Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 527

Not only the Sea King Army led by Neptune, but also the new Murloc Pirates under Hodie Jones.

Under the stimulation of the murderous drug, the overall strength of the new murloc pirate group was upgraded to a notch.

For a time, he even completely suppressed the well-trained fishman island's first elite unit, the Sea King Army.

However, the reason why the evil medicine is the evil medicine.

It is precisely because of the huge side effects that accompany it.

Except for the relatively powerful cadres of the new murloc pirate group, the ordinary murloc street can't bear the backlash from the vicious drugs.

After the initial strength surge and overdraft, without the use of others, his body is swallowed by the side effects of the murderous medicine.

Qiqiao bleeds and screams and falls to the bottom of the sea.

"Enough, Hordy, look at your men quickly. This is the horror of the murderous medicine. If you continue to take it, their fate will be a lesson for you. Don't make unnecessary resistance anymore. Surrender."

Very flat yelled.

"Ghahahahaha, Jinping, are you afraid of me now?"

Hodie Jones grinned, showing bloody fangs.

"They will die only because they are too weak, and the weak should die, but I am different, I am destined to be the strongest."

Hodie Jones arrogantly said.

"Tiaka, Captain Hordy, don't talk nonsense with them, hurry up and kill them all."

Dharma, the cadre of the new murloc pirate group, grinned and revealed a brutal fang, showing his ferocity.


Hodie Jones smiled coldly and was about to order a general attack.

However, at this moment, the sudden change occurred.

The sea shook violently.

The sea surged and the earthquake trembled.

Under the horrified gaze of the fish people, the huge vow boat half the size of the fisherman island has been silent for hundreds of years and has almost become the decorated Ark Noah on the fisherman street - at this moment because Some unknown force was activated.

The buildings on Murloc Street were picked up by the shaking, and the fish people in it shouted in panic.

"Why on earth is it? Who gave Ark Noah power? It's impossible!"

Neptune's complexion changed suddenly and he yelled.

"Father, look at Noah Xiang!"

The second Prince Longxing yelled anxiously.

"In that direction, is it impossible for it to land on the fisherman island, the fisherman island will be destroyed!"

The Three Prince Carroll Star exclaimed.

"Hody, is this another good thing you did, you are crazy, hurry up and let Noah stop!"

For the first time, the steadfast Prince Shark lost his temper and roared loudly.

"Haha, hahahaha, sighhahahaha"

Hodie Jones raised his head and laughed, and his scarlet pupils turned strangely.

"God really helped me, Neptune, today is destined to be the end of your Neptune royal family. From now on, this new fisherman island will be king by my Lord Hordy, young ones, follow Noah to witness Nip Stop the end of the kingship."

Hodie Jones shouted wantonly.

"Damn it, the whole army will return to help and guard the fisherman island."

Neptune roared unwillingly, and led the rest of the sea king army back to the fisherman island.

The distance between Murloc Street and Murloc Island is not far.

Even if Ark Noah moved slowly, it didn't take long before he reached the sky above Murloc Island.

The huge bow slowly sank in the direction of Dragon Palace.


The thick iron chain broke through the bubble film of Murloc Island first, and fell on the ground.

Between towing, causing terrible destruction on the land of Murloc Island.

On Murloc Island, whether it is a Murloc or a human, their eyes widened, looking at the slowly falling Noah in fear.

The body couldn't stop shaking because of fear.

"Why on earth is this why"

"Noah on Murloc Street, why would there be no power on that ship to move?"

"What is the power of that thing!"


People collapsed and screamed, feeling that the end is coming.

If Noah is really let down, even if it is a murloc who can breathe freely in the sea, it will definitely not be able to survive more than half.

Not to mention the humans on the island will inevitably be wiped out.

The entire Murloc Island was instantly shrouded in the shadow of extinction.

Despair spread rapidly...

At the same time, Dragon Palace.

Luo Lin took Yamato and the mermaid princess Bai Xing to leave Dragon Palace on the back of Shark Mei Carlo.

