Pirate Kingship

Chapter 30 Magic Mirror Magic Mirror Tells Me (Please Read)

Old Hans worked in the dock with most of the non-combatants and ordinary sailors.

Salman led more than 30 main battle members and checked into a nearby hotel called Rosemary.

When Byron found him in a separate courtyard, he had just furiously chased away a wandering warbler with heavy makeup.

"Bah, you actually ignored my charm. I guess you can't do it."

As they passed by, Byron turned a deaf ear to the woman's mutterings and walked in without looking back.

After saluting, he explained to Salman the transformation plan that had been approved by Old Hans.

"Haha, Mr. Byron, I really saw you right.

Although I don't know much about shipbuilding, I can still see the potential of this new sail layout. I just need to let Old Hans and the others go ahead and do it. "

"Don't listen to the rumors on the ship. What does the position of a mere first mate mean?

Wait until the [Man-eating Shark] recruits more troops to expand its personnel, grabs a second pirate ship, and truly becomes a pirate group.

You, Byron Tudor, will definitely be my first captain! "

As expected, when Salman saw this pirate ship renovation plan, he accepted it with great peace of mind.

But apart from verbal encouragement, no reward was given to him.

"The captain has given me too much credit, this is what I should do.

Everyone is for me, I am for everyone, glory goes to the collective.

Compared with the overall situation of the pirate group, what does my personal gains and losses mean?

I plan to move to the dock after cooking you vermicelli scallops, braised prawns, haggis soup with dark beer tonight.

Supervise their construction to ensure that nothing goes wrong. "

Byron was very "aware of the overall situation" and ate the pie Salman drew without hesitation, and even took the initiative to ask for more burdens for himself.

"By the way, I'm going to study "Bloody Mary's Gourmet Recipes" again while I have time.

The recipes above are really eye-opening to me, and there are actually more recipes than I know, so I’ll excuse you for now. "

After bowing respectfully as always, he turned around and opened the door to leave.

Looking at Byron's retreating back, Salman, who was feeling severe pain all over his body even though it was not evening, couldn't help but sigh deeply:

"The overall situation, the overall situation, he is really a model crew member who takes the overall situation into consideration, and he is ten thousand times better than the other crew members on the ship put together.

The longer time passes, the more I feel that I can't live without you.

How I wish I could find another chef who is good enough to be eaten by the [recipe] instead of you, but my ‘curse’ really can’t wait. "

Unless you are very sure that the other party is not a certain sequence of extraordinary beings.

He almost thought that this noble deacon was actually a loyal knight who strictly abided by all eight virtues and the knight's motto.

My mood is a bit complicated at the moment. I hope I can get the [Transmutation Blood] quickly, but I also hope Byron can hold on for a longer time.

The slower he is eaten by "Bloody Mary's Gourmet Recipe", the better the quality of [Transmutation Blood] will be, and the more likely it is to help him escape from suffering.

"Mr. Byron, if you take the overall situation into consideration, you won't blame me, right?"

Unfortunately, this pirate captain, who could only parody the aristocratic style but never learned the essence of aristocratic tactics, didn't know this.

In this world ruled by aristocrats and dominated by the weak and the strong, only those with vested interests will talk about "taking care of the overall situation" all day long.

If this person does not look like a vested interest on the surface.

Then he must be the overall figure!

Time soon came to night.

In another corner of this pirate port, a group of people in cloaks walked out of the hotel where they were staying and merged with the drunken people on the street.

Like countless pirates who hang out in sensual places, they are inconspicuous at all.

Stopping at the seaside across the street from the Rosemary Hotel, we hurriedly walked into a very dilapidated-looking wind mill.

The huge windmill kept rotating "squeaking", and the noise it made completely covered up the low conversation of the group.

They were obviously very cautious.

Arriving at the simple second floor of the mill built with wooden planks, the captain of the White Crystal, [Magic Mirror] West, immediately ordered his crew to clean the place thoroughly.

He moved closer to the window and looked down at another building not far away.

"Aye-aye, is that there?"

There was a sword mark on his ugly face, and the short young man, who looked even more ferocious, nodded immediately:

"It's not wrong. The following brother has confirmed it repeatedly. It's the Rosemary Hotel just a street away from us.

