Pirate Kingship

Chapter 515: Death gathers, no escape

Two winds sounded, and Catherine and the succubus Tris appeared beside them one after another. The unfolded "Border Mystery Lock" also blocked the [Devil in the Bottle]'s moaning like a defeated dog.

The succubus obviously felt that his call to Byron "devil" was very appropriate, and nodded in agreement.

If Byron hadn't interfered, her fifth-level promotion ceremony might have been more than half successful as early as the Empire of the Sun.

Even if in the end you can only get an empty shell of the second prince who was possessed by the former king and wiped out.

God knows how, after turning an enemy into a friend, he was deceived by Byron into a strange country thousands of miles away and continued to work for him.

But after nodding in agreement, his expression immediately turned fierce, staring fiercely at the neck of [Devil in the Bottle].

Now the target she has chosen to support in the next "palace coup" is precisely Byron. Once again, it is a critical moment for her to be promoted to the fifth-level pseudo-god.

But he met the mastermind and competitor who secretly wanted to cut off the beard, so naturally he hated him with all his teeth.

"Your Majesty, [Lord of Heaven], can I suck him dry? I should be able to!"

As he spoke, he changed his expression very smoothly, turned his head and winked at Byron, and said seductively in a slightly hoarse voice like a cat:

“The blood of a mythical creature is more nutritious than an ordinary fourth-level human hero. As long as I drain it, I can immediately create a powerful fourth-level incarnation.

For the first time in my incarnation, I can let you do whatever you want.

In addition to casually practicing "Fifty Knot Tying Methods Sailors Must Master", I can even let your body and incarnation come together. "

Teris's ladder of immortality is a germ cell that can differentiate indefinitely.

Including her secret magic [Succubus Mark] is also rooted in this, even if there is only a piece of flesh left in the body, it can be restored to integrity.

As long as it gets enough nourishment, nature can differentiate into different incarnations like Byron.

[Devil in a Bottle] At first, I thought Therese was also being enslaved by Byron. Before she could breathe a sigh of relief because she had an extra companion, she discovered that she turned out to be a ruthless character even more cruel than Byron, with an attitude He immediately softened.

He hid behind him in a hurry: "Don't eat me, I'm still useful!"

Before Byron could drink away Therese, Catherine glanced at her sideways:

"Heh, do you mean that my Byron will not only lose a fourth-level mythical creature servant, but also use himself to give you double the reward?

Let him do whatever he wants? I think it's more like you just want to do whatever you want?

Although I don’t mind at all that Byron finds more lovers and has more children, but..."

After looking up and down the gorgeous and slutty succubus Teris, she made a very pertinent evaluation:

"At first glance, you look like the kind of bad woman who can run away with the ball, and after giving birth to a child, she will come back and use the child to fight for family property.

Even if you search the entire material world for one of the best health-promoting physiques, it is still not within the range of choices for our family. "

Although Tris was stopped, her face was still full of salivation when she saw Byron. She stretched out the tip of her tongue and licked her plump, flaming red lips. It was already charming enough without using [Charm].

Despite the restriction of [Dominating Lower Servants], Byron, the [Night Demon Prince], is still the number one target she wants to conquer.

He wants to give birth to many children developed from his own reproductive cells after usurping power, as a medium to supplement the ascension ceremony.

Also let the succubus bloodline that started from her be passed down forever among the human race and serve as her eternal anchor.

Of course, the stronger the reproductive cells of the opposite sex used to cultivate offspring, the better.

That's why I think about how to tease Byron all the time.

It's a pity that Byron has never been interested in women other than his two sisters. What's more, it's a bus that has exceeded 999 hands, and he really doesn't have that kind of appetite.

Pure cooperation is possible, but sacrificing one's own lust to bribe female subordinates is impossible.

[The Devil in the Bottle] was frightened by this succubus who was also a member of the old god's family, but he finally completely resigned himself to his fate and accepted his new identity as a slave of the devil.

No longer having any luck of not being discovered by the other party, he said dejectedly:

“Whatever you want to know, I’ll try to tell you.

