Pirate Kingship

Chapter 446 I will eat your secret for the rest of my life (6300 in one)

In fact, after this sentence came out, Byron had a vague guess in his mind that he had never dared to think of in the past.

His mother might not be from the Old World!

Byron did not have a very deep impression of his biological mother who died early in this life.

It was not until the last time that he was pulled back to the age of 0 by the [Social Clock] that he saw his mother in person.

She still looked like a young girl.

From beginning to end, he only knew her full name before marriage, called: Hathaway Tudor, and after marriage, it became Hathaway Lancaster.

There was not even any portrait of the mistress in the castle of Prince Sorenburg, and Byron had never seen any maternal relatives of the Tudor family since he was a child.

Except for his father, Prince Sorenburg, no one would call her by her name.

The whole person of the mother was like suddenly jumping out of the cracks of the stone, which did not meet the normal marriage criteria of the great nobles of various countries "equal status".

If his uncle [Mad King] Henry VI had not already had a son, Edward, the throne would not normally have been inherited by his father.

The nobles of the Lancaster Party would have been the first to jump out to stop him from marrying a woman of unknown origin.

Even for Byron, the son, the mother was full of mystery and mysteries.

Whenever he tried to understand his mother's past, Edmund Lancaster kept silent, and over time even his memory was completely dim.

Because her parents died early, her eldest sister Catherine, who was fostered at home early, once took on part of Hathaway's role in Byron's heart when he was young.

She didn't let him miss too much in his childhood.

It was not until today that an unexpected discovery was made.

Byron combined the information he had collected before:

"The North Sea is the end of the third circulation belt and the canary facing the Eastern Continent. This visitor from the Eastern Continent is also named Tudor."

The reasonable answer to the various abnormalities of his mother Hathaway Tudor seems to be ready to come out:

"The prototype of the little mermaid in the fairy tale is actually my mother? The scumbag prince is actually my father?

No wonder the side effect of learning [Blood Holy Grail] was tentacle fetish at the beginning. I thought it was because of the blue dragon blood of my father. It turns out that the root is actually here!

But the ending of the fairy tale is not that the unfaithful prince married the princess of the neighboring country, and the little mermaid turned into foam in the sea and disappeared?

And why does my father always seem to be very secretive about my mother's affairs? I didn't inherit any special blood.

Is there any secret hidden behind my mother that cannot be told to the outside world?"

Then Byron immediately activated [Echoes of History] to further read the information of Salant Tudor, the visitor from the Eastern Continent.

But he found that nothing was read except a name.

The last person who had this problem was the succubus Therese who was protected by the incomplete zero-level holy relic [Blood Cup].

Only a zero-level holy relic, which is equivalent to a divine weapon, can fight against the [Logbook] which is roughly at the same level.

He immediately realized that the origin of this Salant Tudor, or his mother's family, was not simple.

"Because of the difference in water potential between the continents, blue holes appear very frequently in the South Continent, the East Continent, and the Sea of ​​​​Source, and a large number of immigrants from the Old Continent have been sent there.

The overseas 'Bay exiles' headed by Dagon are not isolated cases.

However, there are very few cases of reverse transmission.

My mother and this Salant, from the same family, have treasures and have escaped one after another. This scenario is almost equivalent to writing 'I have a big secret' on their foreheads.

Now let's get this relative who has not yet figured out which generation of his maternal line he is, get him out, let him regain consciousness, and then ask him clearly.

By the way, the next rule for taking him out is: the prince falls in love with the mermaid"

So, Byron controlled the black mermaid with a shiny bald head and threw a wink to Salant Tudor.

The next moment.

The "prince" who had been alienated beyond recognition and whose mind was not clear suddenly stiffened.

Staring at the "black mermaid" in front of him, he vomited with a wow.

Then, he suddenly stretched out his hand and slapped it.


The mighty water flow roared in, carrying a sharp and piercing sound, and turned into a huge palm with bubbles surging, and slapped the suicide squad member No. 4 into foam with one slap.

At the end of the vision disappearing.

Byron saw that the figure with a fish head and human legs surrounded by a large piece of crystal water looked like a majestic "Sea King".

Although the image is hard to describe, even the leg hair that was blown by the water vapor was obviously very majestic.

And this blow also made Byron roughly understand his details.

"I am not very old, and my essence is only at the third level of inhumanity.

But even the basic water control ability that I instinctively use has been enhanced to the fourth level by some unknown treasure.

Even if it seems that it can be released but not retracted, it is at least equivalent to 1.5 blue.

If the main body does not enter the secret realm in person, it is not easy to solve it violently, but once the main body abides by so many secret realm rules and comes to the "prince", my reputation in this life will be ruined.

