Pirate Kingship

Chapter 296 The killer in the dream of Banyan Street

Byron had just repelled the May Wind on Gonafu Island and pierced one of its hearts with the [Guaranteed Gun Gungnir].

He was very sure that it would not be easy for the octopus warship that had escaped to the deep sea to recover to make trouble again in a short time.

He asked the quasi-witch Violet, a humanoid radar, to investigate again and confirm that there was indeed no problem with the route.

He immediately took advantage of the relatively calm period in the Bantaan Islands and the vacuum period of shipping capacity when others did not dare to go to sea at will, and mobilized the merchant ships under his own company to grab a lot of inter-island shipping business.

The high freight rates earned were secondary, and the "West Wind Express Company" that was a joke at the time rushed into the fast lane of development because of this.

Even if the route is restored in the future, the market seized by West Wind Express will not be easily returned.

Not only that, Miss [Mithril Dragon] Catherine also keenly seized a greater business opportunity.

Relying on the first-hand information they had, they took advantage of the spreading pessimism in major ports and bought many exhausted merchant ships and cargoes on board in International Port and Royal Port at low prices.

They saved the lives of many ship owners and captains who were about to jump into the sea, as well as their families.

Then, the Pioneer Pilot Colonial Trading Company itself became one of the largest ship owners in the Hastings colonies and even the entire Bantaan Islands!

They also offered to rehire those captains, in exchange for their infinite gratitude.

During this period, no matter which governor's office gave the green light to these transaction procedures, it showed amazing efficiency and integrity.

The captains who were used to the procrastination and corruption of colonial officials almost doubted whether there was something wrong with their eyes.

At the moment when the prophecy failed to work on the target, other competing countries thought that Byron was laying bait at his own expense to lure out the May Wind.

Little did she know that Miss Mithril Dragon had already made a fortune from the national crisis. She would wake up laughing when she counted her own small treasury and her brother's wife.

"After this battle, I almost understand one of the principles of taking advantage of the rise and fall of the stock market to make a profit.

If the Pioneer Navigation Colonial Trade Company is listed, this behavior of buying merchant ships will definitely be considered a "good man", causing the stock price to plummet and sell frantically.

As long as the first-hand intelligence is used well, the stock market can be easily controlled legally.

Those accounts at the end of information transmission and with delayed intelligence are the real leeks to be cut.

I can only cut or not cut, but there is no one who can or cannot cut!"

Under the misunderstanding, it did not prevent the countries from feeling a sense of urgency, and each showed their magical powers and tried to solve the disaster of crazy blood according to their own expertise.

The Grand Duchy of Courland, which is not among the six major maritime powers, is one of them.

Even if the first-tier strange adventure ships on the front line were recalled, there was only one strange warship that could reach the level of a fourth-level battleship.

It is difficult to count on this kind of military force to hunt down the notorious May Wind.

However, because they have a third-level psychic of the Cemetery Sequence, they set their sights on the second black hand in the dream mentioned by the cardinal.

"Have all the natives on the island fallen asleep?"

"Report to the general, we have carefully checked that the tribe of hundreds of people has all fallen into a deep sleep.

As shown in the intelligence, even if they are burned, they cannot be awakened. They have been 100% contaminated by those invasive marine species.

We have calculated the time. They have only been asleep for half a day and their dreams are not deep. It is safest to enter their dreams at this time."

In the eastern part of the Bantaan Islands, adjacent to the Echidna Triangle and the marginal island chain of the Sea of ​​Monsters, there is a small island called Palm Land.

A strange warship [Sea Spider] and two cruisers belonging to the Grand Duchy of Courland dropped anchor, and teams of marines marched ashore under the leadership of two middle-sequence extraordinary people.

"General and this gentleman, please follow me."

A second-level black wizard wearing a black robe and with a number tattoo on his face came up immediately, and his mouth revealed a black mouth and tongue like a black mamba snake.

This turned out to be a member of the Black Tongue Brotherhood under Voodoo.