But agree in advance that even if you make a wish to me, I won't be able to tell you all the information.

The various commandments, witchcraft and forbidden knowledge in [Corridor of Truth] are as powerful. If I say something I shouldn't say, my whole person will immediately turn into a devil bomb. "

Of course Byron knew that conquering the [Devil in the Bottle] did not mean that the crisis in Hattings had been resolved.

The crisis does not come from the devil in the bottle itself, but from the Abaddon Secret Cult behind him, the fifth-level devil king, or even the entire Luo An Era and the old gods who are gradually awakening.

Once it starts, it may never end. Instead, it will continue to increase in waves. If you can bear it, you will live, and if you can't, you will die.

After thinking for a while, he asked the question he was most concerned about:

"Then let's talk about your Abaddon Secret Cult's bridgehead colonization plan."

[The Devil in the Bottle] organized his language a little and then explained to them:

"The [Silver Law] that currently hangs over the Dragon King's Court is indeed weakening due to the division of the church and the tearing of people's hearts, but it is still far from collapse.

The top echelons of the Esoteric Cult believe that it is closely connected to the state of the only God in the sky. As long as the [Creator] does not collapse, it will never collapse and will only become weaker and weaker, ebbing and flowing with the increasingly stronger tide of source matter.

Unless someone can bridge the cracks, or replace it with another network of laws with a power comparable to the Creator, the [Silver Law] can be restored to its full glory. "

Speaking of this, I also took a special look at Byron, the legendary "Holy Spirit".

But no matter what, it is difficult to connect this guy who is more sinister and cunning than the devil with the Messiah.

Then he continued:

"We, the devils of Abaddon's Secret Cult, have an advantage that is unmatched by other paths, that is, as long as they possess the bodies of bloodline descendants, they can greatly reduce the suppression of the [Silver Law].

Let it mistakenly think that we are indigenous to a certain extent.

In addition, descendants of the Dragon Court like me are already connected with the collective subconscious of mankind here, so we can come to the layout of the Dragon Court in advance.

On the other hand, most of the esoteric cults that rule the [Corridor of Truth] do not have such conditions, and can only invade the Southern Continent first, and then come to the New Continent.

Therefore, you don’t have to worry too much that the colonists from the Eastern Continent will suddenly arrive without warning and bloom in all directions of the Dragon King’s Court.

However, the Kingdom of Hetings and Iron Anchor Bay are blocked at the end of the "Third Circulation Zone", and they bear the brunt of the torrent of the era of Snail Annihilation.

If you refer to the Deep Diving Church and the Rift Monastery that were defeated by you personally at the trap door in the Southern Continent, you will know what kind of pressure these two countries will face. "

When Byron heard this, he had no doubt that what the other party said would actually become reality, and he couldn't help but feel troubled:

“It’s really a turn of events.

Last year, we just acted as colonists, helping [Throne of Ocean] win a colonial war in the southern continent, and obtained the Rift Trench.

This year it will be my turn to be a native and be beaten by another wave of colonizers.

Isn't there some good news? "

He turned his head and stared at the devil in the bottle with burning eyes.

The latter shrank his neck and said with a wry smile:

"Although the devil can grant other people's wishes, the wish you made is too big to be fulfilled.

I can only tell you part of the plans that I know about.

Since devils are not a powerful race that is good at frontal combat, there is no way to forcefully control the battlefield ruled by two fifth-level [Kings].

Even if the Kingmaker and Edward IV are just floor-level [Kings] born because they equally divided the throne of Hattings, we can only adopt a roundabout strategy.

My initial plan was to invest in each contender in this war for the throne from top to bottom.

[Kingmaker] Warwick, [Devil Duke] Richard, King Edward IV, George, Duke of Clarence, and even old Woodville who is being hunted.

In this way, the balance can be maintained skillfully, allowing them to continue to lose blood in the chaos of fighting until they become helpless lambs.

When the subsequent devils and their dependents sneak into this country, they can naturally occupy the positions vacated by the nobles, occupy the ruling class without using any troops, and use the Abaddon Secret Cult to rule the lower classes of ignorant humans.

