Pirate Kingship

Chapter 496 Three religions have the same origin, but are infinitely divided!

Obviously, the traditionalists' large-scale copying of taboo knowledge has unsurprisingly triggered a tragic out-of-control accident.

Even though they had already disassembled the original copy of "The Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven" in advance, minimizing the pollution.

But these nuns have been copying for a long time, but they do not have systematic black witchcraft knowledge to reconcile the pollution, which will inevitably bring disaster.

This is also the way out that Sister Theresa prepared for herself at the beginning.

If Margaret and her party's resentment towards her cannot be resolved, then the entire monastery will be dragged into the water.

Once they accidentally died in the process of copying scriptures, the hatred will naturally shift from her to the entire Malta Monastery.

[Uncrowned King] Even if he wants to retaliate, he can't take care of her little character.

This kind of villain may not be able to accomplish anything, but he is a master at doing bad things.


Aunt Margaret and several aunts hadn't even sat in the scriptorium for a long time, and they encountered such a scene that made people's SAN value drop wildly, and they couldn't help but collectively gasp.

Even Byron saw this kind of angel "holy descent" for the first time.

But he found that these angels in "Gospel of Heaven" were not exactly the same as the image promoted by the church, but had nothing to do with it.

Compared with beautiful angels or humans with normal painting style, this thing is more like those indescribable things drowned in the sea of ​​​​source!

"Strange, wasn't the [Creator] the final winner of the War of Gods? The painting style of the [Silver Law] that was established by one hand shouldn't be like this.

Why is the taboo knowledge he leaked so similar to those of the old gods? Even if the taboo knowledge corresponds to the mythological form of [beastly], it is really too abstract."

Byron knows a lot of secrets of the mythological era.

The clans themselves said that even though the old gods have been dead for many years, they are still extremely hostile to the [bound creator].

In order to fight for the only chance to survive, they directly destroyed the entire mythological era. He thinks the key should be to figure out what they were robbing back then.

And Byron had a strong premonition that the answer might be in this [Gospel of Heaven] containing countless "angels".

In a flash, the situation collapsed instantly.

All the nuns near the scriptorium began to flee.

"Help! Ahhhhh"

Some people screamed while running, and seemed to be driven crazy by the miserable conditions of one sister after another in the past three days.

However, there were also nuns with particularly firm faith, who raised the silver cross holy emblem in their hands and chanted prayers:

"Because the [Creator] is great, he deserves great praise! He is above all gods and should be feared!"

The silver holy light lit up and instantly enveloped the [Angel of Death] Azrael, and a young nun just below His body.

"Emily, don't be controlled by the 'angel', concentrate on taking back your own body."

Unfortunately, the last effort of the nun companion was of little use.

Emily's body gave birth to hundreds of densely packed eyes between breaths.

Suddenly opened, locked all the people around, no blind spots in all directions.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Between the eyes closed and opened, several dazzling green flashes burst out from the pupils.

It immediately began to weather when it fell on the desk wall, and most of the people who fell on the living would die on the spot.

The forbidden book [Gospel of Heaven] may have great side effects, such as: only the Temple sequence can be studied, praise the angels as soon as you open your mouth, and if the anchor is not enough, you will gradually become "superstitious", convert to the angel from the bottom of your heart, become a brainless fanatic, and be willing to sacrifice everything for Him.

But it is really strong.

Just one core ability [Angel Descends] is almost equivalent to one-step, achieving a very high-level "holy descent" effect.

Let a powerful unknown spirit from heaven descend into your body to fight for you, and all aspects of your abilities are comprehensively enhanced.

It is not much different from the "God of Heaven" in the [God Vision] realm.

Margaret and her friends encountered this kind of scene when they entered the library for the first time, and their reaction speed was obviously not as fast as other experienced nuns.

Just like some people dodged tactically when they heard the gunshot, while others thought it was firecrackers and wanted to join in the fun.

By the time they reacted, it was too late to escape, so they could only hide under the table.

Byron was also prepared. Once the safety of his aunt and others was threatened, he would take the lead to eliminate the other party even at the risk of exposing himself.

Sister Emily's own strength was not strong. She had just reached the second-level professional level. Even if she was contaminated by the Angel of Death and the blackening was ten times stronger, it was at most equivalent to the level of entering the third level.

Byron could use Fukin's body to fully exert his own strength. It only took one move to kill her.

Use the [Microwave Hand] to burn her, and no one would find the source.

At this time, Marina, the third-level [Corona Priest] who sent them here, had already taken action in advance.

