Pirate Kingship

Chapter 447 Return: Retracting the fist is for a better attack

When a secret is known by the second person, it is no longer a secret.

The best way to prevent unknown dangers from spreading through knowledge and information is to take the secret into the coffin yourself!

Although Salant was reluctant to say more, Byron combined the taboos he mentioned with the current status of the extraordinary systems of "Dragon King's Court" and "Beast Paradise", and probably inferred one or two truths.

"During the mythological era, there should have been exchanges between the continents, and all the changes should have come from the great flood at the turn of the era.

Among the three continents, the old continent "Dragon King's Court" ruled by the church has the weakest knowledge activity.

The attitude towards knowledge is to block, restrict, and utilize.

All harmful knowledge, including the entire mythological era, has been erased from history, and the [Ladder of Glory] with humans as the main body has no side effects.

The corresponding rules are harsh [divinity]."

"The knowledge activity of the southern continent "Beast Paradise" ruled by various totem gods is in the middle.

To knowledge The attitude is to be open, spread, and promote.

"The Book of the Beast Tribe (Volume 2)" is available to everyone, and there are many [false gods] who have successfully obtained immortality.

However, the [Bloodline Original Codex] route based on natural spirits requires humans as anchors. Once the tribe is defeated, the anchor loss is too great and it is very likely to be alienated and degenerate.

There are the fewest restrictions and the most opportunities here. The extraordinary people from the old continent who come here may usher in a promotion carnival.

Corresponding to the [human nature] that can be freely chosen. "

"Finally, since the knowledge of the Eastern Continent has begun to actively pursue people, it is obvious that the activity of knowledge The highest nature.

I'm afraid that what rules there is knowledge itself!

The unknown weird and cursed spirits from ancient history, myths and legends, and horror stories sit on the throne and herd all living things.

There is also a similar existence in the Old Continent: the [Cursed Spirit·Life-Playing Clown] that the church night watchmen are willing to modify the cognition of all people on the entire continent to try to seal.

In the Eastern Continent, the extraordinary world and the mortal world may be clearly divided. Mortals can only rely on keeping secrets, keeping precepts, and isolating themselves to continue their tribe with great difficulty.

And since the flood is so rampant, it is possible that a part similar to Mermaids like the Tudor family or other ocean kingdoms together form a closed inner world.

There corresponds to the absolutely chaotic [beastiality].

This should be the most reasonable guess at present.

Therefore, everything and everyone related to the Eastern Continent may violate taboos inadvertently, so it is better not to say anything.

The choices of the old father and the younger brother are correct. They regard themselves as the last firewall. "

Even if Byron only vaguely deduced a little bit of that distant continent, he was a little chilled by his own guess.

On the surface, he is already an old captain who is ahead of most adventurers and stands at the starting point of the second circulation belt.

But at this moment, he only feels that he is still the young boy who has just set out to sea.

All the storms and waves that have been experienced in the past seem to have become a small scene in front of that Eastern Continent.

Whether it is the experience of the maternal Tudor family or the father-in-law [whale hunter] who has encountered some unexpected situation, Byron can't help for the time being.

Even notifying [Whale Hunter] Jack Harold, he and Violet couldn't do it.

Of course, Byron had some doubts. If he could use his father-in-law's faith network to give him a remote wave, he would swim across the entire Sea of ​​Monsters to come back to "bless" him.

He was the kind of person who would kill anyone who stood in his way and kill anyone who stood in his way.

"So, it's a little too early to go to the Eastern Continent now."

With the precedent of [Whale Hunter], the king and pseudo-god of the fifth level, Byron decided not to set foot in the second circulation belt before he was promoted to the fifth level.

I am the pioneer, and others will rush first.

Let others fight for the first place. He has many ways to increase his legendary degree and leave his name in history, or to accelerate his spiritual growth.

Since he can't help for the time being, it will never be wrong to turn around and continue to improve his strength.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

At this time, the loyal lookout on the main mast suddenly sounded the alarm.

