Pirate Kingship

Chapter 499 Ark Coordinates: Tudor Dynasty (6900)!


Seeing the figure of the Little Mermaid in the ship's coffin, Byron was overjoyed and was about to drive the [Eight-legged Pegasus] Slipnir into the lake.

The great treasure of the Bay People is only a secondary goal. Before the next "Death Stranding" incident, retrieving Hathaway is the first priority.

At this time, a line of information suddenly appeared on the [Navigation Log] in his right eye.

It's not about Hathaway's ghost, but about the secret behind the "mirage" above her head:

"[Noah's Ark], coordinates in 1452 of the Silver Age: centered on '36 degrees 32 minutes N, 006 degrees 18 minutes W', within 500 nautical miles, the underwater mermaid kingdom, the polluted Tudor Dynasty

Status: Continuously moving.

God said to Noah: You must build an ark from gopher wood, separate it into rooms, and anoint it with rosin inside and out. It shall be 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, and 30 cubits high.

You are to enter the ark, you and your entire household. You are to take with you seven of every clean animal, male and his female. You are to take with you seven of every unclean animal, a male and his female. You are also to take with you seven of every unclean animal, a male and his female.

Because in another seven days, it will rain on the earth for 40 days and nights, and all living creatures will be wiped out from the earth. "

Discovering this unexpected development, Byron subconsciously pulled the reins and stopped. Looking at the words "Noah's Ark", his heart skipped a beat:

"Noah's Ark? How could the true form of Noah's Ark appear in my mother's memory?

Twenty years ago, had she seen this treasure with her own eyes? And the location is in the Mermaid Kingdom near the Eastern Continent? "

Byron certainly knew what Noah's Ark was.

There is a record of this treasure in the "Gospel of Creation".

It was born about 2,600 years before the Silver Age. At that time, the Age of Mythology had not yet begun. Its deeds helped humans and all living creatures at that time avoid the last great flood.

When Byron read the scripture records in the past, he thought it was just an ordinary fairy tale.

Later, after realizing the truth that even gods could be drowned in a great flood, he no longer dared to underestimate this treasure.

It is speculated that this ship is probably an independent small world similar to the Gulf people [Hall of Valhalla Valhalla] or the indigenous Taya Empire [Huashan Heavenly Kingdom], otherwise it would not be able to accommodate the entire biosphere of the material world.

Then Byron, like the traditionalist saint St. John, instinctively thought that before the next great flood came, if he could find [Noah's Ark], there would be an extra way out.

Once flood control fails, the chance of survival can be greatly increased.

Before I could get excited, there was suddenly another line of messy handwriting at the end of the logbook that looked like a ferocious beast, with teeth and claws:

".The mythical battleship Noah's Ark world ecosphere pollutes the blood beast's lair. The mother of monsters Echidna is wrong."

Byron was suddenly shocked:

“No, there’s something wrong with my mother’s memory.

This is not only the information that the [Voyage Log] actively snoops out, but also the living knowledge that is actively pouring into our brains!

Violet, close your eyes and don't look at that boat. "

The memory that escaped Hathaway's mind seemed to notice their gaze, and its appearance changed in an instant.

The long hair of the underwater mermaid turned into tentacles, the skin was covered with a layer of lead gray, and the beautiful fish tail grew extra fins, joints, and even a deformed second tail.

There are countless growths on the body such as barnacles, corals, scales, feathers, hooves, etc.

It seems to be more terrifying than the effect of the original "coral disease", as if it was contaminated by other foreign genetic information in the "world ecosystem" in an instant.

At the same time, on the tattered ark on the water, a steady stream of strange blood was flowing from the gaps into the sea water.

Then behind the gaps all over the hull, a pair of blood-red eyes suddenly opened.

Among them are the round pupils of humans, the square pupils of sheep, the vertical pupils of eagles, the oval pupils of dogs, and the compound eyes of insects. It seems that the eyes of all creatures in the world can be found here.

What's even more shocking is that each pair of eyes is completely different. It seems that the owner of the eyes is "messy", even more messy than a polluted mermaid underwater.

This Ark does not seem like a refuge for humans and various creatures, but more like a biological laboratory where genetic information has gone out of control.

