Pirate Kingship

Chapter 380 The End of the Nightmare: Lancaster Genocide

Other adventure ships that were already fighting with marine creatures nearby were caught off guard and suffered heavy losses on the spot.

Before they could start to curse, they heard screams from the ships of the Barbary pirates:

"Why did the ship move by itself?"

"It wasn't our gunners who did it."

"Oh no, the ship is alive, be careful of the cables!"

The whole ship seemed to come alive, and all kinds of things on the ship began to attack their crew.

Especially the dense cables tied to the masts and sails, twisting and twisting, entangled the Barbary pirates on the ship and pulled them up to the sky.

While they were still in the air, they died one by one, and turned into a miserable corpse with broken cervical vertebrae and hanged alive on the mast.

Swaying in the wind, it was creepy.

It seemed that the more these "murderous pirate ships" killed, the stronger their own power would be. In a moment, even the low-sequence extraordinary people on the ship began to be in danger.

Legendary ability 1 of [Wanmin Dragon Head Ship·Hall of Valor]: Domination of Pirate Ships!

"Because every pirate ship has its own [Pirate Ten Commandments] from the [Pirate Code], and the Dragon Head Ship was born before the [Pirate Code], and is the founder and witness of the pirate business in this world.

When an ordinary pirate ship hits it, it is like a personal terminal to the root server, and the followers of the old gods to the old gods.

When it met the ancestor of this pirate ship, it was immediately pushed to control it."

At that time, the goddess reminded Byron: "You'd better not mix with the forces of the pirate king [Ocean Throne].

At the beginning, the ancestors stole the world's first pirate ship [Legendary Battleship Bay People Dragon Head Ship] from Anchor Bay. In theory, no ship below the legendary level in the world can be its opponent.

This time, no matter how many people the pirate king comes, they are doomed to die!"

Since the main force of this colonial war is the pirate group, no matter how many ships there are, they lose their meaning in front of this battleship.

No matter how many pirate ships come, as long as they dare to approach one kilometer, it is equivalent to washing themselves clean and offering themselves to the door, which is completely free.

And he was the type who knew to change his position after patting his butt.

"Hahaha, unless the profession of pirate disappears, the Wanmin Dragon Head Ship will be the eternal king of pirates!

All pirates who dare to challenge its authority will be beaten to dust."

The Abyss Nightmare Dagon stood on the bow and laughed loudly. There was a hazy halo floating around him, and only a dragon head could be vaguely seen on it.

There is no doubt that this is the ship spirit of [Dragon Head Ship Valhalla]!

Under the control of this ship spirit, the two rows of oars paddled very fast, and the dragon head warship rushed forward with the "Domination Field".

Any pirate ship within a kilometer of it will lose control immediately.

It is obvious that once it successfully rushes into the center of the fleet, the entire Barbary Pirate Group will explode instantly, and Barbarossa's hard-earned assets will all go down the drain.

Of course, this pirate king will not sit idly by.

"Looking for death! The Sea King exhales, the Mad God descends!"

With a roar, wisps of blue light gas appeared between his mouth and nose, a halo exploded above his head, and he raised a Fisher Sword and soared into the sky like a cannonball.

With violent airflow all over his body, he rushed across the sea, and the tip of the sword rubbed the waves and plowed a deep gully in the sea.

Looking at the sea water that had been difficult to close for a long time, Byron, who was at the same level, immediately realized that the Pirate King had obviously also comprehended [God's Vision].

Perhaps his absolute power was not as good as those of the fifth-level [False Gods], but he could completely rely on his skills to create a local "long board" to confront them head-on.

Immediately, he subconsciously shrank his neck and never mentioned the arrogant words that he dared to fight the Pirate King in the dead demon environment.

[Ocean Throne] ran all the way, and wisps of mist in the sea gathered behind him, gradually turning into a pair of wings like fish fins.

It also blessed him with the power of the entire sea layer by layer.

After reaching the fifth-level legend on the Ladder of Glory route, one will awaken his own exclusive magic. The Ocean Throne awakens this one [Contract Sea King]:

"The fourth-level Beast King's Heart can unify the power of the sea monster army under its command, and the Contract Sea King can rely on its own power to mobilize the power of an entire sea area for its own use.

As long as the body and spirit can bear it, it can make the mountains roar and the sea tsunami with a wave of its hand.

Even if it only dares to borrow one percent or one thousandth of the power, it can be called terrifying."

The legendary warships all have strategic-level capabilities, and Dagon dare not let a pirate king who has great power from gathering people and returning to himself ride on his face.

Putting on the divine mask of [Sea God Niold], he also shouted:

"Divine mask, the gods descend!"

Wrapped in the sky tide, holding the halberd in hand, cut another waterline on the sea, and collided with the pirate king without dodging.

Dang! Ding! Ding!

Fire flashed, thunder roared, and the waves chopped by the two turned into a thick fog that rolled bigger and bigger.

The absolute "mechanical reason" of the God of Heaven vs. the absolute "wild instinct" of the Mad God of Heaven made it impossible for other people of lower realms to intervene.

At the same time, the legendary warship continued to move forward, and it seemed that no one could stop it.

More and more pirate ships began to rebel and kill people.

But at this moment, a perverted voice fell into everyone's ears:

"Hey, the dragon head ship Valhalla?

Ah, look at your long and thin oars, the full sails that catch the sea breeze, and your smooth body. It's so beautiful, so beautiful.

I would like to call you the most beautiful woman besides the Holy Trinity.

