Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 373

Lao Cai, the Eight Treasure Marines yelled.

"That pair of fists are too terrible, hello!"

Fighters in the new world, bounty hunters screamed.

"What kind of power is that!"

The pirates of the new world, such as Doma, the knight, were shocked.

As for the beasts and pirates on and off the field, they were even more horrified.

It's not just the cadres of beasts in the appearance battle.

At this moment.

The moment when the spiked rod in his hand burst.

The faces of the four emperors and beasts Kaido on the battlefield also showed an expression of extreme fear.

The emotion called panic quickly encroached on his whole body.

The existence in front of him is simply... a real monster.

In front of this monster, he was still powerless.

The situation is exactly the same as it was decades ago, and it hasn't changed at all.

The fear in Kaido's heart that was suppressed by his self-hypnosis, like a volcanic eruption, poured out exponentially.

this moment.

It doesn't matter what the pride of the four emperors, what singles the strongest name, it doesn't matter.

The most important thing is to win the battle and save your own life.

After previous battles, the Four Emperors and One Hundred Beasts Kaido has deeply realized that it is absolutely impossible to win this monster with him alone.

So... "Lingling, how long do you have to stand next to me, I can't stand it anymore, come and help me."

The four emperors and beasts Kaido screamed in surprise, and finally asked for help from the other sea emperor, Luo Te Lingling.

Listening to Kaido's cry for help, the expressions on the people who were immersed in the shock of Luo Lin's ten punches and blast Kaido mace couldn't help but stagnate.

The'Boom' earthquake trembled.

It seems like a giant is traveling.

The four emperors Charlotte Lingling, who has always been quietly watching the battle at the center of the battlefield, finally moved. "Well, Kaido, you finally remembered asking me to help. Put down your worthless pride earlier, ask for help earlier, and you don't have to suffer so much. Didn't it happen, I have to wait until now."

The four emperors Luo Te Lingling, who was like a little giant, laughed.

"Don't be fussy, Lingling, come here quickly and we will solve this bastard together."

Kaido yelled and urged, the huge body still trembling because of fear.

"It's really worthless, kid Kaido."

Charlotte Lingling discarded the crystal box she was carrying, showed a fierce look, and began to walk towards the battlefield.

'Gudong''' looked at the four emperors Charlotte Lingling who entered.

The people in the appearance battle couldn't help but feel dry and dry, breathing in air-conditioning again and again.

"Finally, another sea emperor will also be dispatched!"

"Four Emperors Luo Te Lingling has also entered! What will happen to the next battle?"

"Undoubtedly, the hero Luo Lin overpowered that... Kaido of all the beasts, he is the real singles the strongest, but..."

"But now his opponents are two sea emperors! In this sea, no one can defeat two sea emperors at the same time!"

"The legendary naval hero, can he make history again today"


People watching the battle from all over were shocked and mumbled worriedly.

"Um...oh oh oh oh"

"Mum is finally going to play!"

"Two sea emperors come out together, that... the hero is dead!"

"The result is doomed, don't watch it again!"

"No one can fight the combination of two Four Emperors at the same time."

At this moment.

Regarding this situation, the pirates of the beasts are naturally the most excited.

In their view, the two emperors of the sea, Kaido and Lotling Ling, will join forces to make the world invincible.

This is the picture they have been waiting for for a long time.

Their emperor alliance will be unstoppable.

With the participation of the Four Emperors Charlotte Lingling, the atmosphere of the conference suddenly reached another high dynasty.

Under everyone's attention.

A smile appeared on Luo Lin Gu Jing Wubo's face.

Since the start of the battle, the left hand that has been'sealed' finally moved.

To deal with a sea emperor, Luo Lin one hand is enough.

If there are two, they are naturally two!!!...

The 435th chapter meeting ceremony!Kaido's ominous premonition![1/4 seeking subscription]


The four emperors Charlotte Lingling stepped into the battlefield with shaking steps.