"Captain, a fleet is coming from the East Coast!"

Everyone turned their heads to look.

At the end of the East Coast, where snowflakes were flying, a joint adventure fleet with flags of multiple forces passed the cape and rushed into the wide second circulation belt without stopping.

With the help of the ocean current, it sailed towards the Eastern Continent in the northeast.

[Navigator] Delia frowned and said to Byron:

"Captain, there should be a fourth-level navigator or navigator among them, so that they can successfully avoid the clan forces entrenched on the East Coast.

But now that the material world has entered the intertidal zone, all continents have begun to "rise in tide".

With their extraordinary level and personnel scale, it is probably a bit presumptuous to rashly go to the Eastern Continent."

Byron also agreed with Delia's statement.

He found that these adventure ships were "comrades-in-arms" who won the first colonial war with the [Golden Deer] at the beginning of the month.

Many of them were kindhearted people who gave him 10% of the whale oil production for the sake of the Lantern Man and the Ghost Fleet.

Byron didn't want to see these elite adventurers from the Old World go to a dangerous place like the Eastern Continent and die in vain when the situation was unclear.

What will be lost then is the overall strength of humankind.

So he ordered Delia:

"Send a warning signal to the [navigator] on the other side and try my best to persuade them in my name."

The navigator is almost equivalent to the navigation and communication system on the ship. It is standard on adventure ships and naturally has a public communication channel.

However, after Delia's signal was sent out, every adventure ship responded politely to the famous [Sea Hunter] "Saint Byron".

But not only did they not stop, but each of them activated their extraordinary abilities and ran faster.

Obviously, even if they witnessed the dream scene of "fishing for the old gods" with their own eyes, most of them believed that Byron was the reincarnation of the "Holy Spirit", and they were still well versed in the essence of Schrödinger's belief.

When in trouble, everyone is a devout believer: "God, save me, I am willing to sacrifice everything!"

When it is beneficial, it becomes: "Holy Spirit? How many teachers does the Holy Spirit have?"

For a pragmatist, the number and frequency of eggs given out by the church determines my level of faith.

Delia's eyebrows suddenly stood up when she saw their unkind reaction. She wanted to say something more, but Byron raised his hand to stop him:

"Forget it, it looks like I can't persuade you to come back.

I'm afraid this adventure team is no longer the first group to go on the road. They are all impatient, ignorant and fearless people. They probably think that we want to compete with them for credit and benefits.

Besides, we can't produce irrefutable key evidence, so we should take care of ourselves first. "

At this time, Salant Tudor suddenly interrupted:

"Mr. Captain, where are you going next? Is it convenient for you to take me with you?"

Byron was stunned.

‘Hey, so proactive? ’

He originally wanted to take this cousin away, but he thought that as the bishop of the [Whale Hunter] Church, he would take the initiative to take him away.

Salant saw his doubts and smiled helplessly:

"You have also seen my situation. If I continue to stay in such a low-lying place, I may not be so lucky to be rescued by you next time.

It was obviously not enough for me to hide here from my hometown with the help of Mr. [Whale Hunter].

Only by hiding in a place where the tide of source matter is more stable can it be possible to avoid further expansion of my troubles.

It may not be a good thing for the believers that I leave here.

No matter where your destination is.

Although I don’t have much savings, my level three strength should be enough to help you. "

Byron naturally would not refuse and nodded to him with a smile:

“Then follow me to the Bantaan Islands first, and if that doesn’t work, then go to the Old World.

Come on, sign here first.

If you hang out with me, your future will definitely be bright. "

Byron took out his large book "The Ten Commandments of Pirates" and asked Salant to leave his name on it and officially joined the Pioneer Pilot Colonial Trading Company.

Become a glorious pirate!

I don’t know what the elders of the Tudor family will think when they see this scene.

The younger brothers and sisters are truly blessed to have such a caring cousin like Byron.

Of course, Salant is protected by the increasingly stronger legal network of the "Ten Commandments of Pirates", at least he will not be alienated out of control as easily as before.