And whether it was the mermaid or the eyes in the cracks of the boat, they all looked towards Byron and Violet invariably.

"Hiss! What kind of weird thing is this?"

The scene in my mother's memory actually changed completely when someone observed it and when there was no observation.

Just like when watching a horror movie, the evil ghost in the picture suddenly turns back and stares directly at the audience. It is really too scary.

Seeing this scene, Byron immediately recalled the information collected from his cousin Salant.

“The Old Continent has the weakest intellectual activity, followed by the Southern Continent, and the Eastern Continent has the strongest intellectual activity.

It has become so strong that it begins to actively chase humans like a predator. The one who rules at the top is already ‘knowledge’ itself!

Unknown weird and cursed spirits from ancient history, myths and legends, and horror stories sit high on the throne and herd all living beings.

There is a similar existence in the Old Continent - the [Cursed Spirit·Life-haunting Clown] that made the church night watchmen modify the perception of everyone on the entire continent in an attempt to seal it.

In the Eastern Continent, the extraordinary world and the mortal world are clearly separated. Mortals can only survive with great difficulty by keeping secrets, observing precepts, and isolating themselves.

Moreover, as the flood spread, some mermaid populations like the Tudor family or other ocean kingdoms were formed, forming a relatively closed inner world.

Together, they struggled to resist the constant invasion from the source sea. "

Byron's speculation about the activation of "knowledge" in the East Continent is obviously not far from the facts.

When those eyes looked back at them, they also built a medium for information communication through sight.

The blood-stained double helix chains were about to be anchored to them through sight.

You know, Hathaway is carrying a fragment of the [Sea King Trident] that symbolizes solidity, which can freeze all tangible and intangible things and even conceptual things, blocking material changes.

In this state, this thing can come out and make trouble, which shows how high the mysterious level of the corresponding knowledge is.

Of course, it also benefits from the lock of the zero-level holy relic [Sea King Trident], which gives them enough time and ability to counterattack.

Byron raised his palm and made a "no entry" gesture to countless sights, and shouted in a low voice:

"Surgical operating table, open! "


A spherical space with a diameter of three meters immediately enveloped the two of them.

Then Byron flicked out a drop of blood with his finger, and used the secret spell [Blood River] to turn it into a bat, and then "transplanted" all the invisible and intangible sight and transmitted information into it.

The latter immediately began to expand and mutate rapidly like blowing air.

Soon, it changed from a small bat the size of a palm to a monster more than two meters long, with a series of cumbersome and vicious organs growing on its body, such as gills, fish scales, and insect mouthparts.

The other party actually projected the genetic information of other creatures through sight transmission, contaminating the bat.

It is conceivable what kind of disaster would happen if it really faced [Noah's Ark] Disaster.

Not only that, the bat monsters' aggressiveness also soared, and even Byron's [Dominate Lower Servant] was impacted, trying to break free from the bloodline and attack them.

Taking advantage of the opportunity when the other party's sight was diverted, Byron drove the eight-legged Pegasus under his crotch to activate [Rainbow Bridge] and rushed to his mother's side in an instant.

The crystal coffin containing the mermaid's body was taken out from the snakeskin bag, and the trident blade held in the body's hand immediately glowed with spiritual light, further blocking the information transmission of the dead soul.

Byron held a conceptual invisible scalpel in his other hand:

"The status of the weird thing on the opposite side is too high. If the organism has been contaminated, it may be difficult to reverse it with me, the [Father of Medical Care], who is only a fourth-level extraordinary rank.

But under the suppression of a zero-level holy relic, it should not be a problem to just remove this memory from my mother. "

As he thought of it, he swung down with a knife.


The mirage above the lake suddenly disappeared, and Hathaway's memory was transplanted into a crystal by Byron.

Violet quickly wrapped it with a layer of white lead.

Just like the blade of the trident, they were all placed in Hathaway's hand.

Memory is an important part of the soul and personality. It is temporarily removed now, and it will not hinder the integrity when it is able to bear it in the future.

Byron did not forget to snap his fingers, and the blood flames ignited in the bat's body. In the blink of an eye, it was completely burned to ashes, without even the smallest cell nucleus left.