When I heard your name, I couldn't help but think of the Valkyrie. I guess your ship spirit must be a big beauty as muscular and plump as the Valkyrie.

My beauty, my dear, I wish I could merge with you right now, and we would be one.

Just thinking about it makes me tremble with excitement. ”

The Bottle Phantom, which had shrunk to the size of a bottle, suddenly returned to its original system and blocked the dragon-headed ship.

As for whether the Sailboat Collector shook or not, no one could see it, but it was obvious that the ship spirit with a dragon head on top of it on the legendary battleship shook violently.

Ship spirits are not human beings, and do not have gender and appearance in the general sense.

It can completely present different appearances according to the owner's preferences.

Since the original name of this ship is the Hall of Valor, it actually served the Harold royal family in the Iron Anchor Bay in the image of a Valkyrie.

But what if the guy in front of him became the owner?

Hiss! Just thinking about it makes me feel like I'm covered with cockroaches.

"Roar! Summon the fleet of heroes! "

Faced with this uninvited guest, nausea instantly turned into anger, and he opened his mouth and roared.

Woo woo woo.

Then there was a gust of cold wind on the sea, and a shadow suddenly appeared behind the dragon head ship.

Then one, two, three... hundreds of black sail pirate ships of different shapes from different eras appeared on the sea.

Guangmin dragon head ship (paddle boat), sloop, flute-shaped ship, carrack, galleon... everything that has existed in history is available.

This is its second legendary ability [Heroic Fleet]:

"You can summon the heroes sleeping in [Hall of Valor·Valhalla] and the pirate ships that sank into the sea when they died to help in the battle. "

Under the command of the ship spirit, the fleet of heroes collectively adjusted their positions to gain the upper hand and fired at the [Phantom in the Bottle].

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The pale green flames, like those of a ghost ship, looked particularly difficult to deal with.

[Sailboat Collector] Morton Gray controlled his quasi-legendary warship to shrink again and easily avoided the accurate bombardment.

At the same time, glass bottles jumped out of the cabin.

The moment they came into contact with the sea water, the bottles shattered one after another, and the collectible warships in them grew against the wind.

Behind it, a large fleet of hundreds of ships, which concentrated advanced warships from various navies, was quickly pulled out.

Since the pirates have zero research and development capabilities, they usually use whatever is floating on the sea, and 90% of them are converted from ordinary merchant ships.

The most typical one is the [Man-eating Shark] that Byron snatched from Blood Eye Salman. ]。

Once these pirate ships encounter warships, most of them can only flee. If they can escape, it is considered a blessing from the Creator, not to mention resistance.

The [Sailboat Collector] who pursues the strongest "shell" is naturally not interested in pirate ships. This large fleet is full of warships.

There are no Pirate Ten Commandments on it, and the ability of legendary warships to control pirate ships naturally has no effect on them.

Moreover, in front of the steering wheel of each warship, there is an additional sailboat collector with a somewhat illusory figure.

This is Morton Gray's exclusive magic: [Virtual Ship Spirit].

Like an astral body traveling, it can split its spirituality into hundreds of parts, and each part can inject soul into ordinary warships.

It is even further than Byron's "Great Ship Saint", reaching the highest realm of "man is ship, ship is man, man and ship are one".

"Fire! "Gaga-ga."

The cannon fire burst out, instantly illuminating the sea under the dark clouds.

On one side is the immortal hero, and on the other side is a small group of the most advanced warships on the sea. It's a match made in heaven.

In the whistling rain of bullets, [Phantom in the Bottle], as the flagship and the vanguard, rode away and charged in the front.

The sailboat pervert wearing a sail and a glass cover on his head jumped onto the forecastle, staring at the dragon head ship with a monocular telescope, drooling at the corner of his mouth:

"Gaga-ga, beautiful girl, you have a strong personality, I like you more and more.

Throw yourself into my arms, only I [Sailboat Collector] can appreciate your beauty the most.

I will definitely love you well.

As long as you marry me, no matter how much you resist, even if you trample me and whip me with your boots, I will never frown! "

The full-scale war in other places has turned into a mess, and a group of fourth-level mythical creatures in the dragon head battleship are not idle either.

Under the leadership of Jörmungandr, they held the [Magic Book·Luoyan City Textbook] in their hands and activated the old god's mansion, Luoyan City, behind them.

"In the name of the Luoyan land under the sea and its inhabitants, praise the sleeping god.

In the name of the [Seal of Kish] and all those who obey this seal, in the name of the gate to the deep sea and all those who use this gate."

The last round of nightmares blessed by the old gods, and also the strongest nightmare, came again.

The storm that had accumulated for a long time above the head finally poured down.

Toot toot toot.

At the same time, a disgusting and chaotic flute sound from the depths of the storm suddenly penetrated the rain curtain and drilled into everyone's ears.

The sea water where the colonial fleet was located was also quickly dyed black by an unknown thing.

It seemed that a giant was lurking in the deep sea, making a sticky and low roar, and exuding a terrible stench that almost penetrated into the bone marrow!

"This is."

In order to prevent the sailing adventurer from hanging on the [Golden Deer] at the end of the team, Byron's body shook violently.

No one knew better than him what this round of nightmares meant.

That was the night of Lancaster's genocide!

However, through the sea water under his feet, he also saw a very familiar giant in the "shipwreck graveyard".

It goes without saying who the nightmare of the final scene came from.

And this also means that the fishing opportunity he has been waiting for has finally come!

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