Pirate Kingship

Chapter 259 What you gain, you lose

Thaiman Islands, International Port, Governor's Mansion.

This place is called the Governor's Mansion, but the Governor is not seen all year round. There is only the ultimate worker, Countess [Mithril Dragon], who pays herself with her own money.

The whale oil light in the study is still bright, and the night breeze outside the open window can hardly hide the heat of early summer.

After washing, Catherine changed into a one-shoulder white silk nightgown and pinned her long golden hair with a sparkling sapphire hairpin.

She curled up barefoot in the ergonomic chair given to her by her best friend Violet, handling the difficult affairs of two territories and several companies one by one.

"The privateering fleet under the Vanguard Navigation Colonial Trade Company has expanded to 4,500 people and 38 warships.

But if the company wants to go head-to-head with the White Rose, it will sooner or later have to take the path of professional military training, and those sloops that can only be used for looting must also be replaced as soon as possible.

It costs money to train full-time soldiers and build ships.

This application from the shipyard to further increase the number of dry docks and improve shipbuilding efficiency must be approved.

This money has to be spent.

Use some of my small treasury."

"In the port city attached to the Torrent Fortress, the resettlement housing for employees of various factories The construction of the seaside villas also needs to be accelerated.

Ever since the arsenal urgently delivered a batch of sophisticated weapons to the Azik Empire, helping them successfully capture the weakly defended Havana Royal Port.

The influence of the fortress began to spread to the north. With the faith of the "Father of Medicine", more and more city-states are willing to join the trade system.

Violet mentioned that the gap between industry and agriculture between the Torrent Fortress and the primitive city-states, as well as the siphoning effect on the population, have begun to show.

This money has to be spent.

Let's embezzle some of my small treasury. "

Pages of documents were turned over.

"Some time ago, Pioneer Bank finally took the first step and established its first branch in the Netherlands colony, where the business atmosphere is the strongest.

The Remit people, those bastards, even launched a surprise attack. Several bankers bought retail deposits at a premium and jointly ran on me.

Sufficient reserves must be prepared at all times.

This money can't make money or lose money.

This money has to be spent.

Dig some more of my small treasury."

"My grandfather assisted Byron's grandfather in winning the war between the kingdom and the iris. There are countless nobles in the country who have received his favor.

To this day, there are still many families who still have sympathy and goodwill for the Greenville family.

To maintain relationships and gain sympathy, you must prepare excess Bantaan specialties, gold, silver, treasures, Fine spices, special antiques, estate deeds.

I know the preferences and taboos of every family and every member of the family.

The basic principle of marketing: Only when you exceed the expectations of customers will they be satisfied.

Marketing expenses are also a big part of the money spent.

Coincidentally, I heard that the [Kingmaker] Earl of Warwick is fighting for power with Edward IV, and both sides are very cruel to dissidents in the Yorkist Party.

If I can work well for Byron, it is not impossible to try to win over the domestic centrists.

This money has to be spent.

My small treasury is gone, so I will embezzle a little bit.Byron's wife Ben. "


From inside to outside, from Bantaan to the Old World, the girl handled all affairs in an orderly manner.

Or in other words, the education she received since childhood in Prince Sorenburg's home is to train this adopted daughter into an outstanding and virtuous wife.

What exactly Byron's father is up to, that's for everyone to see.

The clock on the floor struck eight times in a row, and Catherine put down the quill pen in her hand and stretched her perfectly curved body.

The loose nightgown slipped halfway down her smooth and white shoulders, revealing her delicate collarbone. The scenery was unique, but no one could appreciate it.

She grabbed a scone prepared by the maid on the table to fill her stomach, and then picked up a rattan basket on the table, which contained a half-sewn men's silk shirt.

A thin mithril needle flew up and down automatically, and the stitches were dense and neat.

"The rainy season has arrived, so Byron's new clothes should be prepared early.

Recently, this brat has been growing taller, and the clothes he used to wear in Thorenberg hidden in my closet no longer fit him.

The requirement of [Blood Feast Holy Grail] is to always maintain aristocratic demeanor. Clothing is basic. If you don't dress well, you will be looked down upon.

The protagonists in novels who wear tattered clothes to attend banquets are all nonsense. Inappropriate clothing itself is disrespectful to the host of the banquet who invited you.

You were disrespectful first, so how can you blame others?

They are all bards If you believe the stinky jokes made up by poets and try to be unique, you will probably be cut off from the social circle for the rest of your life.

Unless you are a dictator who only cares about yourself, you can go without clothes. Otherwise, even the king has to take the lead in observing etiquette.

I am not bragging. When it comes to tailoring skills, no tailor in the entire Hattings Colony can compare to me.

