Pirate Kingship

Chapter 20 Deciphering the Strange Object and Transmutation Blood


In the thick night, although the fierce sea breeze had stopped, it was unknown when a light rain began to fall.

Because more than half of the people were missing on the ship, the accommodation conditions were much more relaxed than before.

Thanks to his identity as a chef, Byron could occupy the entire kitchen alone, without having to endure the pirates' stinky body odor and squeeze into the hammock on the lower deck with them.

It was about two o'clock in the morning, when everyone on the ship was sleeping the most soundly.

Byron, who was lying on a small bed in a corner of the kitchen, suddenly opened his eyes and jumped up, falling to the ground silently.

After the spiritual glow was anchored with the [Silver Law], his biological clock had a smaller error than the most accurate marine clock in the world.

After confirming that all the doors and windows were closed, he lit a whale oil lamp on the table before sitting back on the bed and taking out the "Bloody Mary's Gourmet Recipe".

"What the [Ship Log] said is indeed correct.

I had just boarded the pirate ship [Man-eating Shark], and [Secret: Captain Salman's Unspeakable Secret] immediately began to erupt.

The historical influence of 4% concerns the life and death of everyone on a ship!

It seems that the man-eating sharks in the sea and the pirates who drank blood wine are all part of this crisis.

The source is this recipe book containing [Forbidden Knowledge]."

Byron gently stroked the cover of the recipe book, which looked a bit like human skin but made people inexplicably have a strong appetite, and recalled the knowledge related to the strange objects in his mind.

"In this world, there are many kinds of strange objects, most of which are carefully crafted by the [craftsmen] of the tower sequence.

A small part is born naturally due to some unknown principle.

For example, the evil [cursed objects] that are accompanied by large-scale casualties and tend to be negative; the [holy relics] that are entrusted with a major historical or heroic deeds and tend to be positive.

And the strange objects born naturally are often more powerful than those made later.

There is a very famous holy relic [the world's first matchlock gun] in the Hettings Strait Fleet.

The martial arts in the historical trend are entrusted The power of the transformation of the instrument is more powerful than that of a third-order middle-sequence extraordinary person. "

"But not only are they rare in number, but most of them have the characteristics of self-concealment. Only when certain conditions are met can their power be used.

Naturally born [holy relics] are rare, so they are temporarily skipped.

After ordinary strange objects are made, they will be given their own [cutting inscriptions] by the [craftsman] or the first owner.

The simplest way is to read this inscription. "

With the help of the [logbook], Byron, who is best at spying, is confident that this crazy captain will lose more than he gains.

Cut open the thick book casually, and see that every page of it has a recipe written in the common language.

Page 1, stuffed dormouse:

Fill the dormouse with stuffing made of pork and dormouse minced meat, crush pepper, nuts, and herbs, and mix them with broth to marinate.

Stuff the marinated dormouse into a ceramic baking pot, put it in the oven to bake, and then put it into the soup pot to stew.

Turning to the back, there is the porpoise pudding that I have seen before, as well as pickled puffins, canned herrings, pig blood chocolate, and granite shark jerky.

There is no fixed cuisine from all over the world, it seems to be a collection of dozens of different chefs.

In short, this is a recipe with flavor.

Just looking at the text description, I feel unclean.

But Byron knows that these recipes are all superficial, and the common language text cannot carry [taboo knowledge].

Take a deep breath and actively stimulate the [echo of history] for this strange object.

In the deep blue eyes like the sea, a spiritual light suddenly bloomed, covering the entire recipe book like water waves.


With a subtle sound, Byron felt his [spirituality] rapidly consumed, and a sense of emptiness came from his body.

After a moment of discomfort, he shook his dizzy head.

Using the ancient supernatural language Rune, he read out the hint that appeared on the [Logbook] word by word:

"Praise the Lord of Gluttony."

It is also the [Cutting Inscription] that activates "Bloody Mary's Gourmet Recipe"!

This book-like wonder exudes a bloody aura from the inside out. The material that originally resembles human skin also truly shows its original appearance.

It is really a human skin book.

In addition to the title of the book, a line of gold-plated inscriptions with fangs and claws appeared in the lower right corner of the cover-Lord of Gluttony.

The original common language on the pages of the book also slowly disappeared, replaced by a piece of Rune text and illustrations.

At the same time, some information about this wonder finally appeared on the logbook.

[Bloody Mary's Gourmet Recipe

Ability: When a devout pursuer of cooking reads a recipe and obtains the corresponding knowledge, the recipe in the reader's memory will also be read synchronously by the recipe.

When all the gourmet knowledge in the reader's memory is drained, he will become the nutrient for the recipe, brewing into "blood wine" with magical effects.

The better the chef, the slower the recipe drains, but the more delicious and powerful the blood wine brewed will be!

I don't know that the judgment inscription can only read ordinary recipes, and the forbidden knowledge can only be read by reciting the judgment inscription.

Note: Extraordinary people below the middle sequence are not immune to this effect.

But! Great Captain, what's the difference between this and freeloading for you? 】

"I finally understand why those chefs disappeared.

Salman sent the recipe with this idea.

——Continue to feed the chef with recipes and brew [Blood Brew]! "

Byron's eyes just glanced at the logbook and stopped at the runes that appeared in the recipe.

"Compared to the power of the recipe itself, the [forbidden knowledge] recorded on it is the most precious. "

With Byron's knowledge, it was easy to see that what was written above were taboo recipes for mixing cocktails with extraordinary blood and various ingredients: [Blood Brew].

It can also be translated as [Magic Wine].

If you learn the taboo knowledge in this book, you can mix hundreds of kinds of "cocktails" on your own.

Instead of being like [Blood Eyes] Salman who didn't know the trick, he could only use the ability of the recipe itself to make those chefs mix into a single type.

Byron just casually used a recipe for "Seaweed Egg Drop Soup" in his mind, and got the locked recipe - [Transmutation Blood].

Raw materials: the body and soul of intelligent creatures.

Effects: homogeneous metamorphosis, different raw materials have different metamorphosis directions.

Byron immediately connected all the strange things he saw and heard on the ship:

"Transmutation can be translated as: metamorphosis, replacement.

That is to say, using this thing on [Gourmet] Salman himself can be regarded as a tonic "staple food" of the same kind.

If used on others, it can transform other creatures, from soul to body, into its own shape.

Those controlled man-eating sharks and pirates who dream of becoming extraordinary are all like this!

The so-called [Blood of Battle] is a lie.

In the end, Salman only needs to hold one more ceremony to ignore the various taboos on humans in the [Silver Law] and never do it again."

Suddenly, his ears moved and he heard a strange movement from above his head.

It was a very short cry for help, and... a dying struggle!

"Something happened! "

Byron quickly grabbed his half-sword like a conditioned reflex and rushed out of the kitchen.

But then he remembered the advice of the shipwright old Hans, never to break the commandments, and stopped again.

There is a commandment in the Pirate Ten Commandments [Commandment Three: It is strictly forbidden to go on deck between 2 and 4 o'clock.]

More importantly.

Byron, who had just dropped a large amount of purine bombs on a gout patient a few hours ago, knew it best.

Usually, the most severe time for gout attacks is between 2 and 4 in the morning!

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