Subsequently, the [Golden Deer] followed Salant's guidance and returned the awakened believers and priests to the tribe's refuge.

Violet also left all the arms and ammunition she had on hand to them except those needed for necessary battles.

The tribe serves as an anchor for the gods. The more they multiply and grow, the safer [the whale hunters] will be.

It was one of the few things they could do for Jack Harold.

After completing the final touches, Byron immediately ordered to return:

"Miss Delia, if there is no hope of naming the Harold Strait, then we will go around the entire Animal Paradise along the east coast.

This achievement should be enough for you, a second-level [Navigator], to advance to the third level.

The purpose of retracting our fists is to attack better next time. We should take advantage of this time to grow up. Sooner or later, we will conquer the Eastern Continent in the future. "

Delia was overjoyed:

"Thank you Captain!"

They opened the borders of the "Overseas Development Order" and "Travels around the World", which opened mountains and rivers to build bridges, and successfully passed through the family clan's sphere of influence.

After spending three days incidentally drawing a navigation chart, he never returned to the Sagittarius Islands in the Rift Trench.

Instead, they went straight through the bridgehead "trap door" and rushed into the Windless Zone and the Broken Islands.

"Order, return at full speed!"

Ever since someone's little plan of "one king and two queens" gave up and showed his cards, there has been no chance to go back to appease the other queen, Catherine.

The online platform and maid Shirley may help them achieve remote blood-sucking, but not everything can be operated remotely.

At this time, in the dungeon on Island No. 1, Redbeard Edward was still enjoying the anatomy package of the Church of Skinning: "Mr. 135, Ms. 246, Zhou Tian is half male and half female".

And Byron also has a rotation schedule of "135 witch, 246 sister, together on Sunday and Sunday" waiting to be implemented.

Byron has already returned home.

Even the new king of the Sun Empire, his good brother Atahualpa urged him several times to quickly select treasures.

Violet and I just picked one piece each, leaving the remaining four opportunities to Catherine to make up for her hard work of looking after the house.

Violett chose a rare item [Sun Amulet], which has the blessings of [Sun God] Inti and other astronomical masters.

Similar to Atahualpa's fortune, both have an impact on a person's fortune, but the latter is a peace amulet.

It can greatly increase the "survival" probability of [Death Roulette], so that this powerful supernatural ability that has only been used once can be truly deployed on the battlefield.

Byron chose a second-level holy relic [Furnace Forging Hammer].

The effect is collective amplification, which can double the work efficiency of all craftsmen within a kilometer.

The only side effect is that the user will feel uncomfortable if he does not work.

It will become more and more uncomfortable as time goes by. If you don't work for three days, you will feel itchy and unbearable. If you don't work for seven days, you will feel miserable.

As for who will use it?

Little Hans has decided that you are the one!

At that time, you can form a cow-horse combination with your cousin Edward who doesn't need to sleep. It's perfect.

The first heavy cruiser that is invincible in single combat is expected to be launched before the end of this year.

Now that Violet has been promoted to the fourth-level [Craftsman] and has the help of the [Furnace Forging Hammer], Byron feels that within three months at the latest, the warship he has been dreaming about can be launched in advance.

By next year, he can mass-produce troops at the speed of making dumplings.

At the same time, in addition to allowing people to turn themselves into ship spirits, the [Theseus Ship Spirit Mystery] also has a taboo ritual that stimulates the potential of the strange warship itself and gives birth to natural ship spirits!

With the advent of the first epoch-making heavy cruiser.

Perhaps a [Legendary Warship] that can compete with the fifth-level legend may be born from Byron in the near future.

Byron stroked the forging hammer in his hand, and the corners of his mouth could not help but rise gradually:

"It's about the same time as the warship was launched. Before the end of the rainy season in November this year, the treasure fleet of the Kingdom of Castile will definitely return to the mainland from the Bantaan Islands.

By then, my promotion ceremony to the fourth-level [Storm Lord] will be settled."

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