Pirate Kingship

Chapter 24 A Trial (Please read on)

Just like the Beidiwan people, the pioneers of pirates who robbed the entire continent, the Remit people also left a strong and colorful mark in the history of the continent.

The racial motto of the Beidiwan people: revenge must be taken!

The racial motto of the Remit people is: be ruthless!

Most Remit people are eloquent, greedy and cold, have no country of their own, and have been wandering around the entire continent.

They can be seen everywhere from the east coast to the west coast.

It's just that this ethnic group is extremely powerful. Not only did it create the "Golden Yuan Sequence", it also has a huge and united business group.

For ordinary citizens, it is normal to make money and spend it domestically.

These people without a motherland have earned huge wealth in a country, but most of them will transfer it out and continue to suck blood.

Obviously, no royal family of any country will like these guys who parasitize on themselves like tumors.

Compared with them, they even think that the Beidiwan people who can only rob openly are more handsome.

However, the Remit people, who are already powerful, have a more powerful backer.

In their propaganda, their ancestors are the only god worshipped by the Old World, the Creator!

Although the church did not directly admit their claims about the Creator, it did not deny it either.

Only a very small number of upper-class people know that every year, the central church of the church receives huge religious donations from major business groups in Remit.

The motto of the Jinyuan sequence: money speaks, truth is silent, has been played to the extreme by them.

In short, although many people hate the Remit people, they can't kill them, and even have to cooperate with them with a pinch of nose in many cases.

Some kings even have to borrow money from them to fight.

[Blood Eye] Salman has obviously suffered a lot from them before.

Turning his head to the first mate Miles, he whispered: "Leave it to you, make sure to collect the cost of repairing the Man-eating Shark!"

Then he returned to the captain's room without looking back.

He didn't want to deal with the Remit people at all, and was even more worried that he would not be able to help but smash the other party's head and attract the law enforcement team of Anchor Bay.

"Yes, Captain!"

As the most senior pirate on the Man-eating Shark besides Salman, the duties of the first mate [Bonebreaker] Miles include logistics and selling stolen goods.

Of course, he is no stranger to the Remit merchants and knows how difficult they are.

There is no way. Since the disappearance of the North Sea Pirate King [Whale Hunter], the Iron Anchor Bay has adopted the captain's consensus system.

After the most powerful pirate captains have distributed the benefits, every drop of oil and water produced here has an owner.

It's faster than making money from plunder!

Since it has stopped at this berth, if it is not sold to the Golden Palm Trading Company, I am afraid that no other black market merchants will come to collect their spoils.

If it is not sold for the time being, and instead rents the warehouse inventory at the port, the numbers on the rental bill will definitely make you doubt your life.

At this time, he can only respond to Salman's orders with a bitter face.

'Although the Man-eating Shark often uses killing to create fear, it is nothing in the eyes of real pirates.

There was no stable enough looting to make those large trading companies look at it differently and arrange special reception staff.

This time, I can only deal with these vultures that eat carrion. ’

I can only pray in my heart that after the goods looted from the Pelican are converted into cash, they can really meet the requirements for ship repair.

Otherwise, the next missing crew member on the ship may be me.

"Hey, hey"

Under his order, the sailors quickly shouted and hoisted all kinds of goods in the bottom cabin with a crane converted from a mast.

The merchant Remit, who called himself Michael, came to the deck of the Man-eating Shark with his assistant and smiled and estimated the price of each item.

Everyone knows the market price of bulk goods such as textiles and ironware, and even if they are lowered, there is a bottom line.

The most tricky ones are the most complex and value-added artworks, jewelry and various aristocratic luxury goods.

Among the pirates, there are very few literate people. How much artistic appreciation can we expect from them?

Isn't it that the black market merchants say what they say?

At most, after being cheated too many times, relying on his rich experience of being cheated, he would choose a black market merchant who is not so cheating.

But even if he had prepared himself for being cheated, the Remit merchant in front of him still disappointed the first mate Miles.

Every time he looked at something, he would definitely devalue it to nothing.

Others would bargain in half, but he lived up to the racial motto of the Remit people and directly cut to the ankle.


At this time, the philistine-faced profiteer Michael casually pulled out a gorgeous scimitar and shook his head:

"Except for the gold plating and blueing process, it is just a pirate scimitar that is common on the street. I will give you 8 pounds."

At this point, the first mate Miles' face was already a little blue, and he had to resist the urge to draw his sword with great willpower.

Even if he had poor knowledge, he knew that this noble collection knife inlaid with gems was definitely worth more than 8 pounds.

But the price is determined by supply and demand.

Niche luxury goods have different prices for different buyers.

He had no idea how much the knife was worth, nor did he know why it was valuable, and he didn't even have the ability to bargain.

Smiling Shamier held a knife in one hand and took out a gem necklace from the exquisite silver jewelry box with the other hand.

The silver chain was not surprising, but the huge gem on the pendant was blue with a slightly purple hue, giving people a unique texture like velvety hazy.

His eyes lit up and then quickly converged, shaking his head and saying:

"Iolite necklaces are available near the volcano. They are not worth much at all, at most 3 pounds."

It was not only the first mate Miles who came here, but also the faces of other pirates were equally gloomy.

Every piece of loot here was stained with their blood.

It was because of this robbery that they were targeted by the navy and lost the lives of more than half of their companions.

The dead are gone, and the living still hope that they can live a rich life.

Although the words are different, the sense of déjà vu of "eaten by insects and bitten by rats, bare board without hair, broken face and rotten coat" made them break their defense directly.


Just as Shamier was about to pick up another piece of jewelry, Byron, who had been watching coldly from the side, suddenly spoke up and stopped him.

Amid the puzzled gazes of a group of pirates, he walked up to the merchant.

She lowered her eyes slightly, glanced at the scimitar in his hand, and corrected him casually:

"85 cm in length, weighing 1.2 kg, made of white steel, blued, with a gold and ruby ​​guard, the shape is one of the 17 main variants of Fisher's sword.

Craftsman: Thomas Blinka, the master swordsmith of Hattings.

Although this is just a collection used to show off wealth, both the craftsmanship and the material have reached a certain extreme of ordinary things.

Compared with the extraordinary wonders with the [Cutting Inscription] made by the [Craftsman], it only lacks a unique extraordinary ability.

The quality itself plus the reputation of the swordsmith should be worth 100 pounds.

Weapons of this level will be directly recycled even by the [Craftsman] as a training material for novices to enchant , there will be no worries about sales. "

Looking at the necklace in his hand again, he continued to correct:

"This necklace is not hung with cheap iolite, but the highest quality sapphire!

The weight, clarity and cut are all first-class, weighing 62 carats, and the cut is made by Candice Boston, the jewelry master of Hastings.

The most valuable thing is that it is an authentic 'cornflower blue', which is the highest rating of sapphire color together with 'royal blue'!

Take it to Florence, the art capital of the Holy Silver Empire, and it will definitely be sold at a sky-high price in this only empire whose national flower is cornflower.

The price of 800 pounds is a very reasonable figure. "

Byron looked at the profiteer Michael who opened his mouth silently in front of him, with a confident and determined look, and he did not give in.

In his eyes, both this batch of goods and this pirate ship have long been named Lancaster.

His uncle [Mad King] and his father taught him since he was a child that the most unforgivable evil in our territory is... tax evasion!

As a noble gentleman, you must be frugal and take care of every penny you have, just like you take care of your eyes.

Yes, although the money is yours now, it will all be ours sooner or later.

You can't waste my money!

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