The conversation between the two sides was enough to infer what they were going to do.

——Artificial dreaming!

Although this palm island is located in the eastern region, the resources on the island are too poor.

In addition to the relatively lush animals in the tropical rainforest that can feed a hunting tribe, there is no gold, silver, or spices, and there is no fertile soil for growing sugarcane.

Even the geographical location is not related to the main transportation routes.

Therefore, it has become a chicken rib area that even the colonists despise, and a reservation area for the survival of the natives.

But even so, it still couldn't escape the clutches of these foreigners.

At this time, even their most worthless lives can be put to use.

When the Grand Duchy of Courland tried to explore the secrets of dreams, it naturally became a guinea pig.

From the Virgin Strait not far from here, they collected mature barnacles that had grown to the limit and poisoned the natives, making them fall into a shallow dream, which was convenient for the third-level psychic of the principality to observe.

For example, the Black Tongue Brotherhood, which cooperated with the Grand Duchy, was the direct executor of this "artificial dream program".

After successfully poisoning the resurrected corpse that was not afraid of coral disease, hundreds of native residents on the island fell into a deep sleep overnight.

Successfully created a portal to dreams.

Not long after, Major General [Knight Commander] Thomson and Level 3 [Psychic Medium] adventure captain Gilbert from the principality’s army entered the indigenous tribe under the leadership of Level 2 black wizard Tiger.

The exaggerated totem pole at the door has been chopped down by the dark wizards in advance.

Judging from the dim aura on its body, you can tell that the guardian spirit inside is already in danger.

The three of them walked straight into the center of the tribe, into a spacious longhouse that originally belonged to the clan leader.

The patriarch and his family were lying on the ground.

The adults were obviously beast spirit warriors. They already had the characteristics of tuna, their noses were as sharp as spears, and their exposed skin was covered with dense barnacles.

“Theoretically, there is no overlap between collective dreams between different species.

This time, through coral disease's transformation of the human species, two collective dreams can be 'connected' like two big ships.

The longer they fall asleep, the deeper and more dangerous the collective dreams of marine creatures that these natives come into contact with will become.

To be on the safe side, I will only take a shallow turn in my dream this time. Regardless of whether I gain something or not, I will return within half an hour. "

No time wasted.

After Level 3 [Psychic Medium] Gilbert explained his plan, he immediately took out the white crystal powder that best matched the dream from his pocket and drew a five-pointed star on the ground.

Ritual candles of five colors, red, blue, yellow, green, and black, are placed on the five corners, respectively, corresponding to fire, water, wind, earth, and the fifth element spirit.

This is the most common anchoring ritual of all occult rituals, symbolizing the physical world.

After lighting the candles, he took out five bottles of plant essential oils with different symbols and placed a drop of them on the flames of the five ritual candles.

Wintergreen symbolizes protection, treatment, and demon-breaking; wormwood symbolizes spiritual power and protection; sandalwood symbolizes protection, treatment, exorcism, and spirituality;

Mugwort symbolizes psychic power, precognitive dreams, and astral projection; white calamus symbolizes summoning the spiritual body.


The cold wind mixed with the aroma of essential oil blew through the whole long house, and a hazy dream door opened.

[Psychic Medium] Gilbert raised a bone shepherd's flute and started playing.

As the shepherd's flute sounded, the spirituality in his body began to fluctuate violently, and soon three spiritual bodies came out of his chest.

They were two burly knights in armor, and a pilot carrying a whale oil lamp.

The temperature in the room continued to drop, and white mist could be seen between breaths.

This is the spiritual medium’s third-level professional ability [Soul Grazing]:

“You can herd others, and you can also herd yourself.

When orthodox [psychics] feed the souls of other extraordinary beings and borrow their abilities, they usually solve their biggest obsessions in life in return.

After serving for a certain number of years, they will be released to the kingdom of the dead.

There are also some mediums who will herd souls in a coercive way, but this is very likely to give birth to evil spirits, or even corrupted evil spirits.

