The only way to get to Sky Island is to take advantage of the rising currents that occur about five times a month. This rising current usually lasts about a minute and is very large. This is a necessary condition. After that, Kulikai will have to make some modifications to the Merry. Finally, they need a direction coordinate, which is an animal called the compass bird. It sounds easy, but it is actually a very dangerous behavior, because once it falls from the current, the Merry will definitely be smashed to pieces. Usopp was already scared after hearing this, and Nami also felt that there was no need to go. Their recording pointer was almost recorded. After Jaya was recorded. The pointer would no longer point to Sky Island, and they could move on, but unfortunately, everything was very coincidental, and tomorrow morning was an opportunity. So they were completely in time, and Usopp's idea was completely gone. Since it couldn't be changed, he just accepted it calmly.

So everyone started to get busy afterwards. Usopp helped to reinforce the Merry, and Sanji and Zoro went to the forest to find the compass bird and some food.

Because they had to set off in the designated direction of the island tomorrow and then head south, but now the record pointer was always pointing to the sky, and this was the Grand Line.

Once you go out to sea, you can't tell the east, south, west, and north at all. That's right, the Grand Line is like this, so this bird is needed, and its function is to be a precise compass.

Because this guy's head will always face south, it is a natural compass, and they must use this habit when they set off tomorrow.

The preparations were completed smoothly in the evening, and no blind people came to make trouble, because the blind people had been dealt with by Lake and others in advance.

After everything was ready, everyone started a banquet in Uncle Kulikai's house, drinking, eating meat, and bragging, and the cheerful atmosphere affected everyone.

Of course, there are exceptions. Lake quietly came to a cold and arrogant lady who only knew how to read in the corner, and suddenly handed her a drink to block her sight.

Robin was stunned for a moment and then took it with a smile. Lake sat next to Robin and said naturally: "Is it so beautiful? You can really see the Sky Island tomorrow."

Robin still responded with a smile on her face: "These are all very precious history, of course, the Sky Island is the same, I believe I can find more there."

When the two were chatting, suddenly Kurikai appeared like a ghost and said gloomily: "The gold is in the right eye of the skull!"

After that, he changed his face again in a second and returned to his previous appearance and said: "This is what Nolando said before he died. He saw gold in the right eye of the skull, but I have never understood what this sentence means for so many years."

Then Kurik began to talk about the reason why he had been searching on the seabed for so many years, and Robin also listened with interest.

However, Lake suddenly interrupted Kulikai and stood up and said, "Uncle, is it possible that you got the direction wrong? The gold may not be in the sea but in the sky?"

Kulikai was about to refute Lake's words, but after thinking carefully, it was not impossible. Unexpectedly, Lake took out the map of Sky Island they found on the sunken ship.

Then he took the map of Gaya Island and put the two maps together. It was a skull shape. This scene shocked everyone.

Kulikai also realized it immediately, and then burst into tears: "This is the principle! I finally understand! Sky Island is Gaya!"

Yes, most people present understood what was going on after seeing this map put together. Sky Island and Gaya were originally the same place.

This map is the best proof. Now Gaya Island only has the lower half of the skull, so Nolando's words were regarded as a lie.

The fact is that gold does exist, in the right eye of the skull, that is, in Sky Island. This discovery made Robin look at Lake with strange eyes, wondering what she was thinking.

In this way, Kurikai's knot was half untied, because they still needed to confirm it. In short, they must go to Sky Island.

So Kurikai asked them to ring the golden bell if they could find that place, just like his ancestors did.

Luffy naturally agreed decisively. After the revelry in the second half of the night continued for a while, everyone lay down and fell asleep on the spot.

Everyone was woken up the next morning.

If we miss the rushing current because of sleeping in, we will regret it for a long time. Soon everyone was ready.

The Merry was also slightly modified. In addition to the overall reinforcement, the appearance of the Merry has two small wings, which are specially used to make the Merry take off.

Everything was ready. On time, the Merry set off in the designated direction under the tow of the two apes' boats. The weather gradually began to become strange.

At this time, the uninvited guest came. To be precise, the person who delivered the bounty order to Lake and others came. Blackbeard's voice was heard from a long distance.

He and his crew were approaching Lake and others in a raft-like boat made of several large wooden sticks. He held a stack of bounties in his hand.

Lake, who had super wide-area observation, had already noticed them and raised his hand to read.

"Thunder punishment!"


Instantly, a dark ray of light fell, not only hitting all of Blackbeard and his crew, but also destroying their ship. However, the bounty warrants were carried to Lake by a gust of wind.

Lake quietly put away the bounty warrants, because now was not the time to look at them. The surging sea current was about to come, and the sea surface was now as calm as a dead sea.

Suddenly, an area became pitch black, and a huge vortex suddenly appeared on the calm sea surface, directly sucking the Merry in.

The apes and their ship had long retreated, and their mission had been completed. Next, it was up to Lake and his crew. The Merry continued to go deeper into the huge vortex.

Everyone on the ship could only hold on to the things around them tightly. Usopp and Chopper had already lost their souls in fear, and Nami was hugged tightly by Lake, and she was also very scared.

After a while, the vortex suddenly calmed down, as if it had returned to the beginning, but in a second.


Before everyone could react, a terrifying sea current suddenly appeared, pushing the Merry into the sky. Only screams could be heard from afar.


After taking off, everyone quickly recovered. According to Uncle Curry's warning, the second half was the most difficult, because the Merry would soon begin to break away from the water column.

Once this happened, they would fall directly to the sea surface, and the consequence would be to be smashed to pieces. But there was nothing to worry about. Lake would not let this happen.

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