Pirate Kingship

Chapter 118 Strategic-level treasures, true wealth

"Set the ship, Bruch will go to Tayman Island with the spoils of war to set up a forward position for us, and then we will divide the spoils later.

[Golden Deer] Follow me back to join the big fleet.

Remember, we have never left the ocean fleet, let alone been here! "

"As you command, Captain!"

Byron ordered the sailors on the ship, whose eyes were shining and smiling, to sail immediately.

He walked into the captain's cabin alone, closed the door, and created another spiritual barrier before reopening the pocket that he had been arguing about all this time.

In addition to the crystal skull just thrown in, there was also a whale bone amulet lying at the bottom of the belt bag.

The bone amulet is engraved with a tombstone that reads the name of "Jack of All Trades" Franklin Joshuer.

There is also an epitaph engraved under the name: "Privacy, tell me your privacy!"

This is exactly the [Moss Tombstone] that I got in Iron Anchor Bay.

“Effect: Humanity disappears completely, leaving only a naturalist’s knowledge and intense desire to spy.

You can ask it a question, but you must also answer it honestly.

If you answer, it may spread your secrets to people around you in the form of spiritual broadcasts or dreams.

If you cannot answer, you will be subject to a first-level instant death curse. If the judgment fails, you will die on the spot.

If left alone, after a while, after he kills enough people, it is very likely to become a new cursed object. "

There was just a conversation between the crystal skull and this moss tombstone.

When he was in Anchor Bay some time ago, Byron had been using the moss tombstone to gain access to all kinds of inside information and privacy of the Privateering Alliance.

Relying on the ability of the [Storm Seal Ring] to be immune to curses, he always refused to answer the questions it asked that could lead to death if he was not careful.

[Wanshitong] cannot eat the souls of living people and cannot meet the conditions for the birth of cursed objects, so it will naturally weaken little by little.

Byron originally thought that it would soon "die" and become a mortal thing again.

Unexpectedly, when I looked at it at this time, the extraordinary aura on the tombstone was actually much stronger.

"That's enough, can you shut up?"

The crystal skull with higher activity, that is, "animal nature", "id", and higher driving force, is obviously going crazy.

But Franklin still replied calmly:

“The answer to that question is: No, as long as someone asks me a question, I will answer it.

This time it’s my turn to ask again. Do skeletons also have genders? Is your gender male, female, or the 3rd, 4th, 5th, or 6100th? "

"Shut up, you dare to blaspheme the great corn god Yum Kax, you are looking for death!"

The Crystal Skull opened its mouth to bite him, but it was too weak to bite the bone.

Without those donors who covet its magical power, it itself has almost no lethality.

"The answer is wrong, please accept the death sentence."

The cold aura on the rotten tombstone flashed away.

Of course, the curse of the little talisman cannot kill the crystal skull and the natural spirits living inside.

Byron clearly saw that some soul fragments peeled off from the Crystal Skull and fell on the Talisman.

For this cursed object that has been subjected to blood sacrifice for an unknown period of time, this fragment is not even a drop in the nine hundred and ninety-nine.

But for the rotten tombstone, which is about to starve to death, it is an unprecedented tonic.

Seeing that the aura continues to increase, a new level three [cursed object] corresponding to the low-sequence extraordinary person will be formed.

Byron looked thoughtful.

"Interestingly, the two of them seem to have something in common. They all use 'knowledge' as a medium to produce corresponding extraordinary effects.

It's just that after the Crystal Skull gets the brain full of knowledge, it will be rewarded with 'abundance'.

The Moss Tombstone will impose a curse as a punishment when it fails to obtain satisfactory knowledge. "

Stopping their continued quarrel, he reached out and took both of them out of his pocket.

Putting the talisman aside, he actively consumed his own spirituality and activated [Echoes of History] on the Crystal Skull.

The next moment, the first thing that was read out was the deeds of the relics that [Famine Hunter] said were beyond their reach:

“The gods used yellow and white corn dough to create the flesh and blood of new people and mold their personalities.

Then make a skeleton out of reeds and place it in the flesh and blood to glow with vigorous energy.”

Each [Holy Relic] carries a unique history of mankind and has had a huge influence in a certain region or field.

To activate such a treasure, you only need to use a simple cutting inscription, unlike a man-made wonder.

It is about chanting its deeds and reviving that period of history.

Byron looked at it carefully twice and suddenly realized:

“I see, this story sounds like it has been twisted into a myth, but it is easy to understand with a little translation.

In Tayan mythology, the thirteen gods (nature spirits) who live in crystal skulls are one with their ancestors.

Emperors are all descendants of gods and are ‘demigods’.

In fact, Crystal Skull No. 3 comes from an ancestor of the Taya civilization named Yum Kakes, who taught the tribe agricultural knowledge on how to grow corn during his lifetime.

After death, a skeleton continues to receive blood sacrifices, and eventually becomes a natural spirit residing in the crystal skull, possessing the power of life, prosperity, and fertility.

