Pirate Kingship

Chapter 39 Captains' Council, Storms Gather

Gus's eyes just glanced at the pirate in the back who only had eight fingers and carried a boarding ax on his back.

He immediately focused on the young man in front who didn't seem to have much to do with the image of a pirate, but was completely handsome.

He grew up in Anchor Bay and is a standard local snake.

He has seen more pirates in his lifetime than many small town residents have seen.

But such pirates are really rare.

He looks to be no more than seventeen or eighteen years old, but he has fair skin and broad shoulders.

The figure as straight as a javelin is over 180 centimeters tall.

Under the slightly messy black hair, a pair of blue eyes that are standard for the people of the North Bay are deeper than the sea.

It's hard for people to see through or see through. From the inside out, he exudes an aura of maturity that is completely incompatible with his age.

It looked a little familiar, but it couldn't be related to any familiar person or portrait I had seen before.

He has a half-sword tied around his waist, a black cloak, and a captain's tricorn hat on his head. He turns out to be a very young pirate captain.

Although Gus was eager to find a captain to take over, after hearing his question, he still didn't have much interest in striking up a conversation.

This is not because he judges people by their appearance, but because the styles of pirates and those of the systematically trained navy are completely different.

We have always believed that "the leftover is king" and only employ people without cultivating them.

Only after experiencing battles can the surviving pirates and pirate ships grow into truly strong men. The rate of premature death is really ridiculously high.

Although he was dragged down by [Talent: Shielding Sense of Presence] and could not survive for long, he still wanted to struggle a little longer.

But just when he was about to move his eyes away.

But he saw the young captain at the head suddenly nodded towards him and asked:

"Friend, do you know why Anchor Bay is so busy recently?"

Gus couldn't believe his ears.

He looked around and found that there was indeed no one else around him. He was really talking to himself, and he couldn't help but his eyes suddenly turned red.

How many years?

How long had it been since his mother passed away that he hadn't heard a stranger approach him?

His eccentric talent was indeed killing him bit by bit.

But it also brought him extraordinary abilities with astonishing effects. As long as he stayed still and made no sound, almost no one could detect his existence.

Just like Boss John said, if you change your career and become a thief, even if you walk into someone else's house and take away things, the victim won't notice.

He is a born thief, assassin, and commercial spy!

It wasn't until Byron thought he hadn't heard clearly and asked again that Gus finally came back to his senses and subconsciously explained:

“Isn’t it because the middle of next month is the day of the triennial election of the Captain’s Council?

More than a dozen mid-level councilors are vying for the position of Pirate Warden of Anchor Bay.

Throughout the North Sea, every captain recognized by the [Pirate Code] can participate in voting and join the team of the corresponding MPs to help him.

As a pirate, you don’t know about such an important thing? New here? "

"Captains' Council? New Overseer? All pirate captains from all over the North Sea are coming?"

Byron couldn't help being stunned when he heard this.

During this period of time, they lived in seclusion, and the news was indeed somewhat limited.

But when Gus mentioned the captain's council and the election of warlords, Byron quickly found the relevant information from his memory.

After the original owner of this port, the North Sea Pirate King, the high-sequence legendary pirate [Whale Hunter] disappeared.

The Captains' Council of Anchor Bay is composed of a group of the most powerful pirates and manages pirate-related affairs in the pirate port and even within the North Sea.

It is equivalent to replacing the Pirate King's authority with a collegial system of parliament.

An election is held every three years, including voting and fighting, to elect a new generation of members and a responsible pirate overseer.

The Warlord not only has huge power and can control part of the power of the [Pirate Code], he is also qualified to open a big secret treasure guarded by the people of the Bay!

Power, wealth, and even unknown supernatural secrets are all at your fingertips.

This event naturally attracted many pirate captains from across the North Sea to Anchor Bay.

Although everyone knows that they are just here to join in the fun.

Although since the disappearance of [Whale Hunter], the power of pirates in the Old World has plummeted.

Like the Barbary pirates on the west coast, all the powerful figures on the east coast are gradually moving to the southern seas.

But the pirates who are eligible to run for councilors and governors must be at least mid-level, that is, powerful extraordinary beings of the third level and above.

Who doesn't know that princes are the ones who have strong soldiers and horses?

The role of most pirate captains is to cast an insignificant vote.


Byron had to mention a but.

This is the normal routine when there are no accidents.

This year is different.

But don't forget the page of letter found from [Magic Mirror] West.

"Before the end of October, enter Anchor Bay as a pirate and wait for the next order."

Those privateer captains driven by the House of York and the Admiralty of Hattings were among the many pirates who came to participate in the parliamentary elections.

Including the [White Crystal], all privateers summoned may become untimely bombs!

Sure enough.

Byron just thought of this.

The decipherability of the last part of the logbook [Secret: Admiralty Conspiracy, Historical Influence 20] also rose from the original 5% to 18%.

"It is certain that they have bad intentions.

But I can't figure out what York and the privateers under their control are going to do in Anchor Bay to remove the hardest nail in the North Sea?"

Byron couldn't figure out the inside story for the time being, but he was still a little excited about the increase in decipherability.

He decided to walk around these two days while there were many people around, maybe he could find a few more puzzle pieces.

If there was a chance to make trouble for the York family, he would be happy to do it even if it was a loss.

After thanking the ordinary passerby, Byron took the honest man [Eight Fingers] to the "Sailor and Cat Bar".

He was going to ask the boss about the reliable sailors here.

Because the mixed sailing ship used more longitudinal sails, while greatly enhancing the ability to catch the wind, it also required much fewer people than the square sailing ship.

But if you want to operate normally and reserve staff for shift change to ensure full combat capability at any time, you need at least fifty people.

Their next task is to recruit forty experienced pirate sailors.

The honest man [Eight Fingers] came out with him to recruit crew members, and little Hans, who was trained as a [craftsman], stayed in the dock to help his father.

Excellent crew members are scarce resources.

Byron didn't ask for any powerful talents, as long as he could drive the ship, fire cannons, fight hand-to-hand combat, and have basic combat capabilities.

He had sufficient confidence in his newly formulated [Pirate Ten Commandments] and the extraordinary knowledge of various sequences in his mind.

There was no worry about not being able to attract good crew members in the future.

"Captain, are you planning to recruit crew members?

I grew up here and know the situation of the free sailors in the port.

Even if you want special talents, I am very familiar with the slave guild.

My help will definitely save you a lot of time."

Byron's proactive greeting immediately ignited Gus's glimmer of hope, and he quickly recommended himself to him.

As he said that, he slightly tidied up his messy clothes, stretched out five fingers, and gave Byron a big smile:

"Sir, five copper fuls!

Only five copper fuls, you won't lose or be cheated, it's absolutely worth the money!"

One gold pound is equal to 20 silver knuts, and one silver knut is equal to 15 copper fuls. One copper ful can buy a standard weight of ful bread (legal bread).

[Eight Fingers] knew that his captain didn't have a strong concept of money.

Before he spoke, he hurriedly stepped forward and looked at Gus, whose face was full of "I love money" and whose tattered equipment was full of "poor".

He stretched out two fingers calmly, showing the stingy spirit of a Remitt merchant, and cut it in half:

"Two Fuers."

Gus's face froze.

"Even if I can't sell it, as a semi-transcendent who is born with [spiritual] awakening, I still have dignity!"

At this time.


All three of them lowered their heads to look at Gus's belly.

The latter could only accept it awkwardly:

"Deal! But can you pay first?"

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