It is said that the [Messenger of the Abyss and the Great Red Dragon Abaddon] whom we enshrine, his territory in the Mythical Age was the Channel Islands, and even the [King of Knights] in the Mythical Age had the blood of the red dragon.

The senior officials of the Esoteric Cult told me that my Lord will be the first batch of old gods to reawaken. In the future, He will definitely come to the Dragon Court and take back everything he has lost from the [Creator]. "

After Byron and his party finished digesting his information, the devil in the bottle revealed another bad news:

"In addition, when I reported the results in the New Year, I already reported the [Devil Duke] Richard, who was born to be a devil, to Her Majesty Lorena.

They have established an immediate connection.

Her Majesty Lorena prefers conspiracy and betrayal, intending to support the [Devil Duke] to rise to power, and grab greater benefits by the way.

As you know, collective and individual interests are often not consistent. For the sake of the supreme royal power, the bottom line of the powerful is far lower than imagined.

Many interests that would never be sold in normal times will be completely sold out when they seize the king's power.

Therefore, even if something happens to me, the plan will continue to be implemented.

Unless you can pacify the entire kingdom and clear out all hostile forces in a short period of time. "

At this time, Teris, who is also a member of the family, suddenly interjected:

“I’ve heard that when a creature like the devil wants to be promoted, it’s normal for the lower level to defeat the upper level.

Absorbing the 'fifth element' from the same kind can be digested almost perfectly and used as a resource for one's own advancement.

[Devil Duke] Richard is most likely trying to make a fool of himself with Abaddon's secret sect, intending to get the benefits first before talking about anything else.

If he could ascend the throne of Hattings, he would definitely not be willing to have a king of kings above him, and the devil king who had lived for who knows how long would definitely not be a fuel-efficient lamp.

But before they potentially break up, this is definitely a powerful combination that would give anyone a headache. "

Byron listened to their stories silently and had a general outline in his mind.

“Currently our main enemies are the two floor [kings] Edward IV and [Kingmaker] Warwick, as well as the interest groups with them as the core.

But as time goes by, the main enemies will gradually become the [Devil Duke] Richard who lures the wolf into the house, and the foreign colonists, mainly the Abaddon Secret Cult.

Fortunately, they are not monolithic, and there are possibilities for defeating them.

Now that we have distinguished the main enemy from the secondary enemy, we must grasp the timing of the end and sweep these guys into the garbage heap of history at the minimum cost.

It’s the old god, the great red dragon Abaddon.”

Byron was particularly fond of this old god who once ruled the Channel Islands.

According to legend, it is both a seven-headed and ten-horned dragon and a devil.

In the battle between the gods at Ragnarok, he wanted to devour the son of the woman clothed in the sun, the Holy Son of the Trinity, but was knocked to the ground in the battle.

Then he was caught by the angels sent by the Creator, bound with a big chain, and thrown into the bottomless pit at the edge of the world. He was to be imprisoned for fifteen hundred years. It is now 1473 and there are not many years left.

This old god is in charge of powerful powers such as the "Land of Destruction", "Realm of the Dead", "Epidemic", etc. He is the [Messenger of the Abyss], the [Lord of the Bottomless Pit], and the [King of Harmful Grasshoppers].

Coincidentally, Byron himself holds the [Power of Hades] and the power of [Father of Medicine], which overlap with the power held by this old god to the point of no longer overlapping.

Even if he gives up the territory of Hetings and runs away with the bucket, the opponent will probably not let him go.

"It's the aggregation effect again."

In the past, Byron only suspected that extraordinary things on similar routes seemed to have a hidden aggregation effect.

But since I learned that the [Creator] is an existence that has nearly achieved 100% "all things are unified", I have determined that this aggregation effect really exists.

As long as you are in the material world, people, beasts, monsters, vegetation, minerals, etc. are all considered part of the [Creator].

Even if there is something wrong with the Creator himself and it is constantly breaking apart, the instinct of gathering is still there, but the speed of breaking is greater than the speed of gathering.

