Pirate Kingship

Chapter 359 Eating Fish Blindly (4500)

The movements of these residents of Kuroshio Town are surprisingly consistent, as if everyone is closely connected by the same puppet string.

No, not as if, but actually there is an invisible thread that controls their id, instincts, and subconscious reactions.

That is their common belief in [Abyss Demon] Dagon!

Obviously, these residents of Kuroshio Town appear to be normal people on the surface, but the "self" bound to the body has long been contaminated by the object of belief.

Even the subconscious reaction is exactly the same.

The so-called "ascension" into the deep sea dependents in their mouths was just forcibly dragged down by the god who was anchored to them.

It wasn't until he heard the townspeople saying: "Another fish is coming" that Byron finally recovered from the series of shocks the town had brought to him.

Realize again, except for whale oil technology, god Dagon, Jörmungandr and other shameful god thieves.

The main purpose of my coming here should be to rescue [Hawkeye] James Kent and his friends who accidentally "ate the wrong fish".

The owner of the oil refinery, Torgail Munn, who was instructing the workers to break down the whale blubber, suddenly said:

"There are people asking for help and we should help them."

The others seemed to be fine and didn't notice anything unusual about themselves at all, and they all echoed:

"Saving the lost lambs is also part of the gods' teachings. We should lead the believers of strange gods to the right path."

"We also want to invite them to our Fish-Eating Day Festival, just like the group of outsiders a few days ago."

"You're absolutely right!"

You said something to me, and we quickly reached a consensus.

The group of people immediately jumped on the whaler, pulled up the anchor and raised the sails, and rushed towards the wrecked adventure ship on the sea in the distance.

Of course, don't forget to leave enough people to watch the fire.

Burning whale oil to boil whale oil sounds a bit hellish, but in fact it is even more hellish if unexpected consequences occur in actual operation.

Once a pot is improperly operated when boiling oil, the oil temperature will be too high, causing a big explosion, enough to blow the entire dock directly to the sky.

Especially the super "whale explosion" caused by corruption and expansion after the death of the Leviathan whale.

According to the older generation of whalers, that is the fastest way to hang on the wall side by side with our ancestors.

Whalers who had been lucky enough to witness that scene described it as the second sun rising over the sea, accompanied by mushroom-shaped clouds that engulfed everything.

No one dares to be careless.

"Uncle Meng En, I'm going to help too."

Seeing this, Byron quickly followed.

There is no trace of [Eagle Eye] James or the others inside the town, nor is there any sign of the Jackdaw.

But in the memory of the mayor and this body, they are very sure that the "sacrifice" is in this town.

Instead of trying to find their whereabouts bit by bit, it is better to follow these "new fish" and see what happens.

Maybe you can follow the clues and easily find the location of those unlucky guys.

"What, you are the descendants of ancient Bay people? Have you been living in the New World for hundreds of years?

My Creator, this is incredible. "

When the crew of the adventure ship heard the frank words of the residents of Kuroshio Town and their iconic blue eyes, not surprisingly, they all showed expressions of astonishment.

The standard animal trainers on the ship can activate [telepathy], and this ability to communicate with animals is especially useful for communicating with humans.

Moreover, the third-level [Animal Tamer] Jefferson on this adventure ship is also the captain, so it is very simple to activate "Group Telepathy".

After repeated confirmations, they had to accept this unexpected way of unfolding.

Immediately, Jefferson also introduced his side of the situation to the townspeople:

"We are the adventure ship of the Rhine League [The Ironclad Clamp].

But just after leaving the Broken Islands and arriving in the nearby waters, my small-scale sea monster [Iron-armored Spear Shrimp] was suddenly dragged into the seabed thousands of meters deep by an unknown thing.

The rudder of the ship was also destroyed in the chaos and had to be repaired by docking. Fortunately, I met you.

Otherwise tonight will be dangerous."

Don’t forget to add this sentence at the end:

"Everyone, I know a lot of Bay residents in the pirate city of Black Sail Port.

If all the descendants of the Bay people can provide some help to our ability to discover the New World, I will be happy to take a few representatives back to have a look when I return.

Maybe some royal families in the Bay Min country will give you one or two titles if they are happy. "

The adventurer did not lie to the townspeople.

The [Iron Armored Clamp] is the second echelon of adventure ships from various countries. Only the first person in the captain is a third-level captain, and his strength is relatively average. He relies on a powerful small sea monster to control the ship.

Before receiving the news from the Pirate King, they had been wandering in the nearby maze-like Broken Islands for several months.

The "fog of war" was dispelled by a nautical chart, and after finding the correct route, it naturally came very quickly.

