Pirate Kingship

Chapter 38 Recruiting talents, Assassin Gus

Anchor Bay, Sailor and Cat Pub.

Outside the door is a small square facing the port anchorage. Whether a ship is sailing or arriving at the port, you can see it here for the first time.

Therefore, it also attracted many free pirates, waiting here eagerly with a glass of the cheapest ale.

I hope I can board a powerful pirate ship and write my own legend.

Gradually, the bar also began to run a part-time human resources agency business.

Connecting pirate ships that lack sailors, sailors who have lost their pirate ships, and newcomers who are eager to go on adventures at sea.

Suddenly, there was a commotion in the square, and someone shouted:

"Quick, quick, quick! Brothers, go to Pier 2. The first mate of the [Beast Cage] is recruiting crew members. This is a rare opportunity.

That is the pirate ship of Captain Council [Conductor] Senator Ferdinand.

If we could board the ship of this third-level pirate, we would be rich! "

“I heard that these great pirates all possess more than one extraordinary sequence of prerequisite knowledge and promotion rituals.

Not only is there plenty of money, but there is also the opportunity to become extraordinary.

We are not talented in one sequence, maybe the other one will be enough? "

"Wait for me, I'll go too!"

"I'll go too"

The pirates who thought they had two brushes drank all the cheap ale in their cups to make themselves stronger, patted their butts and rushed out.

Soon Pier 2 was crowded with people.

It's a pity that they gather together quickly and disperse equally quickly.

The big pirates need to replenish their manpower, and the demands on the crew are far higher than they imagined.

It’s similar to modern recruitment. Without impressive academic qualifications and resume, big companies won’t even give you the qualifications for an interview and will directly eliminate you.

Most of them obviously don't have that.


A young Bay resident, about in his early twenties, with a pair of daggers hanging on his waist, sat back on the stone steps of the small square, somewhat lonely.

An ordinary figure, an ordinary face, the kind that you can't find in a crowd.

Extremely distressed, he put his hands into his hair, and even the shadow he cast on the ground seemed a little dark.

"The 887th attempt failed again.

When can I go to sea and become a real pirate? "

I felt so sad that I couldn't help but cry out.

All the other pirates nearby couldn't help but stay away from him, so as not to be exposed to his bad luck.

In addition to pirates, Iron Anchor Bay is also home to a large number of ordinary Northland Bay residents. It is said that even the name Bay People can be traced back to Iron Anchor Bay.

Unlike pirates who fled from land, they may have engaged in various occupations before going to sea.

The people of Beidiwan who stayed here have adhered to the tradition for generations and regarded "cruising at sea" as the highest occupation and honor.

The successive defeats have clearly dealt a huge blow to this standard Bayan young man.

At this time, a big hand suddenly touched the young man's shoulder, and a voice as rough as rock sounded in his ears:

"Gerry, it turns out you are here. If you hadn't suddenly shouted, I would have almost lost you again."

Immediately, a middle-aged man with a big beard sat next to him.

Seeing the young man's lonely appearance, he couldn't help but comfort him:

"Listen to me, Green, your talent is definitely the most uh, unique I've ever seen.

That’s right, it’s unique!

The reason why you fail one after another on the pirate ship is just because this talent is not used in the right place.

If you don't choose to go to sea, but go to a prosperous big city in the old continent to be a thief.

I believe you can become the kind of super thief who will go down in history!

Don’t you always dream of getting rich? Think about it, being a thief is also a promising job. "

The visitor was the owner of the Sailor and Cat Bar, an old pirate from the Bay who had already accumulated enough wealth and successfully retired.

Apparently he has a good relationship with the youth.

Although as a pirate nation, this value system is fundamentally wrong.

When the young man thought about his talent, a flash of light appeared in his eyes, but it immediately dimmed again.

He turned around and looked at the old pirate with a serious face:

"Uncle John, thank you for caring about me.

