Pirate Kingship

Chapter 399 Please hand over the country to me (4600)

The first time Byron heard the word "Sun Empire" was in the memory of the Son of God and the Goddess, but it was only a vague word.

Because [Abyss Nightmare] Dagon strictly prohibited them from going to the high mountainous border of the Sun Empire on the west coast, and at most they stopped at the central rain forest.

In addition to knowing that it was a powerful indigenous country that even the fifth-level [False God] was very afraid of, it was now across the central plains and confronting the various families that occupied the entire east coast.

What exactly was the political system, population, extraordinary system, taboo knowledge, etc. of that country, they knew very little.

The most profound memory was probably that whenever Dagon mentioned the Sun Empire built in the towering mountains, he would add an extra sentence with a hint:

"The sun and the storm are the mortal enemies of the deep sea!"

The Son of God and the Goddess were a little confused, but they didn't dare to ask more.

But from a third-party perspective, Byron felt that this word with a strong mystical meaning should have another source, and it didn't sound like Dagon's original.

Instead, it was more like some kind of rambling or alternative motto from some higher level old god.

As for whether the sun in it refers to the "Empire of the Sun", he was not sure for the time being. He could only know it by seeing it with his own eyes.

"As for the 'Storm', it can't possibly refer to us Storm Knights.

Whether it's the third-level [Storm Admiral], the fourth-level [Storm Lord], or even the fifth-level King, they are all too far behind.

At least he has to be at the level of the God of the Wild Hunt to be worthy of the title of a mortal enemy."

He took Violet and transformed into a whale, and set off on the return journey on the Ammonite Snail. On the way, he took the time to click on the relevant information attached to Edward IV's letter:

"[Beagle]: One of the exotic adventure ships funded by the York family, it is also a top-notch existence in the second echelon.

The main exploration direction is overseas animal, plant, and mineral research.

Figurehead · Canes Venatici: In addition to being able to summon a group of giant spirit sled dogs to drag the ship across the sea.

When encountering fatal danger, you can also summon the astrological power of Canes Venatici to possess you and perform a powerful extraordinary ability called [Let Go].

Let go of those sled dogs , so that they can use any angle less than 120 degrees in the space around them to penetrate the continuous space like a wave line with the adventure ship, and randomly teleport to a nearby place with treasure.

As long as you are not afraid of death, you will definitely get lucky if you come a few more times, but it is more likely that you will accidentally run into the secret realm and be wiped out on the spot!

Captain: Charles Robert, the third-level [naturalist] of the tower sequence

First mate: Louis Williams, the third-level great wizard [Mr. no/Mr. No]

Two days ago, when they were avoiding a weird attack, they launched the "let go" and accidentally broke into the sacred lake of the Sun Empire.

After encountering a group of priests stationed there and suffering heavy losses, they accidentally obtained a treasure called [Sun Crown], and then killed and communicated with several priests to obtain relevant information."

Byron found that the common sense in the minds of the sons and daughters of God was not as much as that of this group of adventurers who hurriedly explored.

After browsing it up and down, he found that this indigenous empire was much more powerful than the Azik and Taya Empires, and was not much inferior to the sacred golden empire he imagined.

It was like the ancient country in the mythological era two thousand years ago, where people and gods lived together and ruled together.

The emperor of the empire was the god king [sun god] Inti, and the aristocratic group composed of gods and a group of gods ruled the huge empire and more than 20 million citizens.

The most powerful mortal was honored as: WillaqUmu, which was actually a secular official with the powers of prime minister, priest and royal treasury manager.

He managed many humble mortals on behalf of the lofty sun god.

In the old continent, it was equivalent to the king of the secular world, but there was only one king in the centralized sun empire.

As for the [Sun Crown] they accidentally obtained, it is one of the symbols of ruling power, just like the "Seven Sacred Vessels of Kingship" (Chapter 317) used for the coronation of King Hastings; the thirteen crystal skulls of the Taya Empire; the bishop's ring and the fisherman's ring in the church system.

After each WillaqUmu passed away, the Council of Nobles would build a new [Sun Crown] and place it in the Holy Lake for worship, hoping to get the blessing of the Sun God.

Then it will be worn on the head of the final winner in a tragic battle for the throne of the heir, and become the crown of this country for a long time in the future.

Let alone the mystery of infinite gold and eternal life, its symbolic meaning itself is very strong, enough to make Edward IV's heart beat.

It will also have completely different effects in the hands of different people.

"When ordinary people get it: hand it over to the country in exchange for two gold coins and a verbal reward.