Unfortunately, before the cheers could be raised, great joy and great sorrow came one after another.

They were unexpectedly attacked and suffered heavy losses, especially the loss of the most powerful sea monster. Their strength suddenly dropped by at least 60%.

It was not that these colonists were completely unwary of strangers at this time.

It is because of the inertial thinking from the Bantaan Islands that they subconsciously regard the "semi-natives" in front of them as the original Taino people.

They are hospitable and very simple and friendly to the first batch of colonists from non-hostile tribes.

It is said that if it were not for the help of the natives, the outsiders would not have been able to establish the first settlement in the Bantaan Islands.

In other words, under the lower material production conditions, the natives have not yet evolved the double-faced and treacherous nature that only appears under complex social relations, and they are particularly simple.

Jefferson, the [Beast Tamer] who made the mistake of empiricism, did not realize that among so many people, he was the only one who was simple.

Hearing his title, Byron and Violet shook their heads at the same time:

'If those thieves of the throne are parasites on the Bay People group, then these guys are the claws and limbs that hold on to the group tightly.

We are not so lucky to be the masters of these guys, so it is better to kill them all. ’

The owner of the refinery, Torgel Monn, looked very honest. He helped them tow the boat while politely saying:

“Our ancestors passed down the epic of the Bay people from generation to generation, and often told us about their hometown.

Since you are from my hometown, it is easy for us to help.

And you came at the right time. In order to commemorate the fact that our ancestors received the gift of the sea on this day and were able to survive in the New World, the island is holding an annual fish-eating day festival.

Everyone, please be sure to participate.”

[Beast Trainer] Jefferson would certainly not refuse such a small invitation, and thanked him repeatedly:

“Of course, of course. Thank you for your help. Although you are far away from your hometown, you are worthy of the title of gentleman.”

In a very harmonious atmosphere, the two boats began to return to Kuroshio Town one after the other.

Byron, whose spiritual perception was particularly developed after connecting with Violet, noticed that there was a group of strange creatures that were half human, half fish, and half frog deep underwater, quietly disappearing in the reflection of Kuroshio Town projected in the sea.

Obviously, the accident of the foreigner's ship was not caused by any accident, but by the attack of those strange creatures, or the followers of the old gods.

After rechecking the memory of the possessed object, there was nothing to be gained:

"The townspeople have the memory of the existence of deep-sea followers, but it seems that they are strictly restricted by the Deep Dive Church and communication is prohibited.

The townspeople have no concept of what the world of the followers is like. They only have an eternal yearning for the followers under the continuous brainwashing of Dagon day after day."

Violet pouted in the dream:

"What else can they communicate?

Let those believers who are still in the incubation state see that the so-called followers are actually just the miserable appearance of themselves after being polluted by the gods and swallowed by "beast nature"?

Except for the extraordinary who can truly realize the transformation of the essence of life.

Ordinary people without spiritual awakening, who can still retain the ability to speak after becoming followers, are considered to be very few lucky ones.

Most of them are just cannon fodder-like beasts."

While speaking, the two boats have returned to the dock of Kuroshio Town.

[Beast Trainer] Jefferson and the crew of the Adventure Ship saw the dazzling array of whale oil technology in the town, as well as a Leviathan whale that they had only seen in the intelligence of the Pirate King, and their eyes suddenly flickered.

The look they gave to the residents of the town also became subtle.

The order that originally wanted to leave half of the crew to guard the ship in preparation for an unexpected event also became: "Take guns and land collectively!"

The ancestors of the residents here left the Old World hundreds of years ago, and even the language basis of the phonetic characters has changed greatly. Most of them, like the natives, can't recognize what the iron pipe is.

All of this was seen by Byron and Violet, who shook their heads secretly:

"After confirming the look in their eyes, everyone is not a good person. Let's see who can be more skilled in the end."

At this time, the "Fish Eating Day Festival" with singing and dancing had begun in the brightly lit square in the center of the town.

However, a large pool filled with seawater was built in the center of the square. I don't know what it is used for, and there is no old man over 40 years old in the crowd.

Outsiders just thought it was a unique festival custom and didn't find it strange.

When other town residents saw the guests coming, they were all very hospitable and gave up their seats for them.

The workshop owner, Torgel Monn, enthusiastically explained to the adventurers:

"Our ancestors accidentally came to the New World hundreds of years ago and survived on the barren islands, mainly relying on fishing for a living.

Once, due to the continuous storms for several months during the rainy season, they had no way to go out to sea.

Just when everyone was about to starve to death, a big fish bigger than a whale rushed to the shore and stranded on the beach.

