Pirate Kingship

Chapter 7: Joining a Gang and the Ten Commandments of Pirates

Gout, a crystal-related arthropathy caused by urate deposition, is rooted in hyperuricemia caused by purine metabolism disorder and reduced uric acid excretion.

Some people describe the pain during the onset of the disease as if they were stepping on their eyeballs with every step they took.

In this era, it was also called aristocratic disease, emperor's disease, or the curse of wealth.

Mainly because it is a disease of wealth and wealth that is closely related to alcohol and meat. Most of the people suffering from gout are princes, princes, generals and those who live extremely luxurious lives.

Not only will the disease cause pain, but it may also induce further kidney disease.

In severe cases, joint destruction and renal function damage may occur, often accompanied by hyperlipidemia, hypertension, diabetes, arteriosclerosis and coronary heart disease.

I want to ask [Blood Eyes] how serious is gout now?

The four words "unspeakable hiddenness" probably explain everything.

“Normally it hurts a lot.

But with such a large pile of tophi on his body, he may have already developed kidney disease.

Hematuria, kidney failure, and I’m afraid this guy’s male function has also been affected.

If it continues like this, no, now that I'm here, he must continue with even greater intensity! "

Byron's face remained calm, and he had already notified [Blood Eyes] Salman of his critical illness in his heart.

It is very easy for a chef who is responsible for the other person's diet to aggravate the other person's condition.

Eat high-purine and high-fat foods, such as meat, game, animal offal, seafood, yeast-containing foods and beverages, and fine wine is indispensable.

The mutton, seafood, and cold beer that Byron recommended to Salman were all purine bombs, and they were the best among them!

The most important thing is.

In this era of backward medical science, the pathological causes of gout are not even clear, let alone treatment.

Even if there is a "Hospital Sequence", one of the extraordinary professions extended by the [Silver Law], which can summarize all the past medical experience of mankind, it will still be useless.

Even if he poisoned him openly, Salman wouldn't be able to find out.

By this time, Byron had also discovered the gold [Seal Ring] that represented the inheritance of Lancaster's royal power.

It was firmly worn on the "slender" little finger of Salman's right hand.

It barely helped him cover an ugly tophi, making it look slightly more beautiful.

Of course, this [Seal Ring] is a special extraordinary item.

In the hands of an outsider, it would be just an ordinary antique ring at most, and would not reveal any heraldic emblems of the Lancaster family.

Now that he has become a chef, Byron has plenty of time to slowly help Salman increase his purine concentration and get his ring back without violence.

“Lamb and seafood with cold beer?”

Amidst the silence of all the pirates, Salman picked up a napkin and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth as if nothing had happened.

Although I don’t think these foods are anything unusual, they are just stewed or grilled, and I have eaten a lot of both.

But Byron's identity as a "former noble deacon", as well as his determination and self-confidence, still made him smile dangerously:

“Then I’ll wait and see.

But, Mr. Chef, I'm sure you don't want to know the consequences of not being able to satisfy my appetite. "

As he spoke, he waved his hand to the first mate [Bone Broken] Miles who was standing next to him.

The latter immediately placed a piece of yellowed parchment the size of a navigation chart on the table in front of Byron.

"Even a chef who doesn't need to risk his life is a pirate as long as he gets on a pirate ship.

The rules still have to be followed.

This is the [Ten Commandments of Pirates] on the Man-Eater Shark, leave your mark on it. "

Hearing this, Byron looked at the parchment.

At the top is a pirate emblem with a skull and two swords, which is also the prototype of all pirate flags on the sea.

The paper below was densely covered with bloody fingerprints, but the ten commandments written on it could still be clearly seen.

Not only that.

In his [Spiritual Vision], he could clearly see that this piece of parchment was connected to the [Silver Law] like a big net.

There is no doubt that it contains the extraordinary power of the law!

The extraordinary system of this world is very simple.

[Silver Law] is like a magic net, covering the entire known world, every human transcendent, and even every human being.

In the church’s propaganda, it is the [Silver Law] created by the Creator that brings order to the human world and protects God’s people from harm.