When powerful people get it: hand the country over to me!

It is regarded as the orthodox symbol of the Sun Empire and the destiny for a period of time. After the outstanding Vilyak Umu leaves office, it may become a powerful holy relic.

If it is possible to recover it, even if it is just for the face of the sun god, the Sun Empire must recover it, but it should not be necessary to go all out with the power of the whole country.

After all, the Sun Crown is not a unique thing. If you want to copy it, you can easily make a new one.

Although the waters of this mission are a bit muddy, since even the [Beagle], which only has two third-level transcendental beings, can escape, it shows that the danger is still controllable.

When I go to the Glacier Islands at the end of the southern continent, it won't take me much time to do a favor.

However, the appearance of this [Sun Crown] always seems a bit hard to describe. "

The information also included the shape of the crown, and Edward IV asked Byron to take this treasure back.

The gold ring base is unremarkable, but the decoration on it looks like a creature unique to the southern continent - a llama, carrying three suns on its back.

Byron felt a bit toothache looking at this image:

"Well, if I remember correctly, alpacas actually have another name: grass.

Well, in short, this name doesn't sound like auspicious.

However, if you take it back and pair it with Edward IV, who is almost going crazy with his "Destiny", it should be a good match.

I took this job. Since you want the so-called destiny, then I will give you destiny! "

Although Byron always believed that no matter which world he was in, the sentence "Princes, those with strong soldiers and horses will do it" is the unbreakable truth.

As long as the fist is big enough, even if there is no destiny, it can be forcibly created.

Times create heroes, and heroes can also create times.

Edward IV's pursuit was obviously putting the cart before the horse. If he could advance to the fifth level by his own ability, even a saint would no longer regard him as a hawk that could be barked around.

But Byron would never kindly remind him, but would take advantage of this opportunity to give him a hard push in the back.

Using a big lie that Edward IV always firmly believed and had no choice but to believe, he was elevated to the altar of "wisdom."

Attach a layer of ability in the emperor's new clothes [He is running naked] (Chapter 385) to this possession, and let the king wear it on his body to complete the pre-stimulation.

“Tell a big lie and make the whole kingdom dance.

When the time comes, no matter how high you fly, you will fall as hard as you can.

Haha, so fun! "

After Byron made up his mind, he quickly wrote a reply to Edward IV and relayed the job through the colonial legal network.

When returning to the Sagittarius Islands with Violet.

It was discovered that the vanguard sent by the "Lighthouse Federation" had already begun to select a site on their own island No. 1, preparing to build a first-class lighthouse that was only lower than the [Level Zero Holy Relic·Pharos Lighthouse].

Moreover, the pirate king Barbarossa Hayreddin also fulfilled his promise and took the initiative to bear the entire construction cost of this lighthouse.

Delia, the [Navigator] on the Golden Deer, acted like the eldest daughter of the vice-president’s family, and was negotiating the construction details with the construction workers.

"Please take note of the customer's needs and use the best materials for me. Our Pirate King Ocean Throne is not short of money at all.

By the way, 10% of the premium will be credited to my account. "

Obviously, this well-educated eldest lady had only been on the ship for a few days, and she was already in trouble.

He even learned the essential skills at the construction site, such as taking kickbacks.

It's just that the heat is not right and the food is a bit too stingy. How much is the commission rebate?

If it were Byron's nepotism, he would have to use the Pirate King's public funds to expand a supporting dock for himself.

Then the dock land acquisition money will be credited into his own account in a reasonable manner.

"Yes, Miss Delia."

Those staff should be respectful.

As the future center for the whale oil industry in the world, the lighthouse here must not be careless, and it is natural to use good materials.

"Let me think of anything else to note."

A girl with shiny platinum blonde hair, after leaving her original family with strict rules, she put on a blue lady's skirt and small leather shoes.

Under the white lace skirt, a slender calf was wrapped in black stockings given to her by Jacqueline.

Compared with usual, there is a little bit of wild charm in the elegance and intellectuality.

Standing next to her, Jacqueline was wearing the same lady's skirt with only minor modifications in the details, and the same black stockings and shoes.

But the very normal sisters' costumes were forced to look like lovers' costumes by her.

In the eyes of Byron, who knew her nature well, he clearly saw a pair of pure lilies.

However, suddenly, they didn't know what the familiar staff member said to them, and the faces of the two beautiful girls became visibly panicked.

Jacqueline kept looking around in the direction of the dock. The moment she saw Byron and Violet coming hand in hand, she immediately felt like she had met a great savior.