The ancestors believed that this was a gift from the gods of the sea.

They ate the fish with gratitude, and later, in order to thank the gods, our tribe left behind the tradition of eating fish day.

There is a festival every year, and we eat fish for half a month. In fact, our staple food is also fish, but it is particularly rich during this period.

To be honest, no matter how good the fish is, you will get tired of it. It is really not easy to come across some special "fish catch" during this season."

As he said this, he couldn't help swallowing his saliva, pointed his hand towards the long table in the middle made up of many tables, and introduced them to them one by one.

Raw fish, boiled fish, grilled fish, smoked fish, pickled fish, fried fish. All the cooking methods you can think of are available here.

In particular, a "Anchor Bay-style Gran Stinky Pickled Dried Fish" was introduced, which was placed in a large plate and covered with a glass cover.

"This is a delicacy from the hometown of our Bay people, Anchor Bay. The fish meat is cut into large pieces with the skin, and placed outdoors to dry, air-dry, and ferment naturally.

It just so happens that there is a huge cold current belt passing through here, which causes the temperature to be much lower than other areas, and there are natural conditions for making this hometown delicacy.

You only need to wait for two months to enjoy this delicacy.

Believe me, once you have eaten it once, you will never forget this taste in your life."

As he said this, he directly opened the lid.

In an instant, a "fish fragrance" of ammonia mixed with rotting corpses hit the olfactory organs of everyone within a radius of dozens of meters.

It was so stimulating that even tears could not help but flow down.

If we have to find something to describe this taste, the public toilet that was disinfected directly after the water was cut off for three days without cleaning can almost match its style.

"Ugh, I'm not lying.

This thing is really unforgettable once you eat it. It's not because it's too delicious, but it's too disgusting."

Byron still couldn't help shivering, and subconsciously looked at Violet.

The latter, whose senses were connected, instantly understood what he meant, and quickly waved her two little hands into a windmill, explaining to him:

"Anchor Bay flavored Gran stinky pickled fish is indeed a specialty of Anchor Bay, and this method is indeed very authentic.

But! Byron, you must believe me, I have never eaten this thing, absolutely not!"

When Her Royal Highness Princess of the Bay was still trying hard to prove her innocence.

The owner of the refinery, Torgel Monn, cut a piece of white fish meat and stuffed it into his mouth as if nothing had happened, chewing it with a face full of enjoyment.

"That's the taste. It smells bad, but it tastes even worse. I miss my hometown and recall the bitter past. There is no better food than this."

He also gestured to the adventure crew:

"Please, please, just like being at home, no need to be polite to us."

The captain of the adventure ship and a group of sailors, whose faces turned blue, almost thought that this guy had really put shit in the fish if they hadn't seen him eating "with relish".

It's even more terrifying than poisoning.

The well-informed adventurer has actually heard of this "Anchor Bay specialty food".

It is also known that in several Bay countries, there are even special legislations prohibiting the consumption of smelly pickled dried fish in public places, with a maximum sentence of three months in prison.

Obviously, not all Bay people can accept this "biochemical weapon-grade" food.

So far, there is no doubt about the identity of these "descendants of Bay people".

In addition, they were just rescued by someone, and they were too embarrassed to refuse the invitation.

There is no rush to get the whale oil technology, just eat first.

Looking around, I found that the townspeople were eating very happily.

The second-level [Naturalist] in the team also quietly used his own identification skills on the various fish dishes on the table. He did not find any problems and nodded to his companions.

The members of the adventure ship took a meal from the table next to them and ate it. After eating it, the taste was surprisingly delicious.

[Beast Trainer] Jefferson couldn't help but brighten his eyes, and he kept praising while chewing:

"Sir, what kind of fish are these? How come I, a beast trainer, don't know them? They are so delicious."

The workshop owner who was still eating the stinky pickled fish smiled a little strangely, looking into his eyes meaningfully and said:

"Oh, the owner of this meat asked the same question before."


Jefferson thought he didn't hear clearly, and was about to ask, but suddenly pinched his neck and knelt on the ground.

A strange roar came out of his throat, but he couldn't say a word.

"Haha. Haha."

Just like the coral people at the beginning, the bodies of all the crew members of the [Ironclad Claw] who ate the fish meat began to rapidly change, with scales, fins, and tails growing on their bodies.

In the end, they all turned into a group of ugly big fish, struggling desperately on the ground.

The pairs of angry dead fish eyes also became particularly turbid, and before the consciousness completely fell into a coma, the last thing to be heard was a faint sigh:

"It's not good to eat fish blindly."

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