It is the temple sequence, tribunal sequence, tower sequence, hospital sequence, arena sequence, fortress sequence, gold dollar sequence, and lighthouse sequence that are extended from the law.

etc. together constitute the huge extraordinary system of [Ladder of Glory].

It can also be seen from the literal meaning.

"Sequence" is essentially a specific organization in human society, and "rank" is equivalent to the position in the organization.

The most typical ones are: king, duke, marquis, uncle, son, and male. They are not only titles, but also represent the most mainstream power system to a certain extent.

The entire human society, including religions, countries, nations, guilds, and societies, from top to bottom, has put all human organizations into a tight network.

Divine authority is supreme! The king's power is in! All businesses are at stake!

To describe it in one sentence: The human race is supreme, and glory belongs to the collective!

As we all know, any organization has its own program and operating rules.

Therefore, every extraordinary sequence under the [Silver Law], and even every profession, has its own mottos and precepts.

Take the Crew Code [The Ten Commandments of Pirates] as an example.

The ten commandments on each pirate ship are slightly different, but they are similar.

The original texts all come from the [Pirate Code] formulated by the first pirate emperor of the Bay a thousand years ago.

"[Pirate Ten Commandments] (Shark):

1. Everyone has equal voting rights, but the captain's orders must be strictly enforced.

2. Everyone is fair, the capable are promoted, and the mediocre are demoted.

3. Turn off the lights at 8 pm, no drinking is allowed after that, and it is strictly forbidden to go on the deck from 2 to 4 o'clock.

4. Weapons must be kept clean and ready to use at any time.

5. Women are not allowed to join the team. If a crew member takes a woman to the sea, he will be executed, except for extraordinary people.

6. Those who delay the opportunity to fight and escape from the battle will be killed.

7. Private fighting is strictly prohibited. Those who kill companions without reason will be punished with The dead were tied together for burial at sea.

8. Those disabled in battle could stay on board without working and receive 40 gold pounds from the "public savings".

9. No betrayal of the pirate group.

10. All looting could not be kept privately. The captain got 15%, the pirate officers and stormtroopers, carpenters, doctors, and cooks took 25%, the ordinary crew got 40%, and the remaining 20% ​​was used as a maintenance fund and public savings.

After a vote by all the crew, the Ten Commandments could be modified. "

Byron had seen a lot of captured [Pirate Ten Commandments] at the Royal Naval College.

After reading it carefully twice, except that the captain enjoyed the highest immunity, he did not find any traps hidden in it.

But he still signed his name very carefully with a quill pen.

Instead of leaving a bloody fingerprint like those illiterate pirates.

The knowledge of natural history told him that any biological material on his body could become a medium for curses and prophecies.

Then, the spiritual glow dropped the second [anchor], making Byron feel more at ease.

At this point, he officially became a member of the Man-eating Shark, and had an organization that could resist risks together with others.

[Logbook] also wrote the first official logbook.

"Time: October 17, 1471, Silver Calendar.

Based on [Talent: Weather Intuition]: Today the fog turned clear, at 1:35 p.m., the instantaneous northeast wind was level 6, and it turned to level 7 after 3 hours, with medium waves.

Route: North Sea, Channel Islands offshore route, sailing with tail wind

Supplies on board: Pirate ship (small Galen), cloth, ironware."

Just at this time, a sudden strong northeast wind blew away the fog on the sea.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

The alarm bell on the main mast of the Man-eating Shark suddenly rang, and a lookout shouted:

"It's not good, there is a navy!"

Byron also turned his head and looked in the direction of the Channel Islands in the northeast.

About four or five nautical miles away, a sailing ship larger than the Man-eating Shark quietly appeared.

The top of the mast was hung with a black-bottomed blood cross flag representing the Kingdom of Hastings and a white rose noble flag representing the York family.

There was also a captain's long tassel flag with a distinct swallowtail.

It was a level 5 cruiser of the Hastings Kingdom's Strait Fleet.

It flew towards the pirate ship in the increasingly fierce northeast wind!

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