It blocks any channel for genetic information pollution.

This thing is better than the "Whoever you stare at will be pregnant" of the Maltese monastery. "Pregnancy" is much more disgusting, affecting not only independent individuals, but once leaked, it may endanger the entire ecosystem.

As the crisis on the scene was resolved.

The information in the logbook changed again.

[Secret: The fuse of the religious war, historical influence 65] The solution density jumped from 45% to 52%.

[Secret: Prophecy, Kingship and the prophecy of racial revival of the god of wild hunting, Woden, historical influence 69] The solution density also jumped from 58% to 60%.

Byron did not expect that this memory from his mother was actually related to two events with great influence: religious war and revival prophecy.

After a start, he immediately realized that the news of [Noah's Ark] was indeed like a line, which strung together many messy clues at once:

"According to the timeline.

About 4,100 years ago, [Noah's Ark], which was born in the last flood, helped the ancients survive the flood, but for some reason it drifted to the sea of ​​monsters, which was full of dangers and seriously polluted by the sea of ​​source.

After thousands of years, it may have been polluted by [Echidna, the Mother of Monsters].

A very normal myth was revived in it, and something extremely terrifying was born.

Since then, it has been drifting in the Sea of ​​Monsters and has become a moving natural disaster.

About twenty years ago, it drifted to the top of the Mermaid Kingdom, which was already having a hard time in the East Continent due to the rising tide.

The Tudor Dynasty that ruled there was immediately annihilated.

Holding the fragments of the Level 0 Holy Relic, mother Hathaway, who can restrain pollution to a certain extent, and cousin Salant fled from the East Continent one after another.

Among them, my mother accidentally brought the news of the Mermaid Kingdom and [Noah's Ark] to Valhalla after her death.

The last person who came here was my father-in-law [Whale Hunter] Jack Harold. When he was looking for the secret of the great treasure on the ninth floor, even if he didn't take the initiative to look for it, he would probably be caught up by my mother's scattered memories.

This also explains why my father-in-law accidentally rescued my cousin Salant overseas. He must have successfully arrived near that coordinate.

As for the religious war"

Byron pondered for a while before guessing:

"As the largest force in the material world, the church must know much more about the flood than I do, and it must have prepared at least dozens or hundreds of years in advance.

The Protestants and the Traditionalists are essentially a dispute over faith and anchoring. How similar is their dispute to the War of the Gods at the end of the last era?

It's just that the gods who have their own power have been replaced by cardinals, saints, and kings of various countries who support them. They are essentially the same.

The treasure of [Noah's Ark], which has successfully proved itself and can help people survive the flood, will definitely become one of their emergency plans.

No matter which faction it is, they will definitely not want to let go of [Noah's Ark], a life-saving treasure.

But I am afraid that no one knows that there is a big problem with this thing now. It is unfortunate if it cannot be found, and it is even more unfortunate if it is found.

In addition, I have never heard of any great achievements of the church's exploration ship. The first to enter the unknown world overseas was only [Whale Hunter].

At present, there is still a key information missing to confirm whether my father-in-law's hasty adventure to go to sea, in addition to exploring the secrets of the revival prophecy, is related to the church's plan to find [Noah's Ark]? "

If you can't figure it out for now, put it aside. Anyway, Byron can't go find this weird-looking thing in a short time.

Byron and Violet got off their horses and placed Hathaway's soul and body side by side.

Now Byron has understood why his mother, who had reached the level of a fourth-order mythical creature before her death, did not pass on any powerful mermaid bloodline to him.

It is probably because they are worried that the genetic pollution from [Noah's Ark] will cause trouble in the future, so it is better to leave nothing from the beginning.

"At that time, the children of [Abyss Nightmare] Dagon were fourth-order at a young age, not because of hard work, but because they had a good father.

The same is true for my mother. The powerful blood inheritance allowed her to grow to the level of a fourth-order mythical creature when she was less than 20 years old.

If the three of us can give birth to offspring after being promoted to the fifth-order [False God], the first generation of God's sons will probably have this terrifying growth rate.