In fact, it is a kind of black magic similar to a phylactery.

Perhaps he is a Shennong-like figure in the Taya civilization.

But because his subjective consciousness is mixed with all the sacrifices, although he is called a god, he is no longer the original person. "

As Byron tried to chant the history of Skull No. 3, the true power of this treasure was revealed before his eyes.


The blood in the crystal skull's eye sockets instantly turned into a very fresh yellow-green color like corn, and suddenly gushed out.

It gathered on the top of the head to form a "corn emblem" symbolizing abundance.

Then it suddenly spread out, and the spiritual barrier could not resist it at all.

Starting from the captain's room, the oak planks that made up the hull seemed to be alive, and a hint of green appeared again.

It seemed that the oak that made up the [Golden Deer] was about to merge with each other, and even to sprout branches and leaves.

The crystal skull suddenly conveyed to Byron its desire to absorb all kinds of agricultural knowledge in his brain.

In this state of full exertion of ability, knowledge absorption is harmless.

As long as Byron agrees, it can turn the Golden Deer into a living oak forest!

"I refuse! ”

The greenery that filled the captain's room was instantly withdrawn, and the crystal skull returned to its original appearance.

Then, the record about it in the logbook was also renewed:

"【Second-level holy relic·No. 3 of thirteen crystal skulls】

It contains all the agricultural knowledge of the Taya civilization.

Among them are three precious technologies for artificially cultivating spices:

Drilling method, fire method, and true red oil fungus infection stimulation method, which prompt the spice tree to secrete oil and combine with wood, and then after a long period of precipitation, it finally becomes a real spice.

Crystal skull No. 3 symbolizes the natural spirit corn god, and its ability [Land of Plenty] can accelerate the growth of crops and all plants in a certain area.

As long as you recite the deeds and offer agricultural knowledge as a sacrifice, you can get its blessing of fertility.

It only takes one year or even a few months or a dozen days to harvest spices that others use artificial cultivation methods and take at least three, five, or eight years.

In addition: A single crystal skull is a [Second Level Relic] with an influence limited to one city or one place, just like the [Pied Piper's Shepherd's Flute].

But once someone can collect thirteen, they can enhance each other and reach the level of a zero-level relic!

Captain, please keep up the good work and strive to collect thirteen skulls as soon as possible to become the successor of the Taya civilization. "

Byron compared the information in the log with the information in the memories of the three undead servants, and finally understood the value of this treasure.

"It actually only needs the knowledge that it has not mastered, and brain juice and blood sacrifice are just carriers of knowledge.

Not eating the natives is not kindness, but because they no longer have new agricultural knowledge in their minds.

And the transmission of knowledge can be completely replaced by other gentler ways, such as reading out deeds, or through the [Moss Tombstone] as a "converter".

Moreover, the role of this skull is far more than just limited to spices. It also has another strategic use."

Byron touched the oak desk closest to the skull, and a young sprout growing on it. His heart was already hit by a huge surprise.

He paced back and forth in the captain's room excitedly.

The destiny of using this treasure is to: farm.

But Byron didn't take it seriously at all. When he arrived at the Taiman Islands, he was going to farm, and he had to plant a lot of special crops without leaving any empty space.

Moreover, not only spice trees should be planted, but also oak and teak trees!

Spices represent wealth and extraordinary power.

And oak and teak represent an endless supply of shipbuilding materials, and even a A fleet that can determine the fate of a great maritime power for a hundred years!

The ability of the profession of [Ladder of Glory] to interfere with the material world is far less than that of forbidden knowledge.

Even if a farmer has [Hunting Famine], even if a farmer's army is exhausted, it cannot complete the large-scale mass production of the tree level.

Once the fleet is lost, it may be difficult to replenish it in a hundred years.

On the contrary, although this crystal skull is not of a very high level, it has a natural spirit with corresponding powers inside, but it undoubtedly has a strong strategic ability!

With this golden goose, not only the 7,000 pounds supported by the York family, but also the 50,000 pounds just robbed fell out of favor in Byron's heart.

"It may not be good compared to other things, but to compare farming?

Humph, we are a pure-blooded farming civilization that asked whether vegetables can be grown on the moon when we took the first step out of the sea of ​​stars.

And now the Bantaan Islands are still in the slash-and-burn stage.

The Old World is not much better. Until now, they have not even realized the usefulness of human and livestock manure, and have wasted those precious resources turning cities into manure pits.

However, they can only adopt the fallow system and cannot implement the land continuous cropping system, which completely wastes precious agricultural production efficiency.

Scum, even if I stop rebelling and organize people to go back to the Old World to dig manure, I can make a fortune! "

And now, Byron can't wait to tell his sister about the good news of General Newman.

That's right, he not only wants to plant trees himself, but also wants to pull the most respected Newman family to plant together!

Believe me, eating alone is definitely not my style.

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