Pirate Kingship

Chapter 258 Give the world a little shock from the New World

On the sixth day of the Treasure Island's appearance, at dusk, the third rainbow light quietly shattered.

The sunset glow in the sky was like blood, illuminating the entire Treasure Island, making every golden leaf, every golden apple, and every silver coin all glow with dazzling blood.


The chaotic cicada chirping has enveloped the entire island, while the human voices are becoming less and less.

On the sea surrounding the island, only a few seven or eight sailboats were able to successfully weigh anchor and set sail, carrying treasures farther and farther away.

More sailboats anchored on the shore are destined to be completely swallowed up by the ten-fold speed of time when the Treasure Island disappears from the material world.

"We finally escaped alive."

"Roar! Long live the captain!"

On the Golden Deer, the pirates, who were covered with gold and gold jewelry (not a single silver coin) and antique jewelry, cheered.

The elite marines led by Byron stayed in the [Overseas Development Order] most of the time, so they didn't suffer much loss in this treasure hunt.

At this time, not only was everyone given a cursed gold coin by Byron, but they became the first batch of backbone members of the Guards [Deathwing].

They were also promised that everyone could share one-fifth of their own weight in treasure, which was simply a win without any effort.

Especially compared with other teams that landed on the island at the same time, but most of them ended up miserably, their admiration for Byron was already off the charts.

Of course, they were not the only team that survived and found the treasure in the end.

There were still five or six third-level teams that were not too greedy and aggressive and whose character could stand the test.

And even they could not withstand the attacks of the low-sequence cicada people.

There was no need to wait until the island sank. If they could not get out before nightfall today, they would never be able to get out again.

With the new [Lantern Bearer] taking office and the establishment of the Human-God Contract, there was no need to worry that the cicada people would chase humans out of the island in the next ten days.

In fact, even if no one on the island died, all the survivors combined would not earn as much as Byron alone.

Except for Violet and himself, who were responsible for packing, no one knew how rich he was now.

The best thing was that all the treasure hunters who arrived at the third floor with them and saw part of the truth had been killed or became their own people.

No outsiders knew the true identity of [Wild Hunt], no one knew the existence of "Faust Contract", and no one knew what the alchemy looked like.

As for other things that did not involve core secrets, they could not be hidden from others.

For example: [Sea Hunter] Byron Tudor completed the "Pirate Treasure Box" after the trip to Treasure Island, got the "key item" Azik's cursed gold coins, and successfully promoted to "Great Pirate".

The legend of [Title·Sea Hunter] has quietly reached 18 points, and it is not far from 20 points.

When this news ferments for a while in the Bantaan Islands, he will naturally gain a new title ability.

This is the essence of inheriting the legend of the Great Pirate.

Every time when the more famous pirate is mentioned, the rising star who conquered his treasure place will naturally come to mind.

At this point, Sea Hunter has completely surpassed his old superior "Bill" and become the well-deserved first among the seven pirate generals of Hastings!

The conditions for further progress are ripe.

"Byron, the [Flaming Rose] and the [Lancer] have already arrived nearby.

Do we still need to intercept the survivors halfway according to the original plan?

Most of them can't even get a crew together, and they are simply vulnerable."

Violet walked to Byron and said the coldest words in the most gentle tone.

The latter looked at the other sailing ships that were moving away in other directions, hesitated a little, and rejected her proposal.

"No, we should take a long-term view.

I am worried that the major forces will suffer heavy losses this time. What if they don't come when Treasure Island reappears in two years?

If you can do big things and solve key problems with a small amount of money, why not do it?"

Although the gold and silver mountains on Treasure Island are very tempting.

But if the treasure hunters don't get any benefits every time, once, twice, or three times, they may not come again after a long time.

Only when the treasure hunters who return with a full load come forward to tell their stories from time to time can the enthusiasm of others for treasure hunting be continuously stimulated.

It also makes the gold and silver on the island more and more!

This is exactly the same as the principle of lottery, which makes the money of many people gather into a century prize in the prize pool to make one person rich.

It's just that buying lottery tickets pays money, and they pay with their lives.

In the end, only a few participants need to share a little bit of sweetness, and Master Byron must take at least 70%!

"Oh, by the way, I can also use the artificial star-making plan to find a few of my own people to come out and claim the prize.

And spend money to buy two pages from the Lighthouse Weekly.

No one needs to really get the treasure, as long as others think they can get money.

I am really a little genius.

I will do this next time!"

In fact, the situation on other ships is exactly the same as Byron thought.

Several other ships had just set sail, and the captains all took the same action: recording the logbook of this trip.

"Write it down, write it all down. If I have the opportunity to visit this island again next time, I will definitely gain much more than this time."

He wrote quickly with a quill pen in his hand.

From "Rule 1, everyone must use two gold coins to bribe the gold-eating ants guarding the beach before they can land on the island."

"Rule 2, you must control your greed. Otherwise, greed will turn your blood into gold.

In fact, that represents the power of turning stone into gold!"

"Rule 3, the colorful rainbow light above the island will decrease layer by layer"

Then to the newly added "Rule 4, equivalent exchange:

The materials a person can take away from Treasure Island, including water, food, treasures, etc., must not exceed his own weight.

It is most cost-effective to find a burly extraordinary person with the profession of [Gladiator] to land on the island."

"Rule 5: In the dark and private world, a person's dark desires will be continuously magnified.

