Pirate Kingship

Chapter 382: Wrestling with God: Dear anglers, please cast your rods!

In the deep dream of Luoyan City, the shipwreck graveyard.

Except for the large number of ghost ships that were withdrawn by Jörmungandr, the noise from the outside world has not yet affected this place.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The battle in the graveyard is endless day and night.

The first-class ship [Blue Dragon King], as huge as a mountain, has full sails, and the blue flames of 118 cannons on the side flash one after another.

A York family cruiser that failed to escape in time was blown up on the spot, and scattered into wood chips and messy limbs on the sea.

The flagship of the Strait Fleet, the second-class ship [King Edward] (Chapter 71), was able to escape by using a scapegoat.

The ghost fire on the sails burned violently, and it continued to flee desperately, without any idea of ​​turning back to fight back.

Unless another legendary warship is dragged in by the "Touch of the Kraken", the [Blue Dragon King] will be the absolute overlord here.

Former First Fleet Marshal Norwich York, looking at the few remaining White Rose warships around him, was so angry that he wanted to curse:

"Damn Edmund Lancaster!

When your son sent me here, I had already died once. Do you want to kill me again here?

It's endless, right?"

"And damn Jörmungandr!

You pulled all the cannon fodder out and left us here alone. What's this?

Putting a group of wolves and a tiger together is called fighting Beast, locking a wolf and a tiger together is called a snack!

Are you afraid that the Blue Dragon King doesn't eat well enough? Bastard! Bastard!"

"And my good nephew, His Majesty Edward.

If you can't send more warships to the Kraken's Touch to die, and come to this shipwreck cemetery to block the knife for me, I will really die!


He has been in the shipwreck cemetery for more than half a year, and he has been chased by the Blue Dragon King every day. Norwich has never had a good sleep.

It is difficult for outsiders to understand the bitterness.

As the first fleet was about to be digested, he almost collapsed and went crazy.

Rules for killing in the Shipwreck Cemetery:

"Here, living things will be judged as dead at any moment, and then resurrected as undead.

After death, the middle sequence can retain sanity, and those below the middle sequence only retain the killing instinct.

The more the ghost ship kills, the greater the range of the crew's recovery of sanity and the stronger the strength.

Once it becomes the strongest in the cemetery, the whole ship will recover sanity, but it will also attract everyone's instinctive siege until it completely falls."

During this period, under the instructions of Jörmungandr, the ghost warships loaded with 32-pound heavy guns avoided the battle, and other small warships besieged day and night.

The purpose is to exhaust the heavy artillery ammunition supply of the first-level ship [Blue Dragon King] and completely pull out its claws.

However, there is an online financial street connecting the entire known world as a backing, and all kinds of materials from all over the world are in unlimited supply.

From the polar circle at the northernmost end, where few people go, to the "celestial circulation belt" at the equator, as long as they are willing to spend money, the powerful "online shop owners" can get them all.

Eat grilled camel humps from the desert on the west coast in the morning, cream ice cream from the polar circle of the Evernight Peninsula at noon, and fresh seafood from the Bantaan Islands at night

Cannonballs, muskets, alchemical explosives, spices, and transmuted blood are all available.

If the Lancasters were not all dead, they would have been fed by Byron remotely and fattened up several times.


Standing on the bow to admire the embarrassed appearance of his enemy, Edmund Lancaster kept inhaling top-grade spices all day long, and his throat was almost choked by smoke.

It made him feel itchy all over his body if he didn't dismantle a few enemy ships to practice every day.

Of course, it consumed a lot to feed the [Blue Dragon King], but they produced more.

During this period, they kept collecting antiques and goods from the shipwreck cemetery and operating the "Dead Cattle and Horses Branch" on the edge of the world.

They also exchanged various treasures for cutting-edge military supplies produced by Violet in the financial street to find Catherine's vest "Ms. Friday".

Not only was he not killed by Jörmungand, but his strength grew stronger with each fight.

Even the armament of this first-class ship has been updated with the help of a large amount of arms provided by Violet:

"Blue Dragon King: tonnage 2351, gun deck length 57.98 meters, keel length 47.59 meters, width 16.22 meters, number of guns 118.

Armament: lower deck, 30 32-pound cannons; middle deck, 30 24-pound cannons; upper deck, 32 18-pound cannons;

Poop deck, 14 12-pound cannons; forecastle deck, 2 32-pound carronades, 4 12-pound cannons; rear deck cabin, 6 24-pound carronades.

Capacity: 837 people.

Figurehead: Blue Dragon King."

Such a ghost ship floating on the sea is like a small town. Others' legs tremble when they see it, let alone fighting it.

Especially equipped with more advanced, lighter, and larger caliber carronades, the firepower has been further enhanced.

Looking at the fleets of various countries, the hardware of the Blue Dragon King is second to none of the legendary battleships.

With such a solid foundation, even if one day it suddenly crosses that natural barrier, it is not a delusion to be promoted to a legendary battleship.