There is no more than a hundred meters in a straight line, where your spells are most powerful. "

While they were talking, the few pirates they brought had already cleaned the second floor.

They even used special chemicals to make the broken wooden boards sparkle, so that West, a severe mysophobia, couldn't find any fault at all.

"Okay, you don't need to stay here. Everyone should go out and be on guard. Don't let anyone come and disturb my ceremony."

[Magic Mirror] West waved his hand and asked the aye-aye and other crew members to go downstairs.

While he was carrying a canvas bag, he arranged rituals on the ground.

The essence of most [forbidden knowledge] is ritual magic.

Through specific rituals, you can establish a connection between your own spirituality and certain world rules, spiritual bodies, unknown high-level existences, etc.

The temporary retreat of the ego consciousness allows the spirit to resonate with the higher existence, and activates a powerful ability that exceeds its own limitations or even does not exist.

West first used sea salt mixed with white crystal powder to draw a pentagram on the ground.

Then placed five ritual candles of red, blue, yellow, green and black in the five corners, corresponding to fire, water, wind, earth, and the fifth element spirit.

Then took out five bottles of plant essential oils with different symbolisms and placed them in front of him.

Deer Hoof Grass, symbolizes: protection, treatment, and breaking magic.

Wormwood, symbolizes: spiritual power, protection, and spiritual body summoning.

Stinky Cabbage, symbolizes: legal events.

Mugwort, symbolizes: spiritual power, precognitive dreams, and starlight projection.

Hair Grass, symbolizes: love and hunting.

Finally, a half-human-high silver mirror was placed in the middle of the pentagram, and he knelt in front of the mirror and slowly entered a meditative state.

When the bustling sounds in the pirate city outside gradually stopped, the time quietly came to one o'clock in the morning.

[Magic Mirror] West suddenly opened his eyes, and the silver spiritual glow in his pupils illuminated the second floor of the mill.

"It's time."

He took out a silver tinderbox and lit the ritual candles on the five corners.

He then dripped the essential oils of five herbs on the flames of the five candles.


The spiritual wind blew through the mill, forming an invisible barrier that blocked the mysterious level of investigation.

The stinking cabbage symbolizing "legal events" took effect, and the laws of Anchor Bay lost their most basic monitoring power over this area.

He took out a "blood-stained" white cloth from the canvas bag, which was the trophy of the finger monkey.

Alcohol evaporates much faster than water.

When the assassin [Finger Monkey] ran all the way to find his captain, his body temperature had almost evaporated the alcohol.

The [Transmutation Blood] dissolved in the wine and the blood of Blood Eye Salman remained, but only a faint smell of alcohol remained.

Even West, who had a serious obsession with cleanliness, did not realize the abnormality.

After all, it should be normal for pirates to smell of rum.

Soaking a white cloth in rose water, he drew a perfect circle with fragrance and blood on the surface of the silver mirror.

The entire second floor suddenly became cold.

Although the candles were lit, the silver mirror surface quickly dimmed until it was pitch black, as if a shadow was rolling in another world behind the mirror.

The scenes in the surrounding mills were distorted and collapsed towards the mirror surface with the light of the candles, as if they were all being pulled into the mirror.

West's expression remained unchanged, and he chanted in Rune:

"Mirror, mirror, tell me, where are my enemies?"

Three times in a row.

In the depths of the thick darkness in the mirror, a pair of bright silver eyes suddenly opened.

It was a mirror spirit!

Just like [Transmutation Blood] is the core of various [Blood Brew] formulas in the same series.

All the methods of [Magic Mirror Divination] are based on this [Mirror Demon].

At the moment of looking at the mirror demon, West closed his eyes and fell down softly.

The effects of the other four herbal essential oils: spiritual body summoning, starlight projection, hunting, and magic breaking appeared in sequence.

In the rich fragrance, the [Mirror Demon] suddenly had a human-like form.

It flashed like a frame skip, and suddenly drilled into the depths of the mirror world.

In fact, it used the mirror world as a transit point and entered another mirror across the street!

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