Pirate Kingship

Chapter 185 Zhishen Mine Cave, Calling for a Meat Shield

Byron spent most of the night flying outward in a spiral shape, with the Candelaria River estuary as the center.

The more he looked at this place, the more satisfied he was.

"Violet's requirement for building a dock and fortress city: having a deep-water river bay, bay or port, the conditions are met.

There is a long deep-water coastline nearby, which can accommodate large ships to dock and build, not to mention wooden sailing ships with a draft of no more than ten meters.

Even if the technology is upgraded in the future, it will be no problem to build iron-ribbed wooden hulled ships, ironclad ships, and even further steel warships.

And the natural barrier of the port can protect the dock from wind and waves and other severe weather at sea."

"Requirement 2: Near the estuary of a large river, satisfied.

There is a Candelaria River extending from the hinterland of the peninsula, which is one of the six major rivers on Yucatan Island.

The abundant water resources can be fully utilized for water transportation and logistics, Reduce costs and improve efficiency.

Just be careful of the giant anacondas everywhere in the river. "

"Requirement three: Abundant building materials, there are large areas of limestone, granite, and obsidian nearby, which are enough to build several fortresses.

Obsidian is also called dragon crystal, which can naturally harm spirits such as evil spirits and natural spirits, and is essential for building cities overseas.

Requirement four: Close to cities with large freight needs, it is sandwiched between Uxmal and Chichen Itza, and closest to Tayapan upstream of the river.

Next to it is the main east-west route, and the location conditions are unique.

When building the city, you can also recruit people from nearby city-states, and those [Bear Spirit Warriors] who can manipulate soil and stone are very good. "

The two parties have signed a franchise contract.

The Pioneer Navigation Colonial Company can set up branches or representative offices in all city-states that are rescued by Byron.

It has the right to build fortresses on the land designated by the relevant parties to protect its own warehouses.

And appoint a full-power governor, recruit soldiers, and carry out further cooperation with local rulers in many aspects.

This was originally a wasteland that the Taya people had not developed, and Byron did not think there would be any problems at this point.

Moreover, this place happened to be located in the middle of the crescent-shaped Yucatan Island.

It was very convenient to go north to the fragmented Azk Empire or south to the heartland of the Taya Empire.

The ironware, swords, guns and other products produced could be dumped to the entire Yucatan region by sea transportation, and the [Golden Law] and the scope of force projection could be expanded with this as the center.

Economic colonization began from then on!

"The necessary mineral resources are also no problem. The reserves are not yet certain, but at least it is certain that there are."

Byron flapped his wings and landed outside a mine in the river valley.

There were piles of red and yellow waste here. Without the insight of the [Logbook], he could recognize that it was the hematite and chalcopyrite he was looking for!

When he was patrolling just now, he also found the "black burning stone" mentioned by the natives.

As for the specific reserves, he could not see it with his naked eyes.

It is necessary to invite the corresponding naturalists, prophets, craftsmen of the tower sequence, and treasure hunters of the wilderness sequence to jointly evaluate and come up with a forecast report.

Even if the coal reserves are insufficient, there is a tropical river with abundant water, which can be transported from other inland places.

"The location conditions are perfect, and the mineral conditions are slightly flawed.

Now there is only one last key issue. Clean up the restricted areas everywhere!"

Byron looked at the deep mine in front of him, and felt that the hair on the body of Falcon Alvin stood up unconsciously.

There is something in the mine.

Without the help of any props, the light of [Golden Law] flashed slightly, and Byron connected with his gunner Wyandotte.

This communication method can not only transmit sound, but also transmit images.

The right hand of the king: one king, one queen, two chariots, two bishops (or prime ministers), two knights, and eight guards, a total of sixteen positions.

Among the core members of the Pioneer Pilot Colonial Trade Company, [Mithril Dragon] Catherine, who holds the financial power, is the regent;

[Guardian Knight] Bruch is the chariot;

[Blood Red Whiskey] Alfred is the knight;

[Phantom Blade] Gus, [Honest Man] Eight Fingers, [Shipwright] Little Hans, [Gun Master] Wyandotte each occupies a guard position.