In addition, the Blue Dragon King not only has a significant hardware upgrade, but many members of the Lancaster family and the guards and extraordinary officers serving on the ship have completed the road conversion with the help of the [Book of the Dead].

Even if they fight a boarding battle with others, they are not afraid of anyone.

The only regret is that they have not found a taboo book suitable for ship spirit cultivation, and Edmund Lancaster cannot be completely integrated with the [Blue Dragon King].

The fourth-level heroic Storm Knight ship spirit, equipped with the leading first-level ship as the body, is stronger than the [Sailboat Collector] and his [Phantom in the Bottle].

Once promoted, it will not be a weakling among all [Legendary Battleships].

Byron hopes his father will become a dragon, and has high hopes for his father.

Although there is still a certain gap between him and the "Undead King", as long as he can escape the belly of the old god, he will immediately be able to ride the wind and turn into a dragon!

In the new world full of crises, even the fifth-level [false gods] are emerging in an endless stream, this is a sea-stabilizing needle at the bottom of the box.

After Byron had worked hard for so long, he finally got a golden leg again.

He could read a short essay called "My Legendary Father" like [Blue Hair] Barbarossa Helding, and use the power of the tiger to bully others.

He didn't even need to be promoted to Legendary. With his current capital, he could become the decisive force in determining the direction of the colonial war in the outside world.

"Byron said that there is already a clue about the forbidden book.

This is what I care about most."

The tall Prince Sorenburg stood on the forecastle, stroking a carronade with Violet's emblem beside him, obviously worried about his daughters-in-law.

But he was not considering the issue of trade-offs as others thought, but:

"Although according to our family tradition, both your uncle and my father are very loyal to their wives and don't even have a lover.

If it is for anyone, I have to say: loyalty is the virtue of a gentleman.

But if it is for you, I just want to say: I want it all!

The problem is that [The King's Right Hand] can only have one queen, and each queen must have a crown and a piece of land commensurate with her status.

Absolutely no favoritism.

In order not to wrong my daughters-in-law, I really have to work harder to help Byron get another crown."

Just like every old father who raises a wedding house for his son's wedding, Prince Sorenburg is under a lot of pressure at this time, but he is also full of energy.

It's just that the "wedding house" he wants to prepare is a little bit bigger than others.

At this moment, [Blue Dragon King] suddenly paused, and then suddenly broke away from the sea and soared into the sky under the pull of a huge force.

Byron's excited voice also rang in Edmund's ears:

"Take off, Dad!"

While this side soared into the sky, the other side of the Hastings capital Kingston was in chaos.

In the York Party, regardless of whether it was the Royal Party or the Earl Party, there were countless dignitaries who secretly accepted Byron's benefits through various channels.

A simple paper contract may not have substantial power.

But who let Byron have the [Faustian Contract] and [First Stock]?

Taking his benefits without knowing why is equivalent to accepting the money to buy your life.

"Plop", "Plop".

For a moment, I don't know how many people suddenly lost their balance, their anchors were violently torn off, and they instantly disappeared into the material world.

Replacing Byron was pulled into the old god's mansion.

"The way he disappeared is exactly the same as Lancaster."

"Oh no, it must be the Kraken's touch coming!"

"I said we shouldn't have anything to do with those old gods, we must be cursed."

Even those who had some knowledge only thought that it was the "Kraken" nearby that was causing trouble, and never thought that they were severely cheated by the "investment project" of a loyal minister thousands of miles away.

However, Byron also knew that the main purpose this time was not to kill White Rose.

Seeing that they could not pull this group of people, they immediately tied up other "fishing lines" that had been prepared for a long time:

"The [Pirate Ten Commandments] that connect the entire privateer fleet and the Vanguard Pilot Colonial Adventure Company;

The [Golden Code] that represents the triple ruling authority of the Azk Empire and Yucatan Island, the heaven, the earth, and the people;

The [Crystal Skull] that represents the inheritance of the Taya civilization;

The most core taboo books of the Bloodthirsty Cult and the Skinning Church, "Blood Source Pilgrimage" and "Thousand Faces Ritual";

The [Faustian Contract] that established an online trading platform and covered countless merchants and buyers in the entire known world."

In an instant, with Byron and the Golden Deer as hooks, countless light golden fishing lines appeared and condensed into a thick column of substantial light.

It blew a big hole in the dark clouds above Byron's head.

The golden sunlight turned into a column of light and projected backwards, reflecting him like a god.

No, in the eyes of others, he might be a real god.

He does the work of a god in a mortal body.

"Hah, get up!"


As the fishing line stretched straight.

Not only did the [Blue Dragon King] speed up to float, but the fleeing second-class ship [King Edward] and all the other ghost warships connected by "iron chain" all took off.

Byron's identity was a loyal minister of York. If he only caught the [Blue Dragon King] in public, his vest would fall to the ground immediately.

Some gains are not worth the loss.

But if you let a sheep go, you can also drive a flock of sheep.

He made 120,000 preparations and recruited tens of millions of "fishing friends", making it possible to fish for a fleet.

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