Pirate Kingship

Chapter 21 Ghoul!

Time moved forward a little.


A drunken figure staggered out of the lower cabin along the wooden ladder, climbed up the bulwark in the drizzle, and untied his belt with his eyes closed.

He began to drain the water.

He was full of alcohol, and it was unknown how much alcohol he had drunk before.

He obviously forgot the commandments in his daze, and climbed onto the deck without opening his eyes to check the current time.

In fact, most people in this era had no sense of hygiene, and many cities were actually huge cesspools.

Even the king of a country, there were many weirdos who only took a few baths in their lives.

If possible, they didn't mind solving the problem directly next to their hammocks.

But it was absolutely not possible on a sailboat.

The decks of any place needed to be carefully maintained.

When the sailors were free, they were mostly urged by pirate officers to wipe the decks and apply tung oil to prevent mold, rot, and mushrooms from growing, which would cause the ship to capsize.

Even in the gunpowder storehouse with the highest safety requirements, copper and tin floors were laid to prevent sparks.

If anyone dared to urinate and defecate anywhere like in the city, others would not mind cutting off his stuff and stuffing it into his mouth.

Even if he was still drunk in the middle of the night, he subconsciously avoided this terrible consequence.

Compared with the [Ten Commandments of Pirates], this is a more deeply rooted instinct!


A certain rule maker obviously did not want to forgive this reckless guy.

Another bright lightning flashed through the night sky, and a burly figure that did not look like a human was projected on the tall stern.

It made the pirate look a little petite.

The black shadow crawled on the ground in a very strange way, and took advantage of the rainy night to cover it, and quietly moved towards the pirate who was pulling up his pants.

Ten steps, seven steps, four steps, one step.

"What stinks so bad? Which bastard went to the toilet on the deck?"

The pirate wrinkled his nose and muttered a curse.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw a terrifying "monster" close to him.

His eyes suddenly widened, and he was half awakened by the alcohol.


Before he shouted for help, he was immediately blocked by a pale claw.

At the critical moment, he wanted to kick the deck hard to attract his companions' attention.

But he was lifted up by the huge claw like a basket.

The "monster" suddenly opened its big mouth full of sharp teeth like daggers and bit his neck.

"Gulp gulp."

Swallowed the hot blood mixed with alcohol and [Transmutation Blood] in the pirate's body in big mouthfuls.

The pirate, whose eyes were black due to rapid blood loss, also saw the appearance of the "monster" clearly from a close distance.

The original 1.5-meter-tall, ball-like body swelled to twice its size, with a hunched body, gray skin, and sharp claws on the palms and soles of the feet.

The two deformed claws still retained dense gout stones.

The whole body exuded a strong corpse stench.

However, the face still retained some of its original appearance, especially the pair of blood-red eyes that had turned into vertical animal pupils!

"Captain? No, spare me"

The tiny begging sound from his throat was only audible to him, and it could not shake Salman's iron-like and hard will at all.

"Gudu. The extraordinary I gave you is to merge with me.

Welcome the sublimation with joy, hehehe"

[The Ten Commandments of Pirates] represent the power projection of the law, and are constrained by the invisible [Pirate Code].

Few pirate captains dare to directly and openly violate the Pirate Code, and are severely recorded by the law.

It was already unacceptable to the officials of various countries. If he offended the biggest backer of the pirates, he would definitely die miserably.

But as long as he induced the crew to violate some harsh rules, the captain could punish him openly.

Coincidentally, the sailors in the Age of Discovery were notoriously rude, and most of them had no sense of rules, especially on the pirate ships with the most lax discipline.

If you forget the rules on the ship by mistake, violations of the rules will occur in an endless stream.

In this era, minor crimes and heavy penalties are almost a common phenomenon on ships of all countries.

"Nine-tailed cat", "dragging keels", "walking on gangplanks", "drag in water", "exile to deserted islands". All are the characteristic inventions of this era.

On the [Man-eating Shark], the starting point is the death penalty!

"It turned out to be a ghoul?!

No, this should be the price Salman paid for violating the [Gourmet]'s 'cannibalism' commandment and using taboo knowledge for a long time!"

Hearing the unusual movement, Byron quietly slipped out of the kitchen.

Through a gap on the open deck that had not been repaired after the naval battle, he saw all of this.

After realizing that this ghoul was Salman, Byron couldn't help but shudder.

"Are you really not a human anymore?"

If he said that he had no desire to covet the forbidden knowledge of [Blood Brew] that was banned by the church, he would definitely be lying.

The soul in the body that died of ALS and pursued freedom and unrestrainedness naturally didn't like the law system and [Ladder of Glory] that followed the rules like a cage.

The abilities of each class in the sequence are almost fixed.

For example, swordsmen may have different levels of swordsmanship, but they can be 100% sure that the opponent is holding a sword, not a gun or something foul.

But the forbidden knowledge outside the sequence is different.

Take out something at once during the battle.

Others thought you only had a dagger, but what you took out was a thick and long rocket launcher, which naturally gave you an advantage.

Unfortunately, Salman saw this.

He also realized that although [Forbidden Knowledge] is useful, since it is not included in the [Silver Law], he needs to bear the cost of "personal usurpation" by himself.

Reduced rationality and deviation of human nature are the most common ones.

Other manifestations include sweet addiction, bloodthirstiness, gluttony, lust, photophobia, forgetfulness, jealousy, etc.

This is also the reason why the church denounced it as black witchcraft, and most extraordinary people acquiesced.

So is there any so-called [white witchcraft] that can break through the original fixed sequence and has no side effects?

The answer is. None!

"Salman is not only getting more and more crazy mentally, but even his physical body seems to be starting to become alienated towards a ghoul.

Or maybe this is his original purpose!

If [Gourmet] wants to become stronger, his gout will be aggravated. [Blood Brew] can cure his gout, but he needs to eat people constantly, which in turn violates the [Gourmet]'s taboo of eating his own kind.

Repeated nesting dolls, trapped in an endless cycle.

But as long as he stops being a human, this contradiction will be immediately resolved, it's perfect."

"I'm afraid this pirate didn't want to go on deck on his own. He was probably influenced by the blood wine and sent it to Salman's mouth.

What's worse is that because of the assimilation effect of [Transmutation Blood], the pirates and sharks he eats in the future will most likely become bloodthirsty secondary ghouls!

The only material missing now is probably the high-quality [Blood Brew] produced by me, the 'excellent chef'."

When Byron thought of this, he couldn't help but feel that the recipe book with the [Judgment Inscription] "Praise the Lord of Gluttony" was a bit hot.

He decided not to practice it before figuring out the side effects.

While he was thinking, there was another change on the deck.

After the ghoul-like Salman sucked the pirate's blood and ate his internal organs, he regained his human form.

His condition was obviously much better than before.

He threw the pirate's remains into the sea to feed the sharks, allowing the remaining [Transmutation Blood] to re-enrich, and then swaggered back to his captain's room.

At the same time, the deciphering density of [Secret: Captain Salman's Unspeakable Secret] also jumped to 95%.

The overall context has basically surfaced.

The remaining details should be found in the "Bloody Mary's Gourmet Recipe".

Byron felt that it would not take long for him to complete the subsequent interpretation.

Putting aside the cost for the time being, he turned to look forward to what kind of new [entry] this secret would give him.

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