Mythical creatures, grotesques, and strange objects that follow similar routes often encounter unexpected encounters with nature as a matter of course.

Anchor Bay, which was once ruled by the God of the Wild Hunt, and Hattings, which was once ruled by the [Great Red Dragon Abaddon], would meet head-on with the old god's family.

Byron didn't ask the devil for more details about the Eastern Continent [Corridor of Truth], just like he didn't ask his mother and cousin for details, and was prepared to learn more about it when he successfully promoted to the fifth level.

By then, you should be qualified to explore the [Corridor of Truth] for the first time.

The reason is very simple, if you mistakenly follow the rules, it will be strange.

For mortals: "If you want to survive, please remember the following rules."

For a certain monkey: "Forward this rule to the work group, with the following comment: It is recommended that the relevant departments carry out strict crackdowns." Without even swinging the stick, the opponent has been wiped out.

Then several people gathered around and began to formulate a battle plan for the war against the pirates.

After more than half an hour, I finally had a general idea.

Byron shook the bottle in his hand:

"Devil in a bottle, my nineteenth wish is..."

[The Devil in the Bottle] quickly begged for mercy:

"Hey, okay, don't play with me anymore.

Dear master, I have realized my current status. It is absolutely impossible for me to tip off the information, and I will never betray you again.

You know, I only have the fifth element for a few hundred people a year, so it’s not worth risking my life for the Tantric Cult.

Guaranteed to cooperate with you to complete the plan. "

Only then did Byron feel satisfied and put away a ten-page document that had all the loopholes sealed.

In particular, an additional clause was added:

"I hold a bottle and call you. If you don't agree, no matter how far away the spirit body is, it will be sucked into the bottle. After one hour and forty-five minutes, it will automatically disintegrate into a pool of 'fifth element' ”

Euphemistically called: Since it is [Devil in a Bottle], how can it be done without a matching bottle?

But the devil in the bottle apparently didn't appreciate the humor at all.

After Byron made his plan, he decided to finish the most important task of the day first.

"The last question today, why are you so confident that you can still find him after opening [Rubot's Tears] in Old Woodville?"

[Devil in a Bottle] After hearing this, he finally straightened up his chest again and said confidently:

"Because I was the one who ambushed him before and let him run away.

Master, please come with me, I know where he is. "

In another direction in the continuous forest of the Gaelt Highlands, it is very close to the Great Wall of the North.

A team of elite scouts belonging to the royal party were still searching step by step, led by three leaders.

One of the young men holding a beech pipe in his hand was a third-level [sheriff] in the Tribunal sequence.

The other one was a little younger than him, with a handsome face and a monocle in his left eye. He was a second-level [Crow Doctor] in the hospital sequence.

If Byron were here, he would be able to recognize them at a glance. They are the [Crime Nemesis] Sherlock and his partner John Watson who have dealt with each other before.

In particular, [Crime Nemesis] Sherlock left a very deep impression on him.

"The positive effect of the title: justice is coming! Every time you can arrive at the scene of the crime as soon as possible and get first-hand information.

Negative effect: Death is coming! In the eyes of others, murders will happen wherever you go. You are a veritable god of death! "

The holder of this title can easily overcome evil, but is also more likely to be overcome by evil.

As a series of coincidences became more and more recent, the two of them gradually became notorious in the legal system of Hattings.

There is absolutely no dance, salon, or officers' club that will actively invite them to participate, unless they think their life is too long.

But what was extremely strange was that the scouts accompanying them were obviously more afraid of the other leader than them.

They actually ignored the marching regulations and deliberately avoided a large circle, all hiding behind Sherlock and Watson, as if they could fight poison with poison and let the [Evil Killer] resist the thunder for themselves first.

[Doctor Crow] Watson was also a little scared, and subconsciously hid on the other side of Sherlock, glancing at the companion next to him who was not good-looking and even a little honest from time to time, and lamented in his heart:

"We are so unlucky. How could we be assigned to the same mission with this legendary unlucky guy?

I don't know if we can go back alive after this mission.