This was not the first time that the library was out of control. The monastery's top leaders foresaw the consequences and had prepared emergency plans long ago.

Even if they lose control, the fallen ones will not have a second chance to attack.

Raise the mithril cross emblem high and start the holy prayer:

"Praise the Creator, praise Him in the sanctuary of God, praise Him in the firmament where He manifests His power!"

At the same time, the power of the zero-level holy relic that suppressed the monastery's divine domain descended.

A statue of the Virgin Mary with a look full of mercy appeared, and a silver halo bloomed from her fingertips, suppressing the out-of-control nun in circles.

The pale green death beams shot out were all deflected, destroying her own eyes again, and a lock-shaped silver seal appeared on her forehead.

The angel of death Azrael, who was originally unstoppable, was also expelled from the material world bit by bit.

Even if He struggled violently and wanted to continue to stay in the nun's body, it was completely useless.

Unfortunately, the pollution suffered by the nun could not be eradicated.

Although Emily's eyes were closed, they still looked bulging and particularly creepy.

Everyone in the library was silent, and no one thought that the nun named Emily had been saved.

This time, she might not die, but she had been anchored by the "angel". As long as she was not careful, she would lose control again sooner or later.

Until they are polluted into true fanatics, or even brainless followers who can only praise angels.

Marina, the third-level clergyman in charge of the scribes, just tapped her chest four times and said to a group of armed nuns who rushed in:

"Emily sacrificed for a noble cause. The monastery will remember her merits, and the [Creator] will bless her.

Take her to the confinement room, and then transport her to the Holy Silver Empire for treatment with other polluted people."

Under normal circumstances, if a large amount of the monastery's reserve of thoughts and wishes is consumed, a high-level purification ritual may indeed be able to save people.

But Byron has seen through the conspiracy of the traditionalists and knows that those power-hungry senior officials have never had that plan from the beginning.

Although these victims are all traditionalists, they are likely to be thrown into the Protestant diocese along with the spread of the taboo book [Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven].

Creating bloodshed and disintegrating the unity within the Protestant Church is, to put it bluntly, cannon fodder.

This is the sadness of the little people.

A speck of dust from the times is like a mountain when it falls on a person's head, and he may not even know why he died.

"Everyone else should return to their positions. Fearing difficulties is because your faith is not sincere enough.

Now is the time to prove yourself."

Marina asked the nuns who had just escaped to return to their original positions and continue copying.

Aunt and several aunts also came out from under the table and sat down with some doubts.

Just as I picked up the pen, I saw Marina pointing at a nun in the next copying room who had not just escaped but had been copying and praising her:

"Come and see how Sister Alma does things?

She is calm in the face of danger and calm in the face of change. This is because she has a firm belief and firmly believes that she will not be harmed under the blessing of the Lord.

The motto of the Temple Sequence: 'Be with God'.

Since she has such a firm belief, I believe she will soon be promoted to the third-order middle sequence, shoulder to shoulder with me, and make greater contributions to God's cause.

You all have to learn from Sister Alma, don't you know?"

Sister Alma really deserves her praise.

Even if she was praised in person by her direct manager, she still didn't raise her head and worked at her desk with full concentration, as if nothing could stop her from copying.

But Byron's [Divine Vision] swept over and found that the other party's eyes were dull, her hands were still mechanically outlining letters, and her handwriting was getting more and more messy.

Until the blue ink smudged a picture of an angel on the bagasse paper.

"Oh no, it comes again!"

The next moment.

Just when everyone was still in shock after getting rid of the "holy descent" angel of death, this diligent nun suddenly looked up and sang affectionately:

"Ah! Praise the blood angel Lamia!"

Another "angel" came down and possessed her body.

This angel looked more like a human than the angel of death. The graceful female body was naked, but there were several pairs of curved horns on her head and her skin was red.

There were six bat wings, two wings to cover the face, two wings to cover the feet, and two wings to fly, but each wing had six pairs of red eyes, which kept shedding blood and tears.

This time the accident was closer to Byron and his team, so they could see it more clearly.

Marina, who had just been praising the other party for her concentration, suddenly froze in her face, clutched the holy emblem, and cried out helplessly in her heart:

"My Lord! Why are the most hardworking nuns the ones who get into trouble? If this continues, when will the saint's requirements be fulfilled?"

In the past three days, the library has seen seven or eight accidents in succession, otherwise Marina would not have been so anxious to find the "prisoners" to help copy.

Moreover, those who lost control were the "scroll kings" who worked the hardest, copied the most time, and achieved the most results.

They copied when others drank water, ate when they ate, and slept when they slept.