The longer you stay on the island, the stronger your possessiveness will be.

Before landing on the island, you must carefully select the crew. The higher the morality, the less likely you are to die inexplicably."

"Rule 6: When the cicadas chirp, retreat immediately!"

These very few adventurers who successfully survived completed part of the rules of the secret realm of Treasure Island in their own logbooks.

A few days later, they returned to the shore with the logbook and part of the treasure.

No one will remember how many people died on this island, how high the risk factor was, and how poor the survival rate was.

Those who dream of getting rich overnight will only remember the survivors who brought back a large amount of treasure.

Then when the next opportunity comes, continue to go forward!

Fantasizing that they will also be the lucky one.

But they don’t know that when this game was designed, there was no such "winner".

Just as the few surviving treasure hunters bid farewell to the man-eating Treasure Island and returned to their respective ships.

The [Contracted Devil] who escaped into the Sea of ​​​​Source and the one-third of the Faust Contract also returned to the material world along a world crack wider than the Treasure Island.

According to the rating of the Lighthouse Federation, this crack must be rated as a first-level crack anyway.

It is enough to allow high-sequence grotesques and evil spirits to pass through.

If this crack appears anywhere in the Old Continent, it will be enough to cause the local kingdom and the church [Night Watch] troops to be on high alert.

But here it was very strange that not even a guard could be found.

A thick fog filled the air, and the air was filled with a wet and sticky fishy smell, which made people feel a chill from the bones.

I don’t know what kind of horrible killing rules this secret place corresponds to.

Of course, these are not within the consideration of the contract devil. As an evil spirit, it only wants to eat people!

Taking a greedy soul in the perception as a beacon, it landed lightly on a stone path covered with strange moss like hair in advance.

Not long after.

A tall figure walked out of the fog.

In the fog with extremely low visibility, it seemed to be a humanoid creature with a height of 200 cm, but with scales and fins on its body, and its head looked more like a fish than a human.

He noticed the Faustian contract on the ground at the first time and picked it up from the ground.

A vague language like "gurgling" like bubbles came out of his mouth.

Then he continued forward, and within two steps he heard the sound of rolling waves in the fog.


Just at this moment, a sea breeze with a fishy smell blew, and the fog in front of him dissipated a little.

[Contracted Devil] raised his head along with the strange figure.

He found that this was an ancient city half-soaked in the sea water, cold and humid, and completely different from any place in the Old World.

The structure of the buildings was abnormal and completely contrary to geometry.

Its unprecedented spatial structure and dimensional size would make people feel strongly disgusted.

These buildings were built of huge, slippery green stones that seemed to come from the seabed. The city was full of dizzyingly high stone carvings, magnificent stone statues and gorgeous reliefs.

But both the statues and reliefs were engraved with disgusting and sticky tentacles, giving people a strong sense of discomfort as if they had fallen into a tentacle nest.

The huge city seemed to be empty except for that figure, dead silent, cold, and chilling.

And further away from the sight are the continuous mudflats, swamps, mountains, and the infinitely vast land.

There is no need to doubt too much, this is actually the new world that countless adventurers are desperately pursuing!

When the evil spirit retracted its gaze, the strange figure in front of it, who finally walked out of the thick fog and the city, also quietly changed into another look.

Top hat, formal suit, civilized cane, gold-rimmed glasses, it was a young gentleman dressed in the upper class of the Old World.

But even a fool knows that "he" is definitely not!

After the fog dissipated slightly, a long coastline composed of silt, wetlands, and huge rocks covered with moss appeared in front of the two.

In the milky white mist on the sea, an adventure ship that was obviously in the style of the Old World was floating up and down.

On the stern of the ship, a Castilian style, beautifully carved stern gallery bridge clearly has a ship name written on it - May Wind.

This is actually the "May Wind" that Havana Governor Velasquez said was about to find the New World!

It was clearly an excellent adventure ship that had been contacted with the country not long ago, but now it looked like it had suffered a shipwreck and had just been fished out of the deep sea, with barnacles and seaweed growing all over it.

The hull was full of holes, the sails were tattered, and the whole ship was dead silent, with no human voices to be heard.

Byron would never have thought that he might really have the talent of a great prophet, and his words would come true.

This pioneer adventure ship led by a fourth-level adventurer had no idea when an accident occurred.

The "young gentleman" wearing gold-rimmed glasses walked to the front of the exploration ship, spread his hands, and laughed wildly:

"Mr. Balboa, bring back greetings from us, the "descendants of exiles", for your compatriots."


As soon as the voice fell, the whole lifeless strange warship seemed to suddenly come back to life, and six huge blood-red eyes like lanterns opened in the holes on both sides.

Several thick black shadows under the water at the stern suddenly swung, causing the ship to dive into the water like a swimming fish.

Then, a white water line on the gloomy sea surface gradually moved away from the "World Serpent·Celestial Circulation Belt" in the north, and finally disappeared without a trace.

Obviously, who stipulated that those evil colonists would encounter weak civilizations that they could take whatever they wanted during their overseas colonization activities?

In the unknown dark forest, every silent civilization could be a hunter with a gun.

Without waiting for the adventurers from the old world to find the new world, they should experience the little shock from the new world first.

Watching the white waterline go away, the "young gentleman" adjusted the gold-rimmed glasses on his nose. Behind the bright lenses were a pair of blue eyes like the sea of ​​the local people!

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