From this point, it is determined that some people are born as cattle and horses, while others are born in Rome. "

Byron introduced Violet to his mother's situation, and suddenly asked:

"So, Miss, what do you think this means?"

Violet touched her pointed chin, and suddenly knocked her right fist on the palm of her left hand, and said seriously:

"I know, it is better to raise yourself than to raise your baby. The end point we can reach determines the starting point of the babies. The higher our own rank when giving birth, the higher the qualifications of our offspring.

So we should marry and have children late, and have fewer and better births!"

"Puff! Cough cough cough"

Byron was almost choked by his fiancee's words, and it took him a while to recover.

But after thinking about it carefully, he found that what Violet said was very reasonable, and he was completely speechless.

At this time, the girl reached out and hugged his arm, tiptoed and kissed him hard on the cheek, and smiled:

"The proverb is right, children are just accidents, we are true love.

I think that although many people have given you great expectations as the ‘last Lancaster’, you have done very well.

In my heart, Byron is always the best!

Don’t put too much pressure on yourself, just let it go.

You see, our Harold family really has a throne to inherit, and my parents don’t have to give birth to a boy to inherit the throne.

However, as long as you are willing, your sisters can keep giving birth to you.

Under the eternal life scale, even if there are 7 billion children in the future, it is not a fantasy to create a race.

There is no need for any extraordinary ability to have many children, the powerful [Anchor] alone is enough to withstand any storm. "

Byron was moved, and hugged his good wife tightly with his backhand, and then began to prepare to wake up his mother.

Hathaway's soul and body look almost identical from the outside.

This is because under the effect of the "solid" trident, her body and soul are forever frozen at the moment of death, and there is no difference from the new one even after a thousand years.

He had checked Hathaway's "cause" of sudden death at a young age in advance.

It was not because of some kind of knowledge of consequences brought back from the East Continent as imagined, but it was somewhat similar to the altitude sickness of mortals.

The Old Continent has a higher terrain in mysticism, and the source tide is not active enough.

Especially twenty years ago, at the end of the dark millennium, the situation was particularly serious.

Whether it is mermaids, or those deep-sea families, or mythical creatures such as Byron and Violet, they were originally humans, but they have undergone adaptive evolution and are more adapted to the rich magic environment.

After being away from this environment for a long time, various problems naturally follow.

When Hathaway came to the Channel Islands from the low-lying Eastern Continent, it was like a mortal suddenly coming from the plains to the roof of the world. Serious reactions can really kill people.

The current situation is much better than twenty years ago. After entering the intertidal zone, the tides are becoming more active day by day.

Since they, the mythical creatures who were later promoted, are fine, then Hathaway will definitely be fine in the future.

"Let me think about which method is most suitable to resurrect my mother now."

Byron took stock of the various extraordinary abilities he had at his disposal.

Death is the complete rupture of the "anchoring" between the soul and the body. The system itself collapses and becomes disordered, losing the order in which it could originally operate stably.

Miracles can be achieved as long as order can be reestablished in this world.

The old king of the previous generation of the Sun Empire was able to research the knowledge of "vampire stars". As long as there is firewood, the fire will not go out.

The same goes for normal humans. As long as there are "changes", they can always be alive and kicking.

The process from death to life is also a "counter-entropy" process. For future progress, sufficient anchoring must be provided to prevent re-disorder.

“The easiest way is undoubtedly to transform into a monstrosity called [Servant of the Wild Hunt] like [Conqueror] Cortez and [Sword Master] Herman.

Just possess it into your own body that just died.

However, the future can only exist depending on itself and can never go against its own will.

My mother doesn’t even dare to hit me. Is she still a mother? "

Although this brain circuit is a bit strange, for a person like Byron who has never experienced maternal love in his life, this is the most intuitive idea.

Byron was not willing to let Hathaway suffer that injustice.

"The second is the route of natural spirits, which is also the original intention of the gods of the Sun Empire to snatch [the power of Hades].

Transform dead supernatural beings into natural spirits.

Bypassing the restriction of not having a legal network to provide an anchor, he built his own belief network from scratch, using people as both believers and anchors.

Then continue to grow the blood descendants, let them spread out like stallions, continuously expand their territory and tribes, and also disperse their own animality and chaos, making the divine descendants their most powerful anchor in the material world.

