Pirate Kingship

Chapter 37 The Golden Deer and the Team

What is the most important thing for a pirate captain?

The answer of course is a boat!

No matter how elite the pirates are without a ship, they will be unable to move forward.

Faced with the imminent danger of Iron Anchor Bay, Byron will definitely need a sophisticated battleship whether he is fighting or escaping!

The death of Salman and a group of pirates did not affect the maintenance progress of the "Man-Eater Shark" at all.

Apart from being responsible for giving money, they couldn't do much to help.

After Byron hurriedly gave Salman and the others a pirate funeral (actually they all went into the belly of a man-eating shark as soon as they were thrown into the sea).

I spent most of the day following Old Hans to discuss the details of the renovation and supervise the construction progress.

Other people's affairs suddenly become one's own affairs, and the level of concern is naturally different.

Although the most unique V-shaped bottom of the Brigantine is difficult to modify, there is absolutely no problem with sails arranged horizontally, vertically and vertically, and it is best to further strengthen the armament.

The ship's new owner, Captain Byron, has invested heavily in renovating the "Man-Eater Shark" from the inside out.

Not only that.

He felt that this pirate ship had too many negative marks left by the previous "ghoul" captain.

In order to completely separate from the ship's stained history, Byron gave the "Man-Eater Shark" a new name - the Golden Deer!

It was also the first sailing ship whose captain in Byron's previous life could complete the feat of sailing around the world alive.

In fact, it is not only the [titles] of extraordinary people that are deeply rooted in people's hearts, but the names of many battleships also carry extraordinary power.

Many ancient battleship names are blessed by the [Silver Law] and the people's expectations, and possess special power.

For example, the [Dreadnaught] and [Indefatigable] of the Hattings Navy. I don’t know how many times they have been rebuilt, but they always bear the same name.

And every rebuild will get stronger and stronger!

This shows Byron's ambition for the new ship.

Of course, his journey as a captain has just begun, and the [Golden Deer] is just a transition, and his ambitions are far beyond that.

The prow of a strange object, a battleship, a heavy cruiser, a strange object battleship, a ghost ship, a contracted sea monster, and a legendary battleship.

There are too many powerful warships on this sea!

He wanted every one of them.

"The new [Pirate Ten Commandments] are also completed."

In Byron's room, he slowly moved his hand away from a brand new piece of parchment, and the power of the law submerged in it for a slight flash.

But it was he who inspired the power of the [Silver Law] and the [Pirate Code] to formulate a new [Pirate Ten Commandments].

"[The Ten Commandments of Pirates] (Golden Deer):

1. Everyone has equal voting rights, but the captain’s orders must be strictly implemented.

2. Everyone is fair, the capable will be promoted and the mediocre will be demoted.

3. In non-wartime conditions, lights are turned off at eight o'clock in the evening, and alcohol is prohibited thereafter. The only way to use sheep is to eat them!

4. Weapons must be kept clean and ready for use.

5. Women are not allowed to join the team. If a crew member takes a woman to the sea, he will be executed, except for extraordinary women.

6. Those who delay the opportunity to fight will die, and those who escape before the battle will die.

7. Private fighting is strictly prohibited. Those who kill their companions for no reason must be tied to the deceased and buried at sea.

8. Those who were disabled in battle could stay on the ship without working and receive 40 gold pounds from the "public savings".

9. The betrayer will die, but everyone’s talents will not be buried. By accumulating meritorious deeds, you can obtain resources, extraordinary knowledge and promotion rituals!

10. All plunder must not be kept privately. The captain gets 15%, pirate officers and stormtroopers, carpenters, doctors, and cooks get 25%, ordinary crew members get 40%, and the remaining 20% ​​is used as maintenance funds and public savings.

The Ten Commandments can be modified by a vote of the entire crew. "

Deleted the third commandment: "It is strictly forbidden to go on the deck from two to four o'clock."

Salman set this up so that the crew members who broke the commandments could be eaten openly and there was no need to keep them.

An additional line was added: "The only way to use sheep is to eat them!"

This is his last respect for ingredients as a former chef.

The commandments will be tried for a period of time. If it doesn't work, he can give in and set up a red light area in the sheep pen for the energetic crew members.