Finally, he stopped at a distance of about 100 meters from Luo Lin.

A pair of dark purple eyes stared at the thing in Luo Lin's left hand, and his vision was full of greed.

"Asshole Luo Lin, now your opponents are the two of us. If you really can't make a move, I can take care of what you have, even like you, only use one hand. How about this transaction is a good deal? ."

Four Emperor Charlotte Lingling spoke to herself.

"This is not necessary."

Luo Lin chuckled lightly and moved his hands gently.

Not far away, the special crystal box that Charlotte Lingling randomly discarded on the ground returned to Luo Lin's hands.

"This thing is a meeting gift I gave to this era. Although you two idiots disrupted the game halfway, this conference is not over yet."

At the end, Luo Lin's voice suddenly rose.

It spread across the island like thunder.

This is not for Charlotte Lingling and Kaido, the beast, but for the participants of the convention on this island, as well as the people who report the convention.

"Captain, what does that...hero mean..."

Bai Xiong Beibo asked with a puzzled face.

"Is the conference not over yet"

"Could it be that……"

The faces of more than a hundred contestants who started the appearance battle for more than a thousand meters flashed with shock.

Just when people were shocked by Luo Lin's words.

Luo Lin in the center of the battlefield raised his right hand, pointing to the sky.

Next second.

A brand new golden pyramid fell from the sky in the sky.

It fell heavily on a huge island fragment in the battlefield.

at the same time.

The crystal box in Luo Lin's hand disappeared with the devil fruit inside.

The reappearance is already at the top of the golden pyramid.

"Little ghosts of the new era, the conference continues! Come if you want!"

Luo Lin shouted loudly and announced the start of the second round of the conference.

"Um...oh oh oh oh"

The sea powerhouses who watched the battle from afar cheered excitedly.

"Sure enough, that's what... people mean."

Drake said.

"Interesting, do you start the final battle in the aftermath of the battle of the four emperors"

Death surgeon, Trafalgaro is eager to try.

"Compared to those fierce beasts, this is the real stumbling block!"

"But that's how it can highlight the strength of this uncle!"

"Lao Tzu is not a capable person yet. After eating the fruit, Lao Tzu will personally weigh how powerful the so-called heroes and four emperors are!"

"Only people who have passed this test can become the protagonist of the next generation!"

"Hehehehe, it's getting more and more interesting."

The participants in the appearance battle of more than a thousand meters are all ready to debut.

The audiences and reporters in the major live broadcast squares are also very emotional.

Staring at the big screen without blinking, for fear of missing any wonderful pictures worth writing and reporting.

"Captain Locks' legacy is my thing, who dares to move?"

Seeing that the final battle for the crushed fruit was about to begin, the Four Emperor Charlotte Lingling's face suddenly sank and she shouted.

Under the power of the Four Emperors, a small number of contestants could not help but stagnate.

More of them still gritted their teeth and ignored them.

After all, if you can get that fruit, you can reach the sky in one step.

He became the top powerhouse of the sea.

At that time, even the Four Emperors will not be afraid.

With such a great opportunity, it is natural to give it a try.

"Damn kids"

Looking at the contestants who ignored her, Charlotte Lingling flashed a cold light in her eyes, and she was about to turn her gun.

"Wait..., Lingling"

Seeing Charlotte Lingling who was easily attracted to her attention, Kaido couldn't help but panic.

After all, he didn't want to face Luo Lin's fist alone again.

"Lingling, the top priority now is to get rid of the bastard Luo Lin. As for the fruit, the cadres here are also ours, how can it be ours."

Kaido said anxiously.

After that, look at the beast cadres in the southeast.

"Queen, Fossford, Sasaki, the fruit will be handed over to you."

Kaido shouted loudly.

"Don't worry, leave it to us."

Plague Quinn is confident.

"As long as the opponent is not that...hero."

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