What a man has done is like making many "horcruxes" by hand.

If one of them is dug out and announced to the world, it is equivalent to social death. If all the Horcruxes are found, then this person is really close to death.

Therefore, we still have to find a way to make Salant fall in love with the black mermaid who came to visit.

And those believers and priests of my father-in-law should be rescued.

Let me think about it, I got it! "

On the deck of the Golden Deer, Byron, who had retracted his sight, immediately turned his head excitedly to the succubus Therese and said:

"Miss Therese, please give me some of your female progesterone!"

The succubus stretched out her pink tongue and licked the corner of her lips, her eyes were as charming as warm spring water:

"Your Highness, I don't mind giving it to you in various ways, but are you sure you want to give it here?"

As he said that, he glanced at Violet standing next to him.

Byron reacted immediately, and added with great desire to survive:

"Hey, it's the fish hormone produced by you, the succubus. ”

He told them his plan again.

Now all the people trapped in the secret realm are constantly alienated. Whether the material world is sliding towards the source sea remains to be verified, but it is certain that these people are sliding towards the beast side.

All their behavioral norms are also transitioning from humans to fish and various marine creatures.

Humans have their own way of love, and beasts naturally have their own way of love.

Anyone who has studied biology knows that when female fish discharge progesterone into the water, it can attract male fish and promote the male fish's pituitary gland to secrete a large amount of gonadotropin to accelerate its development and maturity.

So as long as we wait until the majestic "Sea King" is beastly, and then use fish hormones and succubus's body fluids to make him follow the black mermaid obediently.

"As for whether this cousin from my mother's family will fight me when he wakes up?

Anyway, he can't beat me, but it's a small matter. "

After preparing the tactics, Byron took the [Golden Deer] and waited in the ice and snow for two full days.

Until the number of messages in the drifting bottle became less and less, and there was no one in half a day, he felt that the time was almost right, so he created another black mermaid of the same style and asked her to rush down with the secret weapon.

By the way, he also brought the crystal skull No. 13 [Suicide Goddess] that Byron had just obtained.

These two things are the key.

When I met the cousin Salant Tudor for the second time, his body had become more and more distorted, and more and more like a monster crawling out of the deep sea.

The fish head is even more It swelled up, and its body was covered with human hands and fins. Its two hairy thighs turned into two separate fish tails.

Even radioactive fish can't grow so arbitrarily.

The black mermaid did nothing. She just stood at the end of the corridor and poured the liquid in the glass bottle on herself to let the hormone evaporate completely.

She waited for a while.


With a loud bang, the opponent smashed the door and chased after the black mermaid.

The fish's eyes were full of bloodshot, and its nasal cavity and gills were all panting like a cow, as if it wanted to eat her, and it kept roaring:

"Beauty! Beauty! .

Continue my race and give birth to little fish, give birth to little fish."

Obviously, if this situation is not called "falling in love", what is "falling in love"?

The plan worked!

The black mermaid wore a pair of high-heeled shoes [Dancer Who Dances as She Wants] on her feet. Under the command of Byron, a local tyrant who was familiar with the terrain, she ran all the way and went to the places where the believers and priests were.

This strange item was originally a prop of [Conqueror] Cortes.

Wearing this pair of shoes allows her to dance freely on any terrain, not limited to grass leaves, treetops, Water surface. Even the tip of a knife.

A fish monster on land could never catch up with such a target.

All the obstacles in the castle were smashed into a ball of minced meat and blood mist by the mad Salant.

But the crystal skull on the black mermaid lit up and immediately collected the other party's soul and a drop of blood.

They are all part of this huge secret realm. There are no rules in the secret realm that can reasonably rescue all the seriously polluted people.

But Byron has a way to cheat.

Crystal Skull No. 13 [Suicide Goddess] can protect the souls of the dead, allowing them to temporarily stay between life and death.

If a perfect body is prepared for them in a short period of time, and the soul is stuffed into it, it will be a complete living person.


Ten minutes later, the black mermaid running in front successfully rushed out of the secret realm "The Little Mermaid's Foamy Dream" and turned into a half-human, half-fish mermaid again.

Salant Tudor followed closely behind.

Just after leaving the secret realm, the snail who had been ambushing here for a long time immediately waved Dozens of tentacles danced, wrapping him tightly.

Throwing him onto the deck of the [Golden Deer], Byron immediately picked up a cup of "panacea" that had been prepared long ago and poured it down his throat.

Of course, the immortality property of the panacea in Byron's body was only effective for him.

It was a byproduct of the complete digestion of a series of [Ritual Scarlet Holy Grail].

