Pirate Kingship

Chapter 360 Mermaid Tears: Another Social Clock

By the father of immunology, immune to all diseases, boys should protect themselves when they go out. Lun, watching the horrific scene in front of him, understood everything.

The pathogenic mechanism of this fish meat is the same as the "coral disease" brought back by the May Wind.

It can spread rapidly between individuals.

It's just that the pathogenic carrier is different. If it is coral disease, which will turn people into coral people, then this is mermaid disease, which will force people to become fish people.

The raw materials used are probably the victims of the previous ones.

With the super-sized existence that ordinary people may go crazy when they hear the name, it is pressed on it. Whether it is divination or identification, it is all invalid. A mere second-level naturalist can't find it at all.

I'm afraid that the efforts of the crew of the Jackdaw are indispensable.

Now they can not only go up and down the sky and sea, but also go into other people's stomachs, although this is not worth being happy about.

Byron looked up and found that he was the only one holding the fish meat and examining it. The "uncles, uncles, and aunts" around him were looking at him kindly. He quickly bit the fish meat on his plate.

If everyone else ate it but he didn't, he would be particularly unsociable.

Moreover, as believers of Dagon, the townspeople's spirituality and bloodline had long been polluted in a subtle way. With poison fighting poison, fish meat would not cause them to deteriorate.

"Great, it's close to the collective ascension ceremony tonight, and there are fish harvests delivered to the door.

Dagon must be very happy."

The mayor, who had just hidden somewhere, came out of the crowd with a kitchen knife in his hand.

With a ferocious smile on his face:

"Torgail, you and the oil refinery will be credited with a merit.

Pick a first-level one yourself."

Then he stepped on the head of the second-level [Naturalist] in the adventure ship team with his right foot, stabbed it with a knife, and skillfully peeled the skin and bones.

Soon, the 3rd to 5th cervical vertebrae of the big fish were removed, and the crystal-clear bone marrow was carefully taken out.

A strange and refreshing fragrance immediately spread, and even the smell of stinky pickled fish was easily suppressed.

"Gudong!" "Gudong!".

A loud sound of swallowing saliva suddenly rang out among the onlookers.

The mayor's eyes, which had begun to change and looked like dead fish, swept across the crowd, and everyone suddenly fell silent.

Then he looked down at the crystal-like bone marrow in his hand and said intoxicatedly:

"The second-level [Mermaid Tears] is enough for me to go one step further."

Then he swallowed it in one gulp.

A circle of spiritual brilliance rippled behind his head, and his aura became much stronger.

Let Byron see that this is a second-level extraordinary person with strong strength, and it is not far from holding the second blood sublimation ceremony to advance to the third level.

On the other side, the workshop owner also skillfully took out a "Mermaid's Tears" that was obviously much smaller from a big fish transformed from a first-level [Pirate].

He couldn't wait to swallow it in one gulp, and even licked his fingers clean.

The next moment, a circle of spiritual glow exploded, and he was spiritually awakened on the spot.

The two people who got great benefits immediately knelt on the ground and prayed devoutly:

"My Lord, thank you Dagon for giving us food, technology, and products, so that we can be rich."

Although the others didn't eat it, they all shouted together:

"My Lord, thank you Dagon for giving us food, technology, and products, so that we can be rich."

While Byron followed suit, he searched the memory of the possessed object again and found the description of the mermaid's tears.

The position of human beings in the middle of the world symbolizes "change", which is the basic common sense at the bottom of the extraordinary world.

In order to use this "change", in addition to teaching the relatively peaceful mind and will, the most direct way is to eat!

The [Blood of Transmutation] under the power of Lilith, the Mother of Creation; the [Sage's Stone] under the power of Mammon, the Worm of Greed, are all about this aspect of knowledge.

The sleeping god Kraken obviously also has a way to use humans.

It is this extraordinary material called "Mermaid Tears".

The ability of mermaid disease to spread is far less than that of coral disease, and it can only be spread through "blindly eating fish".

But their bodies can produce precious "Mermaid Tears", which are more effective than the spiritual awakening potions and spices in the Old World.

It can achieve spiritual awakening and improvement without any side effects, and is also the favorite sacrifice of [Abyss Nightmare] Dagon.

The ratio of ordinary people to big fish is about ten to one, with small quantity and low quality, while extraordinary people can produce 100%, and the higher the rank, the better the quality.

Moreover, the prosperity of the entire town is actually built on this extraordinary material.