In fact, I don’t like money, what I really like is freedom and dignity!

It just happens that money can bring freedom and dignity. "

Just like the song in "The Call of Valhalla": "I am a strong shield and a spear, sharing the joys and sorrows, and plundering the mortal enemy."

Their branch of the Northland Bay people is entrenched in Iron Anchor Bay and Evernight Peninsula. They have always believed in primitive religion and have not converted to the church like the branch in Hattings.

I firmly believe that robbing mortal enemies in blood and fire is an honor, but stealing from ordinary people is a shame.

Although he loves money, he has his own set of principles, and he can be a thief.

“Uncle, I think most of a person’s confidence comes from economic strength.

I hope that one day in the future when I need money, I can breathe a sigh of relief and say that it is great to have money.

Instead of sighing helplessly and saying that it would be nice if I had money. "

When he said this, the young man paused for a moment, continued to look at the man beside him, and corrected him very seriously:

"Also, Uncle John, my name is Gus, not Gerry, not Green."

The man smiled awkwardly and took his hand back.

In fact, it's not because he is so forgetful, but because Gus has a talent, which can also be said to be a disease.

——Born without a sense of existence!

Except for his mother, everyone else will subconsciously ignore his existence, and sometimes turn a blind eye even if they see him head-on.

When I was young, this condition did not affect my life, but as I grew older, it became more and more serious.

Until a few years ago, the only mother who would not neglect him passed away because she had no money for medical treatment.

The "sickness" has even worsened to the point where even acquaintances will completely forget about him in the blink of an eye.

Although he has excellent assassin skills, he has been forgotten by his companions on the battlefield more than once, and naturally there is no chance of loot.

As their old neighbor, Boss John is one of the few people who can still remember him.

Of course, Gus also thought of ways to save himself, and searched for many excellent ship doctors on pirate ships to no avail.

It wasn’t until the end that I learned about it from a [prophet] from the tower sequence.

He was born with the [Shielding Sense of Presence] awakened by the [Assassin] profession, but in the process of growing up, he accidentally lost his only [Anchor]!

Not only can he not become a transcendent, but he may even suddenly disappear from this world one day.

Unless he finds someone who can always remember him, it is possible to get everything back on track.

"By the way, I came here mainly to remind you that your rent is due this month.

Young man, you must work hard!

Taking advantage of the fact that there have been a lot of pirate ships coming to Anchor Bay recently, if you try a few more times, you will definitely succeed.

Just don't forget to bring me the settlement money.

After all, you don’t want to sleep in the square tonight, do you, Des? "

Old John gave him a big smile and turned back to the bar.

Gus could no longer correct his title.

Just when he heard the word "rent", his face fell severely.

Money has never been an issue, the key question is does he look like a rich man?

Gus's current wish is simple and urgent.

I just want to find a captain who won't accidentally forget him, so that he can move to the ship.

This captain better be rich!

"God of prophecy, kingship, and wild hunting, please give me a rich captain!"

Just when Gus was praying helplessly, he suddenly heard the sound of two people talking behind him.

"Strange, what's going on in Anchor Bay recently?

When we passed by here yesterday.

Members of the Captain's Council are also recruiting people, and they seem to be [Butcher Bird] Morrison's [Piercing Thorn], and [Redbeard] Edward's [Nemesis].

Today it became [Conductor] Ferdinand’s [Beast Cage] again.

They are all mid-sequence extraordinary beings of level three and above.

Looking at the pirate flags flying on the ships in the port, it was obvious that there were many famous pirate captains gathered together.

These guys have nothing to do but hijack the ship, why don't they all come here to play house? "

"That's right, Captain, isn't this bullying us honest people? Taking away all the outstanding crew members that the [Golden Deer] wants to recruit."

Gus turned around and saw two figures, one behind the other, walking in his direction.

What a coincidence, the man in front is really wearing a triangular captain's hat!

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