Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 526

After arriving, he knew that Luo Lin had been invited to Dragon Palace City.

It was on the way from Jinping to Dragon Palace.

But Neptune and the three princes led the sea king army out of the island in mighty force.

"Jinping Boss"

The prince shark greeted.

"Prince Shark, King Neptune, what are you doing, Hoddy, what did he do?"

Jinping frowned and asked.

"Boss Jinping, what you said is really hurtful, what can I do bad things, I am now also curious that our lord king comes to my small place to do what he wants to do, he can't come to send condolences."

Hodie Jones sneered.

"Jinpei, stand aside first, I just want to ask Hodie Jones one thing today."

Neptune said, staring at Hodie Jones with his eyes, and said in silence: "Eight years ago, the shot at Gironde Square was made by the human, or you fired it, me, Hoody!"

"Hahahahaha, it seems to be exposed! But I'm really curious, who told you this news, I don't know if it is inconvenient for you to disclose it so that I can get rid of him."

Hodie Jones said with a smile, but there was a bitter chill like winter in his smile.

"You bastard... how dare... Did she do something to you to make you want to kill her."

Neptune's eyes were red, and his anger was extreme.

"Hodie, you really killed Princess Otohime!!!"

At this moment, Jinping who knew the truth couldn't help but yell, and could no longer contain the inner rage.

``Hahahahaha, Otohime is just an idiot who yearns for peace and beauty. She wants to live peacefully with humans and don't laugh off my teeth.A woman like her is a traitor to our murlocs, and this is how we should deal with traitors. "

Hodie Jones laughed wantonly.

"Hodie Jones, I want to kill you, not as a king, but as a husband to avenge Otohime."

Neptune's eyes were red, and his breath became thicker and longer.

"Hahaha, try if you can, Neptune."

Hodie Jones looked up and laughed.

"Ticket, it seems that a battle is about to break out today."

The Dharma smiled cruelly.

"Captain Hordy, let them see the power of our new murloc pirate group."

Hammerhead Shark Man Toss throws a bag of red capsules to Hordy.

Hordy reached out and took it, and together with the bag outside, he stuffed all the red capsule medicine into his mouth and chewed.

'Boom' Hodie Jones seemed to hear a dull sound like a drum beat.

Just in the blink of an eye, Hodie Jones' body size expanded more than a circle.

The muscles on his arms and thighs are layered on top of each other, like a horned dragon.

There is a sense of horror power between the gestures.

"That... the medicine is... the evil medicine."

The Minister Right of the Seahorse suddenly screamed and recognized what the red capsule that Hodi was eating was.

That is their ``national treasure'' poison that has been passed down from generation to generation and sealed in the jade hand box.

Taking this kind of murderous medicine can gain several times or even dozens of times the power of terror in a short time.

But the cost is also significant, and it consumes the life force of the user.

This kind of vicious medicine cannot be used unless it is the moment when the fisherman island is truly alive and dead.

However, a few years ago, there was a theft in Dragon Palace City, and it was the murder medicine in the jade hand box that was stolen.

"Sure enough, you did that too, Hoodie, even the poison in the jade hand box was stolen. Do you know what you are doing?"

Minister Zuo catfish scolded angrily.

"Hahahahaha, a group of old things from the kingdom, what do you know? If you don't use this kind of good stuff, if all our soldiers are provided with this kind of medicine, what is the fear of mankind, what admiral, what four emperors, How could it be our opponent."

Hodie Jones laughed triumphantly.

"Hodie, do you know this..."

Minister Zuo Catfish was interrupted by Hodie before he finished speaking.

"Nipton, since you took the initiative to send it to the door today, then we are not welcome. All of you are going to die here today. From now on, the Murloc Island will rest assured to be controlled by our new Murloc Pirates."

Hodie Jones laughed with scarlet eyes open...

The six hundred and fifty-ninth chapter, the agreed ship Ark Noah, begins to move!Subscribe

A vacuum waterway appeared in the dark sea.

That is a phenomenon caused by Hoddy moving at a speed invisible to the naked eye.


Neptune holds a trident to block horizontally.

With a soft sound of Keng, the disappearing Hodie Jones appeared and took a step back.

On the other hand, Neptune retreated more than tens of meters under the impact of Hordy Jones's explosive power.

"Hahahahaha, what great knight of the sea is really vulnerable."

Hodie Jones laughed proudly.