It was not like the meat of a certain monk, where just eating a piece of it could make others achieve immortality, but it could greatly increase the lifespan of others and eliminate alienation and side effects.

Except for Catherine and Violet, who share his lifespan, others can only copy the [Ritual: Scarlet Holy Grail] once if they want to gain eternal life.

"Ho ho."

Salant Tudor, in the form of a fish monster, lay on the deck panting violently, gradually regaining his fish form and returning to his human form.

As he returned to his original appearance, Byron could clearly feel a part of his body that was close to his own.

Just by sniffing it, I could tell that he was not his mother's generation, but most likely the son of one of his uncles, that is, his cousin.

As for whether he is a brother or a brother? Anyone who can't beat him must be his younger brother!

Can he let others take advantage of this?

"I have a lot of relatives on my father's side. This is my first cousin on my mother's side. Yes, yes, he looks like me."

Byron was born into a royal family, and he had always dreamed of having maternal relatives such as an uncle.

Because this is a fine tradition of royal families in various countries.

Many kings in history books like to reuse their uncles, especially those kings and emperors who came to power at a young age.

They often use their uncles to stabilize their own political power, rather than reusing their uncles with the same surname.

The secret can only be understood by everyone who understands it.

It only has something to do with political ecology, not family ties.

After Byron became the last Lancaster and there was no longer any hard demand in this aspect, a relative from the mother's clan fell from the sky, which was an unexpected surprise.

Seeing that it would take a while for his cousin to fully recover, Byron took over Crystal Skull No. 13.

The [Blood Altar and Flesh Urn] was activated to recreate the bodies of the forty or fifty believers and priests, and push their souls into them respectively.

He also very thoughtfully prepared a robe for each of them using the Philosopher's Stone.

In an instant, this group of people came back to life.

The authority of the underworld, which the Sun God system cherishes, is no more difficult for Byron, the [Lord of Heaven], than eating and drinking.

There are no other problems except that it is a bit expensive and difficult to popularize on a large scale on the battlefield.

"When I advance to the fifth level [False God], or when my father advances to [King of the Undead], I may have the opportunity to fish out my mother who is sleeping in the sea of ​​Bay people's collective subconscious.

By that time, the boundaries between life and death in the Old Continent may no longer be so clear-cut! "

Although her mother, Hathaway Tudor, was not like the little mermaid in the fairy tale, she turned into a pile of foam on the sea when she was only 15 years old.

But Byron died unexpectedly long before he was three years old, when he was less than twenty years old.

Looking back at this matter, there are too many doubts.

Byron was going to ask his father again later.

He ordered the crew to carry down the resurrected believers first. When he turned back, the cousin who was the strongest among the believers had already stood up again.

He does look young, but his face is very tough, and his long dark green hair like seaweed hangs down to his shoulders.

He is two and a half meters tall, and is stronger than Eight Fingers, the largest of the group of pirate officers, [Bayman Berserker].

He patted the rare objects stored in his waist, put on a dark blue robe, pinned on a shiny rare object brooch, and suddenly transformed into an elegant mage.

It's just that his expression is still a little dazed, and he probably still vaguely remembers some things that happened after the alienation.

When she shook her head vigorously and her eyes regained focus, the first thing she saw not far in front of her was the "black mermaid" whom she had been chasing behind just now, begging her to give birth to a baby fish together.

Suddenly, not only the hair on his body, but also his hair exploded.

Instinctively, he took out a white "staff" from the storage of rare objects, made of bone, one end inlaid with a huge sapphire, and the other end suddenly expanded into a mace.

The head and tail are two meters long, thicker than an adult's thigh, and the white bone nails shine with a cold light, making people shudder at the first sight.

"Ah fight!"

The first move was a dazzling [Flash Technique] that illuminated the entire deck, making it difficult for everyone to open their eyes.

Then he picked up this unique "staff" with both hands, and hit the "Black Beauty" with wind, thunder and air explosion. No, it was the "Black History" that he had beaten many times but could not be completely killed!


In the white light, a large black gun suddenly appeared, accurately blocking the mace, blocking its path.

Byron has [divine vision] in his body, so he is not afraid of the flash spell that can only seal vision.

No matter how hard Salant exerted his force, the big gun would not move at all.

After he realized the gap between the two, Byron said slowly:

"Friend, she is your savior after all. It's not good to yell and kill her as soon as you meet her.

Please put away your mace. "

Although he spoke in a serious tone, there was a lot of bad water bubbling up in his heart:

‘Look at the black mermaid’s shiny black bald head, her strong muscles, and her female fish hormones that are about to explode.

How could you destroy evidence so easily?

Little brother, I will keep this secret of yours for the rest of my life!