Only core members who are confirmed to be capable and absolutely loyal can be absorbed into the King's Right Hand.

In order to avoid having too many people, there are only seven people in total.

However, the Golden Law is still too weak, and the status bonus they get is not obvious. At present, the most commonly used is instant messaging.

It is much stronger than the echo conch for long-distance communication or the nautilus for short-distance communication.

"Wyandotte, this is the place you were talking about, right? The Zhishen Mine?"

Byron saw the figure of the native youth in his eyes, and he nodded seriously:

"Yes, Captain.

When a small tribe dug gold from here, our three city-states fought for it.

But suddenly one day, the slaves in charge of mining dug through a cave with many connections under the limestone layer, and released a terrifying monster - [Zhishen]!

[Zhishen] is essentially a natural spirit that has fallen into animality and turned into a grotesque one.

It has no real entity. The nearby leeches, cockroaches, fleas, head lice, locusts, earthworms, mice, mosquitoes, flies, and other dirty insects are all part of it.

As long as you enter the hot and humid mine, every insect you encounter may be the Zhi God.

Very dangerous.

The most important thing is that the mine is interconnected, and we cannot be sure that we will not encounter Him if we mine from other places. "

When he said this, Wyandot paused:

"Captain, do you need me to mobilize people from Chichen Itza to help?"

Byron rejected his proposal and smiled mysteriously:

"No, I will naturally find a way to solve it."

He has been busy all night investigating the address, and it was already dawn.

The main body had already gathered the crew and was ready to go.

The sea water in the nearby bay suddenly rolled violently, and the upper and lower layers were layered.

Then, the [Golden Deer], which launched a deep-sea jump, rushed out of the waves.

"Land, set up camp, build a forward base and a simple dock. "

"Yes, Captain! "

A group of ferocious pirates rushed ashore with boarding axes in hand.

These people were all his core members.

In view of the traitor incident that had just occurred, Byron felt that "loyalty" could only be used as a means of monitoring, and could not fundamentally prevent the crew from betraying.

It was not appropriate for him to make the news of getting a [Fiddler Crab] known to everyone for the time being, so as to attract the firepower of the Barbary pirates.

So, in addition to the Pirate Ten Commandments, the core members of the Golden Deer all signed an additional vassal contract endorsed by the Golden Law.

[Blood Red Whiskey] Alfred had signed one before.

The contract document was notarized by the fifth-level legendary [Law Master] Mad King Henry VI, who communicated the Iron Law of the Kingship when he was sober.

As long as you sign it, once you violate it, you will suffer a direct backlash from the power of the law.

Even the middle sequence has a high probability of being severely damaged, and the low sequence has a high probability of being severely damaged. 100% of the pirates were killed on the spot.

The content is similar to the one signed by "Bill" and the York family, and "Byron Tudor" and the Newman family.

Nobles with big families and big businesses will not sign this thing, but it is very necessary to use it to recruit a group of "trusted" subordinates.

These elites on the ship, who are selected from the best of the entire privateer fleet, will also be Byron's first choice for building the Guards in the next step, and enjoy the greatest resource tilt.

Loyalty in exchange for resources, this is very reasonable.

The first step for the pirates to go ashore is not to rush into the mine to clear the restricted area.

Instead, they set up camp and built several layers of fortifications, with everything for large creatures, humanoid creatures, and small creatures.

Then, Byron took out a close-range communication nautilus slowly and connected to the great wizard [Insect Swarm] of the "Giant Insect Book School" of the Bloodthirsty Cult.

"Teacher, I wonder if you are interested in precious insects? I found a very special weirdness when I was exploring.

Want me to stay where I am and wait for you to come?

Okay, okay, don't worry, I will definitely help you protect the scene.

No need to thank me, why are you being so polite to me? This is what I, as a disciple, should do. "

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