Once the other party gets out of control, it may attack the owner immediately. "

Gilbert, the [psychic medium] adventurer, obviously belongs to the former group and nodded to Major General Thomson:

"I'm going to sleep, protect my body and the ritual candles, they are the signposts for my return.

Once something goes wrong with my body or the candle goes out, I risk being lost in a deep dream forever and never coming back.

Remember, remember! "

Major General [Knight Commander] Thomson patted his chest and promised:

"Don't worry. In addition to us, there are three hundred heroic and capable Principality Marines here. There will definitely be no problems."

"I hope so."

A gust of dark wind blew, and Gilbert's soul left his body and disappeared in the candlelight of the ritual candles together with the souls of the three transcendent beings that he had herded.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The soldiers and extraordinary officers outside were all standing ready with muskets in hand, ensuring that not even a single insect would crawl in and disturb the ceremony.

However, the enemy did not appear, and a storm suddenly appeared in the originally clear sky.

Not long after the [Psychic Medium] fell asleep, thick clouds rushed in from all directions, covering the sun in just a few minutes and turning the day into night.

The Bantaan Islands have a rainy season from April to November, and storms always come unexpectedly.


A huge bolt of lightning above them seemed to split the entire sky, suddenly tearing apart the thick dark clouds and spreading hundreds of kilometers in all directions like tree branches.

The bright purple-red flash lasted for five or six seconds, completely illuminating the dark sea surface and islands under the dark clouds.

In an instant.

Blah blah blah

Accompanied by lightning and thunder, a storm that almost submerged the sea poured down like an endless silver-white waterfall.

In an instant, he ruled the entire Bantaan Islands and Sapphire Sea spanning thousands of kilometers.

"This rain came at the wrong time."

Major General Thomson frowned, but he had no choice but to order the soldiers to take shelter in a nearby longhouse.

Although it is a tropical area, if you are exposed to rain for a long time, no matter how strong the soldier is, he will definitely become seriously ill.

There should be no invasion from foreign enemies in this kind of weather.

But they didn't notice that as the heavy rain suddenly brought the dry land environment closer to the ocean, the marine creatures growing on the indigenous bodies began to spit out fine white mist.

Not only did it fill the longhouses in the tribe, but it also overflowed from the rooms, completely unaffected by the heavy rain, and spread throughout the tribe.

It made the lonely tribal village in the rain curtain become hazy like a dream.

Not long after the soldiers hid in the house to avoid the rain.


A shrill scream broke through the rain curtain and reached their ears from a nearby house.

The soldiers who were hiding from the rain together immediately scrambled to escape from the house.

They ran towards the longhouse where the major general and his three men were.

"General, help me!"

"Enemy attack——! There are invisible enemies."

But it was completely useless!

Screams, blood, and scattered internal organs turned the short escape route into a bloody slaughterhouse.

Thomson, who was bloodshot, could not see the shadow of the enemy at all. He could only see that his soldiers suddenly had claw marks like sharp claws.

Then they fell one after another in the muddy water on the ground.

But he needed to protect the [medium] and could not leave his post without permission.

Even if there were brave soldiers who wanted to fire back, not only was the gunpowder soaked in the storm, but they couldn't even see where the enemy was.

Until the last soldier was disemboweled and died, falling miserably only seven or eight meters away from Thomson.

He finally saw a phantom figure that seemed to be out of the real world through the puddles on the ground.

It wore a brown-black hat and a red-and-green striped sweater.

One right hand was a sharp iron claw made of metal, and his whole body was extremely malnourished and skinny.

What was particularly terrifying was that his face and exposed skin were covered with hideous scars left by severe burns, enough to stop a child from crying.

And this distinctive appearance also evoked a memory that the major general was extremely reluctant to recall.

This was the most terrifying thing related to dreams in the memories of most people on the Silver Continent - the cursed spirit: [Kruger, the killer in the dream of Banyan Street]!

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