You have to spend money to buy silk fabrics. "

Catherine said "I have to spend" countless times in her heart that night, but she had long forgotten that she had not bought herself a new piece of clothing since she came to the Bantaan Islands.

It should be naturally classified by her as "not spending".

"Alas, money, why is our money gone again? This is all the money Byron fought for with his life!"

The girl sighed faintly, looking at the night outside the window in a daze.

She was obviously using high-intensity work to numb herself, trying not to think about her brother who was risking his life.

But every time when it was late at night, the longing could not stop from surging from the bottom of her heart.

At this time.

There was a refreshing breeze outside the window that seemed to come from high altitude, and Catherine squinted subconsciously.

When she opened her eyes again, someone covered her eyes with both hands from behind, and a voice that deserved a beating asked in her ear with a smile:

"Sister, guess who I am?"

The girl was suddenly happy, and raised her hand to elbow Byron in a bad mood, scolding: "What a childish ghost."

When they parted, she was full of thoughts, but when she really returned home safely and put her heart back in her stomach, she immediately solidified and became a fierce housekeeper.

On the way, Byron just experimented with the ability of [Storm Admiral] a little bit, sent the church trio who had been initially controlled back to the camp, and then started the deep sea jump back to the International Port.

He was exhausted all the way, and rushed back to Catherine as soon as possible to assure her of safety and give her a surprise.

"Ha, men are teenagers until they die, and I can only be childish in front of you."

He rubbed his eight abdominal muscles that didn't hurt, walked to the opposite side of the desk, and curled his lips when he saw the documents and financial expenditures on the desk.

Not only did he not help, but he put his feet on the table casually like an old man who had nothing to do with him.

It seemed that he didn't take those things to heart at all.

Catherine, who had been busy all day, got angry when she saw this guy looking leisurely and didn't know that the firewood and rice at home were expensive.

She pinched her waist with both hands, her eyebrows were raised, and she was about to get angry, letting him experience what "the mithril iron fist of sister's love" meant.

But Byron took the initiative:

"I don't like your bitter expression. Come on, smile for me."


With a snap of his fingers, a treasure chest fell heavily to the floor, and then fell over, and countless gold coins "clattered" all over the floor.

Catherine's eyes were wide open, with golden light flashing in her eyes, and her little mouth opened slowly and cutely.


After reacting, she screamed immediately, jumped off the chair, stepped on a pair of teak slippers and rushed to Byron, gently massaging his shoulders and legs.

"You've been tired on the trip, let me take a good look, are you hurt anywhere?"

"It feels good, go down a little bit, go down a little bit, oh wow, the force is very good."

Wearing a splendid robe at night, who can know?

After making a fortune, having a relative who can share the joy is really more worth celebrating than the fact of making a fortune itself.

Master Byron enjoyed the attentive massage service, shook his finger, and continued to order:

"I haven't eaten all day today, I'm hungry."

Catherine immediately picked up the plate of scones on the table for supper.

Then she froze on the spot because of Byron's words "cream and jam version."

Scone is made of flour, sugar, eggs, butter, and milk. It has two flavors, salty and sweet. Although it doesn't look good, it tastes very good.

It is usually served with jam and cream, which are spread on the cut cakes and eaten together.

However, the people of Hastings in different regions have different opinions on whether to spread jam or cream first, and they have been arguing for a long time.

This disagreement originated from Cornwall and Devon.

Cornwall insisted on spreading jam first and then cream on scones, but Devon disagreed and must spread cream first and then jam.

The two sides have been arguing for centuries about which way of eating is more authentic.

They both can be sweet or salty, but Byron is a firm believer in cream and jam, while Catherine is an even firmer believer in jam and cream.

If it is difficult to understand, just substitute the sweet and salty dispute between sweet bean brain and salty bean brain.

You can instantly see at a glance how serious the bottom line issue is.


A box of mithril silver ingots fell to the ground.

Catherine immediately followed suit and threw away her bottom line.

She personally delivered the cream and jam scones to Byron's mouth and wiped the jam on the corner of his mouth.

She was reluctant to waste it and stuffed it into her mouth.

"Not bad, not bad, ahahaha."

Someone was very proud and made an even more excessive request.

"My dear sister, can we do the dragon knight thing we talked about at the beginning?"

Hearing this, Catherine's beautiful face first blushed, and then was full of entanglement.


Another box of gold coins fell in front of her.




When the sixth treasure chest was hit, the treasures on the ground finally pierced her heart.

She nodded very solemnly.

"It doesn't matter whether it's money or not. I'm just worried that you're not safe when flying alone at high altitudes.

Let me, your sister, protect you."

There is gain and loss in this world. Although some people get money, they should not be proud of it, because they also lose endless troubles.

If you get something, you will inevitably lose something. It's the cycle of nature. It's just right. You deserve it!

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