The three of Shark, Dragon, and Sunburst all rushed to Neptune nervously.

"Hodie, you are really hopeless, and I won't persuade you anymore."

Jinping suppressed his anger and drank in a low voice.

Take a step forward with your right foot and sink your waist to complete the fighting posture.

"Roar, is Shiping boss next? Everyone says that you are the number one master of Fishman Island, but that is they are too ignorant, they don't know how powerful the murderous medicine is. Now I am the real one. The number one master of the Murloc clan, even you can never win..."

When Hodie Jones spoke halfway, it stopped abruptly.

"Murman Karate, Five Thousand Watt Zhengquan"

Jinping let out a low growl.

The terrifying spiral impact rushed from his fist.

When Hodie Jones didn't even realize it, he shot him out.

His eyes burst, his mouth opened wide, and blood sprayed.

"The power obtained by relying on foreign objects is completely hypocritical, the profound meaning of murloc karate, have you all forgotten Hoodi."

Very flat and cold eyebrows.


Hodie Jones crawled out of the ruins of the sea and coughed up some blood in pain.

"Where there is hypocrisy and truth in power, I will be injured by you, but I am not strong enough. I want to be stronger and more evil drugs."

Hodie Jones seemed to be in a state of madness, constantly swallowing a huge amount of murder medicine in the horrified eyes of the murlocs under him.

'Boom' centered on Hodie Jones, and the sea suddenly waved in ripples.

His short black hair grew in an instant, and then quickly turned into a gray color, like a late old man.

The figure doubled in an instant, the flesh beating and bulging like a creature.

"Since Boss Hordy has taken the lead, we can't fall behind, Titicaca."

The members of the new murloc pirate group led by Hodie Jones grinned.

Then they grabbed a lot of red capsules from their pockets and swallowed them desperately.

In order to gain tremendous power in the short term.

Under the stimulus of the evil drug, the combat power of the new murloc pirate group increased for unknown reasons.

Hodie Jones was even able to contend head-on with Very Peace for a short time.

Under the attack of such a brutal new murloc pirate group, even the elite of the Sea King Army could not resist.

For a while, I was forced to regress.

The deep sea was stained red with blood...

at the same time.

Noah, the giant Ark with the back of Murloc Street.

A broad-striped tiger shark man wrapped in resin bubbles hummed a little tune, wandering freely.

He looked at the bleeding battlefield not far away without blinking.

The line of sight under the brim of the hat was full of enthusiasm, excitement and madness.

"Fight, fight, fight as much as you want, it's best to lose both sides, and all die. In that case, the fisherman island will be the site of this uncle in the future, Bai Xing...Bai Xing can finally reunite with this uncle, no need to suffer. Acacia is suffering, hahaha."

For those with the ability to target fruit, King Van Da Deken IX laughed wildly and wildly.

"Hey, Captain Van Daeken, should we take this opportunity to pick up Princess White Star at Fishman Island?"

The bald sea monster Matsumi suggested.

"This proposal is really good, but I really don't want to miss this big show."

Van Daeken IX whispered embarrassedly.

"Captain Captain, speaking of it, this ship is really big. It's the first time I have seen such a big ship. How many lantern fishes are needed to pull it."

The bald sea monster Mianzu exclaimed.

"This ship, I remember it seems to be the promised ship Ark Noah."

Vanda Deken IX recalled.

"Agreed what agreement"

The bald sea monster asked.

"Of course it is the love agreement between me and Bai Xing!!!"

Van Daeken IX assumed it for granted.

"Ah, I thought about it."

After a while, Vanda Deiken seemed to think of something, and a look of excitement suddenly appeared on his face.

"Captain what did you think of"

The bald head asked the sea monster in cooperation.

"So far, my love has not been conveyed to Bai Xing, it must be because my gift is not enough...the precious reason, in that case, let me give Bai Xing the heaviest gift today."

Van Daeken IX took off the glove of his right hand and landed on the deck of Ark Noah.

"Go, Ark Noah, take my uncle's love to Bai Xing's side, this is the future kingdom of me and Bai Xing!!!"

Van Daeken IX laughed madly.

The ability to target the fruit, launch!!!'Boom Rumble' Great Undersea Earthquake!!!...

Chapter 660 The Ark is Coming!The end of Murloc Island?Subscribe

The blood stained the deep sea.

The screams of the murlocs came one after another.

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