When many nuns got up at four in the morning, they had already arrived at the copying room.

What is the famous saying, "Overtime leads to loss of control, and slacking off is good for the body and mind."

Whether it is the secular world or the extraordinary world, the truth is completely the same. Mental pressure is real. While copying others to death, it also hurts yourself.

Otherwise, there would not be rumors that overtime dogs have more resentment than ghosts.


And unlike the Angel of Death just now, this nun possessed by the Blood Angel Lamia exploded into a ball of blood mist on the spot.

A large group of blood-red bats flew out of the blood mist with a "crackling" sound. Some of them bit people, while others rushed out of the library without hesitation, trying to escape.

This immediately caused chaos in the library.

It was obvious that she was more polluted than the former, and had become a true member of the Old Gods, chaotic, bloodthirsty, crazy, but also extremely cunning.

But what was very strange was that this time, Margaret and the others were very close, but they were not attacked by any bats.

It was as if they were deliberately avoiding something. Even if they had to take a long detour to escape, they were unwilling to get close to them, forming an arc.

At the center of this arc was Byron, who was stunned after seeing the "Blood Angel Lamia".

"I know this angel!

Barat, Lilitu, Lamia, etc., are all aliases of [Mother of Creation Lilith]!"

[Prince of Night Demon] is the highest-level member of the family of Mother of Creation Lilith, and there is a natural deep connection between the two.

Since he was promoted to the third level, Byron has been able to hear the old god's mumblings and learned a lot of ancient knowledge that had long been blocked and destroyed by the church.

Among them is part of the origin of Lilith.

In the mythological era, the divine domain she ruled was mainly located in the middle of the continent, the riverland between the two rivers. She was a symbol of life and storms, and was also one of the most powerful gods at the time.

Among them, Lamia is her divine incarnation, representing part of her authority to rule monsters.

Later, in the "Gospel of Creation" compiled by the church, his status was greatly reduced, and his image became the first woman created by the Creator, and was also integrated into the church's belief system.

Byron's heart was filled with shock:

"Why does the forbidden book "Gospel of Heaven" released by the Creator contain Lilith's knowledge?

Although it is an angel, I will never mistake the essence of its power.

Then will the many other angels described in this book be the same?

The so-called "angels" in heaven are actually gods of the mythological era and their incarnations?!

Could it be that the Creator ate part of them?"

In the logbook, the resolution of [Secret: The Fuse of Religious Wars, Historical Influence 65] jumped from 15% to 35% in an instant.

Byron suddenly realized that he seemed to have discovered a great secret.

In the mythological era, the gods really existed, but in the Silver Age, the [bound Creator] became the only omniscient and omnipotent God.

All the gods of other pantheons fell from their status and were drowned in the sea of ​​​​source at the level of the sixth-level [demigod] with only "beast nature" left.

In this world where even "claims" carry extraordinary power, the title of God is not just a casual boast.

If the title is not true, the omnipotent status of the Creator will also be shaky.

Now Byron finally understood why the Creator could give birth to such a terrifying authority as "omnipotent".

Combined with the words of the [Succubus Princess] Therese: "Before the Great Flood, the gods essentially fought to grab something that could save their lives."

Obviously, in that battle of gods that was about survival, the [Creator] took away all the gods in the world in some way, including the true gods, demigods, subordinate gods, and incarnations, representing the stable "divinity" in the body, as well as the anchors used by those gods to rule their believers!

This allowed the [Creator] to achieve the highest level of "all things return to one" by relying on the powerful anchoring of the foul level.

He bound himself tightly to the collective of human beings and became the only omnipotent God in the material world!

Subsequently, the "Church of the Creator" in the material world expanded greatly and took over the entire Old World in one fell swoop.

In the process of expansion, they destroyed the myths and beliefs of the gods and broke up the exclusive pantheons of each race.

They also used "take-it-as-it-is" to change the names of their gods and integrate them into their own mythological system, which is the "angels" in "The Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven"!

The scriptures describe angels like this:

"Angels are created with light, belong to the world that cannot be seen by the naked eye, have no distinction between men and women, belong to a kind of spiritual existence, have no material needs and no material functions;

They do not eat, sleep, marry, or have children.

Although the Creator has given them wisdom, they do not have free will and free choice, but completely obey the Lord's divine will and the Lord's sacred commands. They worship and serve the Lord in various ways."

Essentially, they have been incorporated.

Now, as the knowledge that originally belonged to the gods begins to escape from the Creator, the "angels" who were once swallowed have also become confused.

There is no doubt that the [bound creator] has a big problem!

