Pirate Kingship

Chapter 141 Blood Feast Carnival, the Curtain Opens

"Is this like my cognitive correction?"

Byron re-examined the ability of the mask. Isn't this equivalent to his somewhat alienated "psychological disguise"?

He quickly consumed his spiritual power to read the history of this [Cursed Item] and obtained more detailed information:

"The Shaman Mask symbolizes Apuche, the god of death of the Azk people, and was born at the same time as the [Tarsil God] when the city of Tarasco under his feet was destroyed.

Both carry the resentment of tens of thousands of residents of the city-state towards the invaders, but one is the [Cursed Spirit] and the other is the [Cursed Item/Holy Relic].

At this time, the mask was attracted by a huge team of thousands of outsiders and returned to the place where it was born.

As long as the recognized person chants the last history of the city-state full of blood and tears.

The four abilities of the mask can be used: symbol of gods, spiritual medium, hidden barrier, and soul armor."

After reading the records in the logbook, Byron has completely figured out the purpose of this third holy relic after [Crystal Skull No. 3] and [Golden Toilet].

"[Symbol of the God]: You can communicate with the God of Death Apuch and borrow some of His power.

It is somewhat related to the [Wild Hunt] that I command the Undead Army. The same power may enhance each other.

But now the God of Death Apuch has been dragged down from the altar by his believers and transformed into the immortal and terrifying Tarsal God.

Even if it has been destroyed for decades, rash communication has unpredictable and unknown risks, so you need to try it with caution.

[Psychic Medium]: It is suitable for those psychics in the Cemetery Sequence who "give rest to all things". It is no problem to raise the low-level to the middle-level.

[Soul Protection Armor]: It can defend against attacks from spirits. In the Bantaan Islands where dangers are everywhere, this ability is very practical.

And the last one [Hidden Self Barrier 】, is a replica of the psychological disguise, which can greatly enhance this extraordinary ability of interfering with cognition.

The level is the same as the [Pied Piper's Shepherd's Flute], a second-level holy relic, corresponding to the middle sequence.

It just so happens that Bruch is now pretending to be Bill to take my place all day long. In order to prevent the middle-sequence extraordinary people in the team from finding something wrong, I have been careful to stay away from them.

If the iron mask he originally wore is replaced with this, there will be no flaws when facing people below the high sequence.

The only destiny that needs to be carried is to constantly create death, especially the death of Castilians. "

Byron found that this first treasure in his hand that can be used for battle is of great use to him and Bruch, and he was in a good mood immediately.

He smiled widely at the cut throat who was looking here.

"Mr. Cutthroat, happy cooperation!

If you hadn't shown your might to stop this guy, I wouldn't have been able to delay him to death. Your shadow magic is really eye-opening.

I have a few bottles of good wine. Let's find a chance to get together and have a drink someday?"

He got the benefit himself, so he didn't mind giving others a compliment afterwards.

It's a good thing.

Seeing this guy's sincere smile, Cutthroat almost doubted whether he had wronged him.

Found that the crew were all looking at this place, he could only laugh dryly in the end:

"Haha, Mr. [Sea Hunter] is more impressive.

Your strength is not inferior to Mr. [Executioner] Bill, right? Let's compete someday."

When [Cutthroat] was still secretly rejoicing that although he was tricked by this guy.

He didn't suffer any loss, and he also got rid of a competitor in a logical way, thinking that he had gained a lot.

Bruch, who had received Byron's notice in advance, had already come to the chaotic Hook Pirates under Bill's identity.

After mourning Captain Hook, he immediately extended an olive branch to them:

"I believe many people have heard about the treatment of our Pioneer Navigation Colonial Company.

This is our Pirate Ten Commandments, especially the ninth one - reward for merit!

There is also our specially launched 721 Captain Fission Plan, everyone has the opportunity to become a supernatural person and a captain

Those who are interested, please sign here, and I will never force those who are not interested.

Yes, never force!"