After whispering a few words to Delia, Shadow Gate rushed to Byron's side, hugged his other arm, raised his head and said pitifully:

"Cousin, you have to save me!"

Byron felt the dry ribs of this troubled child feel a little bit tingly, and he waved his hand to shake her away.

But even though his inhuman physique swung his arms like windmills, the third-level singer and great wizard still held him tightly.

I can only say angrily:

"What are you doing? What trouble did you get into again?

Don't tell me that the owner of your misery has found out about you sleeping with someone else's daughter, and now he's coming to cut you into pieces.

However, just sleep. Didn’t you sleep in the same room on the first day you met, so ‘sisterly love’ is no big deal. "

Hearing this, the girl nodded vigorously, and her beautiful light blue eyes showed the admiration of "cousin who knows me well".

Then her face became a little embarrassed:

"Well, it's a little bit more than the normal sisterly love of sleeping on each other's feet."


At first, Byron didn't quite understand it. His head was stuck for a second before he reacted, and he immediately trembled.


The voice then rose an octave, and he spoke word by word:

"Jacqueline! What do you mean by a little bit more?

It took Violet and I more than half a year to finally get to this point.

What about you? Seven days!

You have only known each other for seven days! And you have already eaten her up?!

Fortunately, I didn't send you to join the 81 trials. If the fat monk fell into your hands, even the monkey wouldn't have time to shake him.

He would still be busy helping you breastfeed your baby!"

Although Jacqueline didn't quite understand what he meant by the second half of his sentence, she understood the first half of his sentence about her quick movements.

He scratched his delicate little face shyly, blinked his innocent big eyes like a deer and said modestly:

"Actually, I'm not as good as you say.

Cousin, you're faster."

Byron: ".I'm not praising you!"

Last time, this guy played two boats at once, and accidentally offended two cardinal families. He had to flee from the mainland to Bantaan for refuge.

He didn't dare to go to any place with a church, so he could only hide in the Torrent Fortress.

This time, he slept with the precious daughter of the vice president of the Lighthouse Federation, although this kind of "sleeping" must be very different from the "sleeping" between him and Violet.

This guy has evil intentions but no tools to commit crimes. At most, he can kiss and rub, and he won't cause any deaths.

However, you can imagine how a family that attaches great importance to rules and cannot even let their daughters wear beautiful skirts will look at this guy who abducted their daughter.

He thinks this is more difficult for the elderly to accept than a yellow-haired man riding a ghost fire coming to the door and calling him old Deng.

In the future, not only can you not go to places with churches, but also places with lighthouses.

Even with Byron's imagination, he never thought that this guy would move so quickly, and shook his head at her:

"No hope, wait for death, now you run away quickly, maybe you can still make it."

Jacqueline immediately gave a thumbs up:

"My cousin is right, that's what I mean.

So, let's run away happily together.

Just now the staff said that her father, the fifth-level legendary vice president, will come to the first lighthouse in the southern continent to inspect.

When I am torn into pieces, I will tell him that I am not worth dying, please don't spare my nine clans. Uh huh, you know."

Byron felt a little cold on his neck and pulled his collar.

"When will her father arrive?"

The troublemaker who always talks about the nine clans stretched out five slender fingers and turned them over three times in front of him.

"Five o'clock in the afternoon? Oh, there's still time."

But Jacqueline shook her head:

"No, there's still fifteen minutes."


The gas ring under Byron's feet exploded, his cloak flew off, he held Violet with one hand, and with the other hand grabbed the collar of this troublemaker's neck and flew into the sky.

He issued a series of orders in mid-air:

"All crew members assemble immediately! First mate, prepare supplies and military supplies! We have an urgent mission, set off to the west coast immediately."

Soon after a commotion, the [Golden Deer] turned into a golden light and disappeared on the sea.

Buzz buzz buzz.

Just as he was about to start the vortex transmission, he suddenly heard the echo conch making a vibration, and then the voice of the captain of the [Jackdaw], Hawkeye James, rang out from it:

"Governor, when the Jackdaw was exploring the old site of Luoyan City according to your order, it accidentally triggered a blue hole and reached the west coast.

Here we encountered a defeated army of the kingdom being hunted down. I have dealt with them before."

Before he finished speaking, a nagging voice interrupted:

"No, no, no, Hawkeye, you are wrong. We are not defeated. We just didn't win so obviously!"

Hearing this, Byron immediately raised his eyebrows and guessed who the [Jackdaw] had encountered.

Immediately activated [Servant Synesthesia] and brought his own vision to their side.

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