The old man was beaten to death.

Bang! Bang! Bang...

"There are more and more patches on the Merry." Lake said as he looked at Usopp who was repairing it.

Usopp sighed helplessly and said, "Although we have been protecting the Merry, we have experienced too many things along the way."

Zoro turned his head to look at the Merry and said, "Look carefully and see when this ship has become tattered. Should we consider changing it?"

Usopp was anxious when he heard it, and said with an exaggerated expression, "What are you talking about! You are such a heartless guy! You should know how you got this ship in the first place!"

Chopper, who was watching, also imitated Usopp's expression and said, "Heartless guy~"

At this time, Luffy also picked up the hammer to help, and said gently with a smile, "Don't worry, Usopp, it's useless to complain now. The Merry is our most important partner. Let's work hard and fix it no matter what!"

Usopp didn't expect Luffy to say such a thing, and he was so moved that tears were about to flow, but the next second.


The patch that had been ordered was smashed by Luffy with a hammer, and the whole place was silent, and then Usopp went berserk.

Lake watched this scene quietly, then looked up at the fluttering pirate flag and said to himself: "Even if it is carefully protected, the result is still inevitable..."

Now Lake can only pray that the treasure chest will open the treasure that will change the fate of the Merry. Even if the ship cannot be saved, the ship spirit must be saved.

Later, according to the information obtained by Robin, everyone came to the other side of the island to find the man named Mont Blanc Kulikai.

It didn't take long for them to find the residence of that person. At first glance, this guy actually lives in a castle! Could he be a very rich tycoon?

After a closer look, it was found that it was just a board. The back of the board was the real house, a very ordinary small house, but only half.

Luffy shouted that he was disturbing him and went straight into someone else's house. After a round, he found that there was no one. Lake and his friends found a storybook on the table outside.

The above is the story about the great liar Nolando. The general content of the story is that Nolando once came to Gaia by accident and met the Shandia clan.

After that, he was sent by the king to find gold for the second time, but he did not see the area he said at all, so Nolando was killed for deceiving the king.

He was also called the great liar Nolando, and this bad reputation had a great impact on his descendants, that is, Mont Blanc Kulikai.

It is worth mentioning that when Sanji heard this story, he said that he had heard it when he was a child, and he also inadvertently mentioned the little thing that he was born in the North Sea.

After staying for a while, Lake felt that someone was coming out of the seabed, and Luffy also saw bubbles on the water surface and immediately went over to see.


Suddenly a chestnut jumped out from the water! Ah... No, it was a chestnut-headed uncle who originally wanted to drag Luffy into the sea.

Unexpectedly, Luffy grabbed him and threw him to the shore, which also made the chestnut-headed uncle directly surrounded by Lake and others.

However, the uncle stood up without fear and took a fighting posture and said, "Who are you! You trespassed into my territory without permission, and you came for gold again!"

When Nami heard this, her golden eyes turned into money symbols. Lake on the side said helplessly, "It's just gold, we have it."

Who knew that Nami rolled her eyes at Lake and said, "You have it, but I haven't seen a piece of gold~"

Lake smiled and hugged Nami and said, "Isn't mine yours? This ring is more useful, so I can't give it to you. I'll find you another one later."

Nami was just joking with Lake. Of course, she knew that they were not short of money. After hearing Lake's words, Nami quietly stuck to Lake with a happy smile on her face.

Usopp was just about to communicate with this chestnut-headed uncle, but he didn't expect that this guy fell to the ground with a painful face and then fainted.

Everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates: "(⊙_⊙;)"

Suddenly being scammed in broad daylight, Lake would not take it lightly, even though he complained about it, but it was a matter of life and death, so he called Chopper, who was still in a daze, to go up and take a look.

Chopper came to his senses and immediately ran to the chestnut-headed uncle, took out a stethoscope from his backpack and began to diagnose, and then with the help of everyone.

The uncle was sent to the bed in his room. Chopper quickly determined the cause, which was decompression sickness, a disease caused by frequent diving.

It was a disease that Chopper could treat. After confirming it, Chopper directly used the palm magic to treat the chestnut-headed uncle, and the treatment was soon over.

The chestnut-headed uncle also woke up, and before he could speak.


The door was suddenly knocked open, and the two apes squeezed in, shouting what happened to the boss, what did you do to the boss, etc.

One of the apes was the one that Lake and the others had met before. Luffy naturally said that the chestnut-headed uncle was sick and they were helping to treat him.

Then the two apes believed it. Good guy really didn't have any heart, but it was better this way, saving the explanation.

After waking up, Kuli Kai also knew that he had wronged Lake and the others. After apologizing, he asked why they came to him.

Hearing that they were here to ask about Sky Island, Kurikai fell silent. If someone had asked him this before, he would have done the same as those people in Mogu Town.

After laughing and mocking, Kurikai fell silent when he saw Luffy in front of him with an expectant look. After a moment, he told his own story.

This Kurikai was the descendant of the former big talker Nolando. Although they were several generations apart, Nolando's story had a significant impact on him.

After that, Kurikai also told the story about the two apes, but Luffy, who was impatient, was not interested in these. He only wanted to know about Sky Island now.

Finally, Kurikai handed Nami a notebook and went out. Everyone immediately surrounded him. The contents of the notebook were all about the past stories about Sky Island.

It seemed that in that era, talking about Sky Island was like a daily routine, but in fact, when they talked about it, it was not Sky Island yet.

After leaving, Kulikai said to the two apes outside: "Hey, do you two like those guys?"

"Like? Why does the boss ask this?"

"Because those guys seem to say that they want to go to Sky Island."

"There is only one way to go to Sky Island..."

"That's why I asked if you are willing to help them!"

"Of course! They saved the boss, and they are all good people. Let's do it!"

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