Pirate Kingship

Chapter 373 Father God, where in this world can there be a prince who has lived for seventy years?

Other people's focus was obviously different from Byron's.

Upon hearing the urgent military information brought by this ally, all the "gods", including Freya, straightened their faces and put down their golden wine glasses.

Dagon waved his hand, and the family servants who served them in the cabin retreated silently.

The grand banquet immediately seamlessly turned into a combat meeting of the deep sea front.

"They came so fast! This pirate king is really impatient.

I thought he would be more cautious and wait until the last day of the window period to gather enough adventure ships and colonists before launching a strong attack on our base."

The [False God], who was as big as a combination of the Mei's Leviathan whale and humans, grinned, revealing a mouth full of shark-like triangular teeth, and his voice was as loud as thunder:

"Haha, isn't this exactly what we want?

Although the colonists from the Silver Continent came many years earlier than we expected, it still couldn't change the main theme of the struggle for power and intrigue among the major forces.

It is normal for the [Ocean Throne] to be eager for quick success and want to eat the biggest piece of fat in the New World before other fifth-level legends arrive.

Of course, it is also possible that after waiting for the new force, he felt that he was confident of breaking through the defense line, and in order to prevent more troubles, he didn't want to wait any longer."

The fifth-level [False God] paused slightly when he said this , a trace of doubt appeared on the face of the half-human, half-whale, half-shark:

"The only thing that I can't figure out is how he knew that there is a whaling ground for the Leviathan whale here, and there is whale oil technology?

If there is no visible fat meat, even if they want to start the great geographical discovery, they will only follow the steps, and they will definitely not be so attentive and have clear goals.

It is possible to continue to explore slowly in the Broken Islands for several years or even more than ten years.

Instead of being led by the dignified pirate king like now, others will naturally chase each other, fearing that they will be half a step slower.

At that time, it will be enough for us, the deep-sea clans who have just climbed out of the sea while the source tide and sea level of the whole world continue to rise, to eat up the entire southern continent.

Until the tide in the dreams of the old gods becomes more and more intense, and the "Luo Yan Era" that will wash them and all the deep-sea clans back to the shore really arrives, the countries of the Silver Continent may not be able to come back to their senses.

There must be something wrong in the middle."

The voice of the whale [false god] just fell.

The decoding density of [Secret: Prophecy, Kingship, and the Prophecy of Racial Revival of Woden, the God of the Wild Hunt, Historical Influence 69] in Byron's logbook rose from 45% to 51%.

The amount of information in the visitor's words was so great that the decoding density of this secret exceeded half in an instant.

Byron's main body far away on the Golden Deer, and Violet, who was connected to him spiritually and had sensory communication, all sat up straight involuntarily.

They looked at each other and saw the solemnity in each other's eyes.

"The old gods' dream talk?

I always thought that the so-called 'Luo Yan Era' was just a scam used by the Deep Dive Church under the command of the Sleeping God to deceive believers, and it just corresponds to his old god's residence, Luo Yan City.

It is essentially no different from 'Fox Call' or 'One-eyed Stone Man'.

I didn't expect that this 'Luo Yan Era' came from multiple old gods, or even all the old gods' revelation to their own believers.

And there seems to be a certain degree of organization among these cultists who have converted to the old gods?"

Byron's ancestors inherited a pair of "offshore balancing hands", and his principle of action has always been to get intelligence before the troops move.

Then, watch the fire from the other side of the river, fish in troubled waters, and by the way, have a fight between the snipe and the clam, and the fisherman will benefit.

Knowing that this was an accidental hearing of key information, he immediately extracted the relevant memories of the visitor from the brains of the goddess and the son of God, and pricked up his ears.

The projection of the [false god] in front of him belongs to the sect that worships the old god [Rift Whale Leviathan] - the Rift Monastery.

Since the Creator Church had deleted all the information about the old gods, there was only one sentence left about Leviathan in the Gospel of Creation:

"On that day, the two beasts will be separated. The female beast is called Leviathan, and she lives in the depths of the sea, in the water;

The male is called Behemoth, and he lives in a wilderness east of the Garden of Eden. The name of the wilderness is Dendayan, which cannot be seen by people."

The knowledge system of the Old World has been deleted countless times, so they only know that Leviathan is a huge fish-shaped monster, corresponding to a whale.

And it is destined to be killed by God in the end and become food for all the righteous.

In the memory of the goddess Freya, the taboo book inherited by the Rift Monastery is exactly the same as Violet's "Disaster Curse".

