After Byron boarded the ship, he had never seen the notorious pirate captain [Blood Eyes] Salman with his own eyes.

But it has long been inferred from his red-eyed shark "pets" that he is a transcendent.

[Logbook] Salman’s history cannot be peered into as easily as through ordinary things.

Then I wanted to get information through little Hans.

But unexpectedly discovered a new secret.

The first extraordinary secret: The War for the Throne of Hattings - The Shadow of the War of the Red and White Roses, although Byron was given excessive feedback [Historical Corrector].

But the level of secrecy involved was so high that he could not see or eat it before completing the inauguration ceremony.

“[Secret: Captain Blood-Eyed Salman’s Unspeakable Secret] is just right, with only 4% historical influence.

As long as I unlock his secret, my [Spirituality] no longer needs to accumulate precipitation, and I can directly hold the inauguration ceremony of the [Ladder of Glory]. "

As a result, Byron was not only not afraid after hearing little Hans's advice, but also a little eager to try.

Of course, I did not forget to express my sincere thanks to him.

"Cheers! Drink!"

"The fresh beer on the Pelican is delicious, as well as sausages and white bread. Finally, we no longer have to eat those maggot-infested sailing biscuits."


When Byron followed little Hans onto the open deck, he saw a group of pirates who had just successfully plundered and were having fun.

Except for the helmsman, sailors on duty and other necessary personnel for sailing, most of them were holding bottles of wine and drinking heartily.

The nautical biscuits and bacon stored on the ship were thrown aside, replaced by fresh food snatched from the Pelican.

As a former naval officer who graduated from the Royal Naval College, Byron was accustomed to the sight before him.

The living conditions of pirates, merchant sailors, and navy soldiers are far from as beautiful as described in legends.

The situation of sailors is actually similar to that of prisoners, but they are more likely to drown than prisoners on land.

The worst prison is a hundred times better than the bilge of a sailing ship.

The ship reeked of hell: stench, resentment, fear, fever, dysentery, headaches, heat, consumption, scurvy, cancer, and mouth ulcers.

Limited medical care has turned many minor illnesses into terminal illnesses.

Fresh water is stored in wooden barrels in the bilge, and it won't take long for it to turn rancid and smelly.

But on a ship with a shortage of fuel, drinking boiled hot water is a luxury. Usually only the wounded receive this kind of preferential treatment.

Others can only drink sour water mixed with rum, or simply use low-alcohol wine instead of water.

The food they eat is even worse. Over-salted meat and damp and rotten biscuits are their staple foods.

Every time he ate, he had to endure great physical discomfort before stuffing rotten, maggot-infested food down his throat.

Byron heard more than one sailor joke in amusement: "Black-headed maggots taste cool, not as bitter as weevils, and they taste good!"

Especially for pirates who have been cruising on the sea for a long time, it is difficult to obtain supplies at normal ports, and their logistics situation is even worse.

Of course, unless they cannot survive on land or want to escape legal sanctions, few people will take the initiative to take this path.

There are few heroes in the sea, and villains are everywhere.

It is common for armed merchant ships to transform into part-time pirates.

The two people struggled to squeeze through a group of smelly pirates and walked to the back deck with the widest view.

A huge wooden table was placed here, and the table was filled with reserve ingredients snatched from the Pelican, including fruits, peas, beef, leg of lamb, and wine.

A spherical figure surrounded by many pirate officers was eating haese and feasting.

No need for little Hans's eyes to signal, Byron could tell that it was Salman, the supreme being on this ship, [Blood Eyes].

The first time he saw him, Byron knew why little Hans said he should be careful not to lose his composure.

This is a fat man.

A fat man who is only about 150 centimeters tall and weighs at least 150 kilograms!

The large wooden chair under his butt creaked under his pressure, and the silk aristocratic dress on his body was stuffed full of white fat.

The eyes on his round face were squeezed by fat until there were only two slits left. It was completely impossible to see that the title "Blood Eyes" had anything to do with him.

