Pirate Kingship

Chapter 12 Storm Swordsmanship, Extraordinary Showdown (uploaded, please read later)

Looking at Byron, whose face was still somewhat childish, the Navy Warrant Officer raised the boarding ax and showed a bloodthirsty smile:

“Stop being a pirate in your next life and return to the Lord!”

In this extraordinary world where cold weapons have never withdrawn from the stage of history, warriors use a variety of weapons and fighting techniques.

But most weapon techniques are derived from various refined swordsmanship.

No matter what weapon you end up choosing, the first step is to practice sword practice!

There are only three types of attack methods: slashing, thrusting, and cutting.

For example, this burly warrant officer raised his boarding ax above his head in one of the four basic postures [roof style].

He swung a powerful and heavy slash at Byron.

It was obvious that he was planning to win with one move.

But before that, his history had been read by Byron.

[Name: Ferguson Blades, 21 years old, 204 centimeters tall, Warrant Officer of the HMS Severity, military swordsmanship (entry level).

The fine chain armor inherited from the family accompanied the Blaize family's ancestors through the Battle of Crecy and the Battle of Poitiers with the Iris Kingdom.

The family has fallen into decline, and the chainmail is covered in dust.

The tomahawk is 162 centimeters long and weighs 2.6 kilograms.

(Once the battle starts, you forget about it and lose the coordination with your companions. "Slash" to attack, then use "Lunge" to close the distance and then use "Cut".

The extremely rigid three-axe and military swordsmanship are just like those taught by a grammar teacher! Unqualified! )

Conclusion: A loser who failed to pass the knighthood selection trial and had no choice but to join the Marine Corps as the next best option. 】

This Navy Warrant Officer is not an extraordinary person, [the echoes of history] are clear to him.


Byron did not choose to block with his sword, but simply took half a step back and easily dodged the blow that was enough to split a person in half.

The strong wind blew through his hair, but it didn't even damage any of his hair.

The control of distance is exquisite.

The Navy Warrant Officer's expression changed, and he immediately followed his instinct, controlled the falling axe, and used one of the four basic stances [Fool's Pose] with the tip of the ax pointed downwards.

He twisted his body and thrust towards Byron!

If it is said that there is still a possibility of survival through chopping and cutting.

The thrusting technique, which can cause penetrating injuries if not careful, causing internal organs to rupture and bleed profusely, is the most lethal sword move.

But contrary to the lethality, the stabbing point is also the easiest to avoid.

Even more relaxed than before, while dodging slightly sideways, Byron was already approaching him like the wind.

Storm swordsmanship, thrusting step!

The whole process was like a well-rehearsed drama, and the Navy Warrant Officer cooperated perfectly to deliver his vitals to his sword.

You need to know that the swordsmanship concepts of various schools in this world follow the four most basic principles: judgment, distance, time, and position.

The so-called swordsmanship is to randomly combine four basic stances [Roof], [Bull], [Hoe], and [Fool] according to the principle.

As well as hundreds of sword styles and secrets derived from it.

This ensures that the swordsman can launch the most direct and effective attack or defense under any circumstances, and ultimately win the victory.

Among them, the "judgment" of enemy intelligence, tactics, and strategy is given top priority.

Byron relied on [Echoes of History] to gain an advantage in this regard, knowing all the enemy's moves and attack distances very well.

The awakened [spirituality] allows him to perfectly control his body and seize every fleeting opportunity.

Only then did he finally draw his sword brazenly.


Holding the sword hilt in one hand and the weighted ball in the other, they formed a simple lever.

Based on the [Bull Style], he advanced with a spinning slash, and the sharp sword light suddenly flashed.

Among the hands, trunk, feet, and footwork, the hands are the fastest and the footwork is the slowest.

All stances and sword moves of [Storm Swordsmanship] are designed to shorten the "time" among the four principles.

The secret is: Hurry! Faster!

Just like First Mate [Bonebreaker] Miles before, the battle was over before the Warrant Officer even realized what was happening.


A bright red blood line appeared on his neck, and then expanded rapidly.

Immediately, the dazzling blood splashed out like spring water under the pressure of the strong heart.

Along with the blood, there was also the strength and life all over his body.

He still wanted to stop the flow of life, but in the end he could only clutch his neck and fall down in vain.

The Warrant Officer betrayed the King and joined the Yorkists, putting an end to his family ambitions.

After taking a life with his own hands, Byron not only did not feel any discomfort, but the blood of the Bay people in his body became even more boiling.

It's as if he was born to belong to the sea and the battlefield!

