Pirate Kingship

Chapter 15: Portside wind, pirate funeral

"Quick, quick, all the survivors get up, redistribute the sails and ropes, and put up the mast. The wind of level 7 must be reduced."

"Tighten all the rigging ropes, and change the square sail to the longitudinal sail!"

"Helmsman, is the helmsman still alive? Port side is facing the wind, sailing close to the wind, three compass points northeast and east.

Sailing against the wind, a warship equipped with only large square sails will never catch up with us."


[The Man-eating Shark] didn't know the damage on the warship, and was still trying every way to distance itself.

The pirates who survived the robbery had no time to rest. They simply bandaged themselves and immediately went to work under the command of the captain and the pirate officers.

More than half of the personnel were lost, making all the work on the ship seem a little stretched.

After all the efforts, the [Man-eating Shark] was still moving towards the northeast little by little against the howling sea breeze.

It's obvious.

On the surface, the sailboat that seems to be blown by the wind can actually sail against the wind!

Simply put, it is the application of the Bernoulli effect just like an airplane.

When air flows through the curved surface of the sail like a wing, it will generate a forward and upward attraction, and the hull also moves forward by this pressure difference.

Of course, different sails have different efficiency against the wind.

The cross sail with stronger wind-driving ability does have an advantage when sailing with the wind, but when sailing against the wind, it will be completely defeated by the longitudinal sail!

For example, when the wind blows from the north, the schooner can choose to sail against the wind along the direction of 30-40° north-east and 30-40° north-west.

This posture of sailing close to the wind, which is closest to the wind direction, is called "near windward sailing", also called "sailing against the wind".

Just like the current [Man-eating Shark], the port side facing the wind can be further accurately described as "port side against the wind-sailing against the wind".

After sailing against the wind on the left side of the wind direction, and then switching to the right side for a while, this reciprocating "sailing" can move forward "against the wind".

A schooner can sail against the wind within a minimum range of 30-40° to the left and right of the wind direction.

However, a pure square sail warship can only sail against the wind at 67°.

The key is that when the square sail boom rotates, it will be hindered by the rigging supporting the mast, and can only rotate to the left and right at most 50°.

As a result, the minimum angle of the warship against the wind must be greater than 60°.

As long as you have learned the Pythagorean theorem, you will know how huge the difference in travel efficiency is when sailing in a zigzag at 30° and 60°.

If the [Man-eating Shark] sailed against the wind at the beginning of the chase, it would inevitably be easily intercepted by the opponent with the advantage of the wind.

But now the relative positions are exchanged, as long as the distance is pulled in this 7-level wind, the [Severe] cruiser will never catch up with them equipped with square sails.

Relying on the knowledge of his previous life, Byron actually knew a more superior form of sailing ship-the Brigantine hybrid sailing ship.

It has the advantages of both square sails and square sails, and is the pinnacle of the development of small pirate ships.

However, he was not ready to bring out this transformation plan for the time being, unless. [The Man-eating Shark] changed its name to Lancaster!

When the naval flags in the waves could no longer be seen, the pirates finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After a series of impossible reversals, many survivors were still in a dream.

"We really survived?!"

"If we tell this experience to other people in the pirate port, they must think we are bragging, hahahaha"

"The sea protects us."

Of course, everyone knows who the biggest hero is.

Except for the last move of stopping the other party from planting the flag, all other achievements are vivid.

Transformed the lifting sail, stopped the runaway and rolling iron cannon, saved the lives of many companions with superb swordsmanship, and accurately observed weather changes.

He also accurately dropped incendiary bombs on the warship.

Compared with these old pirates who roamed the North Sea, this Byron Tudor is more like a descendant of the sea, born to belong to this blue world.

Without him, the Man-eating Shark would never have survived, even if they had a superhuman captain.

Of course, the "great hero" Mr. Byron would never tell them that he was the culprit who attracted the navy's pursuit!

Facing a pair of fiery eyes, Byron appeared calm on the surface, but the string in his heart was never completely relaxed.

"I was able to escape this time purely because the York family misjudged my situation.

In their eyes, I was just a child who was not even a superhuman five days ago.

Sending a level 5 ship, a [Law Master] of the Tribunal sequence, and a [Fortress Guard] of the Fortress sequence is already a sledgehammer to kill a chicken, and the standard combat power is overflowing.

But they don't know that I have two talents that awaken along with the sublimation of [Spirituality], and with the help of [Navigation Log], I am no longer the same as before."

[Cognitive Correction] can perfectly hide myself.

[Weather Intuition] allows him to guest play the role of [Navigator] of the Lighthouse sequence.

If he didn't have supernatural powers, he would have been buried in the sea with the pirates.

Byron knew himself very well.

If there was a next time, he might not be so lucky.

Power! Only by mastering stronger supernatural powers and building a powerful armed force of his own can he truly survive.

At dusk.

The pirates responsible for cleaning the battlefield had stripped all the bodies of the navy and thrown them into the sea.

A total of 42 pirate bodies were neatly placed on the deck.

A dozen people led by the second mate died on the cruiser, and even their bodies could not be found.

Byron gathered on the deck with everyone else to hold a funeral for his dead companions.

According to maritime tradition, they put the bodies of these companions into empty wine barrels and placed two silver coins on their eyes.

It is said that only in this way can the sinful souls of pirates be eligible to buy a ticket and take a ghost ship that appears and disappears on the sea to the world of the dead.

Plop! Plop!

The wine barrels fell into the rolling sea one after another.

Byron, standing in the crowd, held the hilt of his sword, staring at the barrel moving away, and sang the funeral song of the Northland Bay people, "Valhalla's Call", with other pirates:

"The ship is far away from the cold current of the fjord;

The jackdaws fly over my vast territory;

War songs, legends, everything is destined;

I am a strong shield and a spear;

We share weal and woe, plunder mortal enemies;

For honor, we work together;

Across the fire and thunder;

Only glory accompanies;

Eternal echo;

Valhalla is calling me."

The pirates have long been accustomed to death, and there is not much sadness at this time. Instead, it seems like they are singing an exciting war song.

As the source of all pirates in the Old World, the Northland Bay people who once looted the entire Old World have left too many traces in this ancient profession.

From the formulation of the [Pirate Code], to the creation of the lighthouse sequence composed of [Pirates] and [Navigators], to the [Storm Knights] after being cleansed and landed, there are also various traditions and rituals.

The idea that the dead in the battle will live forever in the Hall of Valor makes them never afraid of death.

It is said that there is an inexhaustible divine pot there, filled with extremely rich pork, beef and mutton delicacies.

They drink fine wine and enjoy the eternal delicacies. Most importantly, there are beautiful fairies wearing minks to peel garlic for them, and their lives are endless.

As a direct descendant of the King of the Northland Bay, [Blue Dragon King] Reinhardt, Byron is familiar with all of this.

Not only did he not feel the gap from the heir to the throne to the pirate, but he was like a fish in water.


At the end of the song, Byron suddenly felt a chill on his back.

Turning his head, he saw the expressionless [Blood Eyes] Salman, limping towards him.

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