After three blood sublimations, they transformed into the mythical creature [Disaster Witch] also called [War Witch].

As messengers of Leviathan, they can transform into any powerful aquatic creature at will, even aquatic monsters.

But there will be side effects, and from then on they will hate the vast land with continental shelves and cannot live on the continent for a long time, otherwise they will gradually become weak and turn back into an ordinary person, or even die.

It is not clear for the time being whether there will be any unexpected changes that people like to see if men learn this taboo knowledge.

In addition, this sect is somewhat similar to the "Lighthouse Federation" that is chasing the world cracks.

But they are not guarding the cracks to protect the world, but have the ability to control the world cracks to a certain extent, and are particularly keen on expanding the cracks!

Standard cult style, the enemy of the world.

This unexpected discovery made Byron's eyes light up.

He also saw more possibilities in Violet, the bright and beautiful witch-to-be.

"If the world cracks can not only defend, but also repair.

Then the title of "World Repairman" is too suitable for the girl's main job [Craftsman].

The job is to repair the big ship called "World", just thinking about it makes people excited."

But Violet has not even completed the second blood sublimation ceremony, so it is too far to think about these things for the time being.

Byron temporarily suppressed this idea and continued to browse the information.

The visitor is the archbishop of the Rift Monastery in the southern continent-the fifth-level false god [Father of Sharks] Ponape.

The job rank is the same as [Abyss Nightmare] Dagon and the cardinals of the Creator Church.

The "Spiral Annihilation Era" collectively revealed by the old gods in his mouth, even the sons and daughters of God are not very clear.

I only know that it seems to be a natural phenomenon of the extraordinary world, just like the ebb and flow of the tide, and no one can stop it.

As for what he suspected was wrong?

Others didn't know, but Byron and Violet knew it very well. Of course, everything was the work of Jack Harold, the pirate king of the East Coast [Whale Hunter]!

Just like at this moment, [Ocean Throne] Barbarossa, who finally broke through the route, didn't know that he would meet another "gun hunter" at the end of the route.

The cultists didn't expect the colonists to come so quickly.

Both sides were a little caught off guard, and their plans were disrupted.

The dispute began the moment the two sides met unexpectedly.

There can only be one winner in the end of the extraordinary knowledge, human nature, hard power, time, and the old mysterious realm.

If the pirate king can't open the route in the window period of late June and early July and eat the biggest piece of fat meat, all these years of silent efforts will be in vain.

He absolutely can't tolerate it.

And the deep sea front composed of the two sects will not give up the occupied territory.

Keep the window period, just wait for the full moon phase to take advantage of the geographical location and destroy all the invading enemies in one move.

[Whale Hunter] started planning many years ago with the help of another pirate king.

Until today, it finally came to fruition.

"Mr. Harold has been quietly promoting overseas development, and there must be some purpose we don't know."

Byron felt that compared to himself, a mere "offshore balancer", this big man who only heard of his name but never saw him was more like a real chess player who was in charge of the world.

He could stir up the situation of a continent with a random move.

And the secrets that [Whale Hunter] knew must be far more than what he knew.

If Captain Jack was not Violet's father, Byron would subconsciously label him as a behind-the-scenes manipulator.

Or the kind who kills people without a knife.

"No matter what he wants to do, he can be regarded as one of his own people. No matter how powerful his means are, he should not shout and kill me. Right?"

But when Byron thought about it, his true identity was actually a wild boy who was spying on other people's lovely daughters.

Hiss, suddenly I felt a little cold in my neck.

After hearing the analysis of [Father of Sharks] Pohnpei, [Deep Nightmare] Dagon nodded to him:

"It is no longer necessary to consider why the accident occurred.

The most important thing is to capture those colonists, transform them into mermaid tears, and then transform them into our strength.

As long as the colonists want to lead a large army to the southern continent, they must pass through here.

In order to eat the fat, they have no choice but to fight a battle with us with insufficient strength.

As long as we successfully eat this first wave of mid-to-high sequence extraordinary people and an entire fleet of strange objects, the strength of our two families will be enough to expand to a level that later generations can no longer shake."

Seeing that [Father of Sharks] Pohnpei's face relaxed, Dagon continued:

"Imitate the 'Devil's Triangle ', the huge secret forbidden area, the 'trapdoor' where the bridgehead is located, the 'Luo Yan City' where our Deep Dive Church is stationed, and the 'Fissure Trench' of your Fissure Monastery constitute a sacrificial ceremony: [Nightmare Triangle].

Summon the power of the two old gods to descend separately.