May the Creator bless us!"

The leader next to him was a third-level [Adventurer] of the Wilderness Sequence, who was diligently driving a group of crows acting as animal companions to carefully search for the target.

He also knew that he had a bad reputation and had no dissatisfaction with the performance of his companions.

In fact, from his title, we can know why a group of people behaved like this: [Unlucky Guy] is also called [Legendary Wronged Species] Raymond.

The characteristic is: bad luck.

Byron's previous bosses would only die if they were stabbed in the back, but this guy's bosses didn't need to be stabbed in the back, and they would die inexplicably.

Many times, not only the boss, but also his teammates died in batches and boats, and he was the only one who was not hurt at all.

"When I was a minor, I was a fishmonger. In order to please the fish tyrant who managed the fish market, I joined the other party's gang and very diligently presented him with the spotted eel that I had caught with great effort.

Who knew that the other party was choked by the delicious but thorny spotted eel that night and died.

If he ran a little slower, I'm afraid he would have been hacked to death on the spot by the other party's younger brothers.

Then he was deceived into being a merchant sailor who was not much better than a slave. He encountered brutal pirates just after he went to sea. Because the captain ordered a rebellion, the other party showed a bloody flag, and the whole ship was slaughtered.

Only he was driven away He was rescued by a naval patrol boat, and the navy, which was always short of manpower, naturally recruited him as a naval soldier.

During this period, he failed the lieutenant promotion test repeatedly, was mistakenly tested by the examiner during the shooting test, and caused food poisoning on the whole ship when he was cooking seaweed.

At the end of last year, when his warship encountered the [Kraken], he accidentally fell into the water, but the others and the ship were swallowed into the dream together.

Then he was rescued by a passing fishing boat without any injury."

The current record is his own survival rate: 100%; the survival rate of superiors and teammates: zero.

But after so many "adventures", Raymond did not die, and his professional level also rose, and he became a third-level [Adventurer] at a young age.

There is already a consensus in the royal party's army that the biggest source of danger for adventures with this [Adventurer] is him!

In fact, at this time, [Legendary Injustice] Raymond himself was muttering in his heart:

"Why did His Excellency the Duke send us here specifically?

We are all a little bit dangerous when we are together with the [Evil Slayer] next door."

The current situation is very clear. Edward IV hopes that old Woodville can live, but the Kingmaker and the Devil Duke both want him to die.

The former wants to cut off one of Edward IV's arms, and killing his father, killing his husband, and raping his wife is also a strong temptation for him, and a great seasoning after seizing the kingship.

Although the current goal of [Devil Duke] is the same as that of his brother Edward IV, he also hopes to become the only powerful minister of the royal party, so that he can seize the throne later.

Naturally, he dislikes his competitor, old Woodville.

And as a devil, he has no firm belief in Orthodoxy that cannot be abandoned. Like Byron, he does not want to see his own army being used as cannon fodder and put into the meat grinder of the Holy Silver Empire.

The solution he thought of is also very simple.

Let the sensitive old Woodville die in the hands of the Earl's party, and then add fuel to the flames, so that the hatred between the two parties can no longer be reconciled.

After killing each other, even if the respective lords restrain themselves, they can't restrain their generals, and the war for the throne can't end just like that.

Bringing together the [Legendary Injustice] and the [Evil Nemesis] is to clear themselves when pitting old Woodville to death.

Afterwards, the worst that can happen is to shirk their negligence at work, and then kill them to sacrifice to the heavens and end it all.

Obviously, at this time, not only the [Authority of the Underworld] is gathering, but also a group of "Death Gods on Earth" walking in the material world are gathering.

In addition to Byron, the "Fate of Disaster" who follows wherever there is turmoil, someone is also destined to be doomed in advance.

As expected, Sherlock, Raymond and his group were walking.

Suddenly, they heard a dying old cry in their ears, which startled a group of birds and beasts running away.

"You are... No——!"

Not only them, but all the people from both parties who were looking for Old Woodville nearby quickly changed their search direction and rushed towards the Northern Wall.

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