The "sincere" smile on the corner of his mouth already has three points of Byron's essence.

When the Admiralty conducted an assessment of the seven pirate generals, the model was based on the "lieutenant promotion examination", and even stipulated the number of people who passed it each year in the future.

All seven generals have followed suit and implemented the Hastings military system in their privateer fleets.

In this way, a fleet built with the same standard can be seamlessly connected when the York family takes over in the future.

Unfortunately, although the York family thought things were beautiful, they forgot one thing.

When the seven pirate generals annexed each other, they could of course connect seamlessly!

Byron never forgot that he could not let the Castilians become too powerful, and at the same time, he could not let his enemy York become too powerful.

One of the most important purposes of this operation is to use the system of Hastings to grow stronger like a blood-sucking worm!

"Thank you for the privateering fleet sent by brother [Hook]!

I will give you a flower hand in front of your grave."

As for those diehard members of the pirate group, and the ambitious people who want to take advantage of the opportunity to rise to power?

The entry [You are not the murderer] will let them know what it means to be shot, drowned, or fall from a high altitude. All of them exclude homicide.

A week passed in a flash.

The royal city of Tenochtitlan on the island in the middle of Lake Texcoco.

In the first month of every year, shamans would communicate with the gods worshipped by the city-state, divine the best day, and hold a grand sacrificial activity.

It is called "Blood Feast Carnival" or "Carnival of Blood".

The already extremely bloody skinning sacrifice was pushed to another climax.

"Your Majesty, please raise your hand."

"Your Majesty, please raise your foot."

[Falcon] Alvin helped Beatrice, who was both the empress of the empire and the chief priest, put on a gorgeous dress, and then knelt on the ground to hold her feet and put on a pair of exquisite gold-threaded shoes for her.

He helped her slowly walk out of the magnificent palace.

Just as she reached the door, Beatrice suddenly stopped, turned her head and whispered to him:

"I should have nothing to do here. The Blood Feast and the God Killing Feast are about to begin. Falcon, go and meet the general."

However, this time Alvin did not follow the order neatly as usual.

Just when Beatrice was puzzled, he suddenly raised his head, straightened his back, and looked into her eyes.

He spoke slowly, without questioning:

"My beautiful queen, the skinning altar in the center of the city-state seems safe, but it gathers all the high-level and top extraordinary people in the city-state.

Although I don't know how your final plan will be implemented, it will definitely conflict with those natives in the end.

Although I always believe that the general will arrive in time to keep you safe.

But before that, if those natives want to hurt you, they must first step over my [Falcon] Alvin's body!

I can die, but I will never allow others to hurt a hair on your head, and I will never let you die in the hands of others.

If I can send you safely into the arms of General Cortes today, I will have no regrets even if I die! Please let me stay by your side."

Alvin's tone even carried a firmness and domineering tone that he had never had in the past.

Even if Beatrice's heart was made of stone, she couldn't help but tremble when she heard such words.

Moreover, the timid and even humble demeanor of Falcon made her feel that Alvin was more domineering than the general today.

Hawk-dog, hawk-dog, no longer a dog that lowers its head and looks docile, but has become an eagle that soars into the sky!

She had no feelings for the "sincere person" who was submissive, but for this domineering...

She felt a little wet in her heart and couldn't help but clamp her legs.

"Okay, okay. Just stay with me."

Looking at the face of Falcon, this guy who was regarded as a slave in the past and had nothing to do except loyalty, didn't seem so unbearable.

"Even... after this ceremony is over, it's not a bad idea to give him a little sweet taste.

Anyway, when the general is not here, this beautiful body is idle anyway."

But she didn't realize that when Alvin spoke, his eyes were fixed on the book of the Golden Code in her hand.

Byron always remembered Violet's instructions.

The more he looked at it, the more he felt that this heavy golden book was destined to be with him.

‘Today I will stay by the side of this [Golden Code], and no one can let me go!’

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