Without glancing at the corpse on the ground, he immediately pounced on the other navies who attacked the pirate ship, causing a bloody storm.

With the help of [Echoes of History].

He has various sword skills at his fingertips including [Military Sword Skill], [Silver Cross Sword Skill], [Fisher Sword Skill], and [Storm Sword Skill].

Specifically looking for lone individuals like the Navy Warrant Officer just now who are greedy for credit and rash, and hide in the dark to launch sneak attacks.

Not many of these mortal marines could withstand two or three of his swords.

It also attracted the grateful looks of the rescued pirates, and his prestige on the ship skyrocketed.

Of course, Byron's purpose was not to save these pirates.

[The Man-eating Shark] needs to hold on for another ten minutes before the "east wind" comes.

If there are too few people alive by then, there is no way to operate this sailing ship with hundreds of rigging to escape.

They are all just tools.

However, if you walk too much at night, you will eventually encounter ghosts. Just when Byron sneaked to kill the eighth one.


A piercing chill rose from his back, and the hairs all over his body stood up.

Under the instinctive control of [spirituality], his body subconsciously flew forward.

The next moment, a silver round shield with a cold edge flew past his position with a sharp whistle like a crossbow.

A pirate who was dodging beside him was cut in half, and his bloody internal organs fell to the ground.

"Ah, save me, save me."

The pirate who was cut in half could not die for a while, and he screamed and rolled on the ground desperately.

The silver round shield whistled back again and fell into the hands of a middle-aged man wearing a school officer's uniform and holding a two-handed sword.

It was the only school officer on the warship - Captain Harold of the [Fortress Guard].

Obviously, Byron's reckless killing had attracted the attention of this extraordinary person, and he attacked him brazenly.

It was just that he was affected by Byron's talent [Cognitive Correction] and did not realize that this young man was his number one target!

Lieutenant Colonel Harold, who caught the round shield, was about to attack again.

But he found that Byron had taken advantage of the crowd's cover and rushed to the side of another extraordinary person on the ship, [Blood Eye] Salman, like a monkey.

"Humph! I don't know where the [Devil's Son] worth 5,000 pounds is hidden.

But it doesn't matter. I will find him out after I kill all of you stinking pirates who robbed our business."

Harold muttered secretly in his heart.

With the round shield on his back, he raised the two-handed sword horizontally in front of his eyes in the [Bull Style] and rushed towards Salman, the only opponent worth fighting.

Any pirate who accidentally blocked his way would be cut into two pieces by him.

Byron took a look at the secret he had just spied on, and did not dare to stay beside his captain at all. He immediately rushed to the battlefield on the other side.

In the glimpse just now, [The Echo of History] could not read the history of the extraordinary Captain Harold, the lieutenant colonel.

He only saw a [fine two-handed sword with blue baking process, with a total length of 153 cm, a blade length of 114 cm, and a weight of 2.25 kg. ]

But he relied on his extraordinary knowledge of natural history to see it from the opponent's attack method.

This is a [Fortress Guard] of the Fortress Sequence.

Sequence motto: Fight for every inch of land!

Strong will and resistance, offensive and defensive combat power.

This profession is like a copper pea that cannot be knocked, flattened, or smashed, and is one of the enemies that other professions least want to face.

Salman, who was misled by Byron, can only believe that his "navigation skills" will bring miracles at this time.

He chose to fight to the death with all his strength.

"I can't bear to give up these carefully trained subordinates and reserve food on the ship.

When things are hopeless, I can borrow the man-eating sharks I raise to escape."

The right hand, which was covered with gout stones and was already somewhat deformed, pulled out a giant sailor's scimitar that was not much smaller than a two-handed sword.

With his left hand, he poured a bottle of Bacardi rum with an alcohol concentration of up to 84.5°, which seemed to have been mixed with something extra and looked blood red, into his mouth.


A blazing heat wave suddenly rose from this fat man who was 1.5 meters tall and weighed 150 kilograms, like a ball.

No, the fat on his body was really burning!

With both feet on the ground, in the eyes of ordinary sailors, two afterimages collided with each other.

The loud sound of the swords clashing was deafening, and it turned out that [Fortress Guard] Harold took a step back.

Looking at the pirate captain who was slowly getting thinner, he said in a concentrated voice:

"Are you a second-level [Gourmet] of the Gold Yuan sequence?"

Byron, who witnessed this scene not far away, unexpectedly found that at the end of the [Ship Log].

[Secret: Captain Blood Eye Salman's Unspeakable Secret] The decoding density jumped from 20% when he found out that he had gout to 40%.

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