Just like pouring cold water into boiling water, it greatly reduces the chaos of your entire system. "

But Byron only needs to think about it. My mother is just like Queen Elizabeth, the most beautiful woman in the Channel Islands. She is either pregnant or on the way to pregnancy every day, and together with her father, she gives birth to a group of brothers and sisters.

There is a high probability that the children are younger than the grandchildren, so Byron shook his head like a rattle.

"The key is that dad has just transformed into a fourth-level mythical creature [Ship-Bound Spirit], and there is no way he can give birth until he becomes a god."

So he opened the lid of the crystal coffin, bit Hathaway decisively on the neck, used the Night Demon Prince's [First Embrace] on her, and actively cut off the control.

Use the [panacea] that does not conflict with any bloodline original scriptures to bring this corpse that died just "a second ago" back to life.

At the same time, he mobilized the [Golden Law] and lightly tapped Hathaway's soul between his eyebrows, imprinting the mark of a golden crown.

This is one of the anchor quotas of the Holy Golden Empire.

As more and more believers submit to the unification of the empire, the Golden Law built with the Golden Triangle, thirteen crystal skulls (incomplete) and a group of guardian spirits who only have divinity as the core has become more and more solid.

In addition to the seventeen [King's Right Hand] titles, many middle- and lower-level official positions are also enough to provide an opportunity to walk on two legs for those third-level transcendental beings who have reached the critical point but dare not be promoted.

Positions are mainly divided into three routes: administrative official route, military route, and clergy route.

Now it is nothing more than customizing a royal line for my mother, blessing her with the title of "Queen Mother", and the anchoring stability is only lower than that of "one king and two queens".

Then he used the multiple powers of the underworld of [Lord of Heaven], [King of Wild Hunt], and [Mask of the Godhead] to gently push Hathaway's soul into his body, instantly becoming one.

The surgical operating table uses conceptual needles and threads to perfectly sew the soul and body back together.

[The Son] needs seven days for a perfect resurrection. Hathaway needs at least this number, so all he has to do is wait.

Next to her, while Byron was busy working, Violet frowned as she stared at the [Compass of Desire] in her hand.

"Strange? Why can't I find my mother's soul?

She was also at the fourth level when she was alive. Theoretically, she should also be sleeping at this level. Why did Compass react like this? "

Originally, the process of rescuing Hathaway went very smoothly, and I thought that finding Vanessa would be easy, but the pointer of the [Compass of Desire] turned around and couldn't lock on the target at all.

You must know that the [Compass of Desire] is only a second-level holy relic.

But under normal circumstances, all anti-divination methods cannot completely block its perception. At most, they can only blur its precise positioning, extending from a few meters to hundreds or thousands of meters, or even further.

This is the first time I have seen this kind of headless situation.

"Maybe. It's really blocked."

Theoretically, it will not be blocked, but Byron happens to know of an exception - [Level Zero Holy Relic].

Not to mention just a small [Compass of Desire], it can even block the prying eyes of the logbook.

Perhaps the Desire Compass's detection capability is strong enough, but as long as a "range of 300 kilometers, error of 1,700 kilometers" is used to blur its location to the whole world, it will be the same as not detecting anything.

There is no result from divination with [double-sided dice] either.

Patting Violet on the shoulder, he comforted her:

"This may not be a bad thing.

A dead person is not worth suppressing with a zero-level holy relic.

So I guess. Queen Vanessa may still be alive!

Didn't you say that she had an accident when she went to the Kalma Alliance to visit the [Queen of Eternal Night]? She may have clues.

As the queen of the three kingdoms, she couldn't be unaware of it in her own territory. The [Whale Hunters] couldn't just let it go back then. They must have secretly explored the truth.

And there are only a few forces in this world that have the ability to make the [Whale Hunters] retreat.

No, it should be said that the only force that can make the [Queen of Eternal Night] and the [Whale Hunters] bow their heads together and dare not even tell you the truth is..."

When Byron said this, his eyes suddenly lit up:

"Wait! I seem to know what the connection is between the church's plan to search for [Noah's Ark] and my father-in-law's sea expedition!"

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