We don't need to win, as long as we can hold out with them until the moon phase starts, let alone the ragtag army, even if the Castilian Invincible Fleet comes, it will be annihilated in an instant.

The entire Red Rose Lancaster clan, which was easily destroyed last year, is still staying in the belly of our Lord.

After cutting off the supply, it won't take long for it to be completely digested. "

Byron frowned deeply when he heard the tactics prepared by this party, but he had to admit that he was right.

The sea is full of dangers, there are secrets and navigation forbidden areas everywhere, and safe routes are very limited.

One of the most famous forbidden areas in the Bantaan Islands is the "Devil's Triangle", and no one can come out alive if they dare to enter.

Just like in ancient times, when marching in wars, one must attack cities and fortresses, and one must bite the bullet to go through dangerous checkpoints. This is also equivalent to the checkpoints in the extraordinary realm, and the large army can only go here.

In order to open up the route, one must flatten the territories of the two families.

How easy is it to accomplish this feat in just a few days?

No wonder the two sects are so confident.

"Everyone, each of you should get into your combat positions.

Before the large army of colonists arrives, the scouts and cannon fodder among them must have experimented with the rules of the secret realm one step ahead.

Leave them all to me, I want those colonists to die inexplicably."

"As you command, Archbishop."

Dagon gave an order and the banquet ended early, and the "gods" stood up one after another.

The Deep Sea Front composed of the Deep Diving Church and the Rift Monastery began to prepare for full-scale war.

Byron's vision also followed the goddess Freya out of the cabin with the stars holding the moon.

However, when he wanted to continue searching from the memories of the Son of God and the Goddess, what other trump cards or defensive loopholes could the cultists use in the war?

However, they unexpectedly discovered that not only did the two of them know far less about the [Legendary Battleship: Bay People's Leading Ship] than Violet, but they also knew very little about the Deep Diving Church and the situation in the Southern Continent.

The education they received since childhood was completely different from the direct heirs of Bay people like Byron and Violet.

No matter how you look at it, [Demon of the Abyss] Dagon really doesn't seem to have an attitude towards his own children, as if he is cultivating heirs.

Byron couldn't help but have some dark thoughts:

“Within the sphere of influence of the Deep Diving Church, most of the outsiders who mistakenly entered the church towns became food because of ‘blindly eating fish’;

Those ordinary believers in small towns who lived happily from childhood to 40 years old, and were eaten up by God bit by bit, their identity is that of livestock and anchor in captivity;

The animalistic part that was transformed into the Deep Sea Familiar during the ‘Ascension’ ceremony is the leftover medicine residue and cannon fodder;

Some of the lucky ones who are lucky enough to be spiritually awakened and become extraordinary through studying the "Luoyan City Teaching Book" are senior soldiers and food reserves;

So, what are the roles of the "giant infants" the Son of God and the Goddess who have no corresponding extraordinary common sense or even life experience? "

If you think about it a little more deeply, you will be horrified to think about it.

Especially for a fifth-level [false god] who has lived for hundreds of years and has an endless lifespan. He can last for eternity, so why does he need any "successor"?

What do they want to inherit?

Rather, the people they should be wary of the most are the Sons of God and Goddess who are on the same path as themselves, have extremely high compatibility, and may replace them at any time!

The purpose of training them seems self-evident.

Byron thought this, and the idea naturally fell into the consciousness of the goddess Freya.

The latter was reminded by him and subconsciously glanced at Dagon, who was walking towards another cabin, and silently lowered his eyes.

After becoming a [Wild Hunt Servant], in her heart she only knew that she had a master, not a father. How could she accept such a guess?

He said silently in his heart:

"Father God, how can there be a prince in this world who has lived for seventy years?

You have lived too long. For the sake of my master and me, you should return to the arms of the Sleeping God as soon as possible.

Whether it’s the [Legendary Battleship], the [Godhead Mask], or the whaling ground, I, and my brother who became firewood, the master will make good use of it. "

In the blink of an eye, a new father-killer emerges.

Byron regained consciousness and nodded with satisfaction:

"Very good, very energetic!"

Back then, he used Alvin, the number one servant of the Wild Hunt and Beatrice's number one licker, to successfully stab the great wizard in the back.

Now I am also looking forward to whether I can use the body of this "father's enemy" Freya to complete the feat of killing gods for a mortal!

The title "God Killer" sounds extremely majestic.

Seeing that the night was getting darker, Byron and Violet had sorted out the information on both sides of the battle and were about to take a rest when another big surprise came to him from their hometown of Bantaan Islands.

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