The most important thing is Article 9. The opening of extraordinary power gives all pirate crew members the possibility of a class jump!

Byron knew best that rules always favor the rule makers.

The strength of the sword can only be used for a short time, but the rules of the game that can unite everyone can be used for eternity.

He believes that one day, this [Ten Commandments of Pirates] will unite countless people around him and gradually grow into his [Iron Law of Royal Power]!

Byron estimates that the renovation of the Golden Deer will take about half a month.

As long as he follows his drawings and works step by step, he can transform a pirate ship with the best seaworthiness in the North Sea at this stage.

The only thing he needs to worry about is that before the ship is repaired, he cannot leave the port and can only move within the confines of the island at most.

There is a certain probability of running into the conspiracy brewing by the Navy Department.

But Byron had no intention of hiding.

The soul that longs for freedom and adventure is destined to chase all kinds of unknowns and secrets.

With the [Storm Seal Ring] shielding his own existence, his survivability has been greatly improved. He is preparing to follow the clues and completely unlock the two secrets.

"The biggest problem now is that I don't have enough manpower. I only have a dozen or so people, and I can't even start the boat."

Byron opened his [Logbook].

The situation of the Golden Deer pirate ship is immediately clear, just like playing a real-time strategy game.

Captain: Byron Tudor (Lancaster)

Bloodline: Northlanders

Racial motto: Vengeance must be avenged! Sequence motto: Violence is better than hard work! Professional motto: I am a pioneer!

Title: The Last Lancaster (Pursuit, never ending)

Legend: [15] (As the wanted order begins to spread, it increases by 3 points compared to the beginning)

Spirituality: [1.8] (increased by 0.3 after taking office)

Occupation: Storm Rider

Class: First-level Attendant

Natural abilities:

[Weather Intuition], [Cognitive Modification] (Under the effect of the Storm Seal Ring blocking [Spirit Vision], it is almost impossible to see through, but the upper limit of the disguise can only be the same level.)

Professional abilities: [Sword Mastery], [Blue Sheep Steps], [Riding]

Forbidden knowledge: [Ritual·Holy Grail of Blood]/[Blood Brew] (finished product: blue blood oasis*2, hero water*3, Salman’s inventory is completely exhausted at this point)

Knowledge: slightly

Secret: [Shadow of the Red and White Rose War (historical influence 31, decryption density 20%)], [The Conspiracy of the Admiralty (historical influence 20, decryption density 5%)]

Entry: [Historical Corrector] (activated); [Heartache]

Battleship: Corsair Golden Deer (under renovation)

Rare items: [Storm Seal Ring], [Bloody Mary’s Gourmet Recipe], [Warrior’s Cup]

Contract object: 27 alienated man-eating sharks


[Cook Jon, 19 years old, resident of North Bay, loyalty: 95

Title: Eight Fingers/Honest Man.]

[Eight Fingers] is indeed not a good memory for Jon, and Byron gave him another nickname [Honest Man].

I feel that with his qualifications, he may be able to advance to a very powerful profession among Bay residents: [Berserker].

[Berserker] does not know what fatigue is, and is not restrained by the terror of the battlefield. He will use superhuman physical strength and will to fight continuously.

Until the end of the battle or death.

Other members who have been polished and have the potential to become extraordinary include: carpenter Hans, trainee navigator Thomas, and Parry, all with loyalty levels above 80.

There are nine ordinary pirates left.

These people are Byron's only team members.

Although they have a clean background and high loyalty, except for the old Hans, the remaining young people lack abilities and experience, so they can only build a framework first.

Then you need to spend a lot of resources to slowly cultivate it.

"What I lack most now is a first mate whose character and ability are reliable enough to serve as my assistant in coordinating the entire ship."

Byron subconsciously looked out the window, in the direction of his home territory of Sorundborg in the Channel Islands, and softly read a name:


The candidate he subconsciously thought of was his loyal and capable guardian knight.

And the tapering anchor rope seen during the promotion ceremony.

But besides feeling irritable, he couldn't do anything now.

“We must live!

The fate of the guardian knight and the lord is intertwined under the intervention of the power of the oath. I believe that although the sea is big, we will definitely meet again one day. "

Byron regained his composure.

Immediately, the first external order after taking office as captain was issued.

——Recruiting new people!

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