Byron remembered an entropy increase law in his previous life, which is used to describe the degree of chaos in a system:

"In an isolated system, any change cannot lead to a decrease in the total value of entropy, which means that the isolated system will only become more and more chaotic."

This law reveals the trend that the universe and life systems always evolve from order to disorder.

For example, a pile of stones in nature will never become a towering castle no matter how long it is left, and a pile of hematite will not become a steel knife, but the reverse change from order to disorder can be possible.

The castle will be eroded and weathered into a pile of stones sooner or later, and the steel knife will rust into a pile of rust.

The same may be true for the [Bound Creator].

Although He has achieved "the unity of all things", He is also trapped in this closed world and is destined to become more and more chaotic.

Even if the other party is at a very high level and the speed of chaos is very slow, it may take thousands or tens of thousands of years, but the process is unwavering.

"Then, if we make a reasonable inference.

Since the birth of the [Creator] Church, it has been divided. Is it also based on this principle?"

After Byron roughly guessed the situation of the Creator, he went back to re-examine the religious wars of the past dynasties since the Silver Age.

There are three main branches of the sects that believe in the [Creator].

The earliest one was the "Remit Church", which appeared in the sixth century before the Silver Age. At that time, the [Creator] was just one of the gods.

At that time, man and God made a covenant, and the [Holy Word Slab] engraved with the Ten Commandments was the core of the Silver Law and has been preserved in St. Peter's Cathedral in the Holy Silver Empire.

The greedy and cunning Remit people called themselves the chosen people of God, which was strictly speaking not a big problem.

Starting from the first year of the Silver Age, the "Church of the Creator" gradually became independent from the "Remit Church", established its own sect, and then dominated, reaching its peak in the fourth century, and then opened the dark millennium on the east coast.

In the seventh century of the Silver Age, a [founder] on the west coast received "divine revelation" and established the "Holy Spirit Church", which then split into the "Orthodox Path Faction" and the "Follower Faction".

In the past, Byron had always focused on the Protestants and the Traditionalists, subconsciously ignoring that the East Coast Church and the West Coast Holy Spirit Church were incompatible.

They were the beginning of the church split and religious wars. The large-scale Crusades were fought nine times, and it was not until the fall of the Holy City in 1453 of the Silver Age that it came to an end.

Today, the "Church of the Creator" on the East Coast is clearly about to face another large-scale split.

The history of church development seems to be a history of splits.

Byron has always wondered why the three religions of red flowers, green leaves, and white lotus roots, which were originally one family, ended up going their separate ways since they have the same origin?

If it is in a materialistic world where gods do not really exist, the different understandings of the doctrines by believers may indeed lead to the continuous division of the sect.

But the gods of this world do exist, and there are countless clergy who claim to be able to communicate with gods. How can the doctrines contradict themselves and let believers interpret different versions?

Byron made a bold guess:

"It seems that the communication between the high-level officials of each faction is most likely only about a certain aspect of the one God.

It's like a blind man touching an elephant, who can only understand part of the other party's existence and obtain incomplete knowledge.

With the gradual collapse of the one God's "all things return to one" system, this kind of division will continue to intensify in the future.

Even if the new religion splits into seven or eight more factions in a short period of time, I will not be surprised at all.

If this continues, the church system will become more and more chaotic, and the differences between the branches will become greater and greater.

Even if one day in the future, a branch and the church of the old god's family suddenly merge into one, there is no need to make a fuss.

It's just that one whale falls and all things are born."

Now Byron finally understands that the saying "the era of Luo Yan will surely come" is the general trend.

Once the spiritual tide rises to a certain level, the [Creator] himself becomes more chaotic, and he will immediately be trapped inside and outside.

Those old gods who have been dead for more than a thousand years will definitely make a comeback.

This time node may be decades later or a hundred years later, but he, the [Night Demon Prince] who has gained eternal life, will definitely see it.

Byron had never thought that just an exploration operation to rescue his aunt and her group would accidentally uncover such a great secret.

Then, the solution density of [Secret: The fuse of religious war, historical influence 65] jumped from 35% to 45%.

The solution density of [Secret: Prophecy, Kingship and the prophecy of racial revival of the god of wild hunting, Woden, historical influence 69] also jumped from 54% to 58%.

At this moment, there were not many people in the world who could see the future situation more clearly than him.

The world situation is changing rapidly. If you are fast, you will be fast step by step, and if you are slow, you may be eliminated in an instant, and you will not even be qualified to play chess.

A sense of urgency arose in Byron's heart.

"Set a small goal first, and sit on the throne of God while being crowned king next year!"

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