After all, you don’t want your relatives and friends back home to know about what you did in the Southern Continent, right? ’

At this time, Salant also completely regained his senses, knowing that even if he killed this "black history" like before, the sixth and seventh ones would soon appear in front of him.

So, he slowly took back the mace in his hand, stared into Byron's eyes and solemnly corrected:

"Thank you and your men for saving me and the followers of Lord [Whale Hunter].

But I want to emphasize that I am an elegant wizard, and my dream is to become a wizard god.

This one is not a mace, but a staff that I am used to using.

Although it is a stick, it also has many thorns and does look a bit like a mace, but I emphasize again that this is a.magic.staff.!"

Not knowing what the situation is in the East Continent, Salant seems to have a natural obsession with his identity as a "magic master".

Insisting that the weapon in his hand is a staff.

Byron had no intention of getting serious with his cousin, so he put away his [Mingchao] and nodded to him:

"Okay, Mr. Mage.

I am the captain of this ship, [Sea Hunter] Byron.

As you can see, I am also a Bay Pirate like [Whale Hunter] Sir Jack Harold.

Some time ago, I followed the nautical chart he left behind to come to the Beast Paradise, and happened to encounter the drifting bottle you sent, and finally found you."

Necessary vigilance is still necessary, but it was the first time they met, and Byron was not ready to show his true colors immediately.

When Salant saw that Byron, Violet and a group of pirate officers had the same blue eyes as the [Whale Hunter], his attitude became much closer. He finally let go of his "staff" and patted his chest to greet them:

"Hello Captain Byron, my name is Salant Du Crinus. Yes, [Sea Mage] Salant Crinus.

On behalf of the believers, thank you again for your rescue!"

He has been in the Glacier Islands for a year, and he speaks both the common language and the local dialect very well.

It's just that he probably hasn't introduced himself to others in a long time. When he said his name, he hesitated for a moment and subconsciously hid his real surname.

Byron pretended that he didn't hear it.

He, a Lancaster, disguised himself as his mother's Tudor, and this genuine Tudor seemed to have disguised himself as his mother's surname.

Byron felt that the Tudor surname in the Eastern Continent might be more troublesome than Lancaster in the Old Continent!

I was also looking forward to what kind of expression this little brother would have when he heard his name, [Sea Hunter] Byron Tudor.

At this time, Violet, who had been patient for a long time, suddenly interrupted:

"Mr. Salant, since you can receive the oracle of [Whale Hunter], do you know what his current situation is?"

Sarant did not find it strange. Since the group of people in front of him were all Bay residents, it was normal to care about the [Whale Hunter] who had not returned for many years.

Unfortunately, he could not give an answer.

He shook his head apologetically to Violet:

"I'm sorry, there is a whole sea of ​​monsters between us, and it is difficult for us to get a response to our usual prayers.

Usually, His Excellency [Whale Hunter] takes the initiative to issue an oracle, and we can only hear it passively.

Since the oracle before the last full moon, we can no longer contact him. We can only confirm that His Excellency [Whale Hunter] has not fallen."

Violet looked disappointed.

Hearing that the clues he had finally found were broken here, Byron couldn't help but frowned and continued to ask:

"I heard that you are from the Eastern Continent, which has the lowest terrain and is most affected by the source tide.

Can you share some information about the Eastern Continent?

Sir [Whale Hunter], who has reached the fifth level of both the Pirate Profession and the Taboo Route, will he also encounter danger there?"

Unexpectedly, this very ordinary request was flatly rejected by Salant, who waved his hand vigorously:

"No, since you are the tribe of Sir [Whale Hunter], you are also our savior. , I can't harm you. "

Seeing the puzzled look on Byron's face, he hesitated for a moment, then pointed to several drifting bottles on the sea and said:

"You may not know that there are many things in this world, just knowing their existence may bring disaster.

The information meme carried on the paper is just the most insignificant leakage of power.

There are actually two core survival taboos in the entire Eastern Continent:

First, everything you say must be known! Second, it is not people chasing knowledge, but knowledge chasing people!"

Byron and his party were stunned.

"The entire Eastern Continent needs to abide by taboos? Not the secret realm?"

Sarant also showed a somewhat bitter smile:

"Yes, you heard it right. Even if the Eastern Continent survives outside the secret realm, it must always abide by taboos to survive!"

There is no need for him to explain the situation again. Byron also understands that the situation on the mother's side is probably very bad.

The requirements of his own eternal life ritual [Scarlet Holy Grail]: servants' hands, relatives' bones, and lovers' blood, even if two sets are collected, it is probably not a problem at all.

The old man's secret about his mother's origins finally had an answer.

"Everything that is said must be known, and, is knowledge actively chasing people?"

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