And even though he was so fat, he continued to eat Haisai like crazy.

He can devour a beef rib in one bite, and eat an entire leg of lamb with the bone in two bites. He also takes the time to pour a whole bottle of rum into his mouth.

There is a young pirate next to him who moves quickly, constantly bringing the shelled crab meat to his mouth.

In addition to the wine and meat, the fruits and peas on the table did not move at all.

Byron had an inexplicable premonition that if anyone dared to stop the captain from eating, something terrible would happen.

After standing quietly in front of [Blood Eyes] for a while, the fat captain had time to look him up and down.

Suddenly he smiled dangerously, revealing a mouth full of teeth that were a bit too sharp:

"New chef?

Boarding this pirate ship is like being a member of the "Man-Eating Shark". As long as you abide by the "Pirate Ten Commandments" on the ship, you don't have to worry about your safety.

Under normal circumstances, you don't need to participate in the battle. Your main responsibility is to cook for me.

If you can take care of others, the brothers on the ship will be grateful to you.


I am a gourmet, and I am a little picky about food. The most important element of food is freshness. I hope you won't let me down. "

He spoke in a gentle manner, not as scary as Little Hans described.

It was even hard to imagine that he was a brutal pirate captain.

And while he spoke clearly, it didn't affect his eating at all.

This skill is impressive.

Byron didn't care about the "freshness" that Little Hans had repeatedly reminded him of.

With the awakening of [spirituality], his memories of past and present lives were all vivid and clear, including countless recipes he had seen!

If you ask how long the recipes in Byron's mind are, it must be longer than the life of [Blood Eye] Salman!

The so-called "freshness" is no pressure for him at all.

Like a real noble butler, Byron saluted Salman with his hands around his chest, confident and respectful:

"I am willing to serve you, Mr. Captain. "

The impeccable etiquette made the latter's eyes light up, and the eating movements of his hands became more elegant.

However, just as he subconsciously straightened his back, the sleeves of his silk shirt fell down.

A pair of deformed hands like chicken claws were revealed, and there were bumps on his hands, arms, and especially on the joints, which made people's scalps numb at a glance.

Perhaps others could not recognize it due to their limited knowledge level.

But Byron, who had been a doctor for a long time in his previous life, recognized at a glance that it was densely packed. Gout stones!

Even though Byron was knowledgeable, he had never seen such a serious case as his. .

His heart was shocked:

‘I’m afraid he’s going to urinate blood in this state, right?

And not only is he overweight and overweight, he also eats meat and drinks a lot, doesn’t eat any vegetables or fruits, and doesn’t drink water. This is not the way to seek death, right? ’

[Secret: The Unspeakable Secret of Blood Eyes] The decoding density jumped from 8% to 20%.

The pirate captain naturally didn’t know what the new member was thinking.

He ate and drank at the same speed, but he seemed to be getting hungrier and hungrier. He couldn’t eat enough, and his mouth was full of food. He couldn’t wait to ask:

“If the quality of the food is not up to standard, we can only satisfy it with quantity.

I have to eat five meals a day, and the next meal will be in three hours. You will definitely make a specialty dish that I have never eaten before!”

Staring at Byron’s eyes, two cold blood lights like knives suddenly burst out, which were exactly the same as those man-eating sharks.

It made Byron feel cold on his back.

It was at this time.


“Ah——! "

The young man who was feeding him staggered back holding his bloody left hand, screaming miserably.

Salman, who was getting hungrier and hungrier, bit off two fingers in one bite.

The other pirates seemed to be used to it. Although they were terrified, they all kept their heads down, and no one dared to show any abnormality.

Byron was standing too close, and a drop of blood splashed on his face, but he didn't dare to reach out to wipe it.

But his worries about his "fellow patient" instantly flew away, and he blurted out subconsciously:

"In your case, you must have lamb, seafood and ice beer!"

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