Pirate Kingship

Chapter 5 Secret: Captain Salman's unspeakable secret

The [Logbook] shows that Byron, the last Lancastrian, has a legendary degree of [12].

It is equivalent to the level of being famous in a region.

His name must have been circulated among the top leaders of the Kingdom of Hattings, especially within the sworn enemy York family.

Maybe even a wanted warrant has been issued.

But Byron was not worried at all that his identity would be exposed because of a mere name.

This is because about a thousand years ago, the supreme church in the Old World issued a strange decree.

All believers can only choose one of the 65 male names and 48 female names in the "Gospel of Creation" as their children's names, and any other names are strictly prohibited.

Even the noble royal family has no privileges.

This edict lasted until 1453, 18 years ago in the Silver Age, when it was abolished, but its influence continues to this day.

In many countries throughout the eastern part of the Old World that believe in the Creator, the repetition rate of names can only be described as terrifying.

Commoners would be nicknamed "Fat Man", "Short Man", and "Crooked Mouth", while nobles would be called by adding a land in front of their names to distinguish them.

Even the name of the king is still repeated in large areas, and he has to use his first name plus "several generations" to refer to him.

For example, Byron's uncle and the previous king of Hattings [Mad King] Henry VI was the sixth king named Henry in the dynasty.

The previous kings, Byron's grandfather Henry V, was the fifth, and his great-grandfather Henry IV was the fourth.

So Byron, who was on the run, only needed to change his surname.

"Tudor" comes from his mother in this life.

The same goes for the young pirate who was leading him in front.

After a conscious cliché, Byron learns that his name is Hans the Younger and his father's name is Hans the Old, both father and son being carpenters on pirate ships.

Just like him, he was also a "trophy" stolen by pirates during a certain robbery.

But the father and son were much luckier than the crew of the Pelican.

Not only was it not fed to the sharks, but it actually gained a high status on the pirate ship thanks to its superb carpentry skills.

‘The status is not low? Still young? ’

Byron immediately realized that this was a good opportunity to gather information and deliberately slowed down.

The two of them followed the wooden ladder of the pirate ship one after the other, from the lower deck next to the bilge, up to the gun deck, and then up the stairs leading to the open deck.

Little Hans, who was responsible for leading the way, didn't know.

Just by walking this way, the logbook relied on [Echoes of History] to get a glimpse of the history of this pirate ship.

Dark blue ink quickly wrote on the page:

"The Corsair [Man-eating Shark]: a small Galen improved from a Clark-type sailing ship.

It is 22 meters long, 6 meters wide, has a draft of 2.75 meters, and has a displacement of 200 tons. Armament: 7 6-pound guns on both sides of the open deck, and 2 2-pound guns on each of the bow and stern gun positions.

The hull and deck materials are white oak, a specialty of the Hattings Strait Islands, and the mast is made of snow cedar that grows on the Evernight Peninsula.

The initial form was an armed merchant ship of the Bantaan Ocean Trading Company of the Kingdom of Hetings.

Later, it was carefully modified by a shipwright, Old Hans.

The speed and maneuverability of the fore and stern towers were reduced, the gun deck was renovated to provide accommodation for sailors, and a large amount of money was spent on armament from the initial 4-pounder cannon to a 6-pounder cannon.

Whether it is speed, firepower or personnel, it is more than enough to suppress other merchant ships of the same type.

The estimated value is about 10,350 pounds, which is slightly more expensive than the sixth-class cruiser built by the Admiralty, but far less than the fifth-class ship, and the gap in combat effectiveness is even greater.

But as a car for a novice captain, it is perfect. "

Every item that Byron pays attention to within three meters of his body will generate a detailed "material" record on the log.

It is equivalent to carrying an experienced appraiser with you.

As long as it was a mortal object that did not involve extraordinary power, Byron could discern most secrets just by looking at it.

But if you want to explore the secrets of extraordinary things or events, you must consume your own [spirituality] to get some hints of different shades.

Then, like a detective, using conventional methods to peel off the cocoon bit by bit, the final secret can be revealed.

After seeing the prompt in the [Logbook], Byron felt certain. He patted the smooth wooden ladder handrail next to him and praised him casually, seemingly unintentionally:

“The Clark Merchant Ship of Bantaan Ocean Trading Company is a very mediocre ship type.