Ark Noah had already appeared above their heads.Luo Lin raised his head, looking at the falling Ark Noah, his face was cold.

"Hehe, I haven't come to you yet, but you... took the initiative to send it to the door."


The 661st chapter holds the sky with one hand!Murloc Island is boiling!Subscribe

The extinction disaster has come to Murloc Island!!! The shadow from Ark Noah's that is enough to cover half of the island is shrouded, making everyone on the island in deep fear.

"Run away, Noah has fallen!"

"Everyone, go!"

"Flee but go there"

"It's dead, Fishman Island will become history after today!"

"Woo, mom, where are you"


With the constant approach of Ark Noah, the wailing on Murloc Island continued.

Countless people screamed in despair because of fear.

Outside Dragon Palace.

"It's all because of me."

On Shark Mecarlo's back, the mermaid princess Bai Xing clenched her little hand.

"Noah... Noah must be directed at me, Master Van Daeken is angry, it's all because of me, no, absolutely can't let Noah fall on the island."

Bai Xing's face was pale.

However, at this most critical time, the timid and crying Bai Xing did not cry miraculously.

"Master Luo Lin, Sister Yamato"

Bai Xing looked at Luo Lin and Yamato next to him, his immature little face with a decisive expression, as if he had made a certain determination in his heart.

"Bai Xing, do you think..."

Yamato's eyes widened in shock.


Bai Xing nodded firmly.

"It's okay, as long as I leave this island, Noah will definitely follow me to leave, so that everyone will be fine."

Bai Xing pretended to be strong, and he was scared to death in his heart, but there was a smile on his face.

"White Star"

Finally, Luo Lin spoke.

"Master Luo Lin, is there anything else?"

Bai Xing paused slightly.

"I promised Neptune just now. If you let you go, how can I face your father?"

Luo Lin spoke calmly.


"What do you think I am, Bai Xing, you just have to watch here obediently."

Luo Lin grinned confidently.

"Master Luo Lin"

Seeing Luo Lin's confident and flying look, Bai Xing couldn't help but lose consciousness for a moment.

"Bai Xing, that's Mr. Luo Lin."

Yamato also smiled brilliantly.

"No matter how big it is, it's just... just a mere boat. For... Mr. Luo Lin, it is just a piece of cake."

In Yamato and White Star, and at the same time, under the gaze of every panicked and desperate inhabitant of Fish Man Island.

Luo Lin stepped up to the sky!!!... "Hey, look, there seems to be a person there! A human!"

"He passed towards Noah!!!"

"Who is that person and what does he want to do"


All over the fisherman island, people who noticed that Luo Lin appeared were shocked and shouted, "That person... that... is the hero Luo Lin."

"The legendary hero is about to shoot!"

"Please, human hero, please save our Murloc Island!"

"Please be the hero of our fisherman island!!!"


In Coral Hill, the murloc residents who had watched Luo Lin board the royal poncho boat recognized Luo Lin's identity and shouted and prayed with excitement.

In the sky, Luo Lin walked step by step.

Finally, he stopped at the last few meters from Ark Noah.

Looking up at the ark Noah half the size of a fisherman island above his head, Luo Lin sighed lightly, and calmly raised his right palm, passing through the bubble wrap and pasting it on Noah's bow.

In the next moment of'Boom', pressure as heavy as a mountain came, making Luo Lin's steps on the void slightly unstable.

The ripples of the impact spread out, making the sky of the fisherman island like a rippled water surface.

But fortunately, Luo Lin resisted in the end-with one person's power, he held the huge Ark Noah with one hand! This is simply a fabulous picture!!! In the sky, the ripples of power gradually dissipated.

Until then.

The people on Murloc Island were shocked to find that the fallen Ark Noah had stopped for the first time.

"That person is the previous person. He blocked Noah alone. Is this really possible?"

Suddenly, a murloc pointed at Luo Lin and yelled.

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