.

After five punches.

The number of cracks on the spiked rod has increased to a dozen.

And Kaido's hands holding mace cracked, and blood was dripping.

After ten punches.

There was only a loud bang.

The mace in Kaido's hand that is comparable to the quality of a sharp knife burst.

At the same time, Kaido's face finally showed an extreme panic on his face.

"Ahhhhh, I can't stand it anymore, Lingling come and help me!!!"


The 434th chapter thunder 18 hexagrams!bigmom joins the war!4/4 Ordering


The terrifying collision is still going on in the middle of the battlefield.

The four emperors and beasts Kaido, who couldn't accept their weakness and defeat, waved the mace stick in his hand as if mad.

Li Ke opened the mountain's Kaido's big move-thundering gossip, colliding with Luo Lin's continuous ordinary fist, causing a terrifying void explosion.

The sight is terrifying.

The masters of the sea who had been fighting for more than a thousand meters in Ling's appearance were shocked.

One punch, two punches, three punches... "Look, there are cracks in Kaido's weapon!!!"

Seeing that the domineering and domineering Jesus Bu noticed the crack on the mace stick, he couldn't help screaming.

Suddenly, the exclamation sounded into a film.

Fourth punch, fifth punch... "How can this kind of thing be possible!"

"Kaido's mace, in terms of hardness and quality, is definitely not under the supreme knife!"

"That's a magic weapon made by meteorite iron outside the sky!"

The beasts and pirate group plagued Quinn, the volley six Fusfor, the murloc Sasaki, the poisonous tongue sister Uluti, etc...

Everyone also noticed the increasing and expanding cracks on the mace weapon in Kaido's hand.

So involuntarily yelled out.

Suddenly, extreme shock and disbelief appeared on those faces.

6,,,...Under the horrified gaze of people.

Kaido's thunderous hexagram'eighteen' and Luo Lin's tenth'normal' fist touched.

The dazzling impact light shines in the world.

There was a loud noise.

The Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts Kaidona uses meteorite iron from the outer world as raw materials, and is made by the craftsmanship of the top craftsmen in the country.

The spiky rod, which was not under the supreme sharp knife in terms of quality or hardness, burst at the sound.

He was beaten to pieces by Luo Lin's unmatched dragon fist.

Countless fragments of meteorite iron flew in all directions.

One after another huge potholes were blasted in the ground.


Witnessing this terrible scene with my own eyes, there was an uproar in the audience.

"Fried fried fried... fried!!!"

Bai Xiong Beibo stared at the big bear and stammered.

"Four emperors and beasts Kaido's mace was actually smashed by that...hero's fist!"

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