Taking advantage of the emotional excitement of the town residents, Violet's [Nightmare Crawling] also saw the memories rooted deep in their hearts:

"Hunting the natives on the mainland, after "blindly eating fish" to offer to Dagon, in exchange for gems, gold, corals, whale oil technology, and inexhaustible fish catches on the seabed;

Everyone can inherit a property in the town by working a maximum of eight hours a day, and live a decent life without worries about food and clothing;

You must get married at the age of eighteen at the latest, and the object can only be a mixed-race child with Bay People's blood from other islands. A couple must have at least four children before the age of forty;

The more children you have, the more generous the benefits you get.

If you live safely until the age of forty, you can retire directly and stop working.

The body gradually "ascends", and after several months of alienation, it completely loses its human form and enters the sea to become a member of the deep sea family."

The two of them have been observing along the way and have discovered that Kuroshio Town and other nearby towns obviously have their own [social clock], which is completely different from the one in the old continent.

“They are keeping humans in captivity!

This is not a normal social clock, but a god’s ‘eating schedule’!

These mixed-race people are connected to the Bay people on one end and the indigenous groups in the New World on the other. As believers, they have two functions, one is to provide the power of the heart and the other is to provide anchoring.

The previous moments of life were all wonderful, but the so-called "ascension" at the age of forty actually meant that it took almost a lifetime to be eaten up bit by bit by the gods you believed in.

By the age of forty, only the dregs of animal nature are left, and he can no longer maintain his human form.

By the way, use your remaining energy to serve as cannon fodder for that Dagon.

The story of becoming a great Familia is just a lie! "

Violet's beautiful sapphire eyes have "artistic flames" dancing in them.

Although these people are no longer her people, raising believers as livestock still touches her low bottom line.

At this time, Byron said leisurely:

"Even if I tell them the truth, will they resist?"

The girl couldn't help being startled, but she immediately reacted and bit her cherry-colored lips.

Although he was a little reluctant, he had to admit:

"I'm afraid not."

Even if we don’t know what the living conditions are like in the New World, according to statistics from the Dark Millennium Era of the Old World, the average lifespan of civilians is less than 35 years old, and they are already truly old at the age of 40.

They have to do endless work from morning to night, and eat endless amounts of food, not to mention the psychological pursuit of "a decent life."

Compared with them, the residents here can live peacefully until they are forty years old before "dying", so what should they be dissatisfied about?

What's more.

The townspeople also have the opportunity to share some of the "mermaid tears" through more sacrifices.

Every animal has the opportunity to jump out of the animal pen and become a transcendent person and the ruling class among the dependents.

Even if they knew the truth, there would be no ground for resistance.

Byron couldn't help but think of a story about aliens preparing to rule mankind:

"Poor Blue Star people, you will have to work for me for a full eight hours a day from now on. I will only provide you with three meals and snacks a day, and you will only have milk to drink in the morning, and you will only have a one-hour lunch break.

Bonuses are only paid three times a year and there are only two months of annual leave.

The most cruel thing is that you only get a salary increase every four months.

You can only get three times your salary for overtime work, and you are required to exercise for one hour after get off work.

You will die of exhaustion! Jie Jie Jie”

Let me ask, who can bear this kind of "slavery"?

The Diving Church's governance model over these affiliated towns is not much different from that of the extraterrestrial visitor.

If the same "slavery" model were copied to the entire Old Continent, countless civilians would probably roar at the foreign enslavers:

"Father, I know where those kings and nobles are hiding. Come with me, and we will destroy the rebels together!"

They finally chose to let go of their desire to help others, respect the fate of others, protect their own interests, and promote the growth of others.

Because the prerequisite for this model to be effective is that there must be enough material to be able to maintain it when there are few people. It is simply unrealistic when there are too many people.

And the two of them represent the most advanced productivity in the Old Continent!

At this time, all the big fish on the ground had been dragged into the pool in the center of the square by the townspeople.

The dark clouds in the sky suddenly dispersed, revealing a blood-colored moon unique to the New World.

Soon, along with the sound of the tide, Byron smelled the unique smell of the Sea of ​​Origin again.

Just like what the residents of Kuroshio Town sang in their poems:

"One day, the relatives of the deep sea crawling in the mud will carve themselves on the stone slabs and receive the worship of the land creatures."

The Sea of ​​Origin is obviously a vaster ocean than the sea, but like mud and sewers, it is always filled with a filthy smell that makes normal people uncomfortable.

But these degenerates seemed to like it very much, and they knelt on the ground one by one in fascination.

The official collective ascension ceremony has finally begun.

With the pool as the center, the town in front of us gradually became hazy as if covered with a layer of mist, while another Kuroshio town that seemed to be hidden in a dream gradually emerged.

Through the light and shadow at the junction of reality and reality, Byron finally saw the traces of the [Jackdaw] and the missing crew members here.

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