However, the superb skills of the shipwright gave the ship a new life in the later transformation.

I had previously served the noble Lord, Lord Crawford, as a noble steward, and had the honor of serving for a time with him in the Channel Fleet.

I got to know many shipwrights who were very famous in Hattings and even the Old World.

In my opinion, only those naval engineers in the Royal Shipyard who have the tower sequence [Craftsman] profession can have such exquisite skills. "

Unsurprisingly, from the corner of his eyes, he saw the uncontrollable smile on little Hans' face, and even the acne mark on the tip of his nose was slightly red with excitement.

There was no Oriental reservation in Byron's memory, but he took his hand very happily and said excitedly:

"Mr. Byron, I didn't expect you to have such a good vision and study shipbuilding technology!

To tell you the truth, the shipwright who renovated this ship was my father.

He has always been my idol and role model.

Although my father has never been able to achieve [spiritual] sublimation and become a [craftsman] of the tower sequence.

But if we only talk about experience and skills in shipbuilding, he will never lose to those famous big men.

If my father knew that someone appreciated his work so much, he would be very happy.

When we come back from the captain, we must have a good drink. "

Byron pretended not to know anything at all and pretended to be surprised:

"A shipbuilding master is right next to me?"

Then he waved his hands repeatedly:

"In fact, I am just telling the truth. Anyone who has studied sailing can see the excellence of this pirate ship at a glance.

However, if I can meet a master, I will be honored! ”

No matter how many holes there are, flattery never wears out!

A craftsman is most proud of his own cooking skills, and praising his cooking skills just hits the spot.

Every qualified father is an idol in the eyes of his son, and it is happier to recognize his father's ability than to recognize him himself.

If you praise your son in front of a father, the effect will be better.

And the one who praises them is a noble butler who has been serving the upper class of the kingdom and has seen a lot of the world.

It is completely different from those vulgar laymen who know nothing.

Byron just gave a simple compliment that he liked, and it was a triple buff.

Little Hans, who didn't have much scheming, instantly liked him very much, and subconsciously slowed down his pace with Byron and opened his own chatterbox.

Not only did he enthusiastically explain the facilities on the ship along the way, but he also introduced the precautions on the ship to the "newcomers" one by one.

Byron agreed from time to time He inserted a few words and quietly solidified his own personality.

——A noble butler serving Lord Crawford, not only proficient in cooking, but also knowledgeable and eloquent, making people feel like spring breeze.

He even talked about a few anecdotes related to the lord and the upper nobles of the kingdom from time to time, so that little Hans could not hear a flaw.

The young man had no idea that the original chef was actually a self-boasting fake.

And Byron, this "fake", is not only a descendant of a noble, but even Lord Crawford is a close retainer of Lancaster.

There is no need to act in a new identity.

However, no matter how long the road is, it will end.

Little Hans, who felt that he was particularly speculative with Byron, gradually had a complicated look in his eyes and hesitated several times.

Until he was about to step onto the open deck, he mustered up the courage and whispered:

"Mr. Byron, the captain's appearance is a little... uh, special.

When you meet the captain later, don't lose your composure. The captain hates others looking at him with strange eyes the most.


A trace of fear flashed in his eyes, and he lowered his voice a little:

"Do you know why there is no shortage of other positions on the ship, but there is a shortage of chefs?

On this ship, although other positions are life-threatening from time to time, the chef is undoubtedly the most dangerous position, no doubt!

Since I got on board, I have never seen any chef survive a month in the hands of the captain.

Most of them will disappear in just a few days and never appear again.

If you don't have full confidence in your cooking skills and can continue to bring freshness to the captain.

It's best to find a scapegoat for yourself as soon as possible and take off this chef's hat. "

"Dangerous? "

Hearing this, Byron couldn't help but pause.

I didn't expect that behind the "job interview" that should have been very easy for him, there would be such a weird thing.

What was even more unexpected was that the logbook hidden in his right eye suddenly wrote automatically again.

At the end of the paper, the only blood-red extraordinary record, Secret: Shadow of the Red and White Rose War (historical influence 31%, decipherability 11%), formed a new record.

You discovered a new secret:

Captain [Blood Eye] Salman's unspeakable secret (perhaps it will change the fate of hundreds of people on